Rising America

Chapter 1718: Beat the cow

The specially customized game cabin is really much more comfortable than the outside. After all, the price of a few million units is right there, isn't it?

Opening the door of the game cabin, Coco lay down, Kayla also opened the door of another game cabin, and the two little guys were ready soon.

Thanks to the technology provided by Protoss Civilization, China and the United States shared this kind of virtual technology with everyone in an enlightened manner. Therefore, it was used by countless businessmen in this way.

After all, the interstellar age is coming, when human beings are hobbled out of the earth, they will have to face and touch the mysterious universe. Now using the game method, let everyone have such a psychological preparation in advance, which is still very good.

Moreover, through game big data, it is possible to discover geniuses hidden among the people.

Therefore, Huaxia and the US officials are quite supportive of the attitude of merchants in developing these games.

The people also like these games very much.

But for Coco and Kayla, the two little guys are really playing games.

AI smart robot companies are making big money.

Coco and Kayla are not stingy at all. They spent a lot of money here in Silicon Valley, bought a very large piece of land, and invested money to build a large ‘fitting’ venue, which is free for the company’s employees.

At present, both China and the United States have created a training method suitable for humans based on the ‘refining’ method provided by the Protoss, and it is open to all mankind.

Therefore, there are not only virtual games, but also many places for exercise.

It's just that Coco and Kayla have no interest in those training places and equipment.

After all, the two little guys really don't need any more exercise in this regard.

Therefore, the attention of the two little guys is on the virtual game.

Besides, Coco was originally a little girl who likes to play games.

The door of the game cabin slowly closed, and the consciousness signal connected the thinking of the little guys.

"Legend of Stars" is the game that Coco and Kayla want to play, and it is also the most popular interstellar war game.

Unlike other interstellar war games, this game focuses on large-scale fleet command, unlike other games that focus on mecha and battleship operations.

And this game is also very characteristic.

Since the two camps of China and the United States both use the technology delivered by Protoss Civilization to develop individual smart chips for citizens, after entering the game, the identity of each player will also be realistically presented in the game. .

For example, an ordinary person, his actual bank has ten thousand dollars.

Then he can only do things for ten thousand dollars in the game, buying ten thousand dollars of broken equipment and junk warships.

Of course, real currency and virtual currency cannot be exchanged.

This is done mainly for truth.

Therefore, a local tyrant like Coco has a great advantage in the early stages of the game.

But if someone is a genius, as the game unfolds, the local tyrant will eventually be killed.

It can be seen that such a routine is also to force those buried geniuses to stimulate their potential to shine.

So, Coco, this very boring little girl, has a very high starting point since she started playing this game. She has the funds to build a powerful fleet, far surpassing other diaosi players.

It's just that the little guy didn't have a lot of fun at the beginning, so the powerful fleet that was formed has almost lost after a few strange missions.

After all, no one would be like Coco, knowing that there is a black hole ahead, and ordering the fleet to move towards the black hole.

"Commander, you are welcome back."

Entering the game, a female officer in a SS uniform appeared, offered a military salute and greeted Ke Ke.

The little guy also changed into a small black SS uniform, and also hung a badge representing the marshal.

The size of the commanding fleet in this game will increase or decrease the player's military rank.

In other words, the more warships you command, the higher the player's military rank.

Obviously, Coco was able to become a marshal because she had spent a lot of virtual currency to form a huge fleet.

"Sir, because our fleet has suffered heavy losses and has not been able to replenish new warships for a long time, the Supreme Command has decided to revoke your position as Marshal in 24 hours."

Sure enough, the little guy caused too much damage to the fleet because of his own relationship, so that the number of warships in her fleet now has not as many as before.

Therefore, her marshal rank will soon be lost.

The scene where Coco is now is the flagship command room.

Looking out through the large floor-to-ceiling glass, there is a deep and mysterious space.

As the commander of a fleet, Coco has a very large port.

In short, everything in the game is a product of real virtualization. Every bit here is created by imitating the reality of interstellar civilization, and all the reference objects are provided by the Protoss civilization to the earth humans.

Therefore, as long as this kind of game is played more, with the arrival of the interstellar age, humans can adapt immediately and know how to live in the interstellar age.

Yes, this phenomenon is also one of the original intentions of game developers.

"How much money is left in my account?"

Since the game will be based on the player's status, identity, and wealth in reality, it will arrange the resources available in the game.

So following Coco's question, the female virtual NPC officer responded: "There are xxxxxx coins."

"Buy a battleship that maintains your military rank, and then enter the battlefield."

Since it's not bad money, what else is there to say.

In order to maintain his rank as Marshal, Coco certainly doesn't care about those virtual currencies, after all, it is useless to keep those things.

The funds in the virtual account were transferred, the battleship was quickly put in place, Coco's fleet was restored to scale, and the rank of Marshal was retained.

The game battlefield is opened.

Coco began to check the accounts with brilliant records on the battlefield.

The "battlefield" of this game is divided into three levels: large, medium and small, which is the kind of small battle. A battleship or several battleships are fighting against each other. The number of battleships participating in a moderate battlefield will increase to hundreds .

But what can be viewed is a large-scale battlefield.

I have to say that such a game is very successful.

On both sides of China and the United States, in this game, we really found a lot of good seedlings with commanding potential talents, and after they have been successfully found, they have been absorbed into their own military to train them.

Those ordinary people who are excavated have really changed their lives.

"I haven't participated in the battlefield yet, so the poor record is still 0." The little guy looked at the brilliant record of others and whispered.


Kayla also entered the game and started contacting Coco.

"Boss, how are you going to play?"

Keira asked.

The visible line was placed on the record list on the projection, and the mouth responded: "I want to participate in a large battlefield, the fact that Yang Weili's number is in fact, see if it works."

"Then do you want to practice your hands first, or do you want to play Niubi from the beginning?" Kayla asked again.

Coco said: "What's the point of bullying the scum, of course, whoever beats someone."

Kayla cheered and said to Coco: "Then you don't have to look at the record list, just look at the top list, the first, second, and third place today, you can pack them."

Hearing that, Coco closed the record list and directly opened the top list.

There is a row of **** guys, half of which are Asian and European and American. On the side of each of the top figures, there are national flags representing their respective countries, making it easy to know which country the other party is from.

The first place is a player from Italy, the second is a German player, and the third is a Swiss player, but I did not expect that the top three are not from the United States and China.

Under these three people, the United States and China have more choices, and there are some players from Dongying and South Korea.

Due to the characteristics of this game, the players on the supreme list are all those who have a strong sense of strategy and can formulate amazing strategies.

And most of them are not active soldiers, mostly ordinary folks.

Of course, now that they can be ranked on the top list, they will all be absorbed into the military by their respective countries. There is no doubt about this.

"Kayla, help me video for a while, I will challenge the first guy now."

While talking with Kayla, Coco made a challenge request.

The first place is from Italy, a guy named ‘Alfonso Chielod’, his record on the top rankings is very brilliant, all of them are victories without a single defeat.

This shows that his command ability is quite strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, the opponent responded to Coco's challenge, and then entered the countdown to the battlefield.

The battlefield is random, and no one knows what environment the two sides will fight in.

It is precisely because of this relationship that it is possible to see the commander's power more clearly.

Unlike cocoa, but with abundant funds, he formed a fleet by himself.

Alfonso attracted many players from his country to join his subordinates through the establishment of a trade union, and at the same time became a commander with his excellent commanding authority.

To put it bluntly, Alfonso played out little by little, and he was absolutely amazing.

Cocoa is the fleet that was thrown out with money.

At first glance, the two are really not comparable.

And Coco's record is still a whiteboard.

Therefore, Alfonso readily accepted the challenge.

Speaking of challenges from local tyrants, Alfonso has also experienced many times.

Those guys weren't all taken care of by him anymore.

Therefore, facing the challenge of the local tyrant Coco this time, Alfonso didn't think there would be any accidents. He felt that this time he would definitely beat the opponent himself.

3……2……1……Enter the battlefield!

[Gamma star field offensive and defensive battle, Marshal Alfonso led an invincible fleet into the XX Empire, the last armed forces of the empire fought desperately under the leadership of Marshal Coco, this is a decisive battle, victory or defeat will completely change the situation of this war , So Marshal Alfonso successfully defeated the Emperor, or Marshal Coco to reverse the balance of victory? 】

Both fleets entered the battlefield.

Coco quickly glanced at his surroundings.

There are several imperial administrative planets on the side.

At the same time, the news that Alfonso played against the whiteboard tyrants on the top of the top rankings also spread throughout the game, attracting a large number of players to start the video onlookers...... 8)

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