Rising America

Chapter 832: Brother William is amazing

The American people suddenly realized that news on the net news channel about Panama suddenly increased, and they were all reports that revealed the dark side that the public did not know, and they were also very eye-catching. ? Eight? One Chinese? ≤≤≤≤=≈≈≠≥

Since net quit "What would you do?" After the show, it began to slowly return the lost audience, and attracted the attention of the United States through the audition stage of "The Voice of America", so now the net channel is usually watched by many people.

Therefore, the American public has a ‘detailed’ understanding of what happened in Panama from the net, and knows that the current Panamanian regime can be so corrupt and dark.

It is actually very simple to give the American people such an impression of Panama, as long as the news is continuously broadcasted to them every day.

Moreover, Kim Hyun-tae not only let net broadcast the news with added material, but also broadcast some ‘dark side material of reality’ that was secretly photographed in a special way to let the audience deepen this sense.

Today's Jin Xiantai has also begun to learn how to take advantage of the media slowly. Although he is still in the beginner stage, his results are still very good in terms of current results.

In addition, some of the net material has also been reprinted by other media for a fee, and even some media in Europe have paid for it.

Therefore, Panama has successfully attracted the attention of people all over the world.

After all, not all media have the skills of people around Kim Hyun-tae and can obtain ‘realistic materials’ through special methods and means.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai's net has made a lot of money through authorized reprinting.

The ‘realistic material’ chosen by Kim Hyun-tae is very targeted, and at the same time it is easy for the public to empathize.

After all, he lived an extra life, and Jin Xiantai himself had gone through a lot of things in his previous life, so how could he not know how to make the public feel empathetic.

The contents of the Panamanian side broadcast by net media are also appreciated by certain departments such as the CIA. Unknowingly, net laid some foundation for the future, which is quite unexpected. .

Regarding these matters, it is obvious that Kim Hyun Tae himself is not clear.

Jin Xiantai, who was far away in Panama, continued to stay in the Presidential Suite of the Whiston Hotel and watched the satellite signal news.

At this time, on the LCD TV screen in front of him, what was shown was a hidden and candid video, and the content was a Panamanian businessman chatting with a police officer who came to collect the so-called ‘security fee’.

Police officer: "There are a lot of things during this time, and those protesting guys have a headache for us."

Merchant: "In fact, those young people are also good. They also hope to make the country better, and they haven't done too much, have they?"

The businessman who manages diamond jewelry poured a cup of coffee for the police officer and defended the protesters on the street.

From this point, it can be seen that most people in Panama responded with support and sympathy to those who marched and demonstrated.

On the TV screen, the police officer's tone began to rise. Although he was facing away from the camera, so he couldn't see his facial expression at this time, but from his raised voice, it can be judged that the police officer's mood was a little unhappy at this time.

"Don't talk nonsense, what do you know!" The police officer interrupted the businessman who was about to continue speaking, with a very unkind tone. "Those people are just satiated and have nothing to do."

Listening to the police officer's tone was very bad, and the businessman stopped continuing the topic.

Merchant: "It's really hard to do business this month, because of the chaotic situation, tourists don't come to me much anymore."

Officer: "Look, you sympathized with those guys just now, but you have to know that the business is not good because of their relationship."

Merchant: "This month's security expenses..."

Police officer: "I don’t count this matter. You must abide by the rules set by the director. I am only responsible for collecting money. If you have any comments, you can talk to the director yourself, but I also know that if you go to him What are the consequences? You know the barkeeper who ended up a week ago."

In the picture, the businessman took out a package and handed it to the police officer, then the police officer took the package and got up and left.

Although the two people talking in the screen didn't reveal much, it was able to let the audience in front of the TV understand a little bit.

Obviously, the police officer in the picture is here to collect the ‘protection fee’.

The businessman wanted to pay less because his business was not good, but he was threatened by the police.

The police officer also mentioned a bar owner.

Oh my God!

What will happen to that bar owner?

This is what many TV viewers want to know.

Unfortunately, the police officer did not say much.

But it is also enough to let the audience in front of the TV set their brains to imagine.

Jin Xiantai shook his head: "It's too subtle, there is no explosion at all. They should let the businessman and the police officer continue to talk, and induce him to say more information."

Selena, who was sitting next to him, took the call to Jin Hyuntae at this time: "When Frost asked this businessman to do this, this guy was almost scared to death. This shows that he is very timid and able to This level is already very good, and we cannot expect too much of it."

Kim Hyun Tae raised his right hand, and raised the index finger of his right hand and shook it.

"No! No! No! It's that Frost didn't find the right person, and he shouldn't find such a timid guy to do this."

Jin Xiantai did not accept Selena's explanation.

He thinks this is why Frost has found the wrong person.

If she can find someone more courageous, then she will be able to put out more explosive information, which is not so addictive.

Kim Hyun-tae continued to say to Selena: “In order to attract the public’s attention through the media, we must dig out things that are explosive. For example, if the businessman asked the bar owner just now, if the police officer said it, you I think this news will be more valuable."

After being said by Jin Xiantai, Selena felt that she had to admit that Jin Xiantai was right.

"Don't look for such people in the future. Let Frost focus on those who have grievances. Those people can help us better and can do better."

Kim Hyun Tae made a small suggestion to Selena.

Selena nodded, remembering Jin Xiantai's suggestion in her heart, and confessed to Frost when she was ready to return.

After seeing Selena nodding, Kim Hyun-tae continued: "Only news like this is impossible. We have to dig deeper things. If not, we will make something better, such as the collapse of an engineering facility. Behind the accident, shoddy projects that appeared in power-to-money transactions were involved..."

There are many ideas in Kim Hyun Tae's head, and they are basically easy to come by.

After all, he lived a lifetime longer, so he still has an advantage in this regard.

As Kim Hyun Tae came up with her idea, Selena's eyes began to shine.

The girl didn’t remember anything else, but she remembered what Kim Hyun-tae said, that is, “make one if you don’t have one”.

The gushing Kim Hyun Tae didn't notice Selena's reaction, he was still talking about his ideas there.

"Find some people who have committed wrongdoings, ask them to stand up for interviews, and tell the wrongs they have suffered in front of the camera, so that people can see how dark the current Panamanian government is."

"Also let Frost help net reporters to enter the hidden circle of Panama, and strive to capture some aspects that the public does not understand, such as how luxurious the powerful children are and how much they play. Crazy and cruel, it’s the same sentence. After finding the target, tempt them and create an incident if there is no incident.”

"At the same time, it is necessary to get close to relatives of some power levels, to induce them to mention some situations of the Soviets in Panama, and they must be asked to tell what privileges the Soviets have in Panama, and use this to prove Panama’s current situation. The regime is a puppet of the Soviets."

"Isn't the Panamanian government arresting a lot of people recently? You can make your people responsible for protecting net reporters, ask them to interview relatives of the detainees, and let those people say something in front of the camera. If they don't know what to say, net reporters know. How to guide them to say this, you don't need to worry about your subordinates."

Kim Hyun Tae said one by one his arrangements for the next things.

Originally, Jin Xiantai didn't want to bother so much either.

But if he doesn't mention it, it seems that this matter will not be handled well, so he can only use a little brain cell to mention Selena.

Before Kim Hyun Tae made a suggestion, Selena's eyes would shine brightly.

Obviously, all the things Kim Hyun-tae said made the girl feel great.

Selena is not stupid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She knows very well that if we follow Kim Hyun-tae's words, it will not be long before the whole world will ‘understand’ how unbearable Panama’s current regime is.

At the same time, these shots will also be broadcast in Panama through some channels, which will surely cause a greater sensation in Panama at that time and make the current situation worse.

At the same time, with the dissemination of these contents, the Panamanian people will be extremely disappointed with the current regime, so many things will become much easier.

This is simply more than one stone!

Kim Hyun-tae continued to talk: "I don’t believe that there are no unjust, false, and wrong cases under the current regime. Let Frost look for it. Judging from the virtues of the current Panamanian regime, they must have made a lot of unjust, false and wrong cases. We all have to dig it out and spread it. This is all things that shake people's confidence in the current regime."

Selena looked at Jin Xiantai with admiration, and she couldn't figure out why William's brother was so smart and so many ideas.

It's no wonder that the children of San Juan and Kim Hyun-tae who have experienced the "underworld confrontation" in the past would say that "Brother William" is a very capable guy... (To be continued.)

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