Rising America

Chapter 1855: Find

The guy in the projection looked very flustered. When it was running, he looked back from time to time, as if something terrible was chasing it behind him, and the guy fell over.

However, it quickly got up, and then continued to run forward along the corridor. It quickly ran to the position of the bull demon and stopped, and raised his hand to the one protruding from the wall, with many unsightly I quickly pressed a few times on the square of the understandable symbol, and then the wall was concaved inward.

   Obviously, there is a room here.

   It's just that Yang Weiwei and the others didn't notice it, and the door of the room fits very delicately with the wall of the corridor, so if you understand all this, there is no way for people to discover it.

   Thanks to the projection relationship, Yang Weiwei and the others realized that there was still another room in the place where the Bull Demon King was.

   The projection is still going on, the guy who opened the door to the wall hurriedly wanted the room, but at this time the door of the room has not been completely opened yet.

   At this time, several figures appeared in the projection. Yang Weiwei and the others were not unfamiliar to see these figures, because they were all cockroach people.

   The same black skin, sturdy body, looks dull, although I don't know how long what happened in this projection, but it is obvious that the appearance of the cockroach man has not changed at all.

   The guy wearing what looks like biochemical clothing, at this moment, seems even more flustered and disturbed, and the room seems to be human.

   He started calling for help, and struggling to drill into the door that was not fully opened, but did not know what to do, the door that had been slowly opened suddenly began to close.

   There is no sound from the projection, but Yang Weiwei and the others can still clearly see how the guy was closed by the door, leaving only half of his body.

   Obviously, there is a companion in the room, but for the sake of their own safety, their companions have decided to sacrifice the guy outside.

The Bull Devil reached out his hand and stabbed half of the mummy, muttering, "So you are such a sad guy, killed by your companion, but here is only your lower body. I don't know how your companion treats your upper body. ?" At this point, the Bull Demon stopped for a while, and then murmured, "I want to say, given the level of technology you have mastered, maybe you will not die."

Professor Zhang, who had been shocked and stunned by all that had happened, suddenly said: "Yes, everything shown in the image should be what happened when the creatures died in this era of civilization relics. Obviously, they have more power than humans. The level of science and technology, so you are right, Lao Niu, it is estimated that the owner of this half of the body may not necessarily die."

   Yang Weiwei is not very interested in this matter. She noticed how the guy whose body was only half of his body was shown in the projection and made a door on the wall.

   So, Yang Weiwei walked to the side of the Bull Demon King, turned and put her gaze on the side wall.

   This corridor is very similar to a circular pipe, and the walls are engraved with mysterious symbols. Obviously, this is a text used by some kind of alien civilization.

   Although there is a language translator, Yang Weiwei doesn't understand alien characters, so Yang Weiwei really can't understand these runes.

   But it doesn't matter. She found the small raised square accurately based on the important information presented in the previous projection, the location of the owner of the half body.

   Seriously, if you don’t look for it carefully, it’s really easy to overlook the small square.

   Its intertwined among the runes on many walls, it looks inconspicuous at all.

   The symbols appearing on this small square seem to be one, but in fact the symbols in this square are composed of a dozen small symbols arranged in an orderly manner.

   Judging from the order of the small symbols, it is obvious what button it is.

   Of course, although this is different from the earth, after all, people are alien civilizations, so it is normal to be different from the earth.

   You can never ask for alien civilization, everything must be exactly the same as the people on earth, right?

   This is obviously impossible.

  Perhaps, such a setting is normal for this destroyed civilization.

   And the button input password arrangement like the earth people is very unscientific.

   "Professor Zhang, I found the button."

  Hullah, everyone gathered around.

   "Can you open the door of the room? After so long, can this button be used?"

   "Whether it can be used is a secondary question. The main question is do we know the password to open the door?"

   "Although there is a screen of an alien entering the password in the projection, because of the angle problem, we did not see what it was input at all."

After    came up, everyone started to communicate with each other.

   Professor Zhang also frowned, staring at the small square beside Yang Weiwei, obviously embarrassed by that question.

   There is no password, this is very difficult.

   can't let the bull demon tear the wall by hand.

   It can do this just now, because there is nothing to worry about, it's just the outer layer anyway.

   But it's different right now. God knows if something important will be destroyed, so Professor Zhang doesn't want to let the Bull Demon continue to do anything.

   "I don't know how much time has passed. Maybe, maybe we can see if we can find the mark on it, and use this method to find a way to open the door."

   Yang Weiwei did not want to choose violence to break in, so she thought of a method used by the middle and high IQ criminal thieves in a film and television series, such as using some modern technological methods to find the mark on the button.

   This small square is obviously the door password button of that alien civilization. Anyone of them must enter the correct password to enter.

   So, this method is definitely feasible.

   The main problem is that time may have passed too far, and I don’t know if the Naxi mark can be found.

   Professor Zhang's eyes lit up.

   He thinks Yang Weiwei's proposal is feasible.

   And for these scholars and the equipment they carry, this matter is not that difficult.

   "Yes! Let's do this first, let's talk about it later."

   No one knows what the room inside is doing after opening the door.

  Perhaps, it is not a laboratory, but a small room.

   But in any case, the idea is always correct, in case there is something good in this room.

   No one can guarantee this, right?

   Under the arrangement of Professor Zhang, several scholars in the team opened their portable capsules, took out some instruments, and started scanning against the small squares.

   Professor Zhang walked to the side of Yang Weiwei and the Bull Demon King, and said to each person: "I am curious how this civilization was destroyed, but it is obvious that through the previous projection, it should be related to the cockroach person."

   Indeed, the cockroach man appeared in the projection. It is correct to judge by this information.

   It's just that Professor Zhang, they still can't understand that the destruction of that civilization, the relationship with the cockroach man, and what the cockroach man is about.

   This is something that needs to be figured out.


   "It's done!"

  Professor Zhang's voice just fell, and there were excitement voices from the scholars surrounding the small square.

   Although I don’t know how long has passed, because the space inside the mountain is well closed, they can easily find the traces left by the user and open the door of the room through these traces.

   The wall was recessed inward, and then slowly rose up.

  The Bull Demon King kicked half of his body to the side, and it felt that it was a bit of a hindrance to abandon this half of his body.

   Professor Zhang stopped communicating with Yang Weiwei and the old cow, and walked to the slowly opened door.

   Lao Niu also came over.

   "Don't worry, let my old cow go in first. If there is no danger, everyone will come in again."

  The Bull Demon King is very prudent, and volunteered to propose himself first to explore the way.

   No one on the mining team opposed this suggestion.

  The Bull Demon King is a great demon, it is the most suitable to explore the way.

   Besides, no one can guarantee that there is no danger inside.

  With the strength of the Bull Demon King, it can be easily dealt with if it encounters any danger, it is always better than Professor Zhang and the others.

   After all, Professor Zhang and they are all ordinary people.

   Wu Xiubo, oh no, it was the Bull Demon King who finished speaking and walked straight in.

  Who could have imagined that the bull demon king in a different time and space would actually look like a handsome middle-aged Wu Xiubo after he turned into a human form.

   It is estimated that if Jin Xiantai is here, the bull demon king who sees this face will be dumbfounded.

Unlike Professor Zhang and the others, the Bull Demon King has a neat suit and doesn't wear any protective equipment at all. It gives people a stinky style who has to stay handsome and handsome wherever they go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in the eyes of Lao Niu. , I am the president Faner.

   Well, the president of Ji Lei Shan.

   Now Lao Niu’s Ji Lei Shan has also begun to do business, and his main business is tourism.

   And with its reputation, it has indeed attracted many ordinary people to come and contributed a lot to the GDP of Jileishan.

   It is from when, Lao Niu has always been showing the appearance of this "Wu Xiubo".

  Of course, it is difficult to say whether the old man wants to seduce some human sisters by relying on the appearance of this handsome middle-aged and old man in private.

   After all, Lao Niu is a demon with a criminal record.

   For example, they both married Princess Iron Fan, but it also maintained a demon fox outside. This is something that the Three Realms know.

   It can be seen that the Bull Demon King is definitely the kind of thing that believes in "the red flag at home will not fall, the colorful flags outside".

   And after this product joined the exploration team, with its handsome middle-aged look of Wu Xiubo, it really got the two hairy girls into hands...

   The room was dark and invisible.

   However, this is not troublesome for Lao Niu at all.

   The demon power runs, and the old cow can see everything inside.

   But because he couldn't read the alien text, the old cow couldn't find the light switch, so he took a bead from his pocket and threw it straight out.

   The next moment, the beads released a drain, illuminating the room.

   has light, which allows even Yang Weiwei, Professor Zhang and the others, who are standing outside, to see what's going on inside.

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