Riverside police

Chapter 1088

Salvaging a sunken ship in rough seas is no easy task.

First, we need to find the location of the sunken ship. After finding it, we need to use underwater detection equipment to understand the situation on the seabed. We even need to send divers to investigate and then formulate a salvage plan. No matter how advanced the equipment is, it will take a month and a half at the fastest to raise a ship from the bottom of the sea.

Haixun 49 drifted in the shipwreck area for two days, and only saw an anti-submarine aircraft of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force flying over it twice.

Han Yu did not stay in the shipwreck area, and officially started the "icebreaking journey" of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and even Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau according to the requirements of his superiors!

For Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and even Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau, since they have jurisdiction over the sea area, they must manage it. Before they can actually perform relevant functions, they must understand the situation of the sea area under their jurisdiction.

The people who went to sea together this time will be the backbone of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and even Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau in managing the sea in the future. Maritime law enforcement officers must understand the situation of the sea areas under their jurisdiction.

In the next month, we will not only survey the sea and even survey our own jurisdiction, formulate future cruise routes, but also conduct marine education to cultivate the marine awareness of comrades, and organize and carry out patriotic education.

As for the shipwreck area, it is enough to visit the shipwreck area once every three to four days to catch up with the Japanese military planes that fly to the area from time to time. Anyway, the planes cannot go into the sea, let alone salvage the sunken ship.

Even if the Japanese side discovers that the Chinese maritime patrol ship has left, it will be difficult to salvage the sunken ship even if it arranges for the ship to come over for a while.

Wu Haili personally took the helm, adjusted the course, and sailed to Sheshan Island.

Sheshan Island is located at the intersection of the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Yangtze River Estuary. It is not only the boundary between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, but also the junction between the waters under the jurisdiction of the Jiangnan Maritime Safety Administration and the waters under the jurisdiction of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration. It is also the only base point of China's territorial waters in the East China Sea!

When Jiangnan Maritime’s coast patrol boats go out to patrol the sea in the future, Sheshan Island will naturally be the boundary to the south.

I had never crossed the sea before and had no chance to deal with the troops defending the island. In order to truly manage the Binjiang and sea areas in the future, dealing with other people is indispensable.

Because of this, Jiangnan Maritime Safety Administration asked Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau to engage in military-civilian joint construction with the island-defending troops on Sheshan Island.

Before setting sail, Han Yu used his position as a naval reserve lieutenant colonel to contact the East China Sea base, and the bureau also prepared many condolences for the officers and soldiers guarding the island.

In fact, we sailed through the waters of Sheshan Island the day before yesterday, but at that time we had to go to patrol the shipwreck waters first, so we only said hello to the troops guarding the island on the radio and did not go over.

We have already visited the shipwreck area and drifted there for two days, which shows the presence of China Maritime Affairs. Next, we can sign a military-civilian joint construction agreement with the island-guarding troops on behalf of Binjiang Maritime Safety Administration, and express our condolences to the officers and soldiers guarding the island on behalf of Binjiang Maritime Safety Administration. .

The weather was nice, and the comrades who were not on duty gathered on the deck to watch the sea view.

Han Yu stood in the cab, turned on the tweeter, picked up the loudspeaker, and introduced the situation in the Jiangnan waters to the participants like a tour guide.

"Comrades, our Jiangnan Province has a very long coastline, starting from the Xiuzhen River Estuary in Yugan County, Yungang City in the north, to the junction with Dongshan Province, and ending at Lianxing Port in Dongqi City on the north bank of the Yangtze River Estuary in the south. The total length is 954 kilometers, and the total sea area The area is approximately 37,500 square kilometers.”

"In terms of maritime geography, most of the waters in our Jiangnan Province belong to the Yellow Sea. Only the waters east of the Yangtze River estuary and south of the line from Yuantuojiao in the east to Jeju Island in South Korea belong to the East China Sea. Coast types include bedrock coasts, sandy coasts Coasts and silt coasts, but mainly silt and silt coasts!”

Standing outside the cab, Guan Kenan asked curiously: "Director Han, is the silt and silt coast our tidal flat?"


Han Yu explained with a smile: "Although Yungang is a bedrock coast, it was hampered by its geographical location. Historically, the Yellow River usurped the Huaihe River and entered the sea. The yellow water carrying more than one trillion tons of sediment went south several times, encroaching on the Huaihe River's territory. . In addition to the river channel, it also took away the Huaihe River's entrance to the sea, causing Yungang to be affected by sedimentation.

In addition, the Yangtze River also carries a large amount of sediment, which accumulates on the coast of Jiangnan, filling up small bays and submerging islands. Over time, muddy beaches develop. This is the main reason why there are few islands in Jiangnan Province and the coastline is relatively smooth. "

Gu Zhengjian held up the walkie-talkie and asked curiously: "Han Bureau, how many islands do we have in Jiangnan Province?"

"We'll talk about this later."

It is a good thing for comrades to love what they do and to be curious about everything.

Han Yu smiled slightly and continued: "It is precisely because the coastline of our Jiangnan Province is mainly made of silt and silt. The scene of 'turbulent waves crashing on the shore and rolling up thousands of piles of snow' makes it difficult to find except Yungang in Jiangnan Province.

Although only the bedrock coast on the Yungang side is suitable for building a deep-water port, Dongru County discovered a natural deep trough formed by the forward tide from the Pacific Ocean into the Yellow Sea and the rotating tidal wave into the East China Sea.

This naturally formed deep seabed trough is located off the coast of Dayangkou Port, Dongru County. There is a sandbar called Xiyangkou Sand next to the deep trough. That naturally formed deep seabed trough is a natural channel that leads directly to the deep ocean.

The Dongru County Party Committee and County Government are determined to use this natural advantage to build a deep-water port. In other words, in the near future, we will not only have jurisdiction over sea areas, but also supervise and manage seaports like the Yungang Maritime Safety Bureau. "

Although Binjiang Port has a large throughput and even enjoys some policies of the seaport, in the final analysis it is still an inland port.

Everyone confirmed that Binjiang will build a seaport in the future, and Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau will be able to "walk on two legs" in the future. Everyone is happier and more excited than the other.

"Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming! You should have heard that this poem written by Haizi is about the scenery of sunny beaches. But in our Jiangnan Province, except for Yungang City, there are almost no beautiful scenery, gentle slopes and clear water suitable for opening beach bathing beaches. The beach is mainly a muddy and muddy beach."

Han Yu paused for a moment and then said fluently: "The total area of ​​tidal flats in Jiangnan Province is about 5,000 square kilometers, accounting for a quarter of the country's total. Among them, the supratidal tidal flat area is 300 square kilometers and the intertidal tidal flat area is 2,600 square kilometers. The theoretical area above the lowest tide level in the radiating sand ridge group area is about 2,000 square kilometers.

In fact, the tidal flat is also a resource. Its flat terrain makes it easy to introduce seawater and prevents brine from seeping down. It is a good place to "boil the sea into salt". The Salt Sea in the north is a city born of salt. In fact, not only the Salt Sea, but also our Binjiang River was famous for its salt production in ancient times.

As early as the Western Han Dynasty, the famous "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" was launched because of the richness of boiling salt and smelting iron. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the salt produced here was one of the main sources of national finance. The Chuanchang Canal was used to connect the salt fields on the seaside. The Binyang River was originally called the Shangguan Yun Salt River and was dug specifically to transport salt boiled on the seaside to Yangzhou.

Now we no longer need to boil salt. Several districts and counties along our riverside are engaged in tidal flat farming, specializing in clams, clams, razor clams and other seafood. The Yanhai side has long since "returned from salt to moisture", and the continuous tidal flats and salt fields have turned into seaside wetlands, becoming the hometown of elk and red-crowned cranes! "

An employee couldn't help but laugh: "'A True Story' is about the red-crowned crane on the other side of the salt sea."

"What's a true story?" Guan Kenan asked curiously.

"Have you ever heard that there was a girl who left a song, why the white clouds shed tears quietly, why the gusts of wind whispered, oh oh oh, and a group of red-crowned cranes flew by gently... …”

"I heard it, it's an old song."

Seeing that everyone was very interested, Han Yu continued: "China has successfully joined the WTO. The whole country is engaged in economic construction and attracting investment everywhere. Investment and investment first require land. The land department is very strict about land use. It can be said that we have entered an era where every inch of land is precious.

However, since Fan Zhongyan built sea weirs in the Song Dynasty, a total of nearly 2,000 square kilometers of coastal beaches in the south of the Yangtze River have been developed and reclaimed. Moreover, it is still increasing at a rate of more than 20,000 acres per year. The naturally rising land directly expands the land area, which is probably not found in many provinces across the country.

Moreover, on the basis of natural increase, our Jiangnan coast still has the conditions for large-scale reclamation! But in general, our Jiangnan Province can only be said to be a large maritime province, not a strong maritime province. The fishery is less than 20% of that of Dongshan Province, and it is not as good as 40% of that of neighboring Zhejiang Province. There are even fewer deep-water seaports. Only Yungang has this stage, and there are still many advantages that have not been fully utilized. "

Seeing everyone looking thoughtful, Han Yu changed the subject: "Guan Kenan asked us just now how many islands there are in Jiangnan Province. According to statistics, there are Pingdao, Pingdao Dongjiao, Dashan Island, Huashijiao, etc. along the coast of Jiangnan. There are 26 islands including Dashannan Island, Ma Caiheng and Waikengjiao.

These islands are mainly on the Yungang side, and we don’t have any in Binjiang. Of those 26 islands, only 4 are inhabited by the masses. There are many islands in the Zhejiang Sea, more than 3,000. Compared with others, the islands in our Jiangnan Province are almost negligible.

But in fact these islands are important because the baselines of our territorial waters are drawn using the straight baseline method. The width of the territorial sea of ​​the People's Republic of China is twelve nautical miles measured from the territorial sea baseline. The territorial sea baseline is composed of straight lines between adjacent territorial sea base points. I just mentioned Dashan Island, Ma Caiheng and Waike. The feet are the base points of our country’s territorial waters and islands! "

Just now I just popularized the coastline and sea conditions of Jiangnan Province, now the focus is on it.

Guan Kenan came to his senses and said bitterly: "But we don't have an island on the riverside, let alone a base island in the territorial sea!"

"We in Binjiang do not have territorial sea base islands, but there are in the East China Sea, and in Taitung City under the jurisdiction of Yanhai City. The Sheshan Island we are going to is the territorial sea base island. To the south, the sea areas under our jurisdiction, especially the territorial sea, are based on the waters of Sheshan Island. To the north, the waters under the jurisdiction of our Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and even the Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau are bounded by the outer edge of Taitung City."

Han Yu smiled and added: "Waikengjiao is located at 33°0'54" north latitude and 121°38'24" east longitude. It is a sandbar island off the coast of Taitung City. There is also Ma Caiheng Island nearby. Maritime Supervision The bureau has been established for several years, but it still only has the national team. The local marine surveillance department is actually the same department as the local fishery administration, it just has the brand name of maritime surveillance added.

Although the sandbar island, which is invisible at high tide, is far away from the land and the sea conditions are rough, the China Maritime Surveillance Taitung Brigade, also known as the Taitung City Agriculture Bureau Fisheries Brigade, still overcomes all difficulties and goes on regular cruises.

Since it is a base point island in territorial waters, it cannot be without permanent markings. A certain department of the Navy and the Taitung Municipal Party Committee and City Government are carrying out survey and construction work outside according to the requirements of their superiors. Surveying officers and soldiers are working hard with local professionals to build a lighthouse within five years and then install a boundary monument on the lighthouse. "

"Director Han, are we going to kowtow outside this time?"

"Of course we have to go. It is one of the 68 territorial sea base points officially announced by the Chinese government in 1996. It is also the junction of the waters under the jurisdiction of our Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and the waters under the jurisdiction of the Yungang Maritime Safety Bureau."

"From now on, we will be responsible for the sea area between Sheshan Island in the south and Waikengjiao in the north?"


"Han Bureau, have you ever been to Sheshan Island?"

"I've been there several times. I went there during the crackdown on smuggling."

"How many troops are there on the island?"

"Although there are not many officers and soldiers guarding the island, there are many types of troops, including the sea, land and air forces. There are only troops stationed on the island and no residents. Once you get to the island, you will know how difficult the conditions are. There is nothing, and everything needs to be used by the Navy's East China Sea Base. The landing craft will be sent to the island. Once there is bad weather, the landing craft cannot go out to sea, and even the most basic survival of the officers and soldiers will be a problem."

Han Yu recalled the scene when he went to the island. After thinking about it, he said with emotion: "The soldiers who made the camp strong and the water flowing smoothly, those old friends from back then are probably not on the island anymore."

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