Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 433: Extraordinary rejection (2)

   Chapter 433 Fanwai Rejection (2)

   "Stop!" Zhuge Ming shouted to stop the maid, who was startled and turned to look at him and the imperial concubine again, at a loss for a moment. Zhuge Ming touched the big bag on his forehead, and there was no bleeding, which was fine, otherwise Shangguanruo's temperament would have been worried about leaving scars. He looked at the imperial concubine and said with a cold expression, "I fell by myself, are you blind?"

  The imperial concubine choked: "Ruo'er! You..."

   Zhuge Ming was too lazy to care about her, so he walked over and took Shangguan Ruo's hand: "Follow me."

Shangguan Ruo glanced at the look in the eyes of the imperial concubine who wanted to eat her, and felt a little worried, and subconsciously wanted to leave with Zhuge Ming, but after looking at Zhuge Ming's twitching face, he decisively brushed away his hand. :"you go."

Zhuge Ming frowned, his sharp eyes swept across the concubine's malicious face, and then he approached Shangguan Ruo and whispered, "The imperial concubine hates me very much, I wish I would never see me again, you live in the palace of the imperial concubine and go with me. What's the difference between a sheep and a tiger's mouth? Obedient, if you want your Majesty, it's more convenient to live with me than here."

Shangguan Ruo's eyes flashed a little when he heard "Da Jun", but the next second, she still refused: "I am a sheep into the tiger's mouth, what does it matter to you? If you don't go with you, you want to poison me, I don't trust you anymore!"

"I..." Zhuge Ming scratched his head helplessly, "I didn't think about killing you! At that time... I put some medicine in the golden hairpin, but I didn't think about letting you wear it all the time... If the maharaja himself If you don’t find it, I will let your Majesty find it.”

An explanation like    sounded very weak and pale to Shangguan Ruo, and Shangguan Ruo looked at him as if he was looking at a stranger who had never been masked: "I told you, I won't go with you."

Zhuge Ming felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. He knew how timid Shangguan was. However, at this moment, if Shangguan would rather stay in a wolf's den than leave him, could he Really... so let Shangguan Ruo disappointed?

   "Ruo'er, I'm serious, if you stay in the palace of the imperial concubine, sooner or later you will be poisoned by the imperial concubine..."

   "Seventh brother!" The sixth prince appeared at the door, and when he saw Ruo'er pulling the seventh brother, he didn't know what to say.

Saying that, he pulled Shangguan Ruo behind him, and looked at Zhuge Ming with a wary expression, "Ruo Er, why didn't you tell me when you came to the Imperial Concubine Palace? Are you here to see the seventh brother? I'm sorry, the seventh brother's body I'm still a little uncomfortable, I can't play with you for the time being, and when the seventh brother recovers, I'll bring the seventh brother to you again."

   He said it very politely, but no one could not hear the rejection in his tone.

  The imperial concubine was going to be mad at her son, and she humiliated the maharaja's daughter for a lowly child. He really thought that there would be no one to sit on the throne without him?

"Prince! What did you say?" The imperial concubine scolded in a low voice, walked up to Zhuge Ming, smiled and said, "Okay Ruo'er, Xiao Qi is indeed a little uncomfortable, I will accompany you to the imperial garden first. Let's go, so you don't get sick here."

   When she said this, her angry eyes swept across Shangguan Ruo's face!

  Zhuge Ming ignored her and just stared at Shangguan Ruo blankly: "Follow me."

  Shangguan Ruo shook his head.

  The sixth prince patted Shangguanruo's shoulder: "Seventh brother, don't be afraid." Looking at Shangguanruo again, "From today, seventh brother will live with me, Ruo'er don't worry that someone will embarrass seventh brother."

  Zhuge Ming suddenly changed color: "Live together? You guys..."

  The sixth prince smiled and walked down the corridor with Shangguan Ruo in his arms. As he walked, he instructed the eunuch: "Take the seventh prince's belongings into this palace room."

  Zhuge Ming is about to explode!

  There is a kind of violence in the world called cold violence, and in the end, Zhuge Ming was "boomed" out.

   Walking on the road that I don't know how many times, Zhuge Ming's heart is numb. He actually expected that what he had done would be exposed, but he didn't expect that it would be so uncomfortable after the accident. He didn't intend to marry Shangguan Ruo, did he? It is enough to use her to bring down the sixth prince. Who wants to marry a woman who is sick with a princess? Waiting for her every day is not to say, but also depends on the face of the father-in-law. He doesn't have any big ambitions, but he feels that as a man, he can't do this.

   But just last night, when Shangguan said "I will marry you" to him, he not only had no disgust at all, but when he was a little happy, he began to seriously examine the relationship between the two. Maybe, maybe, maybe, her princess is very ill, but she is also much more interesting than ordinary girls...

   He seriously wanted to date her.

  Why did he suddenly become the ghost he is now?

  Why did Ming Lan break things up all of a sudden?


   He kicked over a wooden bench.

The palace maid beside    hurriedly knelt down: "Miss Shangguan!"

   Zhuge Ming walked over, took a few steps, and stopped abruptly.

  If Shangguan and the Sixth Prince live in the same room, how can the two of them live in the same room? Do men and women know the difference?

   No, if Shangguan is a man now, it is only natural for the two brothers to live together.

  Zhuge Ming rubbed his heart fiercely, it seemed that it was necessary to switch the souls of the two back.

   (end of this chapter)

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