Rising America

Chapter 820: They didn't lie

"Oh my God, Miss Anne, I didn't expect you to come here in person. It really surprised us and at the same time was a great honor."

In an uninhabited place near Cairo, Egypt, Annie brought a few little kids, her housekeeper, Old Nord, and Andrew and his accompanying guards to meet the head of the ‘archaeology’ team of Coco Investment.

When this guy saw Annie, his face suddenly showed an incredible expression, obviously he was very surprised.

After all, it is really not an ordinary honor for them to be able to let people like Anne come in person for a team like this that has always been'influenced'.

Annie's expression was indifferent, and she didn't react too much to the compliment of the other party. She had experienced too many such scenes, and she had reached the point of numbness.

"Hey! Your investor is me. You should just slap my ass. It's useless for you to compliment Mummy Annie so much, and she is already my father's person."

Because of the neglect of himself, Coco seemed very unhappy, and stretched out his hand to pull the trouser leg of the head of the ‘archaeology’ team.

This is a small **** of wealth, not something that can be offended.

Even though Coco is young, the people behind her are not simple at all, so of course they cannot be treated like ordinary children.

So the person in charge of the ‘archaeology’ team quickly turned his attention back to Cocoa, and said a numbing compliment, which finally settled the little guy.

"We stopped filming for a movie and rushed to Egypt, so I hope you can stop talking nonsense and get to the point quickly."

At this time, Annie interrupted the head of the ‘archaeology’ team who was speaking flattery to Coco, and her tone sounded a little uncomfortable.

However, the person in charge of the ‘archaeology’ team did not react a little bit of dissatisfaction, and it seemed that Annie said it for granted.

If you want to come, only Annie will make people think like this. If you try another person, you will definitely be beaten by this guy.

The heavily armed mercenaries took a favorable position and took over the vigilance nearby.

These people are all mercenaries hired by Anne from Europe on the way to Egypt and spent a lot of money on the Internet. They are responsible for the safety of a group of people in Egypt.

Although Annie and her party are not ordinary, but on the surface Annie still has to behave, and at the same time show her strength.

She didn't want to expose to the outside world that she was no longer an ordinary person.

Therefore, when she travels, how could she not arrange for some people to follow her on the safe side.

"Okay, then you follow me and I will tell you the situation in this place."

The person in charge of the'archaeology' team was kind enough to take Anne, Coco, and Pietro to a site that was being excavated. Anne and the little guys who came here found that a big hole had been dug in this place. And many people are busy in the cave, as if there is something extraordinary in the cave.

But from the surrounding environment, this place is nothing surprising.

But considering that the ‘archaeological’ team found this place and conducted excavations, obviously this place is definitely not as simple as it seems.

The other party is definitely not idle, digging holes, or squandering the millions of dollars invested in cocoa.

Although the other party's career is not very glorious, but in this industry, this ‘archaeology’ team has a very good reputation.

But after all, I don't know much about the insider of this business, so Annie didn't immediately express her views, she could only put some doubts in her heart, and wanted to hear what the other party said.

There is a barren desert around, only the sky has a lonely small pyramid standing there, and only the outline can be seen standing there, and there is nothing else to see.

There are not even a few wild dogs in this place.

Coming to the edge of the cave, the person in charge of the'archaeology' team looked back at everyone and said, "According to our information, this place once buried a very prominent person, but for some special reasons, his name was never It was recorded and was deliberately ignored by the rulers of the Egyptian dynasties."

Annie and the little kids were very quiet, listening to this guy talking about everything here, including the so-called ‘history’ of this place where birds don’t shit.

Annie is very strange. Where did the historical secrets from the other party have been researched? Even if there is no record in the past, where did he get the news and found this place?

In short, what the other person said sounds very strange.

If she hadn't known this team beforehand and knew that they were considered to have a good reputation and reputation in the industry, Annie might have thought they were liars.

However, a few children all have very believable expressions, thinking that what the other person is telling is a very old secret, which is very attractive to the little kids.

It's like I'm involved in a "shocking secret", which is very cool and interesting. Children like this kind of thing, don't they?

"Wow, according to your statement, this place was buried by a well-known person in ancient times, but I don’t know why. He was deliberately ignored by the rulers of the ancient Egyptian dynasty and was not even recorded in the historical records. ."

Coco asked excitedly.

At this time, Pietro and Wanda sister and brother, as well as the little girl from Krypton, Kayla, all have a gossip look waiting for each other to answer this question. It can be seen that they really believe everything that each other said.

Yes, it's everything!

Annie couldn't listen anymore at this time. She felt that if she didn't speak, how could this guy fool the children, and she felt more and more that this guy was a liar, obviously Coco was deceived.

"Why didn't I know that there was such a person in the history of Egypt? And you never found these historical materials, and at the same time judged the other party's burial place? I think you are a liar!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the face of the head of the ‘archaeology’ team who was talking to the children immediately changed and became very ugly.

However, he did not dare to get angry at Annie, because the mercenaries who were in charge of guarding scattered around, after hearing Anne’s very unkind words, immediately began to scan the surrounding people with very fierce eyes, and there was a big disagreement. The appearance of the fight made the entire "archaeological" team very jealous and apprehensive.

No one doubts that Annie will order the shooting, because for people like her, killing their archaeology is as simple as crushing an ant.

And she does not have to bear any criminal responsibility for this.

"No! No! No!"

The face of the head of the ‘archaeology’ team changed drastically, and at the same time he waved his hands again and again, and refused to admit to Annie that he was a liar.

Of course, he dare not admit it.

"We are very professional, and we have the attitude of being responsible for investors. Miss Anne, you can go to the entire circle to inquire about our reputation. The reputation of our team is the best. I will not make up a story. Come to deceive you and Miss Coco."

Although the other party tried their best to explain, Annie had already decided that the other party was a liar, so how could she be persuaded to change her point of view with a few words.

Seeing that Annie was unmoved, the head of the ‘archaeology’ team seemed a little flustered. To be honest, he was really afraid that Annie would treat himself as a liar and let the mercenaries she brought with her.

The few frost giants who had been following Annie stared at this guy with an unkind expression, which made the head of the ‘archaeology’ team take a cold breath.

"Miss Anne, you must believe me, we will find something, and I will use facts to prove that we are not a liar."

"Where did you get your historical data?"

"A cult that has lasted in Egypt for an unknown period of time. All the information comes from that place. According to the people there, the **** they believe in is a real one who has existed and established the strongest one long ago. The existence of the Egyptian Empire, that existence possesses incomparably powerful divine power, and he is the living **** at that time."

These remarks made Annie sneer.

But if Annie didn't believe it, it didn't mean the kids didn't believe it.

So at this time Coco pulled Annie's trouser legs, raised her face and said to Annie: "Mummy Annie, let’s trust this uncle, but Coco doesn’t think he is a liar. What he said is true. I I can feel it."

"Oh, Coco, can you feel that this person's words are true?"

Xiao Keke sometimes can't treat her like a normal child, because she herself has surpassed the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

So when Coco said that she could feel that the other party did not lie, Annie had to take it seriously.

Xiao Ke Ke heard the words and nodded: "Dad said that I am the sixth sense. My feelings are very effective at first thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was because of this reason that the Chinese lottery was originally."

The little guy responded to Annie with a proud look.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, and then there was a horror and tragic wailing in the busy cave, and at the same time, a whirlwind composed of yellow sand rolled out from the cave, which was still faintly visible. There were still several figures in the yellow sand whirlwind. Obviously these figures should be people who worked in the cave before. They all seemed to be involved in the yellow sand whirlwind.

But this yellow sand whirlwind is weird!

Because the people involved in the sand fell out a few, and without exception, their bodies shrivelled and lost their lives, as if the water in the body had been drained.

The pupils of the frost giants beside Annie turned silvery white in an instant, and at the same time they released their frozen domain. Ice crystals and snowflakes appeared out of thin air. The temperature dropped rapidly within a radius of 500 meters, and the snowflakes were also sharp as a knife. Rushed to the yellow sand whirlwind.

The leading frost giant roared and stepped out, and at the same time slammed a punch with frost and snow at the yellow sand whirlwind.

The old butler, Nord, stood in front of Annie with a strange flame burning all over, as if he were going to cover something with his body.

Andrew took a metal ball out of his pocket and threw it on the ground. A magnetic field immediately shielded the cocoa, blocking the knife-sharp sand particles brought by the yellow sand whirlwind within a certain range.

At the same time, Andrew also took out the tablet he carried with him all the time, swiped and clicked on the tablet quickly, and whispered: "It seems that these tomb robbers are not telling lies. Obviously they dug up good things. I don't know where. Are you buried in prehistoric humans or the remnants of Arthurian civilization? Hurry up and let me see your life form and characteristics... (To be continued.)

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