Romanian Eagle

Chapter 71 The Rubber Crisis End

By the end of May, the price of rubber was also rising steadily, reaching eleven shillings a pound, and now all those who speculate on rubber believe that the price of rubber will reach a historic high for a pound for a pound of rubber. The stock price of Willis also reached a high of 1,500 taels, but there is no cash transaction in Shanghai, and anyone with a vision knows that this is the prelude to the bursting of the bubble.

In the Willis Building, the three of Stry are also preparing to retreat.

Let's wait for a while, and plan to let us leave in June. Stocker said the instructions from the country.

Now that we have done everything we should do, and the money has been transferred, why don't we let us evacuate. Felix expressed his dissatisfaction. Now if people know the current situation of Willis Company, everyone will tear it apart They, of course he was afraid in the face of such a situation.

The message was that we needed to cooperate with an action at home and in the United States, Stocker explained.

We'll be in danger for one more day now. Faced with this situation, can't you tell the boss about it?

Okay Felix, we are very safe now, the dividend has only been distributed, and it will not be a problem to persist for two months. Faced with Felix's complaints, Stry said soothingly.

Okay, I'm impatient. Felix could only agree to understand that both of them were willing to cooperate.

After the three of them negotiated, they continued to do the company's daily work until Stolke received a telegram that said: Your nephew was born weighing 6.12 pounds, and we are going to celebrate him tomorrow.

Stolke took the telegram in his hand and hurried to Stry's office, intending to tell him the good news.

Stry, I got the news. Stocker opened the door and said, only to see Agou Zhang in Stry's office.

You can do it with Zhang. Seeing Stocker's stern face, Stry hurriedly dismissed Zhang Agou.

Good boss. Zhang Agou still looked like a dog, and greeted him when he passed by Stocker. Goodbye Mr Stocker.

Goodbye Zhang.

After answering Zhang Agou, Stocker closed the door and walked to Stry and whispered to him. The news came from above. On June 12, they released a news, let us go the next day.

There are 10 days left, enough for us to prepare. Stry said.

Does this really work? Stocker asked.

Why else would we raise an illiterate poor man to the heights he is now. He has enjoyed status, money, fame and women that were impossible before, and now it's time for him to return everything.

Obviously they were talking about Zhang Agou who just walked out, a good and loyal dogleg that was sold by the owner like this.

In the following days, the three of them each found a reason to leave and let Zhang Agou watch over the company. This made Zhang Agou overjoyed, thinking that he was very close to Taipan.

On June 12, in Stry's office, the three were talking about the final exit route.

We each went out to meet at the old sailor's bar by the pier, and the liner at 7 o'clock in the evening first went to the United States and turned back to Romania. Stolke said the arrangement of the route.

What about the others? Felix asked Stocker.

I don't know either, don't ask about Felix. Stolke warned him.

After hearing Stoke's words, Felix shook his head and waved his hand to indicate that he would not ask.

Get ready to go, I'll leave last, Stry said.

Soon Felix and Stolke found a reason to leave first, and Stry called Zhang Agou into the office.

Zhang, you have done a great job recently, I am very pleased.

This is the result of your cultivation, boss. Zhang Agou heard Stry's praise,

Said with a condescending smile.

I have the idea of ​​promoting you as manager now, but it depends on your recent performance.

Zhang Agou felt that he was dreaming, and Taipan, whom many people were so desperately pursuing, waved to him like this, and hurriedly talked about it after he reacted. Thanks to the boss for the promotion, I will definitely try my best to perform.

Looking at Zhang Agou who was still daydreaming in front of him, Stry suddenly felt a little sore in his nose.

You don't need to express your attitude. I have an appointment with a beautiful lady for dinner. Now the company is handed over to you. I have something important to talk about when I go to work tomorrow. Like going on a date.

Good boss, I will be optimistic about these employees and won't let them be lazy.

Then Stry got into his car and drove all the way to the old sailor's bar, where he saw the two people who had already made up in a secret room.

Hurry up and finish your makeup, we're going to take the boat. After a while, three working-class people walked out of the bar, and after listening to their tone, they planned to leave Shanghai to look for opportunities in the United States. These three people boarded the angel liner. At 7 o'clock the liner started on time and left with three successful people.

News spread across Shanghai the next morning that U.S. and European automakers were planning to ditch rubber tires, arguing that the current price of rubber made them unaffordable. In the afternoon, an even more sensational news came out. The owner and manager of Willis Company, the largest rubber company in Shanghai, disappeared.

This news shocked everyone. Whether it was a rental company or a Chinese bank, they were looking for the three of Stry, and finally they found Stry's car at the nearby dock, which ignited everyone's anger. The crowd, armed with Willis stock, stormed the building, smashing everything they saw.

Zhang Agou, who has always been a confidant of Stry, was taken to the patrol room to ask about the whereabouts of the three of Stry. Later, it was reported that Zhang Agou committed suicide in the cell.

The news of Stry's fleeing with money caused all rubber stocks to fall, and the stock market was full of people selling rubber stocks. It's a shame that no one is taking over the rubber stock right now. The stock price fell by less than half in a day. Willis stock has become a piece of waste paper. Now many people who have invested their lives in it are completely unable to accept the news. Some people have gone crazy and some committed suicide. Bankruptcies have also gone bankrupt in large numbers, and Shanghai has entered the Great Depression period for a while.

The success of Romania is also reckoning with this harvest. A staff member who counted the results was reporting the results to Calust, who was in charge of the operation.

After our calculation, this time we invested 2.07 million pounds, and the actual investment was 1.8 million pounds. The initial cost was 380,000 pounds, and the mid-term publicity and other costs were 100,000 pounds. In the end, we received a total of 4.06 million pounds of funds, after deducting costs. Then we made a profit of £2.26 million, which can be said to be a huge success.”

After giving this report to me, the others can be destroyed. Carust told the staff member.


Carust took the report in his hand and planned to report the results to Crown Prince Edel.

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