Rising America

Chapter 816: Wiltshire incident

"This technology cannot be civilized on the earth, and it can only be controlled in my hands. This is definitely not a technology that can be mastered and controlled by the people on the earth. You can understand this if you come to Miss Anne."

Andrew spoke to Annie and made it clear that this low-level [time-space shuttle] technology could not be used in the earth's civilization without his own control.

And Annie certainly understood this, and she also very much agreed with Andrew's view.

Why do you want to open up such a unique technology? Of course, you can maximize the benefits in your own hands. That would be idiot enough to open this technology to everyone.

Don't say that Andrew would not do this, even if he wanted to, Annie would stop it.

Annie nodded with a smile on her face: "Of course I can understand. There is no doubt that I am not the kind of mentally retarded kind with great feelings, and I am not a hero who has dedicated himself to fighting for all the people on earth. It's just a woman, a little woman with selfish desires, as long as I can live well with the children, William and Cocoa, other things have nothing to do with me."

Is Annie's remark wrong?

In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with what she said.

No one can ask Anne to possess sentiment and feelings.

"This is just a low-level space-time shuttle technology, and what I can master now is only this level, such as crossing the barriers of time and space to other planes. For the time being, I don't have such power yet, but according to your thoughts It is relatively easy to start a war at any point in time within 100 years."

Andrew looked at Annie saying such a thing.

Obviously, Andrew himself didn't have any objection to this idea of ​​Annie, but he was still a little moved.

After all, for Andrew, how many people will die after launching such a war is not good at all.

This is like an elephant that cares about the life and death of ants and is sentimental for it?

More importantly, if Annie does this, then Andrew will have new fun to pass the time.

After all, he feels that he is quite boring on the earth, and he should always have some fun.

Wouldn't he be suffocated otherwise?


War may be a good choice.

Just treat yourself as watching a low-level civilized war reality show.

Above, this is what Andrew really thinks.

Of course, for a Namek, no one can ask them to have the same thinking, viewpoints, and even moral values ​​as the people on earth, because that is unrealistic.

"If I ask, will you help me with this?"

Annie asked further tentatively at this time.

Andrew smiled and nodded: "It's not a big problem."


Annie exhaled a long breath, Andrew's attitude no longer needed to be asked.

Annie immediately sat upright, smiled at Andrew and said, "There is a small problem with this matter, that is, the problem of soldiers. If this problem can be solved, then I think there will be no other obstacles."

Andrew snapped his fingers: "This matter is easy to solve. I have liquid metal robots. These are low-level cannon fodder. It is a good choice to use them as soldiers, and I can also put bionic skins on them. , So that they look exactly like normal people, without revealing the slightest flaw."

When the two talked about this matter, it was as if they were discussing a game. It was so calm and gentle, and they didn't care about how much blood and blood it would be disgusting at a certain point once this matter started. And how many people brought the tragedy of family destruction.

"I have to discuss this matter with William. After all, you are his steward, so his attitude is very important. If William objected, I don't think this matter can be carried out."

When everything was confirmed, Annie finally said this to Andrew.

She needs to discuss with Kim Hyun Tae.

And what Annie meant made Andrew Gao glance at her.

Obviously, in the face of huge interests, Annie can still maintain such an attitude, and she still misses Jin Xiantai, which is very precious.

It is true that Annie, as a cold-blooded capitalist, disregards the lives of others most of the time, but when she treats Jin Xiantai and Coco, she is completely different, and she cares so much.

But it was precisely this that allowed Annie to stay with Jin Xiantai, and Andrew, the butler, did not object.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Annie to stay with Jin Xiantai.

First of all, Andrew can mess up everything here.

Don't believe it, Andrew really has such an ability.

The a380 has flown over California and began to cross the United States. After all, their destination is Egypt, so a long period of time in the early stage will be in the United States.

During the conversation between the two, the LCD TV not far away was broadcasting real-time news, which stated that the California police started a large-scale anti-criminal operation, and the results of this operation were brilliant, etc., and many criminals arrested The picture also contains some Chinese faces.

"Did William start his war?"

Annie asked casually.

Annie still heard about Kim Hyun Tae's support of Zhang Xinzhe.

Although Jin Xiantai didn't tell her about this, how could she keep her from Anne.

After all, Annie's heart is placed on Jin Xiantai, so it is very relevant to his affairs, and it can be said that the matter is fine.

So even if Kim Hyun Tae didn't tell Annie about this, Annie still knew something.

Knowing that Annie is not an ordinary woman, of course Andrew will not hide it, so Andrew nodded: "Yes, and according to my understanding, Zhang Xinzhe and others are doing pretty well."

Annie smiled and did not continue to ask.

With someone like Andrew giving Jin Xiantae some help, what else does Anne have to worry about.

Even if this matter involves Kim Hyun Tae's side, it would be easy to solve it if he wants to come to Andrew.

On the surface, it seemed that Jin Xiantai was just a rich man, but who would have thought that the people around him were so perverted.

"Miss Anne, I really want to know what you expect of our young master in the future? I wonder if you can tell me?"

Anderlu found a topic at this time.

Annie’s eyes were placed on the news program broadcast on the LCD TV. At the same time, in response to Andrew said: “I hope he can enter the elite class in the United States and become a real powerful member, not just a simple rich man, that’s just waiting. The slaughtered lamb."

The words were very clear, and it was enough to let Andrew understand Annie's expectations for Kim Hyun Tae's future.

------split line------

When Annie and a few kids went to Egypt on a private jet, they were experiencing a panic in the town of Salisbury in Wiltshire, England.

The special personnel of MI6 were killed by an unknown creature. Many members have died so far, but they don't even know who killed their colleagues.

"The blue bird calls the Falcon. The fox has just been killed. The other party has a stealth device, and the other party has invisibility..."

In a car repair shop in the small town, an MI6 member hiding here was reporting the situation through the walkie-talkie, but the next second his body was strangely suspended in the air, and the corners of his mouth began to spray bleeding foam. .

What is even more bizarre is that his chest seemed to be inserted by some sharp weapon, and a big wound appeared, and from this scary-looking wound, he was still spraying scarlet thick blood.

The energy flowed quickly from his body. This feeling was his first experience. To be honest, it was uncomfortable.

And this guy knows very well that he has no chance of a second experience.

Cough cough cough!

He coughed violently and began to feel black in front of his eyes.

[Blue Bird, I am Falcon, please answer when you hear it, and summarize the information you collected in detail... Blue Bird, I am Falcon...]

There was an echo in the walkie-talkie, but it was too late now.

"You...what kind of monster are..."

The MI6 intelligence agent who quickly fell into a coma and died, struggling to use his last strength, finally said something like this.

His body seems to be suspended in the air strangely, and his hands and feet are also irregularly twisted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if they were broken with great strength.

But there is no second person around this dying person, so how could he become like this?

At the same time, who did he say this to?

Soon, the answer appeared.

The air twisted for a while, and then a faint blue halo flashed, and a guy with a tall figure wearing a metal armor and holding a flashing cold metal cold weapon blade appeared out of thin air.

It turned out that it was this guy who pierced the body of the MI6 member with the sharp blade in his hand and lifted it high in the air.

And the reason why I didn't see the trace of this armored creature before was because it had turned on the invisibility device.

Raising his hand, he swayed the cheeks of MI6 members from left to right, as if he was observing and admiring something.

This MI6 member is very brave and brave. Although he already knew he was about to die, he still summoned his last strength and forcefully tore off the metal mask on the face of the creature that hurt him, while facing the one that was still open. The walkie-talkie roared and reported as much information as possible to the companion on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

"Confirm that the target has a stealth device! And confirm that the target is an alien creature!"


As if the mask was torn off and was insulted, the'monster' severely slammed the member of the Intelligence Sixth Division to the ground, and then stepped on the northern part of the opponent. At the same time, he attached himself and stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's cervical spine. ...With a stab... it actually pulled the entire spine of the MI6 member with the head from its body, which was extremely cruel.


Lifting the cervical spine attached to the skull high, this ‘monster’ roared into the sky, as if it were a warrior who had just hit his prey. (To be continued.)

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