Rome Must Fall

Chapter 205 Competition replaces war

“Didn’t I ask the Ministry of Agriculture to completely separate the Segostikas and Skodisci?”

"I asked Volenus, and he said that because there are too few people in Segestica and too many people in Skodisci, it is difficult to completely separate. And even if their residences are separated in Snotia and Vey Stepney, once you start working, there will always be times when you bump into each other..."

Sidonius solemnly reminded: "Judging from the conflicts that have occurred so far, the Skodisqi people have committed the most crimes first. If the punishment continues like this, I'm afraid that the Skodisqi people will do harm to our tribe." I’m dissatisfied!”

"This is indeed a problem that must be solved. I will hold a political meeting tomorrow and let everyone discuss it together to see if we can find a good solution." Maximus touched his chin and said softly.

After Sidonius left, his brows still remained.

Akguo, who was standing by, couldn't help but said: "Chief, I saw a conflict between the Segestika people and the Skodisqi people. It didn't look like a fight, but more like a battle. Both sides They were very ruthless, and if the patrol had not arrived in time, someone would have been seriously injured."

"Well, the hatred between these two groups is too deep!" Maximus sighed and asked casually: "Do you have any good suggestions to solve this problem?"

The four young attendants looked at each other, and Valles, who was usually not very talkative, said: "Chief, my grandfather used to be irritable and irritable for a period of time after my parents died. After he accidentally injured me once, He set up a few wooden stakes in the yard. Every time he felt uncomfortable in the future, he would take a dagger and slash at the wooden stakes until his energy was exhausted and his anger disappeared. After that, he would start again. He has never hit me, and he rarely gets angry with outsiders..."

Unexpectedly, Quintus, who has always been calm in dealing with things, actually has such an interesting past... After Maximus listened with interest, his heart moved: "You mean to find a way to make Segestica and Si The Cordisqi vented their anger so that the conflicts between them could be reduced..."

"Yes." Valles scratched his head: "But I can't think of any way to let them vent their anger."

Maximus smiled slightly, looked at the four teenagers, and asked, "Have you ever heard of war in peacetime?"

The four teenagers shook their heads blankly.

Maximus stood up, put his hands on his back, and walked slowly in the hall, thinking in his heart: "... In previous lives, football was called a war in peacetime, especially when two national football teams have grievances. When international competitions are held, the atmosphere on and off the field is quite heated. Both sides regard the outcome of the game as the victory of a country. For example, the Anglo-Afghan war is very conducive to both sides venting their emotions...

But football can only be played with your feet, which is a bit too elegant, and it's not easy to play. Basketball can also be considered, but the basketball venue is small and the number of participants is small, so it may not achieve very good results. Rugby...the venue is large, the number of participants is large, and the scene is fierce and rough, which is very suitable for the two groups to vent their hatred...

It’s just that there are two types of rugby. The rules of American rugby are too complicated. It’s not easy to teach simple-minded prep people. Moreover, without good protective equipment, it is easy to get injured, so it is not suitable for competitions. , English olives are much simpler…

I've seen it a few times in my previous life. Although I don't know much about it, it seems that 15 people can play on one side in a large venue. They can run, pass, and kick the ball. The two sides chase each other and tackle each other. It's a kind of game. This is a very intense game, but the goal is too high. Should we change it to something similar to a football goal..."

The teenagers watched Maximus muttering to himself in the hall, but his steps were getting faster and faster. Suddenly he said: "Akgo, go get a board."

There were many wooden boards in the hall, which were used for writing and recording. Akago immediately took one and handed it to Maximus.

Maximus picked up the ink pen and began to sketch on the wooden board.

The four teenagers came closer to watch curiously.

Maximus scrawled and revised for a long time before he stopped writing.

Akguo asked uncertainly: "Chief, is this an olive you drew?"

"It is an olive-shaped rugby. It is a very intense sport. It may allow the Segestica and Skodisci people to vent their emotions through this sport..."

Maximus explained a few words, looked at Valles, and said: "Take this board to Capito and ask him to find a skilled craftsman to make one as soon as possible according to this pattern and the dimensions written on it. Rugby... uh... it's best to make it out of animal skins, which can be inflated and airtight... let them figure it out on their own - "

"You can use pig urine bubbles." Valles blurted out: When I was in Lucelia, I often saw other children playing with inflated pig urine bubbles. "

"Pig urine bubble? This is a good idea, but after it is inflated, it should be round, right? It may not be easy to hold it in your arms and run... Well, let them find a way to make the pig urine bubble into this shape. Maximus pointed to the pattern on the wooden board.

"Okay, Chief."


At the end of December, the weather turned cold in the areas along the Kupa River, but the Knicks tribe had repaired all their houses. During the day, the enthusiastic tribesmen were wrapped in thick furs, plowing their land or doing other work. At night, they light firewood in the fire pit in their airtight house to bring warmth and drive away the darkness...

They work hard day after day to build their homes.

Thousands of miles away in the Regim region at the southern tip of Italy, it is sunny and has a pleasant climate.

It’s just that the busy coast in the past is now very depressed. In addition to the ports in the city that are still operating, many ports outside the city have been abandoned. Standing at the top of the city and looking out, there are patches of tents and wooden shacks everywhere. Groups of rebel soldiers wandered around, laughing, making noises, shouting, and fighting... Regim City was drowned by this huge noise every day, and the people were always in a state of uneasiness...

In the rebel army's central tent, the atmosphere was a little tense, and the leaders were arguing fiercely.

"Everyone." Depetimas said anxiously: "We have been here for almost two months. We are almost running out of food, and the soldiers are getting tired of it. There are more and more troubles, but the pirates promised But the fleet has never been seen! The long wall built by the Romans in the north is getting stronger and stronger. We attacked once half a month ago, but failed, and instead killed and injured many brothers. If this continues , we are probably going to be trapped and die here!”

"Yes, the failure of that siege had a great impact on the morale of our team. The soldiers are becoming increasingly difficult to control. If we don't find a way to boost morale, we will be doomed!" Cleo Nice also said loudly and anxiously.

"Don't worry too much." Spartacus still spoke in a gentle tone and looked calm: "Since the failure of the last siege, I have thought of ways to break through the Roman barriers these days, and I have already made my team ready. Preparation, the reason why we haven’t taken any action is just because it can give the brothers some more time to repair and recover while waiting for the arrival of the pirate fleet.”

Having said this, he looked at Attumus and asked, "Based on your experience, when will they arrive?"

Attumus replied quite confidently: "I have been a sailor for twenty years. Although the ship I was on encountered African pirates many times, I managed to escape. I know something about African pirates. They are the largest pirates in the Western Mediterranean. The gang is said to have hundreds of ships and is composed of more than a dozen teams. It wanders on various routes in the Western Mediterranean. It not only robs merchant ships, but even goes ashore to plunder. The Romans hated him very much and sent the navy to encircle and suppress him many times, but they all failed. No results were obtained, but the two sides became mortal enemies.

The pirate ship that came that day was indeed the same as the African pirates I had seen before in terms of ship shape, crew dress, accent, etc. It must be them!

We are the mortal enemies of the Romans and have won so many battles, so the African pirates came to us and were willing to help us. This is normal. After all, although we are not friends with them, we have a common enemy and they are willing to do so. The one who caused trouble for the Romans.

And we also gave them such a large reward. After transporting us to Sicily, they can get even more... You all saw the way the pirate captain stared at those large boxes of gold coins that day. I don't think they will fail to fulfill their obligations. promise--"

"Okay, Attumus, you have already said these things last time. There is no need to repeat them. What we want to know is when they can come!" Cleonis interrupted him impatiently.

Attumus's expression changed and he glared at him fiercely. The two parties had argued about this matter several times, which led to some bad relations. He suddenly didn't want to talk anymore.

Unexpectedly, Spartacus saw his thoughts and said softly: "Arttumus, you are the one who knows the best about this sea among us, so tell us, whether it is good or bad, let us have it in our hearts." A bottom."

Artemus then looked at Spartacus and said seriously: "It has only been a month since the last time the African pirates left. If we want to transport all four to five thousand of us to Sicily at once, we must have With nearly a hundred ships, they need to gather all the scattered pirate fleets. This takes a lot of time, and it also requires the leaders of the respective fleets to discuss together and reach an agreement before they can act, just like us, so I I think we should wait at least another half month.”

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