Rising America

Chapter 1474: So master

Xu realized that he had missed his mouth, so Guang Chengzi's face blushed, and then he smiled and said: "Mistakenly, I am mistaken in my mouth just now, Master."

As everyone knows, explanation is concealment, and concealment is fact.

Besides, Xiao Zhiyu is so foolish.

It's really difficult for Guang Chengzi to use'slip of the tongue' as an excuse to get past.

But seeing Zhiyu squinting his eyes, looking at his master Guangchengzi with a weird expression on his small face, he said in a light tone: "Master, I'm a young student and I don't read much. Don't fool me. In fact, I'm just curious. Master, how did you drink your grandma back then."

Guang Chengzi was dying in embarrassment, and he could see that it was not so easy to fool himself, the apprentice of the monkey spirit.

Besides, his excuses are so lame.

"Let's go outside and wait and see, for the teacher, I think the hotel will be haunted in a while, and then our teacher and apprentice will make their debut."

Guang Chengzi changed the subject, obviously not wanting to continue talking on the topic just now.

But the problem is that he doesn't want to discuss that topic, but he can't hold the fire of Zhiyu's gossip from stirring in his heart.

"Master, don't change the subject. If you are a man, just answer me, do you know the Bull Demon King, right? Otherwise, why does it ask you to drink grandma."

Little guy, don't you understand this question is not suitable for children!

And how old are you, because Mao was so curious about this kind of problem!

Guang Chengzi looked up at the sky.

"I want to post my prestige to Moments and publish everything that the master just said."

Seeing Guang Chengzi's failure to submit, Zhiyu had no choice but to start making moves.

Oh my!

If this is posted by the little guy to the prestigious circle of friends, do you still want to have your old face?

Even if I don't admit it, I can't hold back other people's random thoughts.

So Guang Chengzi had to stop Zhiyu, who took out his mobile phone, and accompanied the smiling face to the little guy: "Oh, why do you want to know what you want to know, just tell you for the teacher, but we can't send prestige friends Circle."

The two masters and apprentices have already come to the outside of the hotel, anyway they are idle, and the little guy is reluctant, Guang Chengzi simply brags about his'brilliant' past to his apprentice, waiting for the hotel to be haunted by the way .

The pile of copper coins that Guang Chengzi threw out was powerful. The two masters and apprentices didn't wait long outside the hotel, and saw that the hotel started to roar, and the wind blew through...

"Master, I find that you are not authentic anymore."

Zhiyu is quite indifferent to his master's hand. He always feels that doing so is a loss of the demeanor of the fairy family. Is it a child, his heart is always full of sense of justice, and what his master is doing now , It was totally unrelated to justice, and even said it was shameless, so Zhiyu was really hard to accept.

But, after all, Guang Chengzi is his master, so even if his master is too shameless, Zhiyu, as an apprentice, can only hold his nose and endure it. Otherwise, what else can he do.

Before he became a teacher of Guangcheng, Zhiyu was taught by Annie every day at home, but what Annie taught was the "Master of Heaven and Earth", which had a great influence on Zhiyu.

It's funny to think about it. This is the 21st century. As a new era, Annie actually teaches her son to learn these things. No one can believe it.

This is also because of the relationship between Annie's "Love House and Wu". Who made Ji Woo the child of Kim Hyun Tae and Kim Hyun Tae of Chinese descent?

Under such factors, Annie, who had a little knowledge of Chinese culture, used this set of things as an educational template for Enlightenment Zhiyu.

So even though Zhiyu thinks that his master is very funny and what he does is very unorthodox, but the little guy is only limited to one or two sentences occasionally, and will not really stop his master from doing this, and clearly understands Point out that this is wrong.

Besides, Guang Chengzi has a thick-skinned face. Even if the little guy really points out that this is wrong, it will not help him if he wants to. In the end, he will do it or do it. This will not change.

Perhaps it is precisely because of understanding this that the little guy just didn't say anything at all, at most spit out occasionally.

"How can I make money without using small tricks these days? If I don’t have money, how can I take you to eat and drink. If you blame it, this person is too cheap, but everyone pays attention to profit, whether they have money, so I teach me. Well...hahaha, it will inevitably be affected."

In the face of the complaints made by my apprentice, Guang Chengzi who is a master really explained a lot. Anyway, there are any excuses, which also made Xiao Zhiyu drunk.

According to Guang Chengzi's statement, he, a god, was actually affected by the mortal's philanthropy. This is a big joke.

As the head of the 12th National Congress of Education and Education, Guangcheng Zi Taikoo was able to gain Taoism. The tenacity of his Taoism is by no means easy to be shaken. However, this guy shamelessly says that his current little method is in line with 21 What the mortals of the century learned was influenced by them, which is very funny.

At the same time, it can be seen that Guang Chengzi is not only a black belly, but also a thick-skinned face. To a certain extent, he is indeed a person.

"Okay, okay, master, don't explain it to yourself, I don't know you yet." Zhiyu rolled his eyes, anyway, he was very speechless to his master.

Help! Ghost!

Don't chase me, don't chase me!

Husband, wait, don't run so fast, there are ghosts chasing me behind!

Run dear!

Just when the master and the apprentice were talking nonsense at the door of the hotel, the hotel was a mess. There was a big mess of people, all of them ran towards the hotel door with a panic expression, and they were crying while running. Shout mother.

To be honest, any ordinary person who suddenly pops up a lot of ghosts and ghosts can't stand this kind of stimulation. Panic and fear are normal reactions, and it is not normal if you are not afraid.

The guests in the hotel rushed out of the hotel door and ran into the street. Behind them, there were a lot of little ghosts flying around. This picture is comparable to a horror movie.

Occasionally, there is a naughty ghost who will fly the guests running behind into the air, using this method for fun.

Of course, in this process, these ghosts are at best making fun of ordinary people, but they didn't cause these ordinary people to suffer any harm.

In fact, this is also what Guang Chengzi deliberately confessed to these ghosts, and strictly confessed that they can't harm mortals, otherwise they will surely kill them, so these ghosts are at best to make fun of everyone, and will not hurt everyone.

But even so, it scared the guests in the hotel, and it was not lightly scared.

To be honest, if a horror film is in a film and television drama, it is nothing, but all that horror film is staged in reality is not acceptable to ordinary people.

"Master, is it almost done?"

Zhiyu saw that all the guests in the hotel had run away, and even the hotel staff were all scared away. The entire hotel was empty, and the rest were all the ghost ghosts summoned by Guang Chengzi.

At this time, it seems that it's time for his own master to make his debut, so Xiao Zhiyu would have such a question.

The manager and staff of the hotel, after running out of the hotel, hid on the other side of the road and looked towards this side, their faces were all nervous, scared and worried.

Since the ghosts in the hotel did not mean to leave the hotel and come outside, it was more or less reassuring, so the hotel staff and managers who ran out boldly hid outside the hotel Across the road.

"Okay! Let's look at the teacher."

Guang Chengzi glanced at it and knew that the time had come for his debut, so he put aside his face, and put on a polite appearance. Those hotel employees walked over to the hotel looking across the road.

------split line------

"Boss, where are we going to play next?"

At the Beverly Hills mansion in Los Angeles, Coco and Kayla are two little guys studying what plane world they should go to next.

Now that Coco takes Kayla, he has experienced a lot of travels in the world of planes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also saw the style and customs of the world that is different from the other time and space, as well as the customs, and it can be regarded as a junior level. Meet the travelers.

Under the leadership of Coco, Kayla also experienced all this in the same way, and her knowledge has grown a lot, and it can even be said that it has surpassed his brother who has been living on earth.

However, the plane worlds Coco and Kayla experience are all similar to ancient worlds, so there are more ‘play’ in such plane worlds, which will make the little guy feel a little bit crooked.

More importantly, in those plane worlds similar to ancient times, they are simply invincible, and they can't meet an opponent at all, and invincible is really lonely.

Therefore, whether it is Coco or Kayla, they feel that the next time they choose to go to ‘play’ in the plane world, it should be changed.

But the question is, what kind of destination to choose, this is a headache.

Magic? Science fiction? Fantasy? Oops, the two little guys are thinking about it, but the little brains hurt, but they haven't made a choice yet, because for the two little guys, these places seem to be very fun.


No one could have imagined that Coco, the god-defying Coco, and Superman's sister, the two little guys would actually be sad about such a thing, it is simply weird.

Coco frowned and thought for a long time, and finally responded to Kayla.

"Simply, let's draw lots. I think it's easy and convenient." Well, with Coco's character, this method is really suitable for them.

Keira tilted her head and thought about it. Indeed, she really couldn't think of a great way, so she nodded and agreed with Coco's way.

"Okay, then let's start writing notes, and it will be whatever we draw."

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