Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 10 Confusion

When I opened my eyes again, I didn't know how long it had passed. The dim sunlight shone through the window and reflected in the milky white wall tiles, making people feel as if they were in the twilight.

Moved his fingers, and no longer felt the delay of the nerve signal, Xiao Kun turned his head to look around, and sat up from the bed he was lying on.

The room in which it was located was very simple, with milky white brick walls on four sides, milky white tiled floors, three hospital beds separated by medical curtains, and no other medical equipment except the bedside table attached to each bed.

He looked down at his hands, clenched his fists to feel the strength, then lifted the thin blanket and looked at it, and found that he had nothing on his body other than elastic shorts.

Covering the quilt again, Xiao Kun's eyes became distracted, but a storm broke out in his mind.

'I was traversed by the pit, and my age was reduced by 7 years, 17-7=11. After all, there were only a few hours left to turn 18 before the traversal, and so many things happened after the traversal, and a long time must have passed, so I am now age 11……'

Looking at the surrounding environment again, Xiao Kun continued to ponder inwardly: Look at the surrounding environment, have I passed the magic cube curse at the beginning of time travel... Also, what happened to my body before I passed out? I vaguely remember that something exploded...


There was a heart-wrenching sound of the shaft, the door of the ward opened, and a western man in a windbreaker walked out of the ward.

"You woke up the child." The man's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing the patient, and people couldn't help but feel good.

"Uh... hello sir." Just woke up from the coma, there are still many things that I still don't understand, suddenly a stranger interrupted my thoughts, which made Xiao Kun a little confused, so he could only simply type Say hello.

"You're fine." The man smiled, stepped forward, came to the side of the hospital bed, looked down at the dazed child, and said softly, "Mr. Cowen Quinn."

"Ah?" Xiao Kun was even more confused.

"I mean." The man pursed his lips and smiled and said again: "We know your name, Cowen Quinn, right?"

"Kun..." Xiaokun spit out a word subconsciously, and then his face turned helpless, as if his neck had no strength, he lowered his head and said, "Okay, yes, that's right, I'm Quinn... Kewen Quinn ."

The man didn't notice the child's emotions, he smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said, "I'm Robert Highmore. Before talking about anything else, first we need to know where your relatives are, after all..."

With that said, the man named Robert Highmore reached out and picked up an envelope from the bedside table beside him, raised his hand and shook it in front of Xiao Kun: "After sending you to the hospital last night, the admission notice was sent over. So we need to get in touch with your family."

"Family..." Helpless emotions surfaced on the face, our Mr. 'Corwen Quinn' was almost filled with the word 'pit', and then suddenly he was shocked and looked up at Robert Highmore's eyes with a cautious tone. He asked, "Mr. Highmore, can I ask... how did you know my name?"

"This question..." Robert Haimer pondered for a while, and then responded with a smile: "Although many situations need to be kept secret, you are a victim after all, so I can briefly reveal it to you."

Under the nervous gaze of Little Kewen, Robert Highmore continued: "The person who kidnapped you yesterday was using a death curse on you, and my colleagues and I could only cast a heavy hand on him, so after you escaped the death curse , the murderer is seriously injured and close to death."

Robert Highmore didn't notice the nervousness shown by Little Kewen, but continued to say: "When it was confirmed that the murderer was too late for treatment, my colleague could only barely extract a trace of the murderer's memory. Therefore, we I learned your name from those few minutes of memory."

death curse,

memory extraction...

Listening to these unfamiliar and somewhat familiar words, and thinking about everything that happened after crossing the world, I don't know how long it took, Kewen finally came to a realization, and a noun appeared in his mind - Harry Potter!

"Mr. Quinn, Mr. Quinn!"

"Ah? Oh, what did you say?" Recovering from the trance, Kewen immediately stopped his thoughts.

"I mean, can you tell me now how to find your family?" Robert Highmore asked.

"Family..." Kewen sighed helplessly at this, then shook his head and said, "I may... can't find them..."

"It doesn't matter child." Robert Highmore said softly, "We have thought of some possibilities, so I brought this from the ministry."

With that said, Robert Highmore put his hand into his pocket and took out something that was less than ten centimeters in diameter and resembled a dial.

"Can you give me a drop of blood?" Robert Highmore said while holding the dial in his palm, "This thing can help us find your family."

Kewen resisted a little, but he couldn't think of any reason for refusal temporarily. He could only raise his right hand with a slightly excited expression on his face.

"Don't be afraid of the child, it's just like being bitten by a mosquito." Robert Highmore used his spare right hand to draw a wooden stick from his arms, and then tapped it lightly in Kewen's palm.

It was indeed like being bitten by a mosquito, and then a drop of blood seemed to be pulled by a wooden stick and put into the center of the dial.

Then, Robert Highmore stared at the dial and began to mutter something silently, while the only hand on the dial began to turn slowly, and finally stopped at six o'clock on the dial.

Seeing this, Robert Highmore frowned slightly, then put the dial back in his pocket, stared at Ke Wen who was waiting for the answer, and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry... kid." After a pause, Robert Highmore continued: "Very bad news... your family is... gone, sorry."

His eyes were stagnant, and then he let it go. Kewen seemed to be impacted by the news, and his mind was blank.

In his heart, Kewen breathed a sigh of relief, and the secret thought was finally fooled again.

As the footsteps left, Kewen refocused his attention on reality, watching Robert Highmore's departing back, one plan after another kept churning in his heart.

However, the time and place are wrong, and even if there are many plans in the mind, they may not be implemented perfectly.

"Tsk..." Raised his hand and scratched his head in annoyance, Kewen regretted a little, why did he only have a general understanding of Harry Potter's works in the first place.

Speaking of which, why did you not take interest in the work of 'Harry Potter' in the first place?

Oh yes, because the worldview pattern is too small.

After all, human beings in the new era have already rushed out of the universe, and the book is still fighting between a few fart places, so I just watched the first movie roughly, and the rest of it is just casual on the Internet. Take a look at the introduction.

"What do you still remember..." Cowen thought of this, and couldn't help but feel more distressed. Thinking back carefully, he could only remember the general plot of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

There's Harry Potter, Hermione, and... a redhead...

The others are Dumbledore, Snee... what's going on inside?

However, in the whole work, the name that is most clearly remembered is Voldemort. After all, this is no longer a name and title. In the new era, you can still hear from the game who is an old Voldemort or something...

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