Rising America

Chapter 805: Mysterious invitation

"I don’t know what Mr. William’s impression of our Panama this time? To be honest, although many of our Panama’s hardware is not as good as the United States, I dare to say that the investment environment is not bad at all, and the service industry is also comparable. There is a standard."

Accompanied by a certain Panamanian official minister, Jin Xiantai took 47, Hilda and Camilla, and his new sister Selena, who was newly soaked in Panama, to start the local inspection.

After several days of inspection, the accompanying official couldn't help it.

Kim Hyun Tae smiled and nodded, agreeing to what the other party said.

To be honest, the investment environment in Panama is indeed good, and if the American businessman is willing to invest, the current Panamanian government is also willing to provide a series of preferential policy support, and the conditions are so good that there is nothing to say.

It’s just that the other party doesn’t know. Kim Hyun-tae didn’t come to invest at all, but with the purpose of subverting the current regime.

If the current Panamanian government knew why Jin Xiantae came, it would never be so friendly, and it would have to use the means of seeing him.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae came to Panama under the name of a "business investigation", and he did not let the Soviet agents who helped the current regime discover any flaws, so he can still be very leisurely.

"The investment environment on your side is indeed good, and I am very satisfied with the conditions given by the Ministry of Commerce, but I don't want to get involved in the service industry. After all, there are already many industries in Panama, and the competition is very fierce."

Hearing the other party test himself, Kim Hyun Tae immediately started acting mode.

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is a real rich man, so his interpretation of an investor can be said to be without the slightest falsehood. No one can see what's wrong.

The Panamanian officials who accompanied him for a few days heard the words and immediately showed an inquisitive look and continued to tentatively ask: "Then Mr. William, if you are not willing to be involved in the service industry, then can I know what industry you intend to invest in? Of course? No matter what industry you invest in, our Panamanian government will support you."

For a rich man like Jin Xiantai, the Panamanian government will certainly not ignore it.

As long as they are not mentally disabled, they should know how to keep this rich man and let him invest in Panama.

And Kim Hyun-tae made it clear that he had no intention of entering the service industry, which was just as embarrassing to the accompanying officials and the Ministry of Commerce.

Because of its superior geographical environment, Panama’s domestic service industry is very developed.

In addition, the country itself is not very rich in mineral resources, heavy and light industries are not very developed, but there are many tourists every year, so the service industry is Panama’s main tax pillar and also the country’s main pillar industry.

The five-star hotel established by the Whiston Bank in Panama can already illustrate this problem.

Bars, interstellar hotels, restaurants, and all kinds of businesses that provide services to tourists have long been occupied by first comers, so as long as Jin Xiantai is not that kind of idiot, it is absolutely impossible to enter this industry.

So his answer is normal.

As Kim Hyun Tae’s new girlfriend, Selena followed Kim Hyun Tae to participate in these days of business investigations throughout the entire process, and established her girlfriend’s identity in front of everyone, and everyone accepted her existence.

In this way, what she wants to do in the future will be much more convenient.

At this time, Selena pretended not to understand anything, and seemed naive to intervene and said: "William, you are very rich. It is easy to invest in any industry. Since you don’t like the service industry , And I don’t intend to join the competition in this industry, so you can just switch to another one."

Very silly and naive, she looks like a girl who doesn't understand anything, and she also brings a little bit of stupidity... Selena can be said to perform perfectly.

Hearing that, Kim Hyun-tae showed a smile on his face, then nodded and looked at Selena with a very fond look, and then said: "That's right, I won't participate in the service, I I don’t want to fight with others in this industry, but that’s not to say that I won’t invest in Panama. I’m here to explain a lot of problems, right?”

[Really a stupid girl. It seems that she is only interested in this little guy’s wealth, but this girl won’t stay with this little guy for long. When the little guy gets bored, she will have a new love. For rich people like the little guy, changing women is not as simple as changing clothes. 】

Selena's proper interpretation made the officials who accompanied her not optimistic about the future of her and Kim Hyun Tae.

However, the accompanying official did not know how the relationship between Jin Xiantai and Selena was so simple as he had seen.

As long as the line of San Juan's origin is still hanging on Jin Xiantai's body, then he and Serena, who also came from San Juan, will never be able to separate them.

Even if Kim Hyun-tae wanted to be clear, what would the children from the San Juan monastery think?

"I plan to invest in the construction of the 35th data processing center of a network company here. The initial investment budget is US$2.8 billion, and there may be additional ones. In the process of construction, I will hire as many locals as possible, and After completion, local network engineers will be hired to enter the enterprise."

Jin Hyun-tae, who was meaninglessly involved in the service industry, told the accompanying official his plans.

An investment of 2.8 billion US dollars, and there may be additional budget, then basically this is equivalent to more than 3 billion US dollars, so this is definitely not a small investment.

It’s true that the population base and land in Yoshikawa are ten times larger, but US$3 billion is a lot. What’s more important is that Jin Xiantai does not intend to get involved in the service industry, but the network data business involved, which happens to be Another shortcoming of Panama.

It can be predicted that Jin Xiantai will make up for this disadvantage.

At the same time, the Internet companies under the name of Jin Xiantai have invested in the construction of data processing centers in South America such as Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and other countries. After these centers are completed, they have indeed brought a lot of economic stimulus to the local area. The local employment rate rose for a while.

Although the employment rate will drop after the completion, and professional talents will be hired, some of the external businesses of these data centers are also very profitable, and they also bring a lot of tax.

Therefore, Panama is also exceptionally jealous.

Well now, Jin Xiantai will finally set up a data processing center in Panama, which means that Panama can enjoy all the things they were jealous of.

Therefore, the official who accompanied Jin Xiantai for a few days' excitement turned ruddy.

"No problem, no matter where you want to build, Mr. William, we will solve the land problem you need. We will definitely not add a little trouble to you in this regard."

For some basic things, the official patted his chest to make a guarantee.

After all, he doesn't want to fly away with such a large investment because of his own relationship. If such a problem really occurs, his position will definitely be lost, and he will not be able to eat it.

At this time, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After a complaint, the official walked aside and answered the call.

As for the content of Kim Hyun Tae, I don’t know, but these are not hidden from Selena, who has special abilities, and the genetic girls.

Therefore, the faces of several girls are very strange.

By observing the expressions on the girls' faces, Jin Xiantai guessed the content of the official's call.

Soon, Kim Hyun Tae didn't have to guess, because the official walked back after finishing the call and sent an invitation to Kim Hyun Tae.

"Dear Mr. William, if you are free tonight, can I invite you to a more private dinner?"

While issuing this invitation to Kim Hyun Tae, the official watched Kim Hyun Tae's reaction.

Selena, who was holding Jin Xiantai's arm, squeezed him without a trace. Obviously this was for him to agree to the invitation.

Now that Selena gave all the tips, Jin Xiantai knew what to do.

"Hilda, do I have any plans for the evening?"

But it needs some pretense.

Hilda took out the laptop, opened the trip log and looked at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said to Jin Hyuntae: "Sir, you have plenty of time tonight."

Immediately, Kim Hyun Tae smiled and said to the official: "Okay, it seems that I have a rich time tonight."

After receiving Jin Xiantai's response, the official's smile became stronger.

"Whiston Hotel restaurant, 20 o'clock in the evening, where I will meet you in person."

The location is very good, right in the restaurant of the Whiston Hotel, I don't know if the inviter chose this place deliberately, so as not to make Jin Xiantai feel troubled.

In any case, the other party is really more careful.

Immediately after he accompanied the officials to leave with excuses, Jin Xiantai exchanged greetings with the other party, but did not hold back.

When the official left and there were no outsiders around, Kim Hyun-tae turned his head and asked the girls: "Looking at what you look like, obviously you know the content of the call he answered just now, so I want to know what the content is. ."

This question was answered by Selena.

"I told you that the current government in Panama is very, and the invitation to the evening is just a personal contact. The other party wants to make a fortune in this investment."

Although I guessed a lot of answers just now, I just didn't guess that it would be like this.

In this regard, Kim Hyun-tae, while not laughing or crying, also gained a little insight into the current Panamanian regime.

I just decided to invest here, and I have to reach out for the benefits over there. Such an authority in power is really... how can people say.

Selena continued to say to Kim Hyun-tae solemnly: "The person you are going to meet in the evening is from the military, so I will let you agree. If it's those politicians, you don't have to deal with those useless guys. "

Oh, it's from the military.

At this time, Jin Xiantai came to his head. (To be continued.)

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