Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 536: Packing information

"What are these people doing?"

Seeing the appearance of these people, Zhang Tuohai felt as if he was looking at a moving picture that was constantly looping, if the coffee from the coffee machine hadn't flowed to the ground.

Zhang Tuohai watched these people for a while, and finally determined that these people were not making fun of themselves.

He found that the movements of these people were all exact, and all the movements seemed to be measured with a ruler, without any deviation.

Even if it is a sneak attack, it is not done like this, the probability of failure is too high.

On the contrary, they are like a group of robots that have lost control, faithfully executing the last order.

"Wait, robot?"

Zhang Tuohai's eyes lit up, could it be that someone is still manipulating these clones?

"Student Xiao Ai, turn off the blocker for a second, and then turn on the jammer again."

Zhang Tuohai said.


Xiao Ai turned off the electronic warfare system, and the clones rushed towards Zhang Tuohai immediately. The loaded clone immediately pulled the magazine and pulled the trigger on the armored vehicle.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai immediately activated the electronic warfare system, and all the clones maintained the last forward movement.

He rushed to the side of Zhang Tuohai's armored vehicle, and kept running forward, which looked very funny.

The clone who fired the gun kept pulling the trigger after he ran out of bullets, as if he didn't even realize that there were no bullets.

"Sure enough, it is controlled by wireless channels."

Zhang Tuohai's heart moved a little. If this is the case, as long as he turns on the electronic warfare system, wouldn't he be able to push here?

"If I knew it earlier, I would have opened it earlier."

Zhang Tuohai controlled the 1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun to kill these clones, then jumped out of the car and entered the guard room.

This guard room was similar to the guard room Zhang Tuohai had seen before. It was surrounded by sofas, plus a weapon cabinet and a coffee machine. There were no extra decorations.

Zhang Tuohai opened the weapon cabinet casually, and there were all kinds of submachine guns and assault rifles inside. There were four Phoenix rockets and a grenade launcher underneath.

"The weapons and equipment are not bad."

Zhang Tuohai wandered around, and after finding nothing new, he continued to drive forward.

Zhang Tuohai passed seven or eight guard rooms along the way, and each guard room contained more than a dozen people, wearing the same special combat uniforms, but the weapons in the weapon cabinets were getting more and more advanced.

By the time of the tenth guard room, Zhang Tuohai could already see the overclocking electromagnetic gun in the weapon cabinet.

Under the cabinet, Zhang Tuohai also found a Tomahawk missile.

If this thing is activated, let alone his armored vehicle, even the entire passage can be blown up and collapsed.

Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but wiped a cold sweat when he saw this thing: "Thanks to the electronic warfare system, if these guys are allowed to activate this thing, it will be troublesome."

Zhang Tuohai carefully removed the Tomahawk missile and brought it back to the car.

With such a powerful weapon, these clones can't hold it, it's better for him to master it himself.

After passing through ten guard rooms in a row, turning a corner, Zhang Tuohai's front suddenly became clear.

In front of the passage is a bright and dignified area, smooth and tidy, with metal instruments everywhere, like a laboratory.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai was just about to move forward when the prompt system popped up a prompt.

[Be careful, there are laser emitters ahead. 】

Zhang Tuohai was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately looked ahead carefully.

After a careful search, a laser emitter was found on the wall of the passage ahead.

In a short passage of ten meters, 18 laser emitters were placed.

Four of them even blocked the passage into five equal parts horizontally.

"Is this the plan to play Guzheng with me?"

Zhang Tuohai felt a little scared.

If he didn't notice these things and drove over rashly, he might really be cut into sausages by these laser emitters.

The biggest advantage of this thing is its concealment. After being exposed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhang Tuohai activated the 1130 cannon and blasted the laser emitters one by one.

After checking the passage again and confirming that there were no traps, Zhang Tuohai drove the multi-purpose armored vehicle over.

After passing through the passage, Zhang Tuohai entered a huge laboratory.

All kinds of machinery are placed everywhere in the laboratory, and various data and models are displayed on the display screen. In the center, there is a huge LCD screen, and a virtual image with half metal and half human face appears on the screen.

An electronically synthesized neutral voice sounded: "Leave immediately, intruder, you have entered the private territory of United Pharmaceuticals, please leave immediately, otherwise, we will expel it by force."

"Expulsion by force? Isn't that what you did just now?" Zhang Tuohai chuckled, "It turns out that this is the place of United Pharmaceuticals. I said why there are these things here. Since it is United Pharmaceuticals, it is not surprising .”

"Okay, don't talk to me about bureaucracy, the outside has become a wasteland, United Pharmaceuticals has also shrunk, if I guessed correctly, your place should also be abandoned, otherwise there will be only some people left Clone of the brain."

"Show me something of value. If I am satisfied, I will leave directly. If not, I will destroy this place and search again. Do you keep it to yourself or keep it a secret? , and then I turn it out, and you make your own choice."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"Of course, in order to prove the authenticity of my words, I can do an experiment for you to see. 001."

Accompanied by Zhang Tuohai's words, 001 walked out of the car, came to a machine, cut the machine open, and then reduced it into metal ingots and metal parts.

"How about it? Have you considered it? I don't think you need much time, right? For someone of your level, the ratio of gain and loss should be calculated within 0.01 second."

Zhang Tuohai asked from the side.

"Well, UU Kanshu is indeed more profitable for believing your words. This is the information stored here by United Pharmaceuticals, and you can pack it up and take it away."

The neutral voice listed a long list of information on the electronic screen.

Zhang Tuohai took a look, and found that there were all kinds of human cloning data and research materials, as well as research on radio-controlled human cloning.

It seems that here is a laboratory specializing in human cloning and related experiments.

For these materials, Zhang Tuohai packed them away with a hard drive, and prepared to use them for Lilith's research.

Maybe in the future, he can also create his own army of clones.

"These alone are not enough, open the warehouse and let me see if there is anything of value."

Zhang Tuohai put away the hard drive, Yi Yiran said.


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