Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 437: Flickering (2)

   Chapter 437 Fanwai Flickering (2)

   Zhuge Ming mustered a lot of courage to confess to Guan Ruo. After all, although the behavior of the sixth prince was disgusting to him, it was his sixth brother, and he did not want to expose this kind of privacy to others. But how would the Shangguan react? I can't believe him!

"Shangguanruo! I'm not joking with you!" He stopped Shangguanruo's laughter. Shangguanruo pouted and hid under the quilt. He pulled the quilt away and said, "Anyway, don't live in the imperial concubine anymore. Hall, don't you miss your Majesty? Go to the Qilin Hall with me!"

   "The ghost wants to live with you! Go away!" In these days, Shangguan Ruo's most lines to Zhuge Ming were probably "you go away".

Zhuge Ming was not as excited as when he heard it for the first time, Zhuge Ming gently held Shangguan Ruo's hand and said, "Dear, stop making trouble, listen to me once, and move to the Qilin Hall, if you don't want to see me , I can hide and never let you see."

   When he heard the last sentence, Shangguan Ruo felt a little sour in his heart: "Where are you hiding, in the closet?"

   Zhuge Ming said softly: "Yes, you want me to hide in the closet, so I will hide in the closet."

   If Shangguan thought about that scene for a moment, he was very happy. After he hid in, she would lock him up! Lock him up for three days and three nights!

   "Let's go." Zhuge Ming took a coat and wanted to put it on Shangguan Ruo.

   But at the last moment, Shangguan Ruo still rejected him: "I don't want to do anything with you, I don't want to hear anything from you, I don't want to have anything to do with you, you go, if you don't go, I will call someone."

  Zhuge Ming still walked away "desperately".

   He really didn't understand, did he really hurt Shangguan Ruo deeply? So deep that no matter how much you try to coax Shangguan Ruo to be useless?

When    crossed the door, Feng Xian came towards him, and the two collided.

   "Hey~" Zhuge Ming's head was bumped, Shangguan Ruo's body was more delicate, and a little pain on her body was more painful than his previous stab wounds.

  Fengxian hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Miss, this servant is reckless! It hurts a lot, isn't it? The servant, go get some medicine!"

  Zhuge Ming touched his forehead: "It's not swollen or broken, it's fine, but you, it seems to be swollen."

  Fengxian smiled and said, "The servant girl has rough skin and thick flesh, and it doesn't hurt. Young lady has golden branches and jade leaves. You have to rub some medicine carefully."

  Zhuge Ming recalled Feng Xian's words and seemed to have some understanding. A person like him who has been deceived from childhood to adulthood will never show a complete sincerity when interacting with anyone. Anyone who does not betray him is human; whoever betrays him is common sense, so he will not betray him because of any Disappointed by human betrayal and calculation. If Shangguan were different, her heart would be as pure as a stream, she would never interact with those she hated, and she would never take precautions against those she liked. To her, betrayal and calculation were like a **** knife that could pierce her heart. .

  Zhuge Ming realized that he had done a very stupid thing!

   It's a pity that the big mistake has been made, and he can't regret it if he wants to.

   But let him let go, he can't do it!

  From childhood to adulthood, he had almost never expected anything. After the death of the former prince, he wanted to help Zhuge Ye on the dragon chair, and now, he wants Shangguanruo!

   As long as he thinks of the scene where Shangguan Ruo is with the sixth prince, his heart goes crazy, that's... jealousy!


   He knocked on the king's door.

Your Majesty is meditating. For those who practice internal skills, it is very necessary to meditate for half an hour every day. If Shangguan knows about it, he will rarely disturb him when he is meditating. Enchanted.

  Fortunately, the Maharaja is about to end, and it's not a big deal to be disturbed. After taking the qi back to his dantian in advance, he opened the door for Zhuge Ming: "What's the matter, Ruo'er?"

   After being struck by lightning, his daughter hadn't taken the initiative to look for him for a long time, but knocking on his door now surprised him.

Zhuge Ming glanced at the face of the majesty, and knew that the majesty was practicing the exercises just now, and he couldn't help being a little stunned. He suddenly forgot about the maharaja's practice. Jun's appearance was not affected, so he felt a little relieved: "I'm sorry father, I forgot that you were practicing."

   Maharaja smiled: "Oh, you can practice anytime! It doesn't matter if you don't practice! There is only one baby girl!"

  Zhuge Ming looked at the smiling face of the majesty, and deeply understood how Shangguan Ruo had such a simple temperament. No one can get complicated when he encounters such a daughter-in-law, right?

   "Are you looking for me for something?" Seeing his daughter's preoccupied look, the maharaja asked while rubbing her head.

  Zhuge thought for a while, and said, "Then...I...can I take Zhuge Ming to live there?"

"Zhuge Ming? Didn't he live well in the palace of the imperial concubine? What would he do with him?" The maharaja was obviously unhappy. His daughter was arguing about Zhuge Ming all day long and he was already upset enough. After receiving it, does her daughter have time to look at him more?

   "I'll pick him up and stay for a few days." Zhuge Ming whispered.

  The Maharaja waved his hand decisively: "You can depend on you for other things, this one is not good! There is no negotiation!"

  Zhuge Ming blinked, held the hand of the Maharaja, and sighed: "He worships you so much, if you know that you don't agree that he came to ask you for advice, I don't know how sad it will be."

   Maharaja's ears moved: "What did you say? He worships me?"

  Zhuge Ming widened his innocent eyes and vowed: "You can worship! You are a **** in his heart!"

   (end of this chapter)

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