Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 333: Spike (2)

   Chapter 333 Spike (2)

   Maybe it's because the maharaja, a character who doesn't know friends and enemies, is too strong. In comparison, Nalanyan's life and death seem to be less eye-catching.

   Even so, Zhuge Ye still did not relax his arrest of Nalan Yan.

  The Maharaja didn't show any concern for Nalan Yan. On the one hand, he was a pro-daughter, and on the other hand, he was a distant relative without blood. No one would choose the latter.

  If Shangguan knew that the Majesty had entered the city, he dressed up happily and brought Xiaobao and Xi'er to meet the Maharaja at the gate of the palace.

   It has been ten years since the last time we parted. If there is no change in Shangguan, the temples and beard of the Maharaja are mostly white.

   Seeing the majesty's moment, sad tears welled up.


   Maharaja was stunned at first, and watched his daughter come step by step, and then ran straight away. His eyes were red and wet.

   "Father!" Shangguan Ruo threw himself into the majesty's arms.

  The maharaja hugged his skinny, skinny daughter tightly, and his throat was sore: "Don't be afraid, father is here, father will take you home."

  Shangguanruo's tears were like beads with a broken thread, and they kept falling.

  I thought about it before we met. Don't cry. I have to tell my father that she is doing well. The emperor loves her very much and Xi'er very much. The reason why the safe passage was opened was all forced by Nalanyan. But for some unknown reason, those lines that I had recited hundreds of times in my heart all vanished as soon as I saw my father.

   Maharaja raised his rough fingers and gently wiped the tears from his daughter's face: "Are you uncomfortable?"

  Shangguan Ruojie nodded and said, "It's uncomfortable."

   tugged at his heart-wrenching clothes, "It's so uncomfortable here, I want to go home."

  The maharaja patted her on the shoulder: "Wait, wait for the father to kill the heartless man, and take you home!"

   Shangguan Ruo was shocked: "Father!"

  She wants to go's just an angry word.

   Isn’t this pouring bitter water?

  Who made you really want to kill?

   Your Majesty didn't care about that much, he let go of Shangguan Ruo and was going to kill him in the imperial study.

Shangguan Ruo's expression changed, and he hugged the Maharaja's arm: "Father, listen to me! I didn't open the safe passage! It was Nalanyan who forced me! I just miss you so much, so it's uncomfortable! Really, really Yes, you believe me!"

   Maharaja looked at her in disbelief.

As if to prove how correct his conclusion was, Shangguan Ruo brought Xiaobao and Xi'er over: "Father! This is Xi'er, four years old this year, this is Xiaobao, three years old this year, I am writing to you in a letter said."

The Maharaja's eyes fell on the two pink and cute milk dolls, Xiaobao resembled Zhuge Ye, and Zhuge Ye inherited Shangguanruo's appearance for the most part, and Xiaobao and Shangguanruo were quite similar when they were young. Wearing women's clothes, that's a little Ruoruo.

  The maharaja looked slightly, and pinched Xiaobao's face.

  Xiaobao raised a bright smile in coordination, stretched out his arms, and said sweetly, "Your Majesty, hug!"

   Isn't this embracing Shangguan Ruo?

  Your Majesty gave him a big hug.

  Xiaobao did not forget to use his flattering intelligence: "Aren't you very good, Majesty? The Queen and Ouyang Cairen often praise you."

   Always remember to take your mother with you.

   Sure enough, the Majesty asked, "Who is Ouyang Cairen?"

   Xiaobao smiled sweetly and said, "It's the talent of the father. She likes Xiaobao very much, and Xiaobao also likes her very much."

  Your Majesty still gave a humming humming, as for whether he heard it or not, who knows?

   But anyway, being buckled by such a tall hat as Xiaobao, the Maharaja was in a much better mood, and looked at Zhuge Xi on the side.

   Unlike Zhuge Ye, Zhuge Xi almost inherited the emperor in appearance, except for a pair of eyelashes like Shangguanruo, thick and curled, charming and charming, everything else is the epitome of the emperor.

In addition, Xi'er is withdrawn and introverted. She doesn't call out to people or hug them. Not only that, but she also looks vigilantly at this old guy who threatened to kill his father. The stance of fighting with you to the end, the maharaja's face instantly collapsed.

  The maharaja took off the wolf tooth bead that he was carrying and carried it in Xiaobao's hand.

  Xiaobao happily thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   kissed the maharaja.

   This can ruin the Dajun Le, and the ice cube face almost broke.

  Xiaobao asked with big eyes again, "Where's the second uncle? What did you give the second uncle, Maharaja?"

   Maharaja glanced at Xi'er, and threw a night pearl to him in disgust.

The night pearl is a good thing, at least in the Central Plains, it is more precious than a few wolf teeth, but for the Kashgar people who are fighting the world on horseback, the wolf teeth are something only warriors should wear, let alone this string of wolf teeth. The tooth was hunted by the Maharaja himself. When Zhuge Ye wanted it, he was not willing to give it. On the other hand, the night pearl was just a gadget bought on the road.

   It's just that the Maharaja never expected that not only did he despise Ye Mingzhu, but Xi'er even more despised it. Even Xi'er had more big names than him, so he threw Ye Mingzhu into the lake without looking at it.

   "Stinky boy!"

   Your Majesty is furious!

   No matter how cheap things are, they have the supreme honor when they are sent out through his hands. How dare this stinky boy just throw them away at him?

   Xi'er turned around and hid behind Shangguan Ruo.

   Shangguan Ruo picked up his son and said to the majesty, "Father, Xi'er is still young, don't scare him."

  Your Majesty choked, looking at his daughter protecting the calf, and then looking at Xi'er's resentful eyes, his stomach was full of fire, and his intestines were hurting.

   Back at Fengqi Palace, if Shangguan ordered the palace servants to pass the dishes, he also asked the maid to go to the East Palace to call Zhuge Ye and Ouyang Cairen.

   Little Treasure came out holding Xi'er's chessboard as if he was playing a game: "Maharaja Maharaja, second uncle is very good at playing chess."

  Want to praise Xi'er.

   But in the world of adults, children will never understand.

   Majesty glanced at Xi'er coldly and said to Xiaobao, "Want to learn to play chess? Come! Maharaja teach you!"

  Xiaobao: "…"

   People don't want to go down!

   In order to show his strength, Maharaja put on a very high-level chess game and said a lot of things that Xiaobao could not understand.

   Xiaobao was devastated.

   Maharaja raised his eyebrows proudly: "Do you know how powerful Maharaja is? If you want to learn chess, find Maharaja! Do you know?"

   Xiaobao's head was turned into a chicken coop by himself.

   Xi'er walked to the table, took the white child from Xiaobao's hand, and dropped it gently.

  Your Majesty...I was killed in seconds!

  Is this child really human?

   (end of this chapter)

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