Rising America

Chapter 444: Rest assured, we are not bad

"Mr. Vice President, we will arrive at Yanjing International Airport in three hours. Please be prepared. China has informed that many media have already arrived. There may be filming and some questions. Wen Novel Network"

It has been fifteen hours after leaving Ulaanbaatar. After a long flight, the old George and Jin Xiantai are about to begin their arrival in China, the fourth stop of their trip to Asia, and they will have a 12-day friendly visit in China.

At this time, three days have passed since the time for 47 to do a simple blood test and related quizzes.

After the old George motioned to the security captain who had come to rule him and was ready to leave, he turned his head and said to Kim Hyun-tae who was sitting next to him: “The girl’s blood test results have been obtained. According to the test data, the girl’s The blood contains feline genes. Obviously, the Soviets are conducting research on the combination of human and animal genes, which is very consistent with the information we have."

When talking about this issue, Old George's expression was very serious.

From the bottom of his eyes, Jin Xiantai could even see a trace of worry.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae does not think that the worry in the eyes of old George is because the research carried out by the Soviets would threaten the United States. There must be other reasons.

Sure enough, the next moment Old George sighed and quietly opened his mouth to give the answer to this guess.

"Oh! Such an experiment is simply against the inherent ethics of mankind. Do the Soviets want to create a new race?"

Kim Hyun-tae agreed upon hearing the words: "Yes, what they did is simply to create a new human race. I can't imagine what success will bring."

Old George smiled bitterly and shook his head: "At that time there will be new types of infectious diseases, genetic malformations, and various new types of diseases that we cannot understand, which can bring disasters to mankind. The Soviets are It's messing up."

Old George's vision was far-reaching than Jin Xiantae's, and Jin Xiantae had never thought of these problems he had thought of.

"Mr. George, do we in the United States have a way to deal with it? I am referring to the research on dealing with the "super fighters" of the Soviets. I am more worried about this issue than the diseases you mentioned." Will grasp the opportunity to show the psychological activities and attitudes that an abc should have, "I can't imagine how much damage it will bring if someone with this kind of destructive power appears on the United States."

Kim Hyun Tae’s acting skills are improving day by day, and he occasionally performs like this in front of Old George, making Old George believe that he is an authentic ‘banana man’.

Speaking of which, Kim Hyun-tae is also a little black.

The anxiety and worry on his face seemed to explain to Old George that a young man with an ‘American heart’ was worried and worried about this issue.

And this kind of reaction is indeed what a talented person who cares about the United States will have.

So everything that Kim Hyun Tae performed, made old George very satisfied in his eyes.

But Old George knew there that the young Chinese man in front of him was actually acting.


Life is basically a big show, and it's time for reality shows all the time.

Looking at Kim Hyun-tae, who looked worried about this, the old George temporarily discarded some of the worries that he had caused for the Soviets’ “Super Soldier” project and began to reveal some secrets to Kim Hyun-tae.

"Don't worry, we also have related experimental studies. The Soviets took the road of combining human genes with animal genes, while we in the United States are better. We chose the road to stimulate the human body's potential and achieved some progress."

That's enough, and I can only say so much about Kim Hyun Tae. After all, this is considered a secret.

Although it may not be considered a secret to the intelligence agencies of various countries, it is not suitable for ordinary people to disclose such things.

Obviously, Kim Hyun-tae is still a member of the general public, so it is obvious that Old George can say such a few words to him.

"According to the relevant information I have learned, the combat effectiveness of our fighters is no weaker than the Soviet super fighters. So if the Soviets want to do that, they must be prepared to be retaliated by us, and what they receive The loss will be ten times or even a hundred times more than us!"

Although the old George didn't say it clearly, his confident confidence and tone all showed to Kim Hyun Tae that he was a person who knew everything inside.

It’s just that Old George didn’t want to say it clearly, and it’s not easy for Kim Hyun-tae to take the initiative to ask this matter.

Anyway, he knows it clearly, and the United States is also conducting related research, isn't it all right?

"Now I'm relieved, as long as our Great America has this kind of power to fight against." Kim Hyun-tae pretended to breathe a sigh of relief, and his face looked like all the worries were removed, making Old George amused.

But at the same time, he also made Old George feel a state of mind that he was completely an American, and he really wanted to say that Kim Hyun-tae played a good show.

Old George thought for a while and smiled and said to Jin Xiantai: "In fact, you think Mengshan Company is only doing research on genetically modified seeds? To tell you the truth, Mengshan Company is very powerful in terms of genetic engineering, especially in terms of human gene optimization. , And the promotion of genetically modified food on the surface is just a cover."

Maybe it was because of a good mood, or because of some other factors. In short, Old Qiao Anzhi revealed some secret information to Jin Xiantai that the public did not know.

For example, Mengshan Genetics Co., Ltd., which is currently cooperating with Jin Xiantai, is the largest genetic research institution in the United States. deep.

Obviously, Mengshan Company has participated in the research of the so-called genetic warrior in the secret experiment of the United States.

Jin Xiantai sighed silently in his heart [Sure enough, there is something in different time and space, which is different from his original time and space. ].

That's right, after he contacted Alexander in Mongolia, he discovered the difference between different time and space, and he can see that in some respects, the different time and space are much larger than the original time and space.

However, Kim Hyun-tae would not feel surprised or strange about this.

After all, this space-time and one's original space-time are two space-times that look the same but are actually different at all.

He didn't say that the two time spaces must be exactly the same. If he thinks this way, he would be a big idiot.

"You have no way to understand this in your current position, but you have to believe that in the future some things that are now secret will not become secrets. You will become a member of the elite circle and become a standing pyramid. A sharp person, you also have such potential."

Old George was afraid of what decadent thoughts Kim Hyun Tae would have, so he comforted and encouraged him.

After all, after contacting Alexandria, Jin Xiantai has seen some dark sides of the real society under the sun. For a ‘17’-year-old teenager, such dark sides will indeed have an impact on a person’s perception of the world.

It is normal for Old George to be worried about this.

Jin Xiantai is a young man he values, and he also intends to train him well, so he doesn't want Jin Xiantai to be affected by these dark sides of reality.

"Thank you for your relief, I am not that vulnerable yet."

Kim Hyun Tae expressed his gratitude to the old George, and at the same time told him that he was not so cowardly.

"I find now that even if I have money, I can't become a real elite. At most, I am more comfortable than ordinary people. I don't understand many secrets, so I feel how much I am. Insignificance and ignorance."

Old George hurriedly said: "At least your wealth gives you a better foundation, which is better than many people. This also allows you to go further in the future and stand in a higher position."

Kim Hyun-tae smiled when he heard the words, and then continued: "Yes, I feel my insignificance and ignorance, so I want to change this. At least I have to be a member who knows these secrets, which is right for me. Both are good, right."

Old George also smiled and nodded. Although Jin Xiantai has selfishness, it seems to him nothing. Who in the world has no selfishness.

At the very least, Kim Hyun-tae’s starting point is pretty good, much better than those guys who want to be a master to make money.

Of course, this may have something to do with Kim Hyun Tae owning a lot of wealth, so if Kim Hyun Tae became an elite, his weaknesses would be much less.

At least this one is invulnerable economically.

"Don't worry, this wish of yours will be fulfilled, I assure you!"

Old George grabbed the back of Kim Hyun Tae's right hand and shook it vigorously.

At this point, this topic can be regarded as an end.

Because there was still some time to reach the destination, Old George changed a more relaxed topic and chatted with Jin Xiantai, also to pass the boring time.

"I heard that the prospectors you hired have gone to the Northern Dynasties, so do you have any feedback?"

Old George asked about the Northern Dynasty.

Jin Xiantai replied: "The prospectors reported to me that the reserves of gold mines in the Northern Dynasties were between 12,000 and 30,000 tons, which is not as high as the 200,000 tons that the Northern Dynasties boasted. Obviously, there is a problem. The Northern Dynasty was bragging."

Ha ha!

The 200,000 tons of gold reserves, which the Northern Dynasty also lost, said.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, the old George also laughed: "Haha, even the reserves of 12,000 tons are not bad, at least you will not lose money and make money, do you? A few hundred tons are strong."

Jin Xiantai nodded, admitting that Old George was right.

------split line------

Just before the plane of the old George and his party arrived at China Yanjing International Airport, an old man somewhere in Yanjing was confessing something to his son.

"This time US Vice President George's visit to China, the little guy named William is also a member of the entourage. You must use this opportunity to get his blood sample. Whether he belongs to our old Jin family or not depends on whether he can get the blood sample. ."

The middle-aged man standing in front of the old man nodded.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with this."

After getting his son's answer, the old man showed a satisfied look, but the next moment the old man changed an angry look. Such a change made people very surprised.

"Weiguo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do some guys mean by jumping up and down recently?"

A helpless smile appeared on the middle-aged man’s face when he heard the words, and he answered the old man: “The boy is rich, and he is still very rich, so some people with ulterior motives have taken a fancy to this point, hoping to extract some money. After George's visit to China, he even organized an appointment meeting or something."

The old man suddenly blew his beard and stared at the son in front of him and shouted: "If it proves that that child is the kind of our old Jin family, wouldn't those clowns who jump up and down become our'relatives'? Don't you think this kind of thing is funny? "

It is more than ridiculous, but also ashamed.

And the shame will be thrown in front of Americans.

The middle-aged man Jin Weiguo in front of the old man made complaints in his heart.

During this period of time, there have been many people in China, who claim to be the parents of the young and wealthy William William.

And the "clowns" in the old population are talking about people like them... (To be continued.)

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