"Chief, are you saying that your ancestors killed many ice and snow pythons?"

Lin Yang became interested. If he could get some python materials, he would make a lot of money.

"Sir, we are not just this group, there are more than a dozen tribes living in this endless wilderness."

"I don't know much about other tribes. Our tribe has killed the divine python. There is still a corpse of the divine python in the underground world."

Lin Yang was stunned.

"You are just one tribe. Are there many similar tribes?"

The snowman leader nodded quickly.

"Sir, yes, our team is actually responsible for monitoring the movements of the Great Wall of Ice and Snow, and exchanging some supplies with them."

"Exchanging supplies? Aren't you mortal enemies?"

Lin Yang became interested again, and the situation seemed more complicated than he thought.

"Sir, there are still some special outputs in the wilderness. If the elders there are in need, we can also trade some necessary supplies."

"How old are the bones?"

"My lord, it has been hundreds of years. It has been here since I can remember."

The snowman leader said respectfully.

Lin Yang's eyes moved slightly, and he had the idea of ​​​​entering the underground world to take a look.

An epic Gatling Vulcan cannon loaded with 30,000 rounds of excellent armor-piercing bullets.

There is also an epic flamethrower filled with ten thousand liters of fine fuel.

Lin Yang only needs to pay a little attention, and his own safety is still guaranteed.

In addition, the golden retriever's current fighting ability is not bad, so if you take it with you, you will be foolproof.

Lin Yang made a decision instantly.

"Chief, I want to visit the bones. Is it possible?"

The snowman leader was immediately overjoyed.

"Sir, of course you can. It is an honor for all of us snowmen to come here."

"Okay, let me clean it up."

Lin Yang turned around and returned to the car.

"Xiao Jinzi, follow me later. If someone gets too close to me, or if you feel malicious, remind me immediately. Do you understand?"

Woof woof~

The golden retriever called out seriously, and Lin Yang suddenly felt more relieved.

The Brilliant-level golden retriever is extremely sensible, and he is also his blood-contracted battle pet, so he is absolutely reliable.

Lin Yang then sent a message to Gu Feiyan, saying that he would be busy for a while and not to worry if he didn't reply.

Gu Feiyan quickly expressed her understanding.

Lin Yang set off directly with the golden retriever. All his supplies were in the storage ring and could be taken out at any time when needed.

"Chief, please let someone guard my car and don't let the people over there damage it."

Lin Yang pointed to the RV and said.

The snowman leader suddenly became serious.

"Don't worry, sir. I will arrange for soldiers to protect your sacred objects."

The snowman leader waved his hand, and a group of snowman warriors a hundred meters away ran over.

After some arrangements, the snowman leader respectfully led the way.

Lin Yang strode to follow.

Soon, Lin Yang saw the entrance.

This is a cave structure with a thick wooden door outside.

It is covered with snow, making it difficult to spot easily.

Then Lin Yang followed the snowman leader and walked in.

After going up the stairs one after another, we kept seeing thick wooden doors.

It can be seen that the defense of the entrance is extremely important here.

Going further inward, the wide passage turned into several narrow passages.

Lin Yang can easily enter, but those ice and snow pythons will definitely not be able to pass.

"Chief, those snow wolves have very good noses. Is this place confidential enough?"

Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Sir, they know about our tribe, but they can't do anything to us, so they won't come."

The snowman leader said it very casually.

Lin Yang did not ask further. The underground is actually easy to attack. Using fireworks can easily fill the underground space with smoke, and then it will be self-defeating.

After walking for hundreds of meters, Lin Yang became impatient. The ground was dug too deep.


Countless voices sounded, and Lin Yang was stunned.

Unlike the dark and crowded underground space he imagined, there was actually good light down here.

A large number of luminous stones and luminous plants illuminate the entire space brightly.

How big is this underground space? Anyway, Lin Yang can't see the end at a glance.

"I've seen the God-Slayer!"

"I've seen the God-Slayer!"


Countless sounds of surprise sounded, and countless snowmen knelt down in dense crowds.

Lin Yang quickly indicated that there was no need to kneel down.

However, everyone was so enthusiastic.

"Sir, the entire underground space is praising your great deed of killing the ice and snow python yesterday."

The snowman leader said happily.

Seeing Lin Yang a little embarrassed, the snowman leader quickly started to lead the way.

Lin Yang took a look and saw that these people were not wearing thick clothes. The temperature here was obviously not as low as on the ground.

Even the golden retriever feels more comfortable.

"Hi~, the women here look beautiful."

Lin Yang's eyes suddenly widened.

Perhaps because of living in the underground space, these women all have fair skin.

As for whether it's tender or not, Lin Yang doesn't know, and he hasn't tried it.

Moreover, all these women were kneeling on the ground, and then looked up at him shyly from time to time.

That fiery look in his eyes was simply unbearable for Lin Yang.

The snowman leader naturally saw Lin Yang's situation, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"That's it. Lord God Slayer must be willing to stay in our tribe!"

The Snowman leader already had seven ways to keep Lord God Slayer.

"Sir, I'll take you to see the bones of the sacred python first, and then I'll take you to visit various places later."

The Snowman leader said respectfully.


Lin Yang responded absentmindedly.

"Fuck, not really? These women are obviously not as good as Feiyan, but why does my heart beat faster?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

"No, it's not a side effect of eating the ice and snow giant python meat, right?"

Lin Yang was a little worried. He had only eaten it for a few days. If he ate it for a long time in the future, if there was a special situation, it would be troublesome.

Although there was a perfect silicone doll, the doll was not a real person after all, so it was a little less interesting.

After walking for more than half an hour, Lin Yang estimated that he had walked at least five kilometers.

You know, they walked fast.

This underground space was larger than Lin Yang could imagine.

It made sense after thinking about it. There were more than thousands of snowmen that appeared yesterday, and they were all elite warriors.

To support so many warriors, there must be enough resources.

Everyone knelt on the ground along the way, including the children who were pressed to the ground by adults.

Lin Yang couldn't stop them, so he simply ignored them.

"Sir, we're here."

The snowman leader pointed to a cave in front of him respectfully and said.


Lin Yang strode forward.

The situation along the way made him feel more at ease.

Except for the snowman leader beside him, no one approached him within ten meters.

With such a distance and situation, Lin Yang was completely relieved.

He was wearing legendary scale armor, and even if the snowman leader had a magic weapon, he would not be able to hurt him at all.

In addition to the golden hair with a shoulder height of nearly one meter, Lin Yang could take out various weapons calmly.

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