Rising America

Chapter 1711: Federation, Empire

San Francisco

Mr. Jin's visit to the United States has ended. He has achieved his goal this time and he also got an unexpected surprise from Coco.

According to Coco's method, she wants to make her father a hero, a hero after the beginning of the interstellar age.

Although it sounds weird and funny.

However, considering the high possibility of success, Mr. Jin couldn't help but think of how much intangible and tangible benefits this incident would bring to Jin Xiantai.

To be honest, at first, Mr. Jin, like the earlier Annie, felt that he couldn't let the bear kid be like this.

But as Coco uttered his plan, Mr. Jin was also moved.

In any case, Jin Xiantai is also the blood of the old Jin family.

Once the interstellar age has started, the concept of the state will slowly fade away over time, and then a coalition government will appear. The difference depends on who will lead it.

China’s think tank has made detailed deductions on these things.

At this level of Mr. Jin, of course he would know this.

The national thinking has been watered down, and the overall concept of mankind has been amplified and strengthened. By then, mankind will use this face to contact the universe because it is the most convenient.

Otherwise, after the people on the earth staggered out of the earth, more than a hundred national forces would come into contact with the outer civilization. Wouldn't this surprise the alien civilization?

Besides, it's very possible that other alien civilizations don't understand this.

Who could have imagined that there would be more than one hundred forces in a civilization, so once cooperation starts, who would you let the aliens find?

Therefore, the concept of the country will definitely be diluted in the interstellar age.

The last thing that can reasonably exist is the overall identity of the earthling.

At that time, mankind certainly needed a common idol, and heroes were obviously a very good choice.

More importantly, as the hero of the little guy’s plan, Kim Hyun Tae will be a war hero, so he will surely control the military in the future.

The military power in the interstellar age is definitely not as small as the military power in the earth age.

At that time, let alone the man who commanded millions of warships and tens of billions of soldiers under his command.

This is something you can think of.

As a hero, there are bound to be countless passionate young men and women worshipped, this is invisible.

Thinking of this, Mr. Jin will of course be moved.

Because at that time, Jin Xiantai will stand at the apex of the absolute pyramid, and Father Jin will also be with You Rongyan.

Therefore, the old man Jin is returning to China with excitement and infinite longing.

I have to say that Coco, the bear child, can make Old Man Jin so excited by her own plan, which is really her skill.

Coco's plan is very mature.

Especially she still has such a foundation to support and implement.

Therefore, even if it is Annie, there is no excuse to disagree.

As Mr. Jin returned to China, Annie summoned Hilda to San Francisco on the same day. Then she and Coco, Qiao An, and Hilda had a detailed discussion on how to make Jin Xiantai a hero.

After all, no matter how Cocoa plans, there will be her own limitations, and there can be no loopholes in the middle, so this requires everyone to discuss and discuss together to improve this plan as much as possible to make it perfect.

Day by day, the Sarandur fleet outside the solar system has been completely wiped out by the Protoss civilization, and the earth has once again avoided the crisis of invasion.

Huaxia and the United States used their own diplomatic methods, successfully wooed many countries, joined their own camps, and formed two major earth camps headed by Huaxia and the United States.

Come to think of it, this situation, even after the start of the interstellar era, will continue for a long time.

With the exception of South Korea and Dongying, all Asian countries were basically brought to their side by China.

Not surprisingly, Mao Xiong also came together with China.

After all, ideologically, European countries and the United States regard Teddy Bear as their enemy, so even if the United States is waving an olive branch, Teddy Bear can’t believe it. Only China can choose.

European countries joined the U.S., Australia and Canada also chose the Americans. Even the British who wanted to show off the air did not put on airs this time. They chose the U.S. for the first time.

Everyone is not a fool.

Whether it is China or the United States, they have chosen to open some unimportant technologies to the countries in their own camp after backing up and squeezing toothpaste bit by bit, retaining only important and key military technologies.

The world has entered a period of considerable peace for a while. Even the African continent has no disputes. All mankind is preparing for the opening of the interstellar age.

The tense situation a while ago no longer exists. Countries that have joined the Huaxia and American camps have even begun to open their borders, and some have not even set up cards at all.

After all, after the start of the Interstellar Era, the mysterious borders and borders of the earth here are no longer necessary. Some countries simply started to do so during this period.

To many people's surprise, as countries deliberately eliminated the concept of national boundaries, the imagined large-scale migration did not appear.

In particular, Mexico, which borders the United States, has not experienced a large-scale influx of Mexicans into the United States.

Think about it too.

As long as the interstellar age opens, the place with the most hope and opportunity will inevitably not be on the earth, but the mysterious, profound and vast universe.

Knowing this, who would take the effort to find a job in a big city?

It's better to recharge your energy at home, learn the universe knowledge that all countries are pursuing at the moment, and then venture out into space.

You know, even the black uncles on the African continent are now studying without sleeping or eating.

It can be said that now all mankind has entered a period of great learning.

The honesty of the people is certainly a good thing for the upper echelons of all countries.

Because they can devote all their energy to studying the technology supported by the Protoss civilization and at the same time start the construction of space battleships.

On the vast Gobi Desert in the northwest of China, the container of Cocoa AI intelligent robot was transported here. With the delivery of the first batch of robots, China started its battleship construction plan in the shortest time.

China's actions here cannot be hidden from other countries.

While lamenting China's rapid actions, the countries also saw the benefits of the AI ​​robots purchased by China.

To be honest, these robots can work under any extreme conditions and are very efficient. This is an advantage that ordinary humans cannot achieve.

When everyone saw the benefits of AI intelligence, needless to say, Cocoa started to make big money.

Nowadays, who can think that Coco can make more money than his father.

And that AI robot company was just a whim of the bear kid.

A large order appeared like a snow flake at the headquarters of AI Robotics Company. Kayla received such information every day, which basically made the whole little girl laugh.

At the AI ​​factory in Silicon Valley, there are long queues of container fleets transporting robots every day, turning around 24 hours a day. Even this cannot meet the large demand.

Anne of course also benefited a lot from this. Because robots have to be sent to the world, and because it is impossible to transport them by air, she controls 99% of good ports and is the largest ship king in the United States. She must also be involved in shipping. Make a fortune.

The Huaxia side moves fast, but the US side is not slow.

Seeing that China has begun to invest in the vigorous space battleship manufacturing project, the Americans also showed their courage, slashed the mess to distribute the benefits, and then started various major projects.

For the two major factions of China and the United States, the first target is of course the moon.

The two countries are bound to win the satellites of this earth.

Now it's up to who can log on to the moon first, and then start construction.

China Xia and the United States have reached an agreement that the interstellar era adopts the method of the great nautical era, and which power discovers the planet can have the sovereignty of the planet.

Although the moon will not apply this rule ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the dominant power is the one who develops it first.

Therefore, both China and the United States have worked hard, and no one wants to be one step behind.

At the same time, in the respective camps of the two countries, there are also some people who give out people, the ones who are able to contribute, the rich who contribute money, and the resources to contribute resources, in short, each shows its own magical powers.

And now the names of the two camps have now been called out.

Headed by China is the ‘Blue Star Federation’, and headed by the United States is the ‘Blue Star Empire’.

Yes, it's not wrong at all.

Americans have always regarded themselves as democratic, and now they have created an ‘empire’, which has really blinded many people.

What makes people roll their eyes even more is that the people of Europe and the United States have expressed their support for this, which is really speechless to the extreme.

Of course, the "Blue Star Empire" is just a name, and the actual implementation is still the "democratic" system. However, as the name came out, it caused a lot of strange things in Europe and the United States. The empire is good.

After all, the United Kingdom, which has a constitutional monarchy, is now not part of its own camp.

Of course, more people who call for and support this kind of call think that after the start of the interstellar age, they can't say they can't be a nobleman, so many people will support this matter.

In short, although the earth is peaceful, evildoers are rampant, and even all kinds of weird thoughts have flooded.

However, for the harassment of the outside world, Jin Xiantai in Saigon, Annie, who is leading the upgrade of the shipyard in San Francisco, and Coco, who made a lot of money for AI robots, were not affected at all.

Because this family knows very well that no matter how the situation changes, they are destined to be the elites at the top of the pyramid.

Even if the ‘Blue Star Empire’ really becomes an empire, one’s own family can be a member of the great nobles...... 8)

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