Rising America

Chapter 1821: What do you buy this thing

The Huaxia Exploration Team has accepted and recruited "alien Chinese", and the United States also has Thor and the exiles, as well as the No. 2 Xinghai people who are fighting to protect their homes, so whether it is the China Space Exploration Team or the United States The exploratory team is not the same, letting the'foreigners' fight, and I let the team members who belong to human beings stay behind.

At most, that is, let the human warriors go out and check the situation nearby, nothing more.

Anyway, commanders would not send human soldiers to do dangerous things.

Hundreds of thousands of hill dwarves, recruited from the Oscar continent, were transported to the defensive star by interstellar transport spacecraft.

In the final analysis, this is also an idea to send the Hill Dwarf to death.

In terms of value, this is indeed more correct than ulcers.

Regardless of this kind of thing, both the senior managers of China and the United States are very clear about how they should get the ulcer. Even if Jin Xiantai is asked to do the ulcer, he will also make this choice.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with bad conscience, or whether it's a jerk.

As long as it is a normal human being, can it still protect alien life and let human beings die?

Obviously, this is unlikely.

Even those ‘Mothers’ would not do this.

Thor and the others are not creatures that can live underwater, so when they descend on the second star, there is no way to roam the sea freely like a sea clan.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae and the others have solved this problem for Thor and the others.

The AI ​​robots placed on the second star and responsible for observing the development of war have built a resolute offshore platform for Thor and the others. With this offshore platform, Thor and the others can live there.

Of course, the disadvantages are not without.

Because the platform is built on the sea, once the necromantic army is killed from the air, Thor and them can be spotted at a glance. They don't even hide.

However, Thor had a very indifferent attitude towards this.

Since he was so indifferent, of course Jin Xiantai didn't bother to worry about it.

In order for Thor and the others to deal more effectively with heavy injuries when fighting Han, Jin Xiantai must change Thor and them all.

The weapon that can effectively kill the dead is now given to Thor and them in large numbers.

In short, Kim Hyun-tae just hopes Thor and the others will be able to play with the goddess of death Han.

------split line------


In the world of the main **** plane, Coco led Lao Zhang and they swept everything, from the black iron rank trash team, pushing all the way up, and only with a ten thousand death battle, they stood at the highest level.

But all the guys who dared to stand up and block on its way forward are either killed by cocoa or eaten by cocoa.

Yes, it was ‘eaten’.

Because many guys seem to be no different from the ingredients.

Therefore, once these unlucky guys meet Coco, they will inevitably end up in such an aggrieved end.

Coco is not only a bear child, at the same time she is also an authentic foodie, and she has a strong taste.

Fortunately, he brought his best friend Kayla to this plane world randomly. It can only be said that the creatures of this world are unlucky.

Don't talk about them, no matter which plane world it is, when the bear child cocoa descends, there will be a **** storm and a funny wind.

Cocoa swept across the battlefield of 10,000 races in a spirited manner, and included the entire battlefield territory into the Yanhuang team.

During this process, the Ten Thousand Races that were originally active in the world of the Lord God, basically because the bear children are too fierce, have dropped by 80%.

The main **** has no entity, if you talk quietly, it will definitely suffer from this dilapidated situation right now.

As for the instigator, the Lord God did not dare to pierce him.

What is the fate of its predecessor, God, is still vivid.

So, if you are so fierce, let her toss.

The territory of the Yanhuang team has completely covered the battlefield of the ten thousand races. Lao Zhang and the others follow behind Coco's butt, and while being afraid of nitrogen, they also have a real reputation.

Because Coco has never encountered an opponent along the way, no matter what kind of strong person encounters Coco, he will not go through a round under the hands of the bear (under the mouth).

The main gods ten battle team united, they will jointly strangle the wicked girl Coco, while maintaining their dignity as a top team, high-level creatures.

But unfortunately, these guys all turned into capital tragedies.

Just now, Coco summoned one of the great powers in the BL world. This great power made three moves to solve the combined Ten Big Team. It was as easy as cutting cantaloupe.

The BL world created by the will of the rotten girl is truly a generation of strong people, and its powerful strength almost stunned everyone, because it is completely beyond the normal logical category.

And that great power also brought his own "San Gong Six Institutes", a bunch of Da Ding Meng sister papers that made Lao Zhang and the others look tight.

Among them, it includes Ye Fan, a bigwig in the world of obscurity who was thrown into the BL education by Coco.

And now, this invincible boss who covers the heavens has been subdued by the powerful education of the BL world, and has also put on women's clothing.

However, Zhetian Realm Dalan is a big boss, although he was suppressed by the BL big boss, he became a member of its harem.

But Ye Hei is a strong man from the bottom. Even in the BL world, he still relies on his own ability to break out of a bunch of big Ding Meng girls and become the powerful harem of the BL world. first!

Really worthy of his name of'Ye Hei'.

"Xu Zong, don't shout, the powerful, Yingzi guys were killed by us just now, and the rest of the mess, how can you dare to get ahead at this time."

Coco stood in the middle of the corpse of the Ten Great Team, pinched his waist with his hands and looked around, looking around.

However, even if the bear child looks owed, no one would dare to do so.

"It's really meaningless. I thought how good these guys are. I heard that they are still the ten strongest teams here. That's it?"

Cocoa put on a look of contempt.

To be honest, the main **** World Ten Battle Team is not as scumbag as the bear kid said. They can be killed from the ten thousand clan team and stand on top of the ten thousand clan, of course they have their own abilities.

It's just that their tragedy is tragedy, and they met the bear kid Coco.

Don't talk about them, even if they are stronger than them, will it be a tragedy if you encounter Coco, a bear child who is different.

The Battle City of Ten Thousand Races is a big world. Now that Yanhuang Team has benefited from the relationship of Coco, Yanhuang City has been standing in the center of this great world.

Lao Zhang and the others felt as if they were in a dream, because all this made them feel too illusory.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm still doing my own business, so I can't stay here anymore, but after I leave, you have to manage this place well and tell the people who follow you to remember not to forget the glory of the predecessors."

Fortunately, the gang is very angry, and now they are still predecessors.

Although the world of the main **** seems to be uninteresting in Coco, Kayla, who came to this world to play with Coco, has actually obtained a lot of good things.

Because cocoa cheated to get a lot of "Glory Points", with these glory points, Kayla bought a lot of goods from the main **** store, such as elixir, armor weapons exuding rich magical power, and various cute spirits. Pet

Anyway, if you keep the glory points, you keep them. Isn't it a waste to not use them?

After Coco confessed to Lao Zhang, he took Kaila to leave the world of the Lord God, leaving Lao Zhang and the others staring at the place where Coco disappeared, and at the same time left a legend in this world.

After Cocoa left, Lao Zhang and the others did start to implement traditional education matters according to Cocoa's confession. Those who were later brought to this world and joined the Yanhuang team will be told this story by the seniors.

Even though Lao Zhang and the others left the world and returned to their hometown in the end, this tradition was preserved.

And thanks to this strong foundation left by Coco, the Yanhuang Team has become the top team in the world of the Lord God, and will never be surprised by any powerful civilized creatures.

This situation has been going on for tens of millions of years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, the legend that humans, especially Chinese people are very powerful, began to spread in the multiverse plane.

And no one knows the source and reason of this rumor, actually from here

After using the space capsule and returning to the real world of different time and space with a lot of things, Coco took Keira back to his home in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.

The two lucky guys began to divide the things they brought back.

After all, he is a filial son. Although he has bought a lot of things, there is not much value.

To be honest, the two little girls wouldn't buy it, and so many glory points are basically wasted.

"What do you buy so many elixir for?"

Kayla took out the space compression capsule, then activated the capsule to release all the contents inside, and the items bought from the main **** space instantly filled Coco's private game room.

There were even two unicorns crushed into a pile of elixir, and they looked at the two bear children with watery eyes, hoping that the bear children would come and help themselves.

"You also bought two horses?"

Kayla did not care about buying things, so she didn't know what Kayla bought.

But now that Kayla actually bought a horse back, which really surprised Coco.

Kayla said to Coco seriously: "This is not a horse, it is a unicorn, a fairy tale unicorn."

Cocoa pouted, "What did you do when you came back from buying this thing?"

Coco doesn't look down on unicorns.

Kayla: "Buy it and ride it, don't you think riding a unicorn to the street is very popular?"

Coco swayed: "I have a mount."

Yes, she doesn’t like unicorns. If she really wants to ride something, she has a panda monster

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