Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 421: The crazy Zhuge Ming (1)

   Chapter 421 The crazy Zhuge Ming (1)

   "Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness, wake up!"

   When Shangguan Ruo was groggy, a woman's voice kept ringing in her ears. She thought she was dreaming and didn't want to wake up immediately, so she forced herself to ignore the woman's call.

   It wasn't until the woman's hand touched her forehead, and the hot liquid hit her face that she realized something was wrong.

   She opened her eyes and met an extremely unfamiliar face. That face had turned pale from crying, but her eyes were unbelievably beautiful with pear blossoms and rain.

   This is...who?

   If Shangguan wants to.

   There are many maids around her, but none of them are so good-looking.

   When she looked at the woman, the woman also found that she was awake, and the woman's tearful eyes suddenly flashed a bright color: "Your Highness! You are awake!"

   Your Highness?

   What kind of messy name is this?

  The woman looked at her and said it, so she was calling her, right?

   She was canonized as a princess?

your Highness?

   Well, this makes sense.

  If Shangguan was very tired, he closed his eyes again after a while.

The woman seemed to not want to let her go, and kept stroking her face: "His Royal Highness, don't sleep, are you awake? Talk to me, okay? Tell me, how are you feeling now? Where does it hurt? Are you hungry?"

  Shangguanruo's brain was still a little dizzy at first, but now she was babbling a lot by the woman, and she only felt that one head and two were bigger.

She's used to being a master, and naturally she won't answer questions honestly. Although this servant doesn't seem to be the same as the servants she knew in the past, she didn't respond for a while with her brain short-circuited. How to deal with this difference.

   She was silent.

The    woman's voice became even more urgent: "Your Highness, Your Highness, wake up! Don't you sleep, please? Wake up and talk to me, Your Highness!"

   This servant is so noisy!

   But it is undeniable that she cried so much that her heart hurts.

   It’s really… terrifying!

   Shangguan Ruo opened his eyes angrily: "Why are you crying?"

As soon as    exited, the voice that was changing between a boy and a man made Shangguanruo's hair stand up all of a sudden!

   "My throat..."


   This voice…

   "Ah-ah-ah-who, who?"

  This...isn't this Zhuge Ming's voice?

   Shangguan Ruo was frightened.

   Her reaction also frightened the woman who was guarding her. The woman touched her forehead and said worriedly, "Yes... Was it damaged by lightning?"

   Was struck by lightning?

These three words,   , suddenly opened the floodgate of memory, and the images before the coma, scene after scene, came one after another like snow.

   First, Lianrong gave her a bottle of something very unpleasant to drink, and then there was a sudden thunder in the sky, then Zhuge Ming came out, she ran over and took Zhuge Ming's hand, and then they both seemed to be struck by lightning...

   And then and now, she woke up.

   But why did the voice become Zhuge Ming's?

  Shangguanruo's heart was vaguely filled with some kind of guess. In order to confirm her guess, she dared to ask the woman: "Who am I?"

   The woman seemed to have anticipated the other party's change, and only showed a slight surprise, not too gaffe: "I really lost my memory, I don't even remember myself."

  If Shangguan is in a hurry, can you stop sighing? Say the point?

"who I am?"

   Shangguan Ruo asked again.

  The woman choked in distress and said, "My poor child..."

  If Shangguan is crazy, this woman, this woman!

  Shangguan Ruo simply lifted the quilt and jumped to the ground, doing something Zhuge Ming also did, look in the mirror!

   After the photo was taken, her whole body was petrified.

   On the other side, Zhuge Ming has calmed down.

   After experiencing ninety-nine-eighty-one roars, when his voice was so hoarse that he was almost speechless, he finally calmed down.

   Looking back on what happened, he probably understands how the Oolong this time came.

   His eyeliner told him that the sixth prince had ordered Shangguan Ruo a golden hairpin, and in order to blame the sixth prince, he had someone make an identical one. Of course, the appearance is the same, but the core is different. He didn't waste it so much.

  He found someone to replace the gold inside with iron and copper, and stuffed some poison. It is expected that in three to five days, people will have symptoms of constant nightmares, and in three to five months, they will be tortured until they lose a layer of skin.

   And given how precious the Majesty is to Shangguanruo, within a few days you will find out that something is wrong with Shangguanruo, and you will find the golden hairpin according to the map.

   In this way, the Sixth Prince jumped into the Yellow River and could not be washed.

   But he did all the calculations, and he didn't calculate that the iron-containing golden hairpin would attract thunder and lightning, and Shangguanruo was hacked, and at that time he held Shangguanruo's hand and was hacked together.

   As for the culprit, that hairpin has been chopped into slag, and even the foam is gone.

   Does this count as a modern newspaper?

   In the first second, he was calculating Shangguanruo, and the next second, he became Shangguanruo.

   Then what about Shangguan Ruo? Could it be in his original body?

   With deep doubts, Zhuge Ming finally turned around and looked at him huddled in the corner, looking at him pitifully, but he didn't seem to dare to disturb his Chinese character face.

   "…Your Majesty."

   Shangguan Ruo seems to be calling Shangguan Ming's father? However, he couldn't shout, and he didn't know if the Maharaja would be angry.

   Zhuge Ming is really worrying too much.

When the maharaja heard this address, he was so excited that he almost burst into tears. When his daughter roared in front of the mirror, he thought her daughter was crazy. He heard the old man say that when people are crazy, they either stun him or don't. To disturb him, he was reluctant to beat his daughter, so he could only let his daughter Hedong roar.

   After the daughter was tired, she sat on the bed in a daze and stayed there for an afternoon without saying a word.

   He thought, his daughter is not only crazy, but also stupid.

   So, when his daughter could still call him Maharaja, he was so happy!

   can still recognize his identity, the daughter is not stupid!

  The maharaja immediately unloaded the heavy burden, stood up with a jump, and rushed to the front of his daughter.

As usual, he gave his daughter a princess hug as fast as he could, and was about to throw her into the sky twice. She liked him like this. Every time he did it, he made her laugh. .

  Unexpectedly, this time, before his hand could touch his daughter's back, he was thrown over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

  He looked up in all directions, like a **** with only his belly tanned, and said, " hit me...uuu..."

   (end of this chapter)

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