Rising America

Chapter 1596: The Great Prosperity of Wa Palace

As one of Coco's friends, the Lolita version of Apocalypse from another time and space, also performed a show ‘belly dance’ at the opening ceremony, and conquered everyone in one fell swoop and received warm applause.

But because Ensha was a mutant, when she stepped off the stage, the demon kings on the scene were still thinking about what the original form of this little girl was.

No one could have imagined that this Apocalypse of the different time-space loli version is not a monster at all, but just a ten thousand year loli.

Pietro, Wanda and Kaila also performed on stage one after another.

But the trio's show is quite boring compared to Ensha.

Pitro performed a fast running.

Ensha's performance is physically hard against various firearms.

Perhaps only Wanda's performances showed so little bright spots.

After all, Wanda’s ability is different from other mutants, different from the monsters of China, and different from the power used by the gods in myths and legends, but belongs to a special force that only exists in the anti-universe'Chaotic Magic' '.

Because Wanda is still a seven or eight-year-old girl in the world of different time and space, she has not yet mastered the full power of'Chaos Magic', and what she can only do is summon creatures from different dimensions, or Distorting the area-limited space, and changing the area-limited reality.

But even so, her performance is enough to crush the little brother Pietro and Keira who have no highlights.

When Wanda stepped onto the podium and started his performance.

When the girl raised her hand to start a call from another dimension, this time she decided to summon a unique creature to the real world, so that everyone present had a good eye.

Therefore, she gave up summoning the flower fairy Lulu Ke, but chose another creature that signed a Leer contract with herself.

To be honest, Wanda is a young girl with great potential. If there is no Cocoa, maybe she will be one of the strongest here in the future.

But now because of the existence of Cocoa, Wanda's light is obscured by Cocoa, so that she starts to appear so inconspicuous.

But this is after all comparable to Cocoa. If you turn your attention away from Cocoa and put your attention on Wanda, everyone will find that Wanda is actually quite a scary little girl.

After all, summoning creatures from different-dimensional planes to fight, this is not something that ordinary people can do, because no one can predict how powerful, perverted and terrifying the summoned creatures are.

And this time, in order to show off, Wanda decided to summon the strongest person he has ever contracted. At the same time, he would formally show off through this platform and tell the world the truth? Hydra also has a Wanda, also a very powerful girl.

At least, Biansha, misunderstanding **** brother Pietro, and Krypton girl Keira three are more powerful!

"Please listen to my call, creatures of another world, fulfill the contract between us and come out!" Behind Wanda, a scene of the world of different dimensions appeared, which made everyone on the scene exclaim.

The illusion of a different-dimensional world with an area of ​​about several thousand square meters is indeed very fascinating. It is a strange sight that people in this world have never seen before.

Based on darkness, the dim sky gives people a very depressive feeling. Looking at a steaming chimney, and there are a large number of floating courtyards slowly moving forward, it is a steampunk world .

And at the end of the scene, there is also a baroque-style palace that is a magnificent castle building. As the scene moves to the top, people can also see a scene similar to the execution.

That's why people in different time and space are surprised that the illusion they see is not an illusion, but a real-time scene that is actually happening in another world.

Ordinary mortals have a shocked look, and the same is true for little monsters who are not very old. Only those big monsters and monster kings who have lived for not knowing how long can look at the illusion behind Wanda with their usual expressions and whisper from time to time. Have a conversation.

For ordinary mortals or little monsters with little experience, it may be amazing enough, but for the big monsters and monster kings, it is nothing unusual.

You know, even Western religions say [There are three thousand worlds in a grain of sand], so everyone who is a big demon or a demon king knows very well that there are many more than the world they are in. Little Thousand World’s fact.

So when Wanda used chaos magic to link a world of different dimensions, and didn’t know how to present certain things happening in that world to everyone in this way, except for some people, they were shocked. After a while, quite a few people were not too shocked.

No way, people have lived long enough, so they have more knowledge and experience.

In the scene similar to the execution of the scene, there was a riot. A heroic woman appeared there, and as soon as she appeared, the guys wearing the priest's costumes were killed, and the guys wearing the priest's costumes were killed in a very short time. We died in a big piece.

The way that woman kills is very simple. She uses her hand to insert the opponent's chest, then grabs the opponent's heart and kills the opponent.

And the woman's body is also quite strange, she will suddenly disappear, and then suddenly appear in front of her target.

And this woman's attack method, even after watching the big demon kings like Monkey King and Bull Demon King, they couldn't help but frown.

"Vampire Hunter D!"

Wanda's Chaos Call finally ended after she called a weird name.

A powerful wave of air swept across the square from the rostrum, a strong energy wave dispersed, swaying colorful ripples visible to the naked eye, and at the same time a strong show thigh stepped out of the illusion.

A cowgirl wearing western cowboy-style clothes, a cowboy hat, and a big cigar appeared on the podium and stood beside Wanda.

This cowgirl looks very ordinary, except that she is indeed a little more beautiful, giving people an illusion that it is nothing more than this.

But the premise is to ignore the heart that is still dripping with blood and beating in her hand.

Obviously, the scenes that happened in the illusion just now are all real. This woman is indeed killing the guys in priest costumes side by side, but she was summoned by Wanda in the middle of the killing, so that The killing stopped.

"Little girl, I'm killing those hypocritical priests. It's too time for your call. Is it possible that you are in any danger?"

She squeezed the heart in her hand and said, the cowgirl who was called "Vampire Hunter d" by Wanda, looked down at Wanda dumbfoundedly, and then looked around for a while and said.

Through observation, she discovered the three big demons of Bull Demon King, Monkey King, and Lion and Tuo Country, but she did not show any panic and fear at all. Instead, she faintly inspired a strong fighting spirit and an eagerness to try.

As for the cowgirl's reaction, the Bull Demon King and Monkey King also looked at them, and they all became very interested in this woman.

After all, they all felt that the cowgirls were aware of their existence, and after they realized that the other party actually noticed themselves, they did not show any fear. On the contrary, they also had the reaction to fight with them. To test the woman's thoughts.

After all, he is a strong man from the "Little Thousand World".

Wanda responded at this time: "No, my boss has established a force and is holding the opening ceremony. I am performing a show, so I summoned you."

The cowgirl, who was originally very powerful, suddenly vented her momentum after hearing this.

After thinking about it, she never thought that she was summoned by Wanda for such ridiculous reasons, so that her actions in the original world were stopped in this way.

"My living ancestor, do you know what you did! You made the action that I planned for a long time failed, so that Father Madan was still alive, and I couldn't stop them from killing those poor girls, oh my **** !"

The cowgirl knelt down, crying hoarsely.

As for the world scene behind Wanda, a large number of priests arrived on the scene, and they were killing some girls.

For such a result, Wanda is really at a loss.

"Send me back quickly, hoping to stop those executioners."

The cowgirl urged Wanda to send herself back to her original world.

But Wanda said embarrassingly: "Summon time for an hour. You can't go back before time."

Hearing this, the cowgirl burst into tears immediately.

Monkey King stabbed the Bull Demon on his side, and whispered: "That girl is very strong. According to the popular saying nowadays, there is a strong energy fluctuation in his body."

The Bull Devil nodded slowly, and it seemed that he agreed with Monkey King's judgment.

"The powerhouses in the Little Thousand Worlds are really extraordinary. They have their special characteristics. When we want to come to the past, we always think that the people in the Little Thousand Worlds are not stronger than us. This idea is wrong."

Monkey King asked again: "Old Niu, do you see her heels?"

The Bull Demon shook his head: "The whole body is blood red, but I can't touch her heels and feet."

And at this moment, Coco appeared on the podium holding the Infinite Killing Reincarnation Disk, and said to the crying cowgirl: "What are you crying! Now I will take you back and kill all the guys who killed the girls, now You quickly get some blood on this eye, so that I can lock in the world you are in, and then take you back."

The emergence of cocoa turned things around.

Wanda really has no way to get the woman he summoned back, but Coco has a way.

Coco, who controls the infinite slaughter reincarnation disk, can easily travel to that world as long as the cowgirl is locked in time and space.

Upon hearing this, the cow girl cut her finger and dropped a drop of blood on the eyes of Agomoto.

Coco turned around and told Pietro: "You follow me to that world to help me take pictures. Kayla stays here to receive the signal. After the long-distance interplanetary signal is transmitted back, you help me start the live broadcast."

After explaining all this, Coco turned to the dumbfounded people under the podium and shouted: "Today I will let you see how Invincible Liu conquered a world. If you don’t blow it, everything is believable. Invincible Liu is destined. Invincible!"

While shouting, Coco threw the infinite killing reincarnation plate in the air, and then a bronze door appeared on the rostrum and slowly opened.

As the door opened, there were shouts of killing, and the painful voices of the girls facing the killing, letting people know that all this is not illusory.

Coco immediately crossed the bronze gate, and after going to that world, he punched and killed more than a dozen priests wearing red burqa, sturdy and messed up.

It's just that Coco doesn't know what trouble her behavior will bring to herself.

Being able to link in and out of other planes at will, this is what Annie has always wanted to hide.

You know, when the countries know that Coco has this ability, how can these countries not start to think carefully.

After all, if Coco can use this ability to send troops to the world of different time and space to conquer there, then all the resources of that world will be in his own hands.

So even the expressions on the faces of the two elders, Jin and Li, couldn’t help but change drastically, and they whispered: “We don’t know that this kid has this kind of ability. If we knew it, we should let their father and daughter recognize it. The ancestors return to the clan, it is impossible to say that China's national strength will be qualitatively overflew because of this.

Mr. Jin regretted his original decision.

Elder Li didn't have the mind to tease this old relative, he nodded in agreement, and said in a low voice: "Now, what's the use of saying this, and finding a way to quickly let the father and daughter recognize their ancestors is the right way. This little baby egg is capable of Against the sky, it is serious not to be used by the Americans."

Jin Jianshe interjected: "Dad, Uncle Li, if this is the case, then everything that Xiaotai has in the United States will be lost."

Mr. Jin was silent for a while, and then said very solemnly: "It's nothing but money. I guarantee that after Xiaotai comes back, our country can have the ability of this little cocoa baby, and I will let him nourish him more than in the United States. ."

However, Jin Jianshe still held a different opinion and reminded: "I have no opinion on using it in the country, but I am worried that it will be used by someone who wants to use it, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Indeed, after the time and space China entered the great era, undercurrents surged in private.

Father Jin can't guarantee that once Jin Xiantai's father and daughter recognize their ancestors and return to their clan, some guys will use some less glorious means to force their family, and then use Coco's ability to fatten themselves.

Therefore, Mr. Jin fell silent.

Instead, Mr. Li said in a low voice, "What do you want to do so much? First find out the relationship and talk about other things. If you didn't go to Nanyue, tell Xiaotai what we mean and see how he reacts. Let's make a decision here. .

Besides, we can't help the guys who have no ethics. After all, the Wa Palace is not a decoration. Coco's master Nu Wa is still there, so what is she afraid of. "

This is not unreasonable.

Although Coco's ability is intriguing, everyone wants to take the opportunity to approach Cocoa and use her, everyone has to face a person who has to face, that is Coco's master Nuwa.

Not everyone is a lead person who dares to provoke Nu Wa to exist like this.

So if you want to make a cocoa idea, anyone has to weigh it.

At this moment, looking at the back of Coco who was slaughtering the Quartet in the "Little Thousand World", Nuwa who remained in reality began to worry about her apprentice.

Nuwa can also think of things that others can think of. After all, she is just lazy and unwilling to bother, but it does not mean that she is really brainless.

If it is an idiot, how can she be able to become such an existence step by step.

The fat man on Jin'ao Island didn't know when he came over, and he changed his usual dignified appearance with a serious face.

"Let's talk about cooperation. In the future, your Wa Palace will definitely be in trouble. Anyway, my Jin'ao Island has already fallen like this, and I don't mind falling to the end. How about throwing yourself into your Wa Palace?

You give me the seat of deputy palace lord, and let me act in the name of Wa Palace, so that I can make some people feel jealous. "

The fat man's proposal is very sensational.

Even Nu Wa was jumped off by his proposal.

The fat man looked at Nu Wa calmly and explained: "Don't look at me like that. I am no longer the arrogant person in the past. I have to shamelessly if I want to live comfortably these days. I don't even have the face. What's so strange about this decision.

The power of your palace is weak, and my Jinao line is almost withered, so only when our two families are merged together can we truly shock the younger generation. At the same time, it can better protect your only apprentice. "

The fat man's words are not unreasonable.

But Nuwa still couldn't believe that all this was true, that arrogant fat man would become the shameless person like this now.

The fat man continued to look at Nuwa in a low voice and talked: "Of course, I am not unconditional. I have to pay attention to a price for everything these years. My price is that in the future I will provide the address of the Western teaching Xiaoqianshi, so that your apprentice can lock in. That world, then let me conquer it, and after the conquest, that little thousand world will belong to me, so that I can lay a foundation for the Jin Ao lineage."

The fat man spoke out his plan frankly, without any intention to hide it.

This made Nuwa unable to fault her.

What's more, if the Leer Fatty joins, it can indeed increase the overall deterrence of the Wa Palace One Department~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the name of the Lord Tongtian is not covered.

Especially a blackened and shameless Master Tongtian is even more deterrent.

After a confident measurement, Nu Wa made a decision.

"Good! I promise you!"

Nuwa and Fatty stretched out their hands and held them together.

Soon the fat man walked to the center of the rostrum and announced: "I, Jinao Tongtian announced that I will join the Wa Palace and become the Deputy Palace Master from today. Everyone in my Jinao line will be merged into the Wa Palace. Who dares to be an enemy to the Wa Palace in the future? , It is my mortal enemy to the sky, I will swear again, if it violates the heaven and destroys the earth!"

This announcement made by the fat man suddenly caused all sentient beings in the Three Realms to be shocked.

And this news also made the Taoist who started working hard to practice online game technical operations after returning to the Western teaching, spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Because it means that the signs of the grand prosperity of the Wa Palace began to appear.

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