Riverside police

Chapter 1123 The suspect was arrested!

Chapter 1,121 The suspect was arrested!

It gets dark early in winter, and Binjiang people have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Many citizens have already washed their feet and gone to bed to rest. The main road of Yonglin Village, located at the junction of Gangzha and the suburbs, is brightly lit and crowded.

There are dozens of factories nearby, and many young people who work in nearby factories rent and live in the village.

Young people are energetic and willing to spend money, which has driven the night market economy in the village. There are more than a dozen restaurants, large and small, on this street, as well as chat bars, small shops, fruit stalls, various food stalls and Internet cafes, video game arcades, and billiards. The rooms are next to each other, and business is booming. Especially the barbecue stalls at the intersection are open until one or two in the morning on such a cold day.

To the left of the billiard room is an alley, and a small Internet cafe is opened in the second private house in the alley.

The Internet cafe is only about 30 square meters, with a total of 16 computers in two rows of tables.

In the evening, when the business is at its best, the small internet cafe was packed and filled with smoke from netizens.

The most popular game this year is undoubtedly Legend.

Song Qi came here yesterday, playing equipment and PKing with others, and had a great time. Sang Xiaohong likes to chat online. When she is sleepy, she lies next to Song Qi and takes a nap. When she is hungry, she goes out to buy some snacks or makes instant noodles in an Internet cafe. When she is thirsty, she goes out to buy some drinks.

Although he didn't sleep for a few hours, Song Qi was still full of energy, because the boss took them to fight the BOSS today, and when they were fighting for the BOSS, they started a battle with the enemy guild, and the fighting was extremely fierce!

Sang Xiaohong fell asleep again in a daze. Song Qi wanted to smoke when she was excited, but just after finishing the cigarette and thinking about asking her to go out and buy another pack, someone suddenly grabbed her left shoulder.

"do what?"

"What did you say?"

"Who are you?" Song Qi turned around subconsciously.

"We are the police."

A tall middle-aged man suddenly choked his neck. Several other plainclothes men who came in at some point grabbed his arms and cuffed him behind his back before he could react.

"Sang Xiaohong, stop sleeping, this is not the place to sleep!"

"Stop talking nonsense to her and cuff her first."

"You guys, whatever you are looking at, sit down for me."

"Are you the boss? You are not allowed to leave. Sit there and don't move!"

Song Qi finally regained his composure and discovered that more than a dozen police officers, including plainclothes policemen, had crowded into the Internet cafe.

Sang Xiaohong was woken up from her sleep and felt pain in her wrist. She shouted in a confused voice: "It's not illegal to surf the Internet. Why are you arresting me? Let me go!"

"It is not illegal to surf the Internet, but it is illegal to do other things. See clearly, I am Wei Guoqiang, the criminal police detachment of Binjiang Public Security Bureau. Do you know why we are arresting you?" The old commander showed his ID, grabbed Sang Xiaohong's arm and asked sternly.

Sang Xiaohong's wrists were already hurt from being cuffed, but the old handsome man's hand was so strong that it hurt her again. She couldn't help but roared: "Get away from me, the police are amazing, you hurt me!"

"Now that you know it hurts, what have you done? Don't mess around and answer the questions honestly."

"Answer your question, we haven't broken any laws, why are you arresting us!" Song Qi struggled and shouted.

"You didn't break the law. How can we arrest you if you didn't break the law?" The old commander let go of the female suspect, grabbed the male suspect's hair, and said coldly: "Would you like me to remind you that you guys went there the night before? Where have you been and what have you done?”

Maybe I was so focused on playing games that I really forgot to do things before.

When the old commander said this, Song Qi suddenly realized why the police had arrested them. He thought, "If you confess, you will be lenient and you will go to jail. If you resist, you will be punished and go home for the New Year." He tilted his head and said angrily: "The night before yesterday, the night before yesterday We didn't do anything."

Sang Xiaohong also realized why the police found this place, and said plausibly: "You can't arrest people randomly. Do you have an arrest warrant?"

In the past seven or eight hours, the task force has found out their family situation, social relationships and actual performance.

Sang Xiaohong, like Song Qi, is an only child, and her mother is notoriously difficult to deal with in the village. She was pampered since childhood and was very unreasonable under the influence of her mother.

When I was in elementary school, I bullied my classmates.

After entering junior high school, because she was pretty, she started falling in love in the first half of the first semester. Not only did she bully her female classmates who had good grades, she even bullied her teachers. She falsely accused her class teacher of being a hooligan. She went to school with her mother to cause trouble, and almost made the class teacher angry. Lose your job.

Song Qi's situation was not much better than hers, and the two of them really had the same chemistry when they came together.

The old handsome man didn't bother to explain to her that the arrest needed to be approved by the procuratorate, and he would not be polite to her. He just said "take her back" and walked out with Song Qi on his back.

Sang Xiaohong became more aggressive. Regardless of the pain in her wrists from being handcuffed, she stayed in the Internet cafe and kicked her legs as hard as she could, shouting, "The police are wrongly accusing people," and "The police are playing hooligans." …

I have seen many people like this before. Even if she is having fun now, she will become honest when she enters the public security bureau or police station.

Song Qi was not as courageous as Sang Xiaohong. After he was dragged out of the alley, he saw a police car driving from the village entrance with its lights flashing, and it looked like it was coming for him. His legs suddenly softened and he was so scared that he stood still. Unable to stand still.

"Get in!"

"Weizhi, let's sit in the back and watch him. You can sit in the passenger seat."


The old commander and other subordinates put the suspect into the back seat of the police car, opened the front door and got into the passenger seat. He turned back and stared at the suspect and said: "Song Qi, if there is no conclusive evidence, we will not come to arrest you. You are an only child. , as far as I know, both your parents have undergone sterilization in response to the call of superiors, and they will never have another child in this life. Please think clearly, you are just trying to get away with it, and you are stubbornly resisting, so that your parents have white hair and give birth to black hair. No one will take care of you when you are old, and no one will take care of you when you die! Or should you take the initiative to explain and strive for lenient treatment?"

"Uncle policeman, don't scare me, what did I do to me?"

"You know what you have done. Even if you don't admit it, we can bring you to justice based on the existing evidence!"


"Do you want me to remind you again, what did you do in Huaqing Pool the night before yesterday?"


I went to Huaqing Pool the night before to help Xiaohong vent her anger and avenge her.

Song Qi couldn't help but want to look back to see if Sang Xiaohong had been escorted into the police car at the back, but the plainclothes detective sitting on the left grabbed her hair.

The plainclothes detective sitting on the right took out a stack of photos from his briefcase, then turned on the roof lights and showed him one after another.

Some of these photos were taken at the fire scene, and some were taken in the hospital.

The photos taken in the fire scene are horrific, and the corpses that were almost burned to char are horrifying.

"Song Qi, now you know why we arrested you." The old commander motioned to his subordinates to put away the photo, then raised his arm and looked at his watch: "I'll give you a minute to think about it. Who said it, you or me?"

"Burned people to death?" Song Qi was so frightened that he lost his mind.

"you do not know?"

"I...I didn't know it would burn people to death, I...we just..."

"What do you mean?" The old commander glanced at the small tape recorder that was turned on and asked, "Who is the mastermind? Who first thought of setting fire to Huaqing Pool?"

"Song Qi, you are only 21 years old. You are still young. You owe money to pay debts and kill people to pay for your life. Think about it carefully before you speak!" the plainclothes detective reminded.

So many people were burned to death!

Song Qi regretted it so much that his soul was frightened. He was stunned for a long time, and then his whole body was shaking like chaff, and he started to cry loudly while shaking.

"Why are you crying? Now I know it's too late to cry. The only thing I can do now is to confess honestly, cooperate with the case, and strive for leniency!"

"I said, I'll explain." Song Qi didn't dare to take any chances anymore, crying with tears and snot in his eyes: "The boss of Huaqing Pool won't help those shameless young ladies, Xiao Hong is so angry that he has to give in." I’ll find someone to help her get revenge.”


"Although I have a few friends, those friends dare not go. She said that I was worthless and wanted to break up with me. I said to think of other ways, but she said to set fire to scare the boss."

"The idea of ​​arson was first thought of by Sang Xiaohong, and was it also Sang Xiaohong who proposed it first?"

"She was the one who thought of it first. She even bought the Coke."

"What are you buying a Coke for?"

"We need to use Coca-Cola bottles to fill the gasoline, police uncle, we are not setting fire, we have no intention of killing people, and we have not set fire to the lobby!"

"Where did you set the fire?"

"Stairs, corridor. There is no one on the stairs, and there is no one in the corridor. How could someone be burned to death..."

Not only is he legally illiterate, but he is also stupid. He doesn't even know that fire can spread.

It has caused so many casualties and huge economic losses, harmed so many families, and even alarmed the National Academy of Sciences. They will definitely be investigated and dealt with severely, and the rest of their lives will be decided by God.

The old commander sighed secretly and asked in a low voice: "Who spilled the gasoline and who lit the fire?"

"I spilled the gasoline, she lit the fire."

"How did you get upstairs?"

"We ran up there. When we entered, there were a few people paying in front of the bar on the first floor. We ran up there while the security guard and Xiao Yu were not paying attention."

"What about after setting the fire?"

"Gasoline burns very quickly, and it caught fire immediately. The fire was so big, we ran away quickly."

"Then what?"

"The motorcycle is parked at the door, let's get on and leave."

Before reviewing the surveillance video of the two of them going to a gas station to buy gasoline, the commander had considered numerous possibilities for this huge arson case, but he never expected that it would be caused by a willful and unruly girl.

Seeing Song Qi's remorseful look, and thinking that Sang Xiaohong was several years younger than his daughter, the old man didn't feel any sense of accomplishment even though the case was solved. He was silent for a moment and sent Han Yu a text message.

Han Yu received the news from the "front line" and immediately reported to Bureau Chen, Bureau Fan and Captain Yu who had just concluded the meeting.

"Did the suspect confess to the crime?"

"The male suspect confessed, and Wei Zhi is escorting him to the identification site while the iron is hot. Although the female suspect is still taking chances, she will speak up sooner or later with Wei Zhi around."

"Just because the boss of Huaqingchi didn't help Miss Gang, he fired her?"

"Yeah." Han Yu was silent for a moment, and sighed as he walked: "That boss is not a good person. We asked the waiter who escaped and found that there are not many good people in the whole bath."

In any case, the case has finally been solved, and at least Changhang Binjiang Branch will no longer suffer "unjust injustice."

Director Fan didn't want to comment on the unruly and willful Sang Xiaohong, so he suggested: "Xianyu, do you have anything else to do? If not, come with us to the hospital to see Lao Xu and Xiao Sun."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go with the two leaders."

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Director Chen asked in a low voice: "Xianyu, don't you need to go to school?"


"There is no class today. Have you asked the teacher for leave?"

"I didn't ask for leave, and I don't need to ask for leave. I... I haven't taken many graduate classes."

"Then what are you doing at Donghai Jiaotong University all day?" Bureau Chen asked puzzledly.

Han Yu explained with an embarrassed look on his face: "Director Chen, I never really studied for an undergraduate degree, and I didn't even go to high school. My foundation is too weak. I can't understand, learn, or keep up with the graduate courses, so I can only learn from them." Since I was an undergraduate, I have been taking freshman classes during this period.”

Director Chen was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "How long does it take to get a postgraduate diploma?"

"I definitely won't be able to graduate in two years. The school leaders said that postgraduate students can postpone their graduation. I may study for three to four years."

"Did the Maritime Safety Administration say how many years of tuition you would have to pay?"

"I didn't mention it when I was escorted. I'm too embarrassed to ask about this kind of thing."

"You should study with peace of mind first. Don't worry about the tuition. If the Maritime Safety Administration doesn't pay it to you by then, our Municipal Bureau will help you solve it!"

"Thank you Bureau Chen."

The more Director Fan listened, the more something was wrong, and he quickly said: "Secretary Chen, Xianyu is a cadre of our Ministry of Communications system, and it was also our Ministry of Communications system who sent him to Donghai Jiaotong University for further study. Regardless of tuition or living expenses, our Changhang Public Security Bureau is here to support him. , No need to trouble your Binjiang City Bureau."

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