Rising America

Chapter 1486: Star War Worm One

Because the Teren people no longer need to take into account the military issues, Kaila began to turn his attention to the people’s livelihood field and began to fully develop various technologies in the people’s livelihood. This makes the Teren area in the southern part of the planet special. The life of the Lun people began to undergo great changes.

Different from the previous large-scale construction site-like environment, various residential buildings began to appear in urban streets, towering skyscrapers, and bustling commercial districts after perfect planning.

Hospitals, schools, power plants, water plants, large markets, shopping malls, clothing stores, etc., have all popped up in the city one by one.

In short, in the area where the Teren people are now, all the people of the Teren people have gathered in one place and formed a large city circle.

After all, the Teren people now have a population of 3 million. Based on these 3 million people, there is nothing wrong with living together to form a big city.

In addition, the population of the 3 million Teren tribe is not the same as the Zerg tribe. A large part of them are men and women. After the city was established, they left the army and started to do their favorite jobs.

This point is obviously different from the Zerg population.

On the Zerg side, the zergs hatched from the brood have only two choices, one is to become a worker to mine, and the other is to become a Zerg warrior to kill and fight.

But the Teren side is very interesting. When Kaila started to develop people's livelihood, a large part of the Teren tribe left the army one after another.

Of course, after these people left the army, the remaining soldiers were all elites. Although the number has been reduced a lot, the quality has also been greatly improved. This can be regarded as an invisible consolation prize.

And as a large number of the Teren people left the army and began to live in the city, in the only big city of the Teren tribe, finally there was a trace of vitality, and the days became more colorful.

With this change, the people's hearts that had dropped to 59 points quickly rose to 100 points within a week. This change made Kayla speechless to the extreme.

Of course, this incident also gave Kaila a preliminary understanding of the civilized species of the Teren tribe.

She has known it a long time ago, and the people of the Teren civilization want them to do things, and they absolutely cannot ignore the problem of combining work and rest.

Even with the passage of time, Keira also discovered that after the urbanization of life, the Tren people in the city actually made money, even after the money appeared, Tren remained in the army. Officers and soldiers of all levels of the tribe have also begun to demand monthly salaries.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Kaila had to reluctantly agreed to this request of the Teren tribe, and led the issuance of a batch of banknotes called ‘Hegemony Coin’.

The name ‘Hegemony Coin’ was confirmed after Kayla solicited the meaning of Coco, and it was precisely because of the solicitation of the meaning of Coco that the name of the banknote was so strange and funny.

Hegemony coins!

To be honest, it really hurts to hear.

With Kaila's in-depth research in the field of the Teren people's livelihood, the technologies developed and applied to the northern Teren area also brought Kaila a jaw-dropping display.

For example, the originally deserted northern part is now full of lush greenery. Not to mention the emerald green meadows that you can't see, there are even patches of forests, and the atmosphere and environment of the entire northern part of the planet have changed magically. .

Even in order to deal with the planet's storms, the Teren scientists have built a magnetic field fluctuation instrument specifically to change the trajectory of the storm and completely isolate the storm from the Teren area.

I have to say that this technology is really powerful and staggering.

Because there is no raging storm, coupled with the great changes in the ecological environment in the northern part of the planet, the Teren area now can be said to be completely the same as the legendary Garden of Eden.

Even the scientists of the Teren nationality are still in the vast uninhabited land, using genetic technology to breed a large number of animals and stock them in the wild.

The planet itself is more than ten times larger than the Earth in different time and space, so even if it occupies one-third of the area of ​​the entire planet, the Teron territory is still equal to the area of ​​the Earth in different time and space.

At present, the population of the Teren nationality is rising towards 4 million, but even so, the population is really too small.

It is conceivable that if it is on the earth in different time and space, there are only 4 million people on the earth. On the planet where Coco and the others are, the Teren people are in such a situation.

Therefore, except for the city where the Teren people live, the area of ​​barren and populated land is too large, so it is inevitable to stock a group of animals to add a little smoke and fire.

The changes on the Teren side must have attracted Coco's attention.

After all, the current environment of the Teren people is really pleasant, but there is no reason why Coco doesn't like it.

The Zerg does not have such a technology, so this makes Coco very distressed.

Therefore, the little guy temporarily left the Zerg territory, went to the Teren territory to talk to Kayla, and was also preparing to proceed with the evolution of his own Zerg top warship.

Before leaving, he can choose a brood and ‘appoint’ it so that when he leaves the Zerg area and goes to the Teren to see Kaila, it can ensure that the development of the Zerg will not stop.

In fact, the Zerg has nothing to develop here, because the Zerg’s military technology has already been developed and studied to the extreme, so the only thing left is to develop the population.

Of course, this is not to say that Zerg’s military technology has completely reached its apex, and there is no possibility of it. It’s just that if there is no war, the Zerg’s military technology will inevitably stop like it is now.

In short, Zerg’s military technology is advanced through war.

Because the Zerg does not have scientists and does not know how to research and development, they will only store the knowledge they already have in the genes of the brood, and use it when needed.

Therefore, if the Zerg as a whole wants to become stronger, it must pass wars with other civilized species to improve itself.

She has notified Kayla about Coco going to the Teren.

So when Coco rides on the Zerg’s top warship, which looks like a ‘maggot’ that floats in the air, the little guy is quite dissatisfied with the appearance of the Zerg warship.

From Coco's point of view, as the overlord under the stars, how can he sit in the belly of a ‘maggot’, especially this ‘maggot’ is so embarrassing, which gives him a little bit of face.

However, Coco, who was riding on the Zerg's top interstellar battleship for the first time, was full of curiosity about this biological battleship in addition to silently complaining in his heart.

This top-level maggot-shaped warship of the Zerg race does indeed look like a wriggling, dark red maggot. This is a fact that Cocoa cannot deny.

But after entering the interior, the little guy discovered that there was something else inside.

Of course, the interior of this battleship is very empty, there are no internal organs, and there are also various rooms and various control facilities.

It's just that those rooms are not luxurious at all, and they give people a very disgusting feeling.

At the same time, this warship is not controlled with various buttons, but is controlled by means of thinking. This is an advantage of biological warships.

The seat is dark red, full of blood vessels, and the flesh seat that squirms from time to time.

Everything in the control room is basically of this virtue, and I don't want to touch any Cocoa.

This time, Coco went to the Teren to meet Kayla. Following her was a team of 200 Blade Queens. These Zerg-specific marine units had the appearance of a human female, and they also had a pair of large bat wings on their backs. Has some very special abilities, so it is very powerful.

These blade queens did not seem to dislike the interior of the battleship. This is quite different from Coco's reaction.

And just when Coco walked around in the battleship command room with a look of disgust, and couldn't make up his mind whether to do it in the meat seat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a stream of consciousness linked the little guy's thinking.

"Dear Master, if you don’t like my appearance, then you can find a top-notch warship for me to swallow and digest, so that I can have the appearance of that warship and the firepower and technological advantages of this warship. Ability, then you won’t have to dislike me like this."

Needless to say, this stream of consciousness that links Cocoa's mind is sent by this biological warship.

In fact, this warship is indeed a living creature, which is very different from warships built by other civilizations as being just a dead metal.

In other words, this is a creature that can fight against the major civilization species, fight in the universe, and at the same time have the creatures that travel in space!

I have to say that the ‘things’ created under the Zeke (Zerg) civilization are really incredible.

"How should I address you as!"

The little guy is also interested. Aside from the ugliness of this Zerg creature warship, it is still very exciting to be able to communicate with such a warship.

"I am the first interstellar war worm of the Zeke tribe in this universe, so my number is ‘1’, and it does not dominate the name you said."

The interstellar war bug is what it calls itself.

Obviously, it is really different from those interstellar warships.

The Cocoa Hearing Warworm said that his interest became more intense.

To be honest, this Zerg war worm has so many things that make the little guy curious.

"Can you fight the warships of other civilizations in the universe? Do you have interstellar cannons such as dead light cannons and antimatter cannons? Can you navigate the universe and have the ability to fold and jump..."

Coco's curious questions are many.

All these need an answer from this ‘interstellar war bug’.

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