Riverside police

Chapter 1157: If you can afford it, you can let it go

West Lake is as beautiful as a dream.

During the day, the lake surface is green, reflecting the surrounding mountains and buildings. There are many tourists on the lakeside. The willow branches spreading along the lakeside sway gently, and the breeze ripples the water surface.

At night, the lights on the lakeside sparkle and complement the ripples on the lake. I borrowed the sanatorium staff's bicycle to ride around the lake, which not only exercised my body, but also enjoyed the night view of the West Lake. It was extremely pleasant.

For Han Yu and Han Xiangning, this place is really a paradise. After wandering around for a few days, there are still several places of interest that they have not visited. But in Xiao Hanhan's opinion, this place is not interesting. She likes to play in children's playgrounds, shopping in shopping malls to buy toys, and places with many children.

I find it not fun to hang out by the lake every day, I find it too lonely in the sanatorium, and I always make trouble and don't obey orders at all. She scolded her to no avail and wanted to hit her but was reluctant to do so. Han Yu was so distressed that he could only promise to take her boating tomorrow.

You don’t have to pay for food and accommodation, but you spent a lot of money these two days.

The money was all spent by my daughter. She wanted everything she saw. She either bought this or that. Han Xiangning regretted it and thought that if he had known that she was so disobedient, he should not have brought her here at that time!

Fortunately, Aunt Yang's granddaughter in the nursing home restaurant was on summer vacation. She was worried about leaving her child at home alone, so she took her to the unit. The child and the child knew each other well, and the two little girls soon started playing together.

After taking a shower, Han Yu put on short sleeves and big pants and walked out of the bathroom. He looked at the international news playing on the TV and asked, "Have the US-UK coalition captured Saddam?"

"No, he may have died long ago, or he may have gone abroad." Han Xiangning picked up clean clothes, stood up and looked at the TV and muttered: "The Bush family seems to have a grudge against Saddam's family. After Bush Sr. beat Bush Jr., The father and son will not give up until Saddam's family is driven out."

"The two of them do not have a grudge against Saddam, but they are responsible for the arms dealers who brought them to power. If there is no war, how can those arms dealers do business? Who will sell the aircraft, cannons and missiles they produce?"

"The United States is too unreasonable. It will attack whoever it wants without even bothering to find excuses."

"Who says there are no excuses? People first said that 911 was committed by Bin Laden. Because the Taliban supported Bin Laden, they attacked Afghanistan first. Then they said that Iraq also supported Bin Laden, so they continued to attack Iraq. They may be worried that this reason is too forced, and Said Iraq had chemical weapons or even nuclear weapons.”

"Saddam failed to live up to expectations. At first I thought he was more capable of fighting, but in the end he couldn't withstand it for two months."

"Don't talk about him anymore. Just say you're angry. Go take a shower quickly. I'll go check on him and call Hanhan back."


The coalition led by the United States and Britain bypassing the United Nations to fight in Iraq is definitely the big news this year.

On March 20, a few days after the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress concluded, the US-UK coalition suddenly launched a large-scale air strike code-named "Operation Decapitation" into Iraq. After the war started, George W. Bush made a televised speech, claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and wanted to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime, emphasizing that the war would be resolved quickly.

This war, like the last Gulf War, was "broadcast live" to the whole world.

In the past few months, TV, radio and newspapers were all about the US-UK coalition dropping various missiles and precision-guided missiles at Iraqi cities or ports such as Baghdad, Basra, Najaf, Mosul, Kirkuk and Umm Qasr. Bomb news.

Not to be outdone, Saddam and his Foreign Minister Aziz frequently gave speeches on television, calling on the Iraqi people to resist U.S. aggression and defeat the U.S.-British coalition forces.

Domestic military experts and international current affairs commentators are often interviewed by CCTV and other media to analyze the war trend. They all agree that Iraq is likely to become the second Vietnam, and the United States and Britain will most likely fall into a quagmire of war.

Facts have proved that it is not that easy for George W. Bush to achieve a "quick victory". Soon after the ground offensive was launched, the war entered a stalemate stage. Their attack was blocked for a time, and the Iraqi army launched fierce battles with them in Karbala, Hilla, Hindia and other places in central Iraq.

According to media reports, hundreds of Iraqis return from all over the world every day to defend their homeland.

Just when everyone thought that everything had been predicted by experts, and that the United States and its little brother Britain might not be able to stop this time, the U.S.-British coalition relied on air superiority and mechanized troops to launch a more powerful offensive in several directions. Like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, they successively captured Basra and other important cities and strategic locations, formed a siege on Baghdad, and then marched into Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, in a mighty manner. The entire war can be said to be one-sided!

The Republican Guard, which Saddam and military experts were very optimistic about, miraculously disappeared.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Aziz, who remained calm despite being in a desperate situation, wore a military uniform and a pistol every day, and vowed to fight the invaders at a press conference to the end, unexpectedly showed up and surrendered to the US and British coalition forces. This made Han Xiangning who was watching the show excited. Very angry, you must know that there are still many Iraqis fighting with the US and British coalition forces.

As for Saddam, he has disappeared for a long time.

A war to destroy the country was over in just a few months. The start and end dates of the large-scale battle were almost synchronized with the outbreak of SARS in the country. At that time, the officers and soldiers who were quarantined in the guest house of the Donghai Base relied on everything except playing cards. Watching news about the war in Iraq to pass the time.

Han Yu and other seniors entered the bathroom, opened the door, walked out of the room, and went downstairs to the reading room of the nursing home.

There are more than a dozen newspapers subscribed here, and there are also many magazines and books for people who come to recuperate from all over the country to read.

Aunt Yang has to clean the restaurant before getting off work. Her granddaughter Yunyun is doing homework in the reading room.

Han Han, who usually didn't like doing homework, saw her sister doing homework and suddenly became interested in learning. She also brought the summer homework from home to her room to do together.

Seeing that his daughter was rarely serious for once, Han Yu really didn't want to disturb her study, so he gently pulled out the chair and sat down to read the newspaper.

Just as I was watching intently, my phone suddenly rang.

Xiao Hanhan raised her head and looked over with a look of disgust.

Han Yu realized that he was wrong, smiled apologetically, stood up and tiptoed out of the reading room.

The call was from Yu Xiucai. He was the leader and he was so busy at work. Han Yu didn't want to make him wait, so he could only answer it directly in the yard.

"Xianyu, have you rested?"

"No, Secretary Yu, have you had a rest?"

"Me neither." Yu stretched forward, looked at the documents and newspapers on the table and asked, "Xianyu, have you read today's news?"

Han Yu quickly said: "I went out to play during the day, and I just started watching now."

"Have you seen the "Measures for the Assistance and Management of Vagrants and Beggars in Urban Lifestyle" just promulgated by the National Academy of Sciences?"

"I saw it."

"What do you think?"

Han Yu's mood was particularly solemn. He was silent for a moment and said: "Dongguang is at the forefront of reform and opening up. The economy is developing well. There are many factories and enterprises, and there are many immigrants. The pressure on immigrant population management is great, but no matter how great the pressure, we can't Simple and crude management. There are indeed problems especially in the management of people without ID cards, no temporary residence permits, and no work permits.”

"Not only are there problems, but they also cost lives!"

Yu Xiangqian sighed softly and said with mixed feelings: "As the director of public security, I should reflect, and as a representative of the National People's Congress, you should reflect even more. If the victim was not a college student but a homeless person, would the media pay attention to it? What would happen? Wouldn’t it have such a big impact now?”

What we are talking about is also big news in the past few months.

At 10 o'clock in the evening on March 17 this year, the night before the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference concluded, a college student went out to surf the Internet as usual. He was regarded as a "three-no" person and was forcibly detained by the Dongguang Public Security Bureau. He was beaten until he died at the rescue station. Death.

Major media outlets have successively reported and exposed many similar cases, sparking a great discussion in society about the detention and repatriation system.

Three Ph.D.s from Peking University jointly signed a letter calling for a review of the "Cultivation and Deportation Measures" and the abolition of the detainment and deportation system. Immediately afterwards, five well-known jurists wrote to the National People's Congress in their own names, demanding a review of the unconstitutionality of the detention and repatriation system...

Today, the National Academy of Sciences promulgated the "Rescue and Management Measures for Vagrants and Beggars in Urban Life", which means that the victimized college student spent his life to abolish the detention and repatriation system and promote the progress of the rule of law.

Recalling that he once sent a classmate who practiced qigong to the point of becoming obsessive and sent him to a shelter, Han Yu felt a little scared. He hesitated and said, "I was reading the newspaper a few days ago and saw someone wrote an epitaph for that college student. I copied down the epitaph and will read it from time to time."

"The dead have passed away, and the evildoers have been rectified. However, those who live in temples and those who live in rivers and lakes in the world should take this as a lesson and remember the importance of life, the importance of human rights, the importance of democracy, and the importance of the rule of law. This will not lead to good people in the world. , just for fish and meat?”

"Yes, Secretary Yu, did you see it too?"

"It's painful to watch."

"Every time something like this happens, even though it has nothing to do with us, I always feel a strong sense of guilt."

"Who allowed us to do this business? Who allowed a few rat droppings to ruin a pot of porridge." Yu Xiangqian paused, put down the newspaper and continued: "This incident touched me a lot and made me determined. "

"What determination?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"I have worked in Yungang for several years. My next job may need to be adjusted. The organization department has talked to me. There are two places I can go, either back to the provincial department or to the provincial people's congress. I am studying law, after the college entrance examination was resumed. Among the first batch of college students, I think it would be better for me to go to the National People’s Congress.”

"Going to the National People's Congress?"

"Go to the National People's Congress Legal Affairs Committee to study legislation."

"Secretary Yu, you have to think carefully about such a big thing."

"Think about it." Yu Xiangqian took a deep breath and said with emotion: "In the past, we could discuss it with your master, but now I can only talk to you in private. Xu Suo was right back then, no matter what he did, Whatever you do, no matter where you are, you have to be able to take it up and put it down."

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