Rising America

Chapter 1839: Method

The new alien that incorporates the cockroach human gene retains the unique physical signs of the alien, but at the same time the characteristics of the cockroach human appear, especially two tentacles on the forehead.

Different from the cockroach man, it is the kind of corrosive saliva that comes out from a mouth with a special shape, as well as the sharp teeth in that mouth.

From the appearance, Alien is very cruel.

But cockroach people are not easy to provoke. They also started to evolve again after encountering aliens.

I have to admit that the cockroach man is really strong.

The evolved cockroach man has a stronger body, will not even fall under the wind when fighting with aliens, and has a faster speed.

The Alien is miserable, torn to pieces by the cockroach man who turned it into a kitchen, its powerful body is as fragile as paper paste under the opponent's pull.

Everyone in the conference room became silent after receiving the last image information transmitted from the destroyed alien apricot.

Yang Weiwei was also very surprised by the cockroaches who were able to meet the strong in the picture.

At this time, the American space exploration team has resolved the crisis, but now it is the turn of the China Space Exploration team to run into trouble.

Although the cockroach people are the indigenous civilizations of the universe, in terms of the things they show, they may not be smaller than the invasion of Asgard.

You know, even the aliens fused with the cockroach human genes were killed.

From this, we can see how powerful the aboriginal people named "Sichuan Star" are.

"Have the genetically collected apricot come back?"

The gray-haired old Chinese man asked.

Behind him, a man who looked like a mixed race responded: "I have returned and are undergoing a delivery inspection. They have lost half of their manpower."

"First pause the release of aliens. I believe everyone can see that the aborigines on this planet have very strange talents. They can evolve according to the opponents they face, and they have evolved to be stronger than the opponents. Before we have some more detailed information, we should not put the aliens."

The words of the old man made the men and women around him nod, obviously they agreed with the meaning revealed in the old man's words.

Indeed, it is meaningless to continue to drop alien eggs on this planet right now.

Because Alien is not an opponent at all.

The natives on this planet have very weird and peculiar talents. If the aliens are kept like this, and the aliens merge the genes of these guys, then the natives will also be stimulated to evolve more times, and will they become stronger then.

Therefore, in order to avoid stimulating the aborigines to evolve again, the distribution of aliens had to be temporarily stopped.

Fortunately, the genes of the aborigines have already been collected, and after the biological scientists have studied the genes of these guys and come to a conclusion, they can then target their weaknesses.

There are some things that I really can't rush.

The dropping of alien eggs stopped like this, but the monitoring of this planet and the aborigines on the planet did not stop for a moment.

Inside the spacecraft, biologists are studying those genes with all their strength to see what the aboriginal people on this planet are.

Soon, this matter will have a result.

"What | Our genes are 99% similar to cockroaches on earth!"

When the senior managers of the exploration team learned of this news, they all looked like a ghost.

The biologist who came to report this result also showed a helpless look.

"Yes, it can be said that the aborigines on this planet are formed after the evolution of cockroaches. They have a strong ability to imitate, can learn quickly, and at the same time have vitality that we can't match."

"When you think about it, everyone knows how tenacious the lifeline of cockroaches on earth is, and they can survive for ten minutes even without a head. The cockroach people on this planet are obviously stronger than those on our earth."

"Then what should we do? We must conquer this planet, but the other party has no way to communicate, and it is very cruel, so we can only use force as a way."

Although the aboriginals look primitive, they are on the path of individual evolution, so each one has strong combat effectiveness.

In addition, the Huaxia Space Exploration team does not want to destroy the natural ecological environment of this planet, and therefore does not want to use mass destruction shipborne weapons, so this matter is a bit difficult.

"Why don't we send cultivators to take action?"

At this time, I don't know who made such a suggestion.

But he was immediately rejected by the gray-haired old man.

"No, you have all heard that when you think about it, those aborigines have great racial talents. They can imitate the characteristics of the enemy through battle, and then make themselves evolve and become stronger again. If we send out cultivators, in case the aborigines also learn Now, isn’t this making us trouble ourselves."

Thinking of those terrible cockroach people and learning the cultivator's method, everyone present couldn't help but shiver.

"How about using chemical weapons to solve them?"

The old man frowned, planning to use biochemical weapons.

Since the aborigines on this planet are similar to cockroaches on earth, biochemical weapons have the same effect as cockroach medicine.

After all, isn't there a cockroach medicine on earth?

It is a pity that his proposal was rejected by the biologist who came to report the matter.

"It's difficult. We found that these guys' genes are very resistant to many toxic substances, which means that even biochemical weapons will not have any effect on them."

In fact, the people of the China Space Exploration team did not know that there was a very brilliant civilization on this planet, but this brilliant civilization was destroyed in the hands of these cockroaches.

Speaking of it, this civilization is somewhat similar to human beings. It follows the path of technological development, and looks similar to humans.

The cockroach man is a genetic combat weapon developed by this civilization.

It was only an error in the process of research that led to the destruction of the entire civilization.

Facing those fierce cockroach people, this civilization has not resisted.

They dispatched the army and produced all kinds of sophisticated weapons.

But these are not used indiscriminately.

Even after experiencing these weapons and artillery fire, the cockroach man's combat weapons have become more powerful, and even the body has stimulated resistance to these weapons, including biochemical weapons.

This is why scholars, when studying human genes of cockroaches, will find that there are so many resistances in their genes.

But these cockroaches are so powerful, is there really no way to deal with them?

The Huaxia Space Exploration team turned the problem encountered by itself against the earth. The senior officials of Huaxia quickly gathered scientific elites from various countries in the camp to discuss this matter and quickly introduced a method.

This method is very simple. It is to also use warriors with insect genes to deal with those cockroach people. After all, this follows the laws of nature. No matter how strong cockroach people are, they must have Krypton, right?

You know, since those aborigines have 99% similarity with cockroaches on earth in their genes, then it can be determined that these guys must have evolved from cockroaches.

As for why aboriginal people with cockroach genes can be found on this planet, everyone's attention has not been put on this.

Therefore, Earth’s suggestion is to let the China Space Exploration team use its resources to create a group of warriors with cockroach natural enemy genes, and then use these warriors to deal with the cockroach people.

In addition, the Earth side specially ordered not to send monks to attack, not to give the cockroach people the opportunity to imitate and learn, so that they could become stronger or continue to evolve.

No way, the cockroach man's imitating talent is really daunting.

Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If such a thing happens, then if you want to eliminate the cockroach people, it will not be so easy to occupy this planet.

But in any case, the general direction is now in place.

Success or failure, let's try first.

With the goal, the next thing is simple.

The Huaxia Space Exploration team carries a lot of genes from earth creatures, some of which can be used to cultivate human soldiers carrying cockroach natural enemies genes.

Because the genetic technology mastered is not so comprehensive, the China Space Exploration team cannot easily build a genetic warrior like Jin Xiantai and the others.

You know, the genetic technology provided by the Protoss Civilization, regardless of the two major camps in China or the United States, are actually still being studied.

Therefore, the China Space Exploration team adopted another method, which is to develop a genetic injection for injection, so that the injection can have the natural ability of insects in the natural world within a certain period of time.

I have to say that, through such an accident, the China Space Exploration team actually developed such a thing.

If this technology can be used maturely, it can also be popularized by ordinary people in the future, so that they can have a certain degree of self-preservation when they live on alien planets.

The injection is available, and all that is left is to find a test subject and then look at the values.

Of course, the experimental subjects could not find humans, so naturally, the alien evolution became the only ulcer.

Due to the particularity of this experiment, it was only possible to select the heteromorphs of the mature body, so a few unlucky ones were selected and honestly injected such as'white-fronted high-footed spider, scorpion, centipede, and ant'. The genes of the lizard ``gecko'', and then these guys were put on the Sichuan Star

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