Romanian Eagle

Chapter 62 Black Hand Club

Eder sat in a chair, watching Serbia's message in his hand recognizing Austria-Hungary's sovereignty over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and said sincerely to his captain of the bodyguard. Carrust has worked hard for you. This sentence made the head guard feel that all the hard work was worth it.

Edel saw Carust's recent actions in his eyes, and knew that his chief guard had arranged for a guard to wait in the telegraph room during this time, so that he could get news as soon as possible. Now that the crisis facing Romania is over, and he is not a ruthless person, he deserves a well-deserved thank you to the captain of the guard.

Your Highness, you are too polite, I just do my duty and it's not hard work. Carust, who has always been calm and indifferent, his voice is a little unpleasant. As someone close to the crown prince, he knows Eder too well, and there are no more than five people in Romania who can hear the crown prince speak in such a tone. Why didn't this move him? As the second son of a small nobleman, Carust can now be said to have done it flawlessly.

Eder, who was implicated in the Bosnia and Herzegovina crisis because of a move by the Kaiser, can finally relax. Now it is necessary to continue to build Romania and strengthen its own strength. If this kind of scene is repeated several times, the crown prince himself feels that he will be overwhelmed. This is also the helplessness of small countries.

These goddamn Audreys are always trying to invade our territory. We can't go on like this, we must let them taste the wrath of the Serbs. Dimitrijevi, who is in charge of intelligence work at the Serbian Army General Staff Colonel Qi, in his office, told his friend and companion Lieutenant Colonel Mixovitch about his determination.

After Serbia was forced to issue a statement to give up the Bosnia and Herzegovina region, the one who was most dissatisfied with this situation was Colonel Dimitrievic, who was the head of Serbian intelligence at the time. He was an ardent Greater Serb who believed that all Serbs should live in one country, and was identified by many Serbs during the nationalist explosion of the early twentieth century.

That's one way, but where to start?

Lieutenant Colonel Kersevich can be a good friend of Colonel Dimitrievich, and he is not a timid person. Before that, he participated in his friend's coup d'état to overthrow the pro-Austrian king in 1903, and personally killed the former king Abrenovich and his queen.

(In 1903, Colonel Dimitrievich led a group of nationalist officers who raided the Belgrade Royal Palace and killed King Alexander-Abrenovich and his newlywed queen because the king fell to Austria-Hungary. Serbia's interests. At that time, the Serbian government opened its market to Austria-Hungary in exchange for the protection of the Austria-Hungary Empire.)

Faced with a question from his friend, Colonel Dimitrievich preached while walking back and forth. We recruited and trained our people in Bosnia, and caused unrest when we returned?

When he said this, he found a big loophole. If the people who returned after training were caught by Austria-Hungary, it was very likely to confess them. This is not because Dimitrievic is afraid of death, but because he does not want to cause trouble for Serbia. Now Austria-Hungary's ambitions for Serbia prevent him from taking such a risk.

Keswick, who watched his friend circle in front of him, suggested. We can use civil society as a cover.

Austro-Hungary is not a fool, they can find it. As a senior intelligence chief, Dimitrievich still knew the intelligence level of Austria-Hungary.

We need to do something, otherwise the local people will not be supported by us and will be pulled away by Austria-Hungary. The same fanatic, Keswick, expressed his concerns.

The more critical the time, the more impatient you can't be, Keswich, you are impatient. Colonel Dimitrievich warned his friend.

Then we will pray to God and wait for the Austro-Hungarians in Bosnia to have an accident, but unfortunately God can't hear him. Keswich knew that he was impatient,

He still justified himself.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Faced with Ksewitch’s unintentional words, Colonel Dimitrievich stopped and calculated in his heart.

Seeing his friend's sudden action, Keswich didn't dare to disturb his thoughts, and even tried to breathe as slowly as possible, looking at Dimitrie with anticipation in his eyes.

Dimitrievich, who was expected by his friends, was calculating in his mind. It takes a big event for the people of Bosnia to remember. Riots are too easy to be caught and can't be used. If you want to hide, you need to have fewer people, and the killing of a governor or high-ranking official is a big event. So assassination, a method of small investment and big return, entered the eyes of Dimitrievich.

This is indeed the method that best suits his ideas. It means that there are few people and concealment. The assassination of high-ranking officials has a great impact, and it is easy to shirk the accusation. If you want to keep secrets, you can scrutinize the personnel more strictly. (It was indeed the best way at that time, and it was well understood in Russia and the Qing Dynasty.)

Ksevich, I figured out a way. Dimitrievich said to his friend with a smile.


We can form an organization with assassination as the main goal. Dimitrievich whispered his thoughts to his friends.

This is indeed the most suitable method for our current situation. It can show the resistance of the Bosnians in the country, arouse the national complex of the people, and slow down Austria-Hungary's control of the local area. Most importantly, it is safe and concealed. Vicky was not stupid either, and after thinking about it, he immediately spoke of the benefits of doing so.

Dimitrievich also expressed the frustration of doing so. Yes. Now that Austria-Hungary has annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, anyone who has eyes can see their threat to Serbia. Only by arousing the indignation of the Chinese people against Austria-Hungary can we withstand their threat. For my motherland, even sacrifice I am at the mercy of myself.”

In this office, Dimitrievich and his friend Keswich discussed the newly established organizational structure and personnel recruitment. In the end, it was decided that the newly established organization was named Black Hand Society, and with the goal of unification of the Serbian region, the recruitment of personnel was voluntary, and the new members were required to take the oath of death.

Seeing the negotiated terms and conditions, both of them felt full of energy.

It's better that you don't come forward in person in this organization, let me do it. Keswich said to his friend after thinking for a while.

After Dimitrievich heard it, he knew that it was his friend who was trying to protect him, so he paused and said slowly. Alright, but you have to be more careful yourself.

Facing the concern of his friend, Keswich sat on the sofa, playing with the apple in his hand, and spoke with sharp eyes. Don't worry, no one can threaten me.

In a small independent building on the outskirts of the capital Belgrade, the Black Hand will be officially established. The black hand will develop wildly with the prosperity of Serbian nationalism. As for the final result, the founders Dimitrievich and Keswich did not expect.

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