Riverside police

Chapter 913 This uncle is incompetent!

April 27, sunny.

Han Yu rarely had the opportunity to put on a navy uniform, wear the rank of lieutenant colonel in the navy reserve, carry a briefcase, and follow the leaders of the Nanjing Military Region Equipment Department, the East China Sea Fleet Equipment Department and the East China Sea Guard District to a large shipyard in the East China Sea.

The plan always changes. It was originally planned to organize the pre-commissioned officers and soldiers of the rescue ship brigade to conduct military training and political studies in the past few days. As a result, the military division transferred an emergency order to come to the East China Sea to participate in the acceptance inspection of the specially modified naval reserve transport group. The first freighter.

Several leaders of the acceptance team are all division cadres, and their military ranks are all senior colonels.

Han Yu felt very comfortable without a military leader. Seeing Director Feng and the military representatives from the shipyard waiting in the foyer, he suppressed his excitement and did not move until the team leader, deputy team leader and other leaders greeted Director Feng. Sense walked up and saluted and said hello.

"Xianyu, why are you here too?"

"The superior asked me to come here."

"Which superior?" Director Feng really didn't expect to see Xianyu, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Han Yuzheng didn't know how to explain it, but Yang Chu from the Equipment Department of the Nanjing Military Region turned around and smiled: "Minister Feng, Xianyu was asked by the head of the military region to participate in the acceptance inspection. He now represents our Equipment Department. We don't do anything too professional. He understands, and if he points out any shortcomings later, don’t be unhappy.”

The Nanjing Military Region has a military region air force, but it does not have a military region navy.

The navy manages itself, just for communication, coordination and cooperation during operations. The fleet commander is also the deputy commander of the military region.

In other words, the military region cannot control the navy.

The reason why the military region sent the director of the equipment department to inspect and accept the shipment this time was mainly because the four reserve transportation groups were jointly established by the East China Sea Garrison Region and the Navy's two shipping companies relying on the East China Sea. And in the future, it will carry out maritime transportation missions and transport mainly army commanders and equipment.

Director Feng was a true veteran of the navy, and several of his former subordinates had become generals. He didn't care about the Army's opinion at all, not to mention that in his opinion, Yang Chu was just a "new recruit."

Bureau Feng laughed, pointed at Han Yu and said: "You are kidding me when you point out the shortcomings in our work, I want to see if he dares!"

"Salted fish, you must stand firm at critical moments."

"Yang Chu, I...I promise to strictly follow the drawings for acceptance."

"Minister Feng, do you hear me? I know that Xianyu is your old subordinate, but we must distinguish between public and private affairs."

"Yang Chu, your intelligence work is not done well. Xianyu is not my old subordinate, but I watched him grow up." Director Feng motioned for everyone to wear safety helmets and added with a smile: "I almost forgot Yes, I am also his matchmaker. I have been a matchmaker for the first time in my life, and it was very successful."

Yang Chu was amused, patting Han Yu on the shoulder and jokingly said: "Xianyu, according to the rules of our hometown, we have to give New Year gifts to the matchmaker every year. Did you give Minister Feng a New Year greeting during the Chinese New Year? Did you give Minister Feng a New Year gift? ?”

"I gave it away the year before last, but I was too busy last year to take care of it."

"This is your fault. You can't marry a daughter-in-law and forget about the matchmaker. After the acceptance is completed, you can make up for last year's New Year's gift as soon as possible."


Although Director Shi of the Equipment Department of the East China Sea Fleet was dealing with Han Yu for the first time, he heard about Han Yu more than once and couldn't help but joke: "The status of a matchmaker is equivalent to that of an uncle. The standard of this year's gift cannot be lowered." "It's definitely not possible to carry some fruit or a carton of milk. You must at least prepare two bottles of good wine, two good cigarettes and two pig thighs."

Han Yu was being teased and didn't know what to say. Director Feng smiled and said: "Guys, we'll talk about the New Year's ceremony later. Let's do business first. You guys are all imperial envoys. Next, go to the Military Agent's Office. Are you going to listen to the report, or should you go on board and take a look first?"

"What the imperial envoy, Minister Feng, you are kidding me too much. We will listen to your arrangements."

"Then go to the Military Representative's Office first."


Freighter modification is a big project, and more than two million yuan was invested in just one freighter.

The vice president of COSCO and the Minister of Armed Forces, the person in charge of the shipyard, the chief engineer of the shipyard and the engineers from the modification design unit all came.

What surprised Han Yu was that his brother-in-law was also there, wearing a navy uniform and navy reserve rank just like him.

The deputy chief of staff of the Donghai Garrison District, who had led a team to visit the Linghai Reserve Camp, presided over the meeting. He first introduced the participants and then asked the engineer of the modification design unit to report first.

Immediately afterwards, I asked the vice president of COSCO East China Sea Company to report.

By looking at the drawings and listening to the reports, even people with no knowledge of the industry can have an intuitive impression of the freighter modification project.

The chief engineer of the shipyard reported on the problems encountered during the modification and how those problems were solved.

It wasn't until Deputy Chief of Staff Liu of the Donghai Garrison District asked Zhang Jiangkun to report that Han Yu knew that his brother-in-law had actually been entrusted with the important task of supervising the entire modification of the freighter as a representative of the equipment user unit, which was equivalent to the military representatives of four reserve transport groups stationed at the shipyard.

Xiaoyu had done this job before when he was in Hanwu, but instead of supervising ship modifications, he was supervising the construction of law enforcement boats on behalf of several river law enforcement units in Binjiang.

After Zhang Jiangkun finished reporting on the supervision of the modification, everyone, accompanied by the shipyard engineer, drove to the dock again, waited for the modified freighter, and accepted it one by one according to the drawings and design requirements.

Not everyone understands ship modification. The leaders just watch the excitement. The real work is done by Han Yu and three staff officers from the East China Sea Fleet.

In the future, this ship will perform the task of transporting soldiers and equipment, and will cooperate with the navy in cross-sea operations.

Han Yu did not dare to take it seriously, and he was very serious about the inspection. He continued the inspection from 9:30 in the morning to the evening before finishing the work.

Return to the hotel, take a shower, put on clean clothes, and come to the restaurant on time for dinner.

Yang Chuxiao looked at him and asked, "Xianyu, how has that freighter been refitted?"

"If you just refer to the design drawings, there is no problem in the modification work. However, after the freighter is modified, it will perform the task of transferring soldiers and equipment. Whether it meets the operational requirements, I think it should be trialled according to the practice of the maritime department."

"Let me mention it to Minister Feng tomorrow."

"Chief Yang, Chu Shi, if conditions permit, I suggest a small-scale landing drill. It would be best to arrange for two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles to be carried on board."

If it is just transporting equipment, ordinary bulk carriers can transport it.

But what the army needs now is a transport ship that can carry out sea-crossing landing operations. Yang Chu felt that Han Yu's words made sense, and said thoughtfully: "I will report to my superiors tomorrow morning. With two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles, the problem should not be solved." big."

The sea trial requires a complete crew team and communication and coordination with the maritime department, especially the ship inspection department.

After all, this newly refitted freighter has a dual identity like a reserve officer and soldier. It is similar to a warship in wartime, but in peacetime it is a merchant ship. After modification, it must be inspected, otherwise it will be punished by the Maritime Affairs Bureau.

It also takes time to mobilize active duty tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to participate in sea trials.

The next day, Han Yu thought nothing happened and was thinking about asking for leave to check out the house bought by his mother-in-law. Director Feng called and said he had arrived downstairs of the hotel and asked him to go downstairs quickly.

Han Yu ignored changing into casual clothes and took the elevator to the hotel lobby. A young navy lieutenant greeted him: "Secretary Han, the car is outside. Minister Feng is waiting for you in the car."

"where to?"

"We'll find out when we get in the car."

"Is this the right outfit for me to go out in?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm not wearing the same military uniform."

"We are different. You are a regular soldier and I am a reserve."

"Don't worry, it really doesn't matter. You really don't need to change into casual clothes."

"All right."

Han Yu didn't want to keep Director Feng waiting, so he followed the lieutenant out of the hall, opened the door and got into the military vehicle at Donghai Base.

Director Feng put down his phone, looked at him with a smile and asked, "How was your rest last night?"

"It's okay, I don't recognize the bed, I can fall asleep anywhere." Han Yu grinned and asked curiously: "Director Feng, where are we going?"

"You don't know what day today is?"

"have no idea."

"Didn't your brother-in-law tell you?"

"He didn't say anything."

"Maybe there were so many people yesterday that it was inconvenient to talk." Director Feng motioned to the driver to drive and explained with a smile: "Today is the day when Dongdong takes the flight recruitment test. If he passes all the test items today, he will wait until he takes the college entrance examination. , and if his college entrance examination score reaches the first-tier level, he can go to the Aviation Academy to learn to fly.”

Han Yu was stunned and asked in confusion: "Didn't it be tested last year?"

"Last October was the primary test, and today is equivalent to the retest."

"Recruiting is so troublesome."

"It's not that easy to be a pilot. Your uncle is too incompetent and doesn't care enough about your nephew."

Director Feng laughed and cursed, then thought about it and explained patiently: "The selection of pilot students is subject to conditions and procedures. It must be based on the principle of student voluntariness and parent support. The class teacher will first recommend, and then go to the hospital for a physical examination. After the body is qualified, The school will then review and determine whether to recommend or not. Only students recommended by the school can fill out the flight academy candidate registration form."

Han Yu asked curiously: "What then?"

"If you pass the preliminary election, you have to participate in the re-election. After the re-election, there are many steps such as final selection. The selection is very strict, and the standard conditions are even harsh. It can be said that if you want to become a pilot student, you must pass five levels and defeat six generals!"

"Director Feng, do you think there is hope for Dongdong to be recruited?"

"Political aspects of Dongdong are definitely fine. He loves the motherland, the people, the Communist Party of China, and the People's Army. He volunteers and his parents support him, and he meets the political conditions for recruitment by the country and the army."

Director Feng smiled and continued: "Dongdong has no physical problems. His height and eyesight meet the standards. He is neither short-sighted nor color-blind or weak. There are also no big problems in terms of culture. As long as he can maintain his current results, One line should be able to achieve it.”

It is better for young people to have ideals than to be ignorant and have no ideals.

Han Yu supported his nephew's ideals and asked with a smile, "Do you have any other requirements?"

"Yes." Director Feng unscrewed the tea cup, took a sip of water, and said with laughter: "It stands to reason that we have entered the 21st century, and we should no longer judge people by their appearance. But as far as I know, recruitment has requirements for image, image and temperament. Be nice.”

Han Yu smiled and said: "Fortunately, Dongdong has good facial features. Although he is not very handsome, he is not ugly either, otherwise he would have no chance."

Director Feng nodded slightly, put down the tea cup and said: "In addition to having a good image and temperament, you must have a strong interest and desire in flying, your thinking must be quick, your reactions must be flexible, your movements must be coordinated, your learning ability must be strong, and your personality must be cheerful and emotional. You need to be stable and have a can-do spirit.”

"Dongdong has all these things, but his personality is not a bit cheerful."

"He is a child who grew up on the dock. He has seen the world and even participated in the 98 flood fight. In terms of personality and psychological quality, he is really not comparable to ordinary children."

Bureau Feng looked pleased.

Han Yu suddenly discovered that Director Feng cared about Dongdong, especially his expression when talking about Dongdong, which seemed a bit familiar. He seemed to have treated himself and his senior sister the same way back then.

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