Riverside police

Chapter 1154 Everyone has his own ambitions!

Although Bailong Port was deserted in the past two years, there were several small vendors at the three-way intersection leading to the passenger terminal every morning, and many villagers came to buy things.

Even if Bailonggang is not affected by the epidemic now, there are not many people visible from morning to night, and the only ones that can be seen are the elderly and children. All the young people have gone out, and it will be busy for a few days until the Spring Festival.

Han Yu went to the ship lock management office for a walk, and Xiaoyu also hurried back from Lingzhuo Ferry.

The two had just sat down and were about to chat for a while when Xiao Gong drove over from Binjiang and brought two big bags of watermelon to Lao Han and Lao Qian. He also bought them from the most famous deli in Sanhe when passing by Linghai Development Zone. A lot of braised vegetables.

Mother Han kept complaining that he spent money recklessly, but her uncontrollable expression betrayed her. She smiled from ear to ear. There were so many stewed vegetables, and she only had to stir-fry two vegetables and make soup at night.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaogong, do you want to drink? There is good wine at home, given by Jiang Kun during the Chinese New Year!"

"If you don't drink, we can't drink?"

"San'er really doesn't know how to drink, why don't you drink?" Han's mother directly thought that they were embarrassed.

Xiaoyu explained while shuffling the cards: "It's different now. Now we have to abide by five prohibitions. Drinking is strictly prohibited during working hours."

Mother Han smiled and said, "You are not working today."

Xiaoyu said helplessly: "Although I don't work today, it is a working day. If anything happens at the ferry, I will rush back as soon as I get a call. If the inspection team goes to check and smells the smell of alcohol on me, it will be very serious. trouble."

The five prohibitions are the main contents of the Ministry of Public Security's policy of implementing law-based rectification and strict police discipline, and maintaining the iron discipline and good image of the public security team, focusing on the four prominent aspects of "guns, alcohol, cars, and gambling" in the internal management of public security agencies. introduced.

It is strictly prohibited to violate the regulations on the management and use of firearms. Violators will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. If serious consequences are caused, they will be dismissed or expelled!

Carrying firearms and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. Violators will be fired; those who cause serious consequences will be fired!

It is strictly prohibited to drive a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Violators will be fired; those who cause serious consequences will be fired!

It is strictly prohibited to drink alcohol during working hours, and violators will be subject to disciplinary sanctions; if serious consequences are caused, they will be dismissed or fired!

Participating in gambling is strictly prohibited, and violators will be dismissed; in serious cases, they will be fired!

If the police violate the above prohibitions, the direct leaders and main leaders of their units shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. If a police officer violates regulations and uses a gun to cause death, or commits a crime with a gun, the direct leader and main leader of the unit must be removed from office. If the circumstances are egregious and the consequences are serious, the leader in charge or the main leader of the unit at the next higher level shall take the blame and resign or be dismissed.

Those who violate these prohibitions, conceal and fail to report, suppress cases without investigating, or cover up and cover up, once discovered, the relevant leaders will be strictly held accountable!

They say that family scandals should not be exposed.

When Zhang Lan asked Lao Shi about Zhang Yidong, Lao Shi did not tell the truth.

It wasn't until five minutes ago that Han Yu found out from Xiaoyu that Zhang Yidong was punished and even about to be transferred because the policeman on duty at a checkpoint leading to Linghai City was drunk. When SARS patients returning from the capital passed the checkpoint, he Instead of watching TV at the checkpoint, I was drunk and fell asleep at the checkpoint.

Police officers who drink during workdays violate five prohibitions and will definitely be dealt with.

The impact of confirmed cases in Linghai is extremely bad, and has even had a huge impact on the economic construction of Linghai and even Binjiang. Zhang Yidong, as the main leader of the superior unit of the policeman who drank and caused trouble, naturally has to bear corresponding responsibilities.

If he really follows the five prohibitions of the Ministry of Public Security, he will take the blame and resign or even be dismissed. Now they just transfer him to the National People's Congress or the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and assign him a deputy director-level idle position. This shows that his superiors are still very tolerant of him.

Han Yu watched his mother, who suddenly realized, leave, turned around and asked with a smile: "Xiao Gong, is your unit strict about the police's drinking?"

"We are still police officers, and we must abide by the five prohibitions, and we are also very strict. It's just that our bureau only has disciplinary inspections and no inspectors."

As soon as Xiao Gong finished speaking, Xiao Yu grinned and said, "We don't have one in our branch either. The so-called inspectors are discipline inspectors. We just have a sign of the Police Inspectorate hanging at the door of the discipline inspection room."

The police inspector, the police officer in charge of the police, is known as the woodpecker of the police force!

At first, Han Yu was looking forward to this new police force, but later he discovered that at the district and county public security bureau level, they all had the same team and two brands as the discipline inspection room. It was a bit more symbolic than practical.

When the Changhang Branch Police Inspection Team was established, the Bureau and the Political Commissar half-jokingly said that Xiaoyu could be considered the inspector general because Xiaoyu was not afraid of offending others. It can be seen that it is not that easy for one's own people to supervise their own people.

It is worth mentioning that there are relevant regulations on the dress code of the police inspectors. When performing inspection tasks, they must wear white helmets, which makes them look like military pickets, which makes people feel weird.

Han Yu was thinking about how the armed forces pickets could go out on the streets to inspect the appearance and conduct of military personnel and the use of military vehicles. When would the police inspectors be able to go out on the streets to inspect the appearance and conduct of police officers and the use of police vehicles? Xiaoyu unexpectedly asked with great envy: "Dried salted fish, you and Sister Ning Ning Do you really want to go to Hangzhou to recuperate?"

"What kind of recuperation? It just gives us a long vacation and lets us go to Hangzhou for a month."

"Didn't I tell you to arrange for you to go to a nursing home?"

"I asked around and found out that the sanatorium is actually a guest house with a restaurant and guest rooms. It's just that the location is better, mostly in scenic spots."

"According to you, it's similar to Langshan Camp?"

"You're right, it's really similar to our Langshan camp. It feels good to stay there for a few days, but it won't be interesting after a long time."

Xiao Gong smiled and said: "Han Bureau, it doesn't matter where you go, or how you recuperate. What matters is that you can take your sister-in-law and Han Han with you!"

"Yes, this opportunity is indeed rare. Our family of three has never really traveled in these years." Han Yu smiled, and after thinking about it, he said with a bit of embarrassment: "Your sister-in-law has made an appointment with Sister Zhang Lan. I’m going shopping this weekend and plan to buy some clothes.”

"buying clothes?"

"I'm going on a trip. It's not appropriate to wear a uniform when going out. I haven't bought much clothes in recent years, so of course I have to buy a few."

"Why spend money to buy it? Let them go to Yuzhen's place to choose!" Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Han Yu was not interested in playing cards and was not good at playing cards. While sorting the cards, he smiled and said: "You think they haven't been there. As far as I know, they have gone there a lot. The main reason is that the clothes from the clothing factory are exported. The styles, especially the sizes, are too big and they don’t fit well.”

Xiaoyu muttered: "It doesn't fit now, why didn't it before?"

"In the past, the conditions were not as good as now. As long as I can wear new clothes, I will be happy. It takes three years to wear new clothes, three years to wear them, and another three years to mend them. Who cares about the style and size?"

"That's true."

"Xiaoyu, is Du Juan still there?"

"Here, she talked about you in the morning and said that she would come to see you when Youjiahuai is on vacation."

"How was she doing at your place?"

"She's doing a pretty good job. Everyone praises her for her ability, but she's even less interesting than Sister Ning Ning back then."

The two were chatting about the situation of "The First Post on the Yangtze River". Xiao Gong hesitated and said: "Han Bureau, Yuzhi, I went to Jiangnan for training some time ago and met a leader who was transferred from Yangzhou Customs to Jiangnan Customs. "

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "What then?"

"He is also from Yangzhou. He heard that I am too, and asked me why I didn't transfer back to my hometown to work."

"Do you want to be transferred back?"

"I went to school in Binjiang and have worked in Binjiang for so many years. I have long been accustomed to the working life in Binjiang. But my parents don't think so. They want me to be transferred back."

Xiaoyu didn't expect that he would have this idea. He put down the card and reminded: "Xiao Gong, you have to think about it. The situation in Yangzhou is different from that in Binjiang. The urban area of ​​Yangzhou is not on the riverside, and Yangzhou Customs mainly conducts anti-smuggling operations on the shore. , Anti-smuggling on the water is not very important. You are a treasure in Binjiang, but if you are transferred back, you will become a grassroots!"

"Yuzhi, I have taken self-study exams over the years, and now I have a bachelor's degree. I can not only sail a boat."

"Do you really want to be transferred back?"

"I can't make up my mind, Bureau Han, what do you think?"

Everyone has roots. Who wouldn’t want to be transferred back to their hometown if they had the opportunity? Moreover, Xiao Gong is an only child. If he can be transferred back, he can take care of his parents who are getting older nearby.

Han Yu weighed it up and analyzed: "From the perspective of career development, working in Binjiang is more conducive to progress. After all, you are also the veteran of the Binjiang Customs Anti-smuggling Branch. Your leaders and colleagues know you very well, and all your network resources are here. Transferring back to your hometown is equivalent to starting from scratch. It may be more difficult to make progress than in Binjiang.

If you are taking care of your parents, you should cherish this opportunity to transfer back. However, your lover lives in Binjiang, and your father-in-law and mother-in-law live in Binjiang, and your lover is also an only child. You must be filial, and she must be filial as well. It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs. I really can't give you the best of both worlds on this issue. "

"Yeah, think about it carefully and don't be stupid." Xiaoyu patted Xiao Gong on the shoulder and urged him to play his cards quickly.

It's not easy for men.

For example, Sister Zhang Lan has a bad relationship with her mother-in-law.

The eldest brother cannot say anything bad about the mother who gave birth to him and raised him, nor can he say anything wrong about Zhang Lan. It is very difficult to be caught between two women. Even though his career is going well, he is having a miserable life at home. .

Han Yu didn't want to see Xiao Gong in a dilemma, so he said half-jokingly: "Actually, it's good to be transferred back. Hangzhou has the West Lake, and Yangzhou has the Slender West Lake. Your sister-in-law and I will take Hanhan to Hangzhou for a trip in a few days. You If we decide to transfer back, we can go to Yangzhou in the future."

"It's true," Xiao Yu was happy and laughed: "Xiao Gong, if you are transferred back, I can bring the little crocodile to play with you in the future!"

Yangzhou is a truly famous historical and cultural city!

Xiao Gong grew up in a rural area. Although his hometown is not far from the urban area of ​​Yangzhou, he rarely had the opportunity to go to Yangzhou when he was a child. He has always had a dream of Yangzhou.

Now that he has the opportunity to be transferred to work in Yangzhou City, of course he wants to be transferred back.

In fact, he had already thought about it, but he was just worried that the master would be unhappy. Now that he saw the master saying this, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell. He hesitated and said: "Han Bureau, Yu Zhi, the one in my family also wants to go to Yangzhou. My parents-in-law are very supportive.”

Xiaoyu was doubly surprised: "Have you made any mistake? Is your father-in-law from Linghai?"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Gong was confused.

Xiaoyu threw down the cards and said plausibly: "People from Linghai only go to the East China Sea, how could they want to go to Yangzhou?"

People in Linghai like Donghai and want to work and live in Donghai, but only if the conditions are met!

Compared to staying in Linghai or going to Binjiang, Yangzhou may be more attractive. After all, Yangzhou has so many places of interest, such a profound historical heritage, and so many delicious foods. What there is in Binjiang, but there is nothing in Binjiang. .

The city that Linghai people despise the most is definitely Binjiang, and there is no other city.

Han Yu could understand the choice of Xiao Gong's wife and Xiao Gong's father-in-law and mother-in-law, and couldn't help but smile: "Everyone has his own ambitions. Since the whole family wants to go, then you can be transferred back."

"Han Bureau, I'm afraid of disappointing you."

"How could I be disappointed? Work hard after you are transferred back. Gold will shine wherever you are. The better you do, the more face we will have!" Han Yu smiled, then thought about it and said meaningfully: "It's not just me. He has face with Yu Zhi, and even Dean Shao’s face looks bright.”

Xiaoyu also realized that Xiao Gong had made up his mind and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he said happily: "Dried salted fish, let's talk about Dean Shao. I only found out a few days ago that your school is very powerful now."

"How powerful?"

"Now it may be the largest training base for senior seafarers in China, and the demand for graduates studying driving and engineering exceeds supply. There is one of the best shipping companies in the country in Jianfu. In order to train senior seafarers, they made a special trip to Binjiang to cooperate with your school. College Entrance Examination Haven't you finished the exam? We're starting to recruit students now, and we're going to open a 'Longhai Class', where all the students in the same class will find employment there."


"And they are all assigned abroad. They can earn hundreds of thousands a year when they go out to work!"

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