Riverside police

Chapter 1130 Stand guard!

Liu Guixiang has been responsible for hunting down Shan Fuliang, and he has been here for two days. He is most familiar with the situation in this area, so Liu Guixiang naturally directs the operation.

Binjiang Branch is working in teams of two, with each team responsible for one direction.

As for the reinforcements from the Guzhou branch, they will be arranged after they arrive.

Han Yu and Ge Xiaoqian, the only female police officer of the fire brigade and the fiancée of Xiaoyu's apprentice Chen Ming, took a van driven by Liu Guixiang to the road south of the residential area. Liu Guixiang didn't sleep much for two days, so he parked his car on the side of the road and took the time to rest.

Han Yu and Xiao Ge got out of the van and noticed that several of the cars borrowed by the criminal investigation detachment had either Guzhou license plates or Donghai license plates. This shows how meticulous their work was, as they were afraid of exposing their identities and alerting others.

There are many cars with Donghai and Guzhou license plates in Binjiang, which also reflects two problems. First, the economic development in Jiangnan is better than that in Jiangbei, so Binjiang people like to go to Jiangnan.

Second, prices in relatively backward areas are higher than in economically developed areas. The same car is sold cheaper in Donghai and Guzhou than in Binjiang. Some models are more than 10,000 cheaper than in Binjiang, so many people in Binjiang go to Donghai or Binjiang. When buying a car in Guzhou, you can also buy insurance and license plates in Donghai or Guzhou...

The street to the south is very lively, with teahouses, many shops, and even a large supermarket. As the Spring Festival approaches, the roadside is filled with stalls selling New Year’s goods.

There were so many people coming to buy New Year's goods. As far as you could see, they were full of people. There was a traffic jam in front of them. Both sides of the street were filled with cars, motorcycles and bicycles.

Ge Xiaoqian didn't expect to be in a group with "Uncle Master". Looking at the rice cake shop with a long queue at the front left door, she couldn't help but ask: "Han Bureau, have you ever eaten rice cakes from Zhangjiagang?"

"This is not a work unit. Don't call me Director Han, call me Brother Han."

"Oh, I know." Ge Xiaoqian reacted and did not dare to speak anymore, as if she had made a big mistake.

Binjiang people also eat rice cakes during the Chinese New Year. Binjiang's rice cakes are very simple. They directly put the ground glutinous rice flour into a "mold" to shape it, and then steam it in a pot. It's quite sticky, but tasteless when eaten.

Zhangjiagang's rice cakes are very particular. They must use local japonica rice, white glutinous rice or duck blood glutinous rice as raw materials and finely grind them into powder. Each type of rice cake is mixed with various glutinous rice flours in corresponding proportions.

The coloring uses colors extracted from natural ingredients such as red yeast rice, mint, green vegetables, egg yolks, pumpkins, cocoa, maltose, bean paste, and roses, giving the cakes a bright color. Some rice cakes are also sprinkled with red and green silk and candied dates. .

In short, the rice cake here has a mellow aroma, sweet but not greasy, glutinous but not sticky, soft and delicious, and endless aftertaste!

Han Yu suddenly remembered that Ge Xiaoqian was from Zhangjiagang, and couldn't help laughing: "I have eaten it. You gave it to me the year before last. The rice cakes in Zhangjiagang are very delicious."

"Brother Han, my mother has hired someone to process it like last year. I will bring you some after it is processed."

"There's no need to be so polite. The rice cakes here are delicious, but they're not cheap either." Han Yu smiled, pretending to be strolling around and observing the surroundings, while asking curiously: "Xiao Ge, is your father still here?" Channel section?”

"Here, he has four years to retire."

"When do you and Xiao Chen plan to get married?"

"May Day next year."

"It's good to get married on May Day. We have a long holiday on May Day, so all your relatives and friends can attend your wedding."

"Brother Han, can you participate?"

"Of course I want to participate."

"Thank you, Brother Han."

I had seen Shan Fuliang’s photos several times in the car before and was deeply impressed by his physical features.

The two wandered on the street for more than an hour, but they couldn't find Shan Fuliang's whereabouts. Just when they were about to go to the supermarket to take a rest, Chen Zikun arrived with colleagues from the Guzhou branch. Han Yu walked over and knocked on the van. He asked Liu Guixiang to introduce the situation to his colleagues in Guzhou and distribute Shan Fuliang's photos.

Chen Zikun looked at the photo and asked puzzledly: "This residential area is quite large and has a lot of people, but it is not difficult to investigate a person. Isn't the police station in the area not going to help?"

"They are very helpful, otherwise we would not have found this place."

Liu Guixiang was afraid that Chen Zikun would misunderstand, so he rubbed his eyes and explained: "The reason why I didn't invite anyone to conduct a grand investigation is mainly because this is a demolition and resettlement community. A family can have three or five suites, or as few as two or three. The extra houses are not for sale." They just rented it out. The resettled villagers went upstairs, but the previous village committee did not follow them and did not set up a decent property management company. There was some confusion in the management of the community. Please ask the village cadres to help. It’s easy to alert someone by paying attention.”

"It's not a problem to stay here all the time. Can you find an excuse to knock on the door from door to door?"

"There are only six official policemen in the police station here, and they really can't spare anyone to help. Moreover, we only suspect that Shan Fuliang lives here, and we are not sure that he is really here."

"Just a suspicion?"

"Someone saw him eating at a seafood restaurant in the city. The comrades from the Zhangjiagang Public Security Bureau were very helpful. They helped us check the traffic surveillance and found that he got into a taxi after eating. We followed the clues and found the taxi. The driver recalled that he had driven Shan Fuliang here from a seafood restaurant ten days ago. Based on the driver’s chat with him in the car and his reaction at the time, he was probably renting here. Community.”

"It's also possible that you just came to see friends?"


"Xianyu, so we can only use the stupidest method to wait and see?"

Han Yu nodded and said helplessly: "We can ask others for help, but we can't cause them more trouble."

Chen Zikun knew about this fund-raising fraud case and knew very well that if the suspect was not caught as soon as possible, the veteran cadres and employees of the Port Authority would definitely not make things easier for the leaders of the old unit. He smiled and said: "Okay, we will act separately according to Guixiang's arrangement just now!"

At the same time, Political Commissar Dong was receiving Secretary Miao at the branch.

Secretary Miao was not deceived. He was a face-saving person. Even if he was deceived, he would not come to the branch. The reason why I came here today was because I was entrusted by the old subordinates who were deceived.

Department-level leaders really have official authority, and their aura is still strong even after retirement.

Political Commissar Dong was cautious, listening to his old man's instructions and taking notes in his notebook from time to time.

"More than sixty people, that is, more than sixty families! Many of them were defrauded of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan by that little bastard Shan Fuliang, and some were defrauded of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. Xiao Dong, these people are all earning dead wages. Is it easy to get some money? If you can’t get it back, how will you spend this year?”

Shan Fuliang is not young anymore, he is forty-eight this year.

I am in my early fifties, so I really can't get along with "little".

However, in front of the former top leader of the Port Authority, he was indeed "Xiao Dong".

Political Commissar Dong had no choice but to nod his head: "Secretary Miao, what you are saying is, don't worry, we take this case very seriously. Jiang Youwei used to be in charge, but now Xianyu is in charge."

"Didn't Xianyu get transferred to the Maritime Safety Administration?"

"He was transferred back again. The leaders of our Changhang Public Security Bureau and the Changhang Bureau tried every means to transfer him back. Because he is a graduate student at Donghai Jiaotong University, it is impossible to arrange a position for him for the time being. We can only let him enter the branch party committee first. Now he is a member of the branch party committee.”

"Where's the salty fish man?"

The case is in the investigation stage, and the progress of the case must be kept confidential. If word gets out, it will be easy to alert the snake. After all, Shan Fuliang's parents are also old employees of the Port Authority.

Political Commissar Dong said ambiguously: "He went to handle the case, and what he is handling is this fund-raising fraud case!"

With so many old subordinates looking for him, Secretary Miao felt that there must be an explanation and asked: "Where did Xianyu go to handle the case? Have you found out the whereabouts of that little bastard Shan Fuliang?"

"Not yet, but that kid will definitely not be able to escape. Secretary Miao, the public security criminal investigation technology is very powerful now. In the past, it was a CD-ROM pursuit, but now it is an online pursuit. Shan Fuliang is now a wanted criminal. As long as he does not escape from China, he will be there sooner or later. Caught."

"Sooner or later, those old comrades who were deceived are waiting for rice to be cooked and money to celebrate the New Year. Can they afford to wait?" Secretary Miao snorted coldly and took out his mobile phone to look for Han Yu's number.

If you want to find salted fish, just call and look for it.

Political Commissar Dong was secretly glad that he had retired early, otherwise today would have been a very difficult time. At the same time, he was secretly glad that the branch started to eat royal food this month. If he had to eat food from Binjiang Port like before, today's test would be even more difficult. After all, you are soft-spoken and short-handed.

At this time, the call came through.

Secretary Miao held up his mobile phone and asked in a loud voice: "Xianyu, I am Miao Shishun, are you in charge of Shan Fuliang's fraud case?"

"Yes, yes, Secretary Miao, what are your instructions?"

It seems that what "Xiao Dong" just said was the truth, and he did not violate it, let alone do Tai Chi to deal with it.

Secretary Miao was very satisfied. He glanced at Political Commissar Dong and said seriously and solemnly as before when he was the leader: "Xianyu, this case is of huge value, has many victims, and has a very bad impact! As a member of the Party Committee of the Changhang Shipping Branch, as a port authority Children of the bureau, you must take this case to your heart both publicly and privately, solve the case as soon as possible, and recover the economic losses of those officials and employees who were deceived as soon as possible!"

Han Yu walked into an alley and promised: "Secretary Miao, the amount involved is several million. This is a major case, and I will definitely take it to heart. As for the economic losses, we will definitely find a way to recover them, no matter how much we can recover." How many."

"I can rest assured that you will do your job. I am waiting for your good news."

"Thank you Secretary Miao for your trust. I will report to you as soon as possible if there is any situation."

Facts have proved that Xianyu still has a conscience and respects himself, a retired old comrade, as before.

Secretary Miao was very happy and asked with a smile: "Xianyu, will your sister and brother-in-law come back for the New Year?"

"have no idea for now."

"Where's Dongdong?"

"They are just waiting for Dongdong, and they still don't know if Dongdong's school will have winter vacation."

Zhang Jiangkun and Han Ning are also considered talents from the Port Authority. Half a year ago, their wife went to Donghai Changhang Hospital to see a doctor. Han Ning made careful arrangements after running around.

Secretary Miao felt that he should express something and said with a smile: "If they come back to celebrate the New Year, remember to tell me that I will be the host and I will treat your whole family to dinner."

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