Riverside police

Chapter 1091

After discharging garbage in China’s territorial waters and then running away, what kind of place is China’s territorial waters?

The more Han Yu thought about it, the angrier he became. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chase! Chase for half an hour first."

Chasing for half an hour is not a big problem. If the Haixun 49 is chased too far away, it is really possible that he will not be able to return. Wu Haili was equally angry and said quickly: "Yes!"

"Yachuan, report to your superiors immediately."


"Guan Kenan, turn on the police lights and continue shouting."

"Xiaoqian, continue to collect evidence!"

Han Yu issued orders frequently, and the people on the ship immediately started moving.

Although the speed of the Haixun 49 was much faster than that of the Altyn, and it quickly caught up with it, it was only 500 tons. Compared with the Altyn, it was just a small sampan. It neither dared to overtake the Altun nor intercept it. If you get too close, you can only use the radio and loudspeakers to keep shouting.

The Altyn continued sailing eastward as if it didn't see or hear it.

Everyone, including Xiao Qian, was so angry that they wanted to climb up the side. But I can only think about it. After all, it is too dangerous to do so. Once it hits, the thick skin and thick flesh will not cause much damage. The Haixun 49 will definitely be damaged or even sunk.

This is not a matter of fear of death, but a matter of protecting national property.

Although the Haixun 49 has a small tonnage, its cost is not cheap. If a law enforcement vessel worth more than 10 million yuan is damaged, how will it be reported to the superiors?

We can't chase anymore. If we chase more fuel, we won't be able to return home.

If the Haixun 49 loses power at sea due to insufficient fuel, it will also be very dangerous.

Just when Han Yu was thinking about giving up the pursuit, Xu Yachuan said happily: "Director Han, there is a Coast Guard patrol boat nearby. Deputy Captain Zheng of the Jiangnan Coast Guard Detachment wants to talk to you."

"Very good!"

Han Yu was overjoyed, took the phone from Xu Yachuan's hand, and asked eagerly: "Zheng Zhi, Zheng Zhi, where are you and how far are you from us?"

"We are in the Sigang waters. Xiao Xugang from your coast guard has reported the position. We are about 49 nautical miles away from your current position. Director Han, what is the situation? Do you need our support?"

"A cargo ship flying the Panama flag is discharging garbage in our territorial waters. It does not respond to calls and is accelerating to flee eastward. Our ship is small and has no weapons and equipment. Come here quickly and help me intercept it!"

"Han Bureau, it should have entered the high seas by now, right?"

"Absolutely, but it discharges garbage in our territorial waters, and even if it enters the high seas, it is still in our exclusive economic zone!"

So what if you enter the exclusive economic zone? Zheng Chuankun, deputy captain of the Coast Guard detachment, has never heard of Maritime Affairs going to the exclusive economic zone to enforce the law.

If it were anyone else, Zheng Chuankun would definitely persuade Han Yu to return. But Han Yu is none other than an old friend of the coast guard detachment.

Zheng Chuankun looked at the chart and weighed it, and said resolutely: "Okay, we will go there now. Anyway, before setting sail, the superiors told us to provide assistance if you need it. Let us be your strong backing. There is no need to ask for instructions and reports." .”

Be my strong backing!

Why do these words sound so familiar? I have always been a strong supporter for others in the past, okay? Han Yu was made to laugh and cry, thinking that the situation was really changing.

Zheng Chuankun didn't know what Han Yu was thinking. He signaled his subordinates to quickly adjust their course to support the "Admiral Binjiang Navy" and said with a smile: "Director Han, I have good news for you. We really want to be neighbors in the future."

"Aren't we neighbors now?"

"That's the case now, but soon we'll be even closer."

"What's the meaning?"

"The superiors have decided after research to have the Third Brigade move to your Sanzao Port in Linghai. The camp and dock at Sanzao Port will start construction after the Chinese New Year. We are familiar with the conditions in the riverside waters when we go to sea."

"I want to move to my hometown. I have been talking about it for so many years and I finally have to move here!"

"Yes, in order to implement it as soon as possible, Pei Zhi accompanied the leaders of the corps to Linghai several times. The Linghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to it. Not only did they allocate land to us, they also gave us money to build a camp area. Pei Zhi said Secretary Qian of Linghai I also mentioned you to the team leader and asked you to take more care of me in the future."

"It's true that I ask you to take care of me. Zheng Zhi, please hurry up. I don't have much fuel."

"Xiao Xu just said, don't worry, I won't let you stage Robinson Crusoe."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on the boat first and stop it together when you guys arrive."

Going to the high seas to intercept foreign ships has never happened before.

Normally, he wouldn't dare to kill Zheng Chuankun.

But these are not normal times. This is to assist Haixun 49 in performing its mission. The superiors have explained that the tasks performed by Coast Guard 49 are very important. Not only the coast guard must provide assistance, but also if Coast Guard 49 encounters an emergency, the fishery administration and even the navy must provide full assistance.

However, Han Yu will not wait for the border patrol boats.

Ended the call, immediately adjusted the frequency, and shouted in English: "Alkin, please pay attention, we are Chinese maritime officials! We have called the Chinese Coast Guard law enforcement boats and Chinese Navy ships for support. Please reply immediately and stop for inspection. Please immediately Reply and park for inspection or else do so at your own risk!”

Wu Haili personally took the helm, crossed the bow of the Altin, and drove the Haixun 49 to 30 meters outside the starboard side of the Altin. Without a telescope, he could vaguely see people on the ship standing on the bridge observing the Haixun 49.

China's maritime police and Chinese navy are coming!

The captain did not dare not reply. He hesitated and picked up the radio: "China Maritime Affairs 49, I am Rand Reiner, the captain of the Altyn. Our ship is sailing freely on the high seas. You have no right to inspect my ship."

"Mr. Captain, your ship is currently on the high seas, but it was not half an hour ago. You entered our country's territorial waters without permission and illegally discharged garbage in our country's territorial waters. Now, I order your ship to stop immediately for inspection!"

"No, no, no, you must be mistaken. My ship has never entered your country's territorial waters! I need to state again that my ship has never entered your country's territorial waters!"

"Mr. Captain, regarding the scope of our country's territorial waters, our government has announced it to the outside world as early as 1996. I have conclusive evidence that your ship entered our country's territorial waters without permission and illegally discharged garbage in our country's territorial waters. Now, on behalf of the Chinese government, I Order your ship to stop for inspection, this is the last warning!"

Seeing how strict the Chinese maritime officials were, the captain immediately turned around and asked, "Mr. Hilal, please tell me what's going on?"

"Mr. Captain, I am looking up information!"

"Jack, has the boss replied?"

"Mr. Captain, the boss said...the boss said that a section of our previous route may have actually passed through China's territorial waters."

"Oh my god, how could this happen?"

"Mr. Captain, I'm sorry, I really didn't know before." Beads of sweat as big as soybeans oozed from the first mate's head, and he didn't know how to explain to the captain.

This place is so far away from China's coastline, how can it be China's territorial waters!

The captain did not know that the base point of the territorial waters in this area was not the coastline, but the outer edge far away from the coastline. He did not want to scold the first officer who was on duty just now, so he immediately ordered the vehicle to stop for inspection.

The water depth in this area is suitable for anchoring.

After confirming that the Altin had obeyed the order and stopped and anchored, Han Yu immediately asked Wu Haili to move Haixun 49 aboard, taking the lead and following the pilot ramp lowered by the Altin, and was the first to board the Altin.

If it is pilotage, the captain will usually wait on the bridge and arrange for the third mate or second mate to come to the deck to greet you.

But it was Chinese maritime officials who came. The captain kept his attitude very low and personally went downstairs to the deck to greet him.

Han Yu showed his certificates, introduced Guan Kenan and others who were boarding the ship together, and followed the captain up the stairs to the bridge. He first checked the ship certificate and crew certificate, and then asked to check the "Garbage Record Book".

Facts have proved that foreigners are very serious about their work.

Even when garbage is discharged into the sea, it is recorded truthfully. The month, day, time, and how many cubic meters were discharged at what location are clearly recorded in the "Garbage Record Book."

Han Yu opened his briefcase, took out relevant documents from the Chinese government on territorial sea baselines and relevant laws and regulations on marine garbage discharge, and patiently spoke to the captain, first mate, and second mate in English for half an hour, even showing them on the charts. Make annotations.

The captain was speechless.

The first mate on duty before had an embarrassed look on his face. He didn't dare to look at Han Yu or the captain.

Han Yu asked his subordinates to turn on the camera, play back the video taken during the evidence collection, and said very seriously: "Mr. Captain, do you still think that we have no right to inspect your ship?"

"Mr. Han, I'm very sorry. This is the first time we have taken this route."

"Mr. Captain, sorry is not enough. Now I will order your ship to sail to the Yangtze Estuary anchorage for further investigation in accordance with Chinese law."

"This will affect the shipping schedule, Mr. Han, can you be accommodating?"

"Sorry, I can't accommodate you."

"Can we punish you now? I admit that we were at fault and we are willing to accept your punishment."

"We are very sorry, but we cannot impose on-site penalties on your ship. Your ship must sail to the Yangtze Estuary anchorage."

"Okay, I need to contact my boss."

"No problem, this is your right. If necessary, I can recommend an agency or even a lawyer to you."


Considering that the captain was not familiar with the Yangtze River Estuary route, Han Yu asked Lao Wu to board the ship to pilot the ship.

Back on Coast Guard 49, a call from Coast Guard Detachment Zheng Zhi came over the radio: "Han Bureau, Han Bureau, you have taken care of that outer ship, do we still want to go there?"

"How can we handle it? I was just pretending to be powerful. I told you that you would be here soon, so they stopped the ship for inspection."

The scene when my senior went to Bailong Port and issued tens of thousands of yuan in fines at once is still fresh in my memory to this day. I didn’t expect that after more than ten years, I would actually be able to issue Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau’s first fine at sea.

Han Yu really felt a sense of accomplishment. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Zheng Zhi, although the Altyn is very cooperative now, you still have to come over. We don't have much fuel. If you don't come over, we won't be able to go back."

"Although that freighter burned heavy oil, it should also have light oil!"

"They have light oil, otherwise what would they burn when entering and exiting the port? But we are a law enforcement ship, and we represent the country now. We can punish others, but we cannot burn other people's oil."

"Understood, we will adjust the route and wait for you ahead."

"Okay, keep in touch and report your location every fifteen minutes."

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