Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 275: King of Fighting

Special Announcement: In the last few days of data transfer, the previous chapters may not be readable. If you need to read the old chapters, you can visit. Although you know that Wang Chao ’s boxing skills are superb, but Liao Junhua still laughed at the arrogance he just said. Even if Guo Yunshen, Sun Lutang, and Yang Luchan were reborn, they would have to fight to know.

Those masters represent the highest state of national art, and some of the works at that time are now affecting generations. It was the golden age of Chinese martial arts, internal and external troubles, and the era when Chinese people rose up to become stronger.

The spirit of national art that prevailed in that era was not in this era. Because of this, the strength of national art in that era was not comparable to that of today.

It was also the last glory of the golden age of Chinese martial arts. After the rise of firearms and the strange development of society, the spirit of martial arts slowly dissipated in the long river of history. It was precisely because of the last glory of Chinese martial arts that so many gods were created. Master senior.

In fact, Liao Junhua has never thought that in the current era, there can be Dong, Yang, Guo, Sun and other peak masters. Because current events can create heroes, without the influence of that general trend, no genius can be born. Just as there was no war of resistance against Japan, the kings who had found the country would not emerge.

"Maybe after Wang Chao has seen the man's kung fu, he may realize that his thoughts are arrogant." Liao Junhua knows that Wang Chao is very conceited. Since his debut, he has never lost countless dangerous battles. . "Maybe Wang Chao is at the time of failure. An undefeated person may not be a good thing. Failure may bring his boxing skills closer and make it worse."

In fact, Liao Junhua still has good intentions in his heart. A person who has never tried failure will keep going, and the future road will become more and more dangerous. Although admiring Wang Chao's dedication and psychic achievements, Liao Junhua knew that Wang Chao was still young and was only in his early twenties. And he has been thirty-seven or eight, what has gone through. His vision is that he is more mature than the young Wang Chao.

"What boxing skills does that man practice? What prison is he in now? What is his name? Li Shuwen Li Shuwen. It is a rare enjoyment for a person who can compete with Li Shuwen's martial arts. I know that China is so big, thirteen Billion people. There will definitely be someone who can really reach the pinnacle. "

Since he left the country, Wang Chao has become more and more energetic, and finally broke the void, reaching the highest level of seeing God. He feels really lonely, because he can no longer compete with him. Although Tang Lianxi had a happy fight with him, he had already died under the gun before scoring the victory. And Zhao Guangrong has already lost in his hands.

Although one of Tang Zichen ’s martial arts has also been completed, Wang Chao and her are too close. Even if the two sides are fighting, it is half a joke, lacking the kind of heartfelt and free and easy joy of life and death.

At a young age, Wang Chao really stood at the peak, only to find out. Pinnacle really has a trace of loneliness. And in the long run, it will become more lonely and lonely. He finally began to understand Tang Zichen's feelings.

In fact, he returned to China this time, not only to visit his parents and to inquire about the participation of the Sports Committee, but also a large part of his subconscious mind. He also wanted to see this contest, and some hidden powerful figures came out. But now, at first glance, I was disappointed. Characters like Dai Hong are considered first-class figures in the sports committee. Not even one who really surpassed Zhou Binglin.

Wang Chao's powerful figures in China were still powerful figures, such as Duan Guochao. It is still first-class, such as Yong Xiaolong, Yong Xiaohu, Zhou Binglin. However, these people are still defeated in Wang Chao's hands one by one.

"I'll take you to know it. This person's martial arts are all-perfect and omnipotent. Every boxing technique can be swayed at will, and I don't know what kind of boxing he actually practices. As for the name, the people in the prison are all Call him his grandfather. As for the files he was in jail. They were lost 20 years ago when the prison was renovated. Now no one knows his name, only know that he was the head of the Red Guards and beat him up. "It's too powerful, the sentence is indefinite." Liao Junhua laughed, "Just in the prison in Hebei, very close, if you are interested tonight, I can transfer a car in the past. I know you return to China this time, on the one hand I want to meet the experts who have been invited by the Sports Commission. I will first introduce you to Wu Quannan. "

Wang Chao nodded, still looking at the information on the table.

Ten minutes later, Liao Junhua ’s guard car drove directly under the sports committee building. When Wang Chao got into the car, he saw a pair of eyes shining brightly, and the pupils reflected the street lights, emitting a dazzling and extreme light. De Chao's eyes felt a little pain.

This situation is exactly the same as when Zhao Guangrong competed.

"This person is also practicing the Taoist eyewashing skills. It is as powerful as Zhao Guangrong's eyes. But his body skills are worse, and he is not as powerful as Zhao Guangrong." Wang Chao looked at this sitting in the car, his eyes sharp. He found that he was a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, but with a Daojiao on his head.

"Master Wu, this is my friend and also a trainer. This time we will gather together to visit a master in Hebei prison and communicate together." Liao Junhua seems to be an enthusiastic person introducing the buddies on both sides: "This is Wu Quannan, director of Wudang."

"Good luck, Master Wu." Wang Chao nodded casually.

Wu Quannan unexpectedly did not say hello to Wang Chao, but looked at a trace of doubt in Wang Chao's eyes, and then he became more and more surprised. His nose twitched a few times, as if he smelled something.

"Take a hand." Wu Quannan smelled it for a moment, his eyes stared at Wang Chao suddenly flashing a more shining light than before, and even raised his hand. Obviously, it is difficult to judge one's own vision. It is necessary to try Wang Chao's skills in person.

It turned out that Wu Quannan heard Liao Junhua's invitation and said that he was meeting with a friend of his family, and he didn't care much. This was normal social interaction. But when he met Wang Chao, he saw that the other party's skin was loose and soft, not like a trainer. I thought it was a very ordinary person who just practiced some simple sports and said it was martial arts.

But then, it made him feel more strange. Wang Chao's temperament is very peculiar, and he does not care about his brilliant eyes. Even more strangely, he actually smelled a faint smell of a newborn baby from Wang Chao inside his nose.

This is clearly martial arts practiced to the highest level, reaching the whole body. Seeing clearly, the bone marrow grows to the extreme, breathing and breathing to every part of the body, the blood is kept fresh all the time, so as to wash away any impurity toxins on the body and achieve cleanliness of the whole body. As temperament as a newborn baby. This is the dream realm among Taoists. If you reach this realm, you can pass the age of one hundred without declining.

However, in such a state, in some records of Wudang Mountain Records, only a few people such as the legendary Dan Shi Zhang Sanfeng can achieve it. Wu Quannan could not believe it, so he could n’t help but want to try Wang Chao ’s kung fu.

Facing Wu Quannan's invitation, Wang Chao readily agreed.

"Master Wu, pay attention!"

When the two are talking. The car was already driving fast.

Wang Chao reached out and put his hands together with Wu Quannan's hands. In an instant, Wu Quannan felt that the strength of Wang Chao's hands was like a huge roller compacting the road, and he immediately felt a tremor all over his body, pain in his hands and bones, and a sense of standing Not supported.

Masters use both hands to know the depth. But Wu Quannan did not give up as soon as he felt no support, on the contrary. His eyes widened suddenly to the limit, while his left hand pressed quickly to a part under his navel.

Pressing it at this moment, suddenly, his face was reddish and purple, like amethyst, and became very scary, and the blood on his eyes was twined, as if he was about to fall out of his eyes.

at the same time. The veins in the palm of his hand and Wang Chao's palms were greatly swollen and turned into purple and black, and the chains of blue tendons were tied to the hands, and the entire palm doubled.

Click. The leather car seat iron under his seat cracked. At the same time, the dermis sitting down was also torn by the body twisting. It seemed to be scratched by a sharp blade.

Wu Quannan was working hard this time, and Wang Chao also immediately felt that the pressure had doubled. The opponent's strength seemed to be several times greater! However, Wang Chao ’s eyes were clear. Wu Quannan ’s movement just clearly pressed the blood gate in the north of Dantian with his hand, and his body strength exploded, but obviously his realm was still a line away from Baodan, otherwise, do n’t use Press the hand and start the heart, the blood gate will naturally be acupuncture with the potential of general outbreak.

Wang Chao laughed, suddenly exerted force under his feet, stepped down, bang bang bang! Four loud noises! The car suddenly slipped out of control, and a series of sparks appeared on the road, scaring the guards driving in front of them roaring!

It turned out that Wang Chao was so vigorous that he stepped on the body and pressed down hard. All four tires were pressed to the ground. At the extreme, they were subjected to violent friction from the high-speed Mercedes-Benz, and the tire was blown!

Wang Chao stepped on the foot, the tires exploded, and the car naturally lost control.

At the same time, a figure with a large number of doors volleyed out and landed on the road for a few laps.

It turned out to be Wu Quannan, who was struggling and was stepped on by Wang Chao, and the whole person broke through the car door and flew out. The entire car of Liao Junhua, in a few seconds, was broken, the door was knocked and empty, all four wheels were detached, the chassis was also worn by Wang Chao, and the seat on the car was also Broken into a sack of beggars.

In an instant, the whole good car was almost dismantled.

The face of the guard who drove Liao Junhua was already pale and pale. After roaring, I can't speak anymore, it seems to be deaf

"Xiao Zhang, still stunned. He called a trailer and towed the car secretly. He said to the traffic police that it would be faster! Tell them, five minutes or so can't get this done. The traffic police here Do n’t do it, Captain. Also, call my office secret, and within ten minutes, send another car here without delay. "

Between Liao Junhua's speeches, he really has a great leadership style. Sure enough, in less than five minutes, the traffic police arrived, and then the entire site was cleaned up. Ten minutes later, several people had already gotten into the new car and continued to Hebei, as if it had just happened. same.

"Carrying one's soul in a camp, can you be indifferent? Dedicated and supple, can be like a baby ......... In the world, someone really reaches this level, someone really reaches a level that is not bad ... How is this possible, how? Maybe ... "Wu Quannan's hair was scattered, and there was a little skin and blood on his forehead. He was just thrown out of the car by Wang Chao. He suffered a skin injury. But compared to his shock, this skin trauma is almost insignificant.

He is a cultivator of the Jingdao family. He has just tried his hand and has really learned the level of Wang Chao, which makes him a little lost.

"Today's people are not necessarily inferior to those of the ancients. Not bad is just delaying aging and maintaining physical strength. It is not about immortality. People are always dying. They live longer and shorter. In fact, it is not worth it. Things to worry about. "Wang Chao said casually when he saw Wu Quannan lost his soul.

"I have practiced in Wudang Mountain for so many years, and I only touched the threshold of Baodan a little, and it is a few steps away from being bad. Hey!" Wu Quannan suddenly felt very lost.

"Fist martial arts also requires exchange of experience. It does not work behind closed doors and builds a car. It is possible to break through the limits with my own strength. I also rely on the wisdom of many people and work together to break through this threshold." Wang Chaodao.

"Brother Liao, who is this master?" Wu Quannan suddenly asked Liao Junhua.

When Liao Junhua heard the conversation between the two, he actually did not understand. His boxing technique has just entered into energy, far away from Bao Dan, and has not yet reached the point where he uses Dan Dao to perform boxing. Of course, some things are not clear.

However, the two had just fought, and it was obviously that Wang Chao had the upper hand, and Liao Junhua was also surprised that Wang Chao's prestige fell, and he took down his car.

"Wang Chao's power just now is really possible to compete with that person! Fighting against dragons and dragons, it's worth watching now!" He thought to himself.

"I am Wang Chao." Wang Chao casually said his true identity. Sure enough, Wu Quannan closed his eyes: "It really is the master of the first national art. It seems that I am a closed-door car and I can't make a climate. If you can, your Laoshan Neijia Boxing Gym, I want to apply for a teacher and exchange boxing exchanges. "

"I ’m not in Laoshan anymore. I ’m from a Chinese Tangmen organization abroad. If you are interested, you can go to Jakarta, Indonesia. We have a national martial arts dome shared by Nanyang Chinese boxers. If Wu joins, he will eat, live and wear Of course it is not a problem. "Wang Chao heard Wu Quannan's meaning and was very happy. Wu Quannan is proficient in Wudang boxing and many secrets of medicine. He is a rare talent.

"Going abroad?" Wu Quannan hesitated for a moment, then laughed: "That doesn't matter."

Liao Junhua saw Wang Chaoming's solicitation for talents, and did not move. Wu Quannan is a small orthopedic surgeon in China, and when he travels abroad, he may open up a whole world.

In the middle of the night, the car drove to a heavily guarded prison in Hebei.

Liao Junhua's face was really big. Although it was deeper into the middle of the night, the political commissar of the prison chief's team came to meet him personally.

"I'm here to find the old man. Don't make too much noise." Liao Junhua asked, "Has the old man fallen asleep?"

"No ~ ~ Every day he is practicing his fists at this time. The big iron chain with his thick arm was broken by him again. Tell us to replace it with a new one. This old man has a very comfortable life. It ’s almost the uncle in the prison. Among the prisoners, there is wind and wind, rain and rain, and some prisoners who have been out for many years have also sent him money and things to come in from time to time. Also a little wordy.

"Okay, a few friends and I went to see him." Liao Junhua stood up.

Wang Chao, Liao Junhua, and Wu Quannan, just walked to a row of thick iron gates, high walls, and barbed wire prisons, heard a huge stomping sound coming from a cell in the middle, banging, all on the ground It shook like an earthquake. And it seems to be firing guns.

Wang Chao's ears moved, and his head seemed to show a human figure practicing his fists and feet in a closed room. His fists swelled and hit the wall! It's like a huge wave emptying and punching!

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