Riverside police

Chapter 1118 A mixed bag!

The "Old Marshal" led the unprepared investigators from the Major Crime Brigade and the technical police from the Criminal Technology Brigade to the scene of the fire. Every one of them was dirty, but they were helpless in the face of the messy scene.

"Xianyu, are you done with the phone call?"

"The fight is over."

"Hurry up and give us some useful clues!"

"Now we can only confirm that the fire started from here." Han Yu picked up his mobile phone and led everyone to the stairs. He gestured and said: "The suspect sprinkled gasoline here, then lit it, and it lit up. The fire was very strong, spreading up along the carpet and the wall covering on the corridor wall to the box over there, and down to the lobby on the second floor."

Wei Zhi frowned and asked, "That's all?"

"That's all for now." Han Yu touched the corner of his mouth and added: "Give me some time, let me think about it, let me simulate it."

"how much time is required?"

"have no idea."

The fire scene is different from the crime scenes of ordinary criminal cases. They have been burned to ashes. It is too difficult to collect any useful clues.

Wei Zhi stopped embarrassing Han Yu and turned around and said, "The technical brigade is going to assist the fire officers and soldiers in transporting the remains of the victim, looking at the teeth, and seeing if DNA can be extracted. The person is dead, but the identity must be clear."


"The Serious Case Brigade immediately went to interrogate the owner of Huaqing Pool and question the staff of Huaqing Pool. Try to find out before dawn whether the owner of Huaqing Pool has any enemies, and whether the opening of Huaqing Pool will affect the business of other bathing places? In short, we must pay attention to every detail. I’ll find out.”

"Old Commander" gave the order and everyone acted quickly.

Han Yu looked at the "Old Marshal" with ashes on his face and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Wei, there are so many casualties. This is a major case. Why didn't the 'Young Marshal' come?"

"I can't solve the case if he doesn't come?" Wei Zhi was very depressed when he was asked, took out a cigarette and said unhappily: "What do you mean, kid? Do you think that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and old guys like me should take a back seat?" Second line, let you back wavers come up!"

"Where are you thinking? Ginger is still hotter than old. I was just curious."

"He was busy investigating drug cases. Although he didn't come, his old subordinates who were engaged in criminal techniques came, but it seemed that they couldn't be of much help. No matter how powerful the criminal technology experts are, it's useless when they encounter a case like this. Now I can only rely on you as a fire expert."

"So I'm still useful?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Take the time to look for clues! I'll go down and take a look at the situation around the scene. If you find anything, call me in time."

"Okay, you go and do your work first."

"Xiao Yang, this must be your first time investigating the scene of an arson case. You stay to assist Director Han and learn from Director Han!"


The "old handsome man" left as soon as he said so, leaving behind a technical policeman wearing glasses to assist.

In order to paralyze the suspect of arson, everyone now thinks it was an accidental fire.

Secrecy is conducive to the investigation of the case, but the pressure from the municipal party committee and the government is great.

It is said that on the day that just passed, nearly a hundred media reporters from all over the country came. They were "pervasive and impossible to guard against." The cadres of the Propaganda Department at the municipal and district levels were overwhelmed. If the case was not solved as soon as possible and the arson suspect was not arrested as soon as possible, Propaganda cadres will definitely not be able to hold them accountable.

Han Yu didn't bother to chat with Xiao Yang. He had no other good idea when encountering such a scene. He could only imitate the psychology and movements of the perpetrator. He first stood at the scene of the crime, then ran to the first floor and ran back again, again and again. Make inferences from scratch.

Xiao Yang followed him several times. His police uniform was stained with black ash left by burning, like a miner coming up from a mine. He looked at Han Yu with a bitter face and asked, "Bureau Han, what do you need me to do?"

"Go find some more bottles?"

"What bottle?"

"Wine bottles, Coke bottles, mineral water bottles."


Han Yu was wearing a fire uniform borrowed from the Linghai Fire Squadron, a fire hat on his head, and rain boots on his feet. He didn't have to worry about getting dirty. When Xiao Yang found a bottle, he asked Xiao Yang to fill it with water.

After repeated on-site simulations, he finally deduced the tools for committing the crime, took out his mobile phone and dialed the "old handsome" number.

"Xianyu, what did you find?" Wei Zhi asked eagerly.

Han Yu knew very well that his inference would directly affect the investigation direction of the task force. He weighed it and said resolutely: "I repeatedly simulated based on the traces left at the scene and found that the crime tool that can produce that kind of jumping burning should be a Plant containers with small mouths, similar to Coke or Sprite bottles.”

Wei Zhi asked: "About how many liters?"

Han Yu looked down, then looked up at the box on the third floor, and analyzed: "Judging from the intensity and spread of the fire described by the survivors, the suspect poured at least 1.5 liters of gasoline into the corridor."

"So it's a big bottle."


"Are you sure the suspect spilled gasoline?"

"This was detected by the Criminal Technical Identification Center!"

"I almost forgot, I just wanted to confirm."

The suspect's portrait just appeared in Wei Zhi's mind. The suspect should have been carrying a small-mouthed container similar to a large Coke bottle. He bought gasoline at a nearby gas station on the night of the crime or recently. When the waiter at the front desk on the first floor was not there, he Pay attention to running up to the second floor. Worrying about being discovered by the waiters and guests in the lobby on the second floor and the private rooms on the third floor, you sprinkle gasoline in the corridor from the second floor to the third floor, then light it and run downstairs...

The suspect must have been to Huaqing Pool before and is familiar with the situation in Huaqing Pool.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhi felt confident. He immediately adjusted the investigation deployment, arranged everything and returned to the scene. Looking at Han Yu who was about to call it a day and go home, he asked, "Did you call Bureau Chen?"


"Changhang Public Security Bureau wants to participate in the investigation?"


"You are now a cadre of the Maritime Safety Administration, why are you looking for trouble!"

"I came out of the Changhang Public Security Bureau, and I will probably be transferred back. Besides, Huaqing Pool is under the jurisdiction of our Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau, and the Changhang Branch has jurisdiction over the case. Why can't I find trouble?"

"You are a cadre who has left our Binjiang Public Security System!"

"Uncle Wei, what do you mean?"

"This case shouldn't be difficult to solve. Why do you want them to join in the fun?"

"This is not a matter of fun, this is a matter of principle."

"Well, I don't have time to receive them. Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang are downstairs. You can make arrangements."

"Should I look at the arrangements?" Han Yu asked dumbfounded.

The "Old Commander" felt that Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang would only cause trouble to the task force, so he simply patted Han Yu on the arm: "You can represent the Changhang Public Security Bureau, you are their old leader, you are the most familiar with them, Of course you have to look after the arrangements?"

"Where do you want them to go and what do you want them to do?"

"Go to the hospital and ask the surviving waiters and technicians."


"If you find anything, please report it immediately."


It is already good that the municipal and provincial leaders can allow Changhang Public Security Officers to participate in the investigation of the case, and we cannot expect more.

Han Yu realized that he couldn't just go home, so he simply walked out of the fire scene and changed into his own clothes. He steeled himself and rushed to the People's Hospital with Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang.

When it comes to wounded people, there are more in the affiliated hospital.

The reason why I chose to come to the People's Hospital instead of the Affiliated Hospital was mainly because my sister-in-law was here and it was more convenient to have acquaintances to help investigate the case.

Facts have proved that my sister-in-law is doing well in the People's Hospital.

After understanding his purpose, he immediately helped him borrow an office from the department director, and even helped bring the lightly injured people on the list to the office to cooperate with the investigation.

The first person who came over was the cashier in the lobby on the first floor of Huaqing Pool. The girl is 21 years old this year. She graduated from a vocational high school. She is very young and beautiful. She broke her left arm while escaping and was frightened. She looked very nervous and pitiful. .

"Xiao Yu, don't be nervous, we are just asking you to understand the situation."

"Uncle policeman, haven't you understood this?"

From last night to this afternoon, several groups of investigators approached her to learn about the situation.

At first, it was the police from Chonggang Branch who asked her to find out how many guests and service staff were on the second and third floors. In order to find out how many people were in Huaqing Pool, the superiors called her again from the Municipal Bureau of Public Security Brigade. Later, I asked her to identify the photo and asked her if Han Xiangning and Zhang Lan were in it. Later, an active police officer from the Binjiang Fire Detachment of the Armed Police who was investigating the fire accident approached her to find out the situation.

That has now changed and it is now a task force inquiry.

Naturally, Han Yu would not tell her that someone had set the fire. Instead, he said in as kind a tone as possible: "Xiao Yu, let's have a casual chat. First, how did you get to work in Huaqing Pool?"

"I went to the job market to apply."

"You applied for the job before it opened?"

"Yes, Huaqing Pool was being renovated at that time. After applying, we were asked to train. It took more than a month for the training to open."

"Are you familiar with the boss and the boss's wife?"

"I don't know the boss very well, but I know the boss's wife very well. The boss's wife is in charge of the money. We have to account to the boss's wife every day when we change shifts."

"During the period from training and opening to the accident, did you encounter, see or hear anything?"

"Uncle policeman, what are you asking about?"

Han Yu was really not very professional in doing this, so he simply turned back and looked at his two old colleagues.

Jiang Youwei reacted and asked bluntly: "Have the boss and the boss's wife offended anyone? Has anyone come to trouble you during this time?"

The little girl thought about it with her big watery eyes, hesitated for a moment and said nervously: "Bathing is also a place of entertainment. There is a mix of good and bad, and everyone is there. I have encountered a lot of things during this time, and I don't want to work here anymore." , the landlady said she would let me go once we find someone."

"What happened?"

"When we first started training, there were gangsters who came to our door. They wanted to show us the place, and we had to give them money to show us the place. The boss didn't want to talk to them, but he was afraid that they would cause trouble, so he asked Manager Wang to treat them to dinner, saying that he wouldn't do it for the time being. need."

"What's that ruffian's name and what does he look like?"

"I don't know what his name is. People call him Brother Zhang, and some people call him Zhang Er. Anyway, he is quite famous. Many people are afraid of him, and I am afraid too." The little girl thought for a while, then continued: "He is very tall. , looks very strong, has a bald head, and always rides a Prince motorcycle."

He was a well-known gangster in the area. He never committed big troubles but kept doing small things. He had been dealt with many times. Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to show off to Huaqingchi.

Jiang Youwei took a deep breath and asked, "How was this matter handled?"

"It's no use what Manager Wang said. On the day of the trial opening, Zhang Er brought a little gangster to our store. They didn't pay for bathing or massages with girls. Sometimes they didn't go home at night. In the beginning, They spent the night in the lobby on the second floor, and later went to the private room on the third floor to spend the night, and no one dared to blame them."

"Does your boss know?"

"I know, but the boss doesn't dare to say anything, so he can only avoid them."

"Apart from not giving me money for consumption, do they do anything else?"

"Yes, they beat people and beat a guest to a bloody head!"

"Did you call the police?"

"The guest didn't call the police. The boss and his wife said that if the guest didn't report it, we wouldn't report it either."

Jiang Youwei felt very uncomfortable that there was such an evil force under his nose. He was silent for a moment and asked, "Did Zhang Er and his little brother go to Huaqing Pool last night?"

"They went," the little girl hesitated and said uneasily, "They went there in the evening. I saw them going upstairs. I don't know whether they went to the lobby on the second floor or the private room on the third floor."

Asking these questions about Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang, Han Yu simply got up and walked out of the doctor's office and called the "old handsome".

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, my sister-in-law received a fax from the hospital's Party and Government Office.

The fax contained a list of survivors and dead persons. Although it was not complete, there was actually a person named Zhang in the list of dead persons, and it was Zhang Er who had been dealt with countless times by Chonggang Branch and Changhang Branch!

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