Rising America

Chapter 834: Sudden appointment

[My name is Fernando#Lagon Elador, I used to be a businessman dealing in import and export luxury goods negotiation. I have a gentle wife and a lovely daughter. My family life is very happy and warm, but all of this will happen in a certain day. All disillusioned. Bayi Zhongwen Net?? ㈠?㈧?㈠?㈧】

Fernando in front of the camera, under the arrangement of Murphys, began to describe himself.

Murphys, with his back to the camera, asked at this moment: "Mr. Fernando, why do you say that?"

[As usual, when I had just finished breakfast and was about to bid farewell to my wife and daughter to leave home and go to the company, a team of police officers took me away and told me that I was charged with the cruel murder of six underage girls. 】

Morpheus: "So are you a murderer?"

[I don’t even know the six little girls, and I’m not the kind of crazy person. I don’t even know how and when these six little girls died. I was at a loss at the time. 】

Morpheus: "Did you explain it then?"

[Explained, but in return it was a severe beating. Those who took me treated me in various ways, which is not something a normal person can bear. Even now I still have that time in my body. Some imprints. 】

The cameraman gave a close-up at this time, and Fernando turned and showed his back in front of the camera.

There are many scars on Fernando's back.

[They told me to confess this crime, or they will deal with my family, you know! They used my family to threaten me, what can I do. 】

Fernando lowered his head painfully in front of the camera, and at the same time raised his hand to cover his face, his body began to tremble, obviously he was uncomfortable.

After all, this interview requires him to continue to recall his previous experience, which will bring him a second mental injury.

Morpheus: "Mr. Fernando, I know you are in pain now, and I understand how you feel now and then, but I need you to muster the courage to face the camera and tell about the experiences you have had."

Fernando slowly raised his head, wiped the tears on his cheeks, and nodded at Murphys.

[There is no trial, they just beat me badly every day, and then let me remember some so-called details. 】

Morpheus: "You finally admitted."

[Yes, I admit it, because I really can't stand their torment, and I also hope to keep my family away from danger. 】

Morpheus: "Then why are you not sentenced to capital punishment for this serious crime?"

Finally, Morpheus asked this question that kept him curious.

To be honest, it is not only Morpheus who is curious about this matter. In addition to Frost, who already knows the truth, Morpheus’s cameraman and Firost’s companion Matthew are all curious.

[They need me to live and commit my childhood crimes for the next accident. I will be killed by them at that time. After all, the guy who was frantically attacking the little girl will continue to do such things. 】

Fernando told the truth.

It turned out that it was not that he would not be killed, but because of the consideration of reuse, he would live to the present.

Morpheus: "For a very strange reason, what else can't be born here in Panama? Mr. Fernando, what happened to you is simply beyond our understanding and acceptance."

[Why you can't accept it, I can't accept it myself, even once I was desperate. 】

Fernando's expression in front of the camera was very painful.

[Obviously I have been wronged, but I can't tell the truth, I can only bear everything silently, let the real murderer get away with it, do you think I can feel good in my heart? If it were not for them to threaten me with my family, I would not be able to bear all this. 】

Morpheus: "Now your family has gone to the United States, so Mr. Fernando, you can completely put down this concern."

Fernando nodded in the camera.

[Yes, it was because I knew my family and left Panama that I dared to appear in front of the camera and tell me these things that I have experienced. Because those guys can no longer use my family to threaten me. 】

Morpheus: "Mr. Fernando, do you know who you are charged with this charge?"

[I don’t know, but I heard from the people who took me away, saying that this matter involved a lot of big people, even the Soviets...]

Ha ha!

What I want is this sentence.

Frost had achieved his goal.

Fernando is just a small link, used to uncover a small node of crazy cruel shady, and it is also a wedge.

With Fernando, the following things can proceed smoothly and naturally, right?

Fernando's interview, that is to be broadcast in the United States.

Therefore, these things Fernando said will definitely arouse public curiosity.

And what Jin Xiantai wanted was to arouse the curiosity of the public, and then he kept on exploring like this until the final truth was revealed.

Morpheus: "Those people will tell you these things? It stands to reason that they should hide such things from you, so why tell you this?"

[That was told to me by a police officer who was fairly conscientious, but he only revealed a little bit of inside information to me, perhaps for the purpose of letting me recognize the reality and let me know that I cannot resist. 】

Morpheus: "Despite this intention, I think this police officer has violated some taboos."

[You’re right, the police officer was gone the next day, and I haven’t seen him since. 】

Morpheus: "It seems that you have only this information, and through your analysis of this information, it is obvious that there is a deeper shady behind this matter, and it also involves a lot of great people."

[I don’t know how dark it is, but I’m just wondering why those big men killed six innocent little girls. After all, those are six living lives. Don’t they have family and children? 】

Morpheus: "We will continue to explore this matter and hope to find the truth in the end. It is a pity that Mr. Fernando did not provide a lot of information, but we still thank you very much."

[I also hope that you can find out the truth, but I doubt that you can do it? After all, what you are facing is a huge network of relationships, and this matter also involves the big figures of the current regime, they are not so easy to deal with. 】

Morpheus: "This does not require you to worry about Mr. Fernando. It is the responsibility of our media people to uncover the truth behind the shady."

Fernando is very good at talking, but if his words are heard by people who know him, he will surely laugh out loud.

Because Murphys is not a conscientious reporter at all, so there is no way to be a conscientious media person.

As a war correspondent, he did a lot of cruel things for the eye of news.

So he is not qualified to say such things at all.

But then again, although Morpheus's morality is not very good, he is top notch as a media person.

"Mr. Fernando, can you recall the name of the police officer who told you some inside information? Maybe we can find the police officer and get some more valuable information from him."

Towards the end of this interview, Morpheus suddenly asked Fernando.

The cameraman pointed the camera at Fernando.

[That police officer should be called ‘Evera# Thiago’, yes, he’s called this name. But how did you find him? Is it just by virtue of such a name? 】

Morpheus: "Yes, it's easy to have a name. We have our own news channel on net. I believe we can find this police officer."

Immediately after the interview was over, all that was left was to go back and edit it, and then quickly sent it back to China to sort it out and broadcast it to the audience.

As the interview was over, Frost came over at this time: "Mr. Fernando, this is my colleague Matthew. According to the agreement between me and you three days ago, he will take you to the United States to reunite with your family, where You can stay away from everything here."

------split line------

[My name is Fernando#Lagon Elador, I used to be a businessman engaged in import and export luxury goods negotiation...]

Morpheus's degree is very fast, and net's degree is not slow. The interview was broadcast almost that evening, and it successfully attracted the attention of many Americans.

Many people responded with sympathy to Fernando.

At the same time, more people also want to know who the murderers of six underage girls are?

Why did you kill these six girls?

And how high are the big names mentioned by Fernando, and who are the Soviets mentioned by the police officer? Why are there Soviets in this case?

In short, there are very attractive things in this news, which are catching everyone and making everyone want to explore.

So this news is very successful.

"William, isn't it made into a TV drama?"

In Panama, in the Presidential Suite of the Whiston Hotel, I also saw Selena, who was interviewing the news, and was looking at Jin Xiantai dumbfounded.

Kim Hyun Tae smiled: "Yes, why can't this kind of interview be built into a serial drama mode to attract the audience's attention."

Jin Xiantai admitted this plan, obviously he was going to do this, Selena was right.

Seeing Selena's face not laughing or crying, Kim Hyun-tae said with a serious face: "Don't think I'm fooling around. If you think about it carefully, will this model be more attractive?"

Selena nodded: "Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I admit that this is really attractive."

Hilda appeared in the living room at this time.

"Master, a gentleman who calls himself ‘Yuri #Chelov’ said he wants to meet you. Now he is waiting for you in the restaurant of the hotel, so do you want to see him?"

Kim Hyun-tae, who was talking with Selena, suddenly looked terrified after hearing Hilda's name with such a Slavic characteristic.

Selena directly took out her own gun and loaded the bullet.

"William, do you want me to test it?"

Kim Hyun Tae shook his head at Selena: "No! I'm going to meet this guy, at least he hasn't shown malice yet."

Then Jin Xiantai nodded to Hilda: "Be prepared and tell him I will go down now."

Hilda raised the corner of the skirt with one hand and gave a lady gift: "Okay, Master, Camilla and I will take care of your safety. Please don't worry." (To be continued.)

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