There was no reply from outside. Lin Qing held the dagger and quietly came to the door of the thatched cottage.

Through the door panel, she vaguely heard the breathing of a beast, as if there was some huge beast crawling outside the door, observing the situation in the thatched house.

Is it because she cooked snake meat and the smell of the meat attracted nearby wild animals?

Lin Qing was not sure.

Fortunately, the smell of meat dissipated quickly. After a while, the beasts outside also left the vicinity of the hut. Lin Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that because of the novice protection period, wild beasts will not enter the house. But what if the novice protection period ends? Or the thatched house cannot stop huge beasts, I am afraid I will be in danger."

"It seems that we need to upgrade the thatched cottage as soon as possible to improve the room's defense."

When you get the treasure chest, you will get the upgrade materials and the information for upgrading the thatched house. A caring person will definitely not sell materials such as wooden planks.

After all, this is valuable survival information for novices.

Lin Qing opened the upgrade panel. The thatched house was a first-level room. When upgraded to a second-level room, it would look like a wooden house in the outside world.

The thatched house can only protect against rain, and only the wooden house can withstand the attacks of some small beasts.

Upgrading materials requires 20 planks, 4 bronze ingots, and 20 nails.

At present, she only has 6 wooden boards and 2 bronze ingots, which is far away from upgrading the wooden house. The novice protection period is only two days, so she must hurry up and prepare.

The mall on the screen was ready to be opened. Lin Qing went to take a look around it. Most of them were useless things placed by players.

For example, there are deflated mineral water bottles, worn-out mobile phone cases, and damaged broken bowls. Basically, there is nothing to eat or drink.

Lin Qing opened the regional channel again and sent up what he had just experienced, reminding everyone not to go out at night as it might be dangerous.

Sure enough, after she said this sentence, a player responded to her:

"Yes, I also saw many red-eyed things in the swamp forest at night. They looked so scary that I panicked. I always felt very scary, so I didn't go out."

"Me too. I just heard someone knocking on the door outside. I thought I heard it wrong, but I didn't expect it to be true. Oh my god, I'm in a barren mountain. What on earth is outside?"

"As you put it, I always feel like something is lying on the roof of my house, and the small thatched house is crumbling. I'm already shivering and hiding under the bed. It's really scary."

"Everyone, please don't scare me. I'm a girl. Now in the desert, I always feel like there are some noises under the sand. Woohoo, wow, it's really scary."

"You're a girl and I'm a boy. Who wouldn't be scared on the first night of a survival game?"

"Haha, girls are just noobs, cannon fodder."

"What happened to the girl? Did the girl eat your rice? She made judgments from the beginning. They are all rookies from the same starting point. Who can look down on the other!"

In the end, Mr. Qingfeng came out to stop their quarrel.

"Don't make any noise, everyone. There will be danger at night, but it is safe to stay in the thatched house for the time being. You must remember to get up early tomorrow. The most important thing is to collect treasure boxes and upgrade the thatched house."

"Upgrade thatched cottage?"

"Yes, the group of friends who got the treasure chest should have seen that the wooden box can be decomposed into wood. I just said that I got the bronze treasure box, and the material of this treasure box decomposes into bronze ingots. Upgrading the room requires a certain amount of materials, so it is best first Get these things and upgrade the room level, this is the safest thing.”

"Thanks for the tip, boss. I understand."

The topic of upgrading the room was discussed again in the group. This time Lin Qing did not participate. After she noticed that the things outside had left, she instantly felt sleepy and quickly lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden buzzing sound outside the room, as well as vague human voices. The continuous noise woke Lin Qing up.

"What's going on outside?"

She was confused, but she didn't care about it.

After all, during the novice protection period, as long as you don't leave the room, you are safe.

However, the system in my mind suddenly prompted:

"Ding, a savage boss has been detected outside. There is a certain danger and there may be a chance of injury. But they are hunting down humans who have strayed to the desert island. There is a certain chance of obtaining precious treasures. It is recommended that the host go and get them!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lin Qing was stunned for a moment.

Everyone thinks that hiding in a cabin at night is the safest, so the suggestions given by the prompt system are somewhat dangerous, but at the same time they are also very tempting.

After all, the precious sea snake meat dropped by the big sea snake has already improved Lin Qing's physical fitness to a certain extent.

It is another precious treasure, does it have a greater effect?

Lin Qing thought about it several times in her heart, and finally decided to go out and take a look.

She still believes in the prompt system. So far, it has brought her good news.

After eating sea snake meat, her physical strength improved to a certain extent.

The best thing to do is hide and observe for a while. If something seems wrong, you can just run back to the thatched cottage.

Just do it, Lin Qing clenched the iron dagger, put on the hood of the sweatshirt, and even adjusted the front groove teeth of the sea snake.

In case of danger, the iron dagger and the sea snake's anterior groove tooth toxin are her only self-defense weapons.

After doing this, she slowly opened the wooden door of the thatched cottage without making any sound, and slowly walked towards the source of the sound in the wild.


"Dululu Luo Luo Luo."

On the beach not far away, three savages were talking together, with a bonfire lit in front of them.

It had just rained on the beach, and the air was full of the humid smell of sea water, which was a little lower than the temperature during the day.

These three savages should have prepared a bonfire for warming up.

As for the rare seals they hunted, they had been skinned and were being strung into pieces of seal meat, which smelled extremely fragrant.

"It seems that the three savages have a high IQ. They can store fire, grill meat, and find dry firewood for heating."

Lin Qing estimated her strength and the strength of the three savages, and felt that they were definitely not as good as the savages who made a living by hunting.

Their strong muscle lines were trained by chasing prey for many years. It must be admitted that she could not compare with them.

However, how should she get the precious seals in their hands?

You can't just go out and rob them.

Since the system prompts that there is a chance of getting it, Lin Qing plans to wait for a while to see if the situation will change.

Just when Lin Qing was squatting in the bushes and her feet were numb, she suddenly noticed that the wild men were behaving differently.

After the three of them talked, two of the wild men held up bone forks and ran towards the distant seashore, wailing, as if they had discovered something?

A wild man?

Lin Qing realized that her chance might have come.

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