Rising America

Chapter 1456: Will there be any mistakes?

It stands to reason that Cai Minghua is really irrational to say something like this and show this attitude.

I don't know if it was Cai Minghua's own luck, because Jin Xiantai's sake has now completely dissipated, so that Cai Minghua now behaves like a brain damage.

Of course, his current excessive reaction is not incomprehensible.

Think about it, anyone who has been deceived twice will not feel very comfortable.

Not to mention that after being scammed twice, Cai Minghua no longer has a penny in his hands, so much so that he can't even hire a lawyer now, so it's strange that he is in a good mood.

At the same time, Cai Minghua hates herself.

He hated how he suddenly became so silly at that time.

One of the key factors, Cai Minghua wants to come and even breaks his head but can't understand it.

Under the influence of Andri's nano-conscious robot, it is not difficult for Cai Minghua to look like a mentally disabled person.

If Andrew is willing, it is okay to make Cai Minghua more retarded.

It can be seen that Cai Minghua and Jin Xiantai have had cause and effect, which is really a great tragedy for him.

However, no one would pity him Cai Minghua.

Just think about what Cai Minghua has done over the years, but a normal person would not pity him.

"Mr. Cai, please don't be so excited. It won't help us to grasp useful information, and it's not conducive to the detection of the case."

Taking a deep breath, the police officer in charge of taking notes continued to communicate with Cai Minghua patiently.

It is a pity that Cai Minghua is not in such a good state now, so how can he communicate with the police officers normally at this time?

But just as the police officer advised him, this is totally helpless and solve the case.

------split line------

"Cai Minghua is probably very uncomfortable now. Anyone who is deceived twice or deceived by the same person twice will probably collapse. But I will not pity him, this scumbag is not worthy of pity. ."

When Cai Minghua was unable to communicate with the police officers normally, Kim Hyuntae from Los Angeles smiled and expressed his views on the matter, and he was obviously gloating.

As a paramilitary officer who is about to serve in Vietnam, Kim Hyun-tae will conduct a half-month'military training' here.

Of course, since he went to serve in Vietnam not as an ordinary big-head soldier, but as an officer and position, it is impossible for him to conduct any physical and individual military training like those big-head soldiers during his training.

The so-called ‘military training’ he received was about his understanding of the political and ecological environment of Saigon in South Vietnam and his cognition of the real power figures in the local regime.

You know, old George told him that after he went to serve in South Vietnam, he would lead a team to be stationed in Saigon, the capital of the South Vietnamese regime, and was responsible for maintaining and stabilizing local security, as well as destroying the secret agent organizations infiltrated by North Vietnam and their secret contacts. Click on these things.

At the same time, what Kim Hyun-tae still needs to do is to secretly contact the real power of the South Vietnamese regime and ensure that they are allowed to follow the orders of the Americans and begin to attack the South Vietnamese real powers who tend to be French.

In general, there are really many things that Kim Hyun-tae will be responsible for after going to serve in South Vietnam.

And it seems that such a burden was arranged for Jin Xiantai, and this kind of thing can only happen here in different time and space.

God knows what the Americans on the other side of the world think, and they will actually put such an important matter on Jin Xiantai and let him be responsible.

They didn't look at how old Jin Xiantai was. This was impossible in Jin Xiantai's original time and space.

Of course, considering the different time and space, there are many things here that are very strange.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai is now burdened with such a heavy burden, and there is nothing he cannot understand and accept.

Even Jin Xiantai is very eager to serve in South Vietnam because he wants to taste what it is like to be the "Tao Sovereign". Whenever he thinks of bullying the big men of the South Vietnam regime with the identity of a "beautiful dad," Jin Xiantai is quite excited.

It's just that the excitement in his heart is invisible to others.

On the training ground of the National Guard Force Base, a large number of young people who are about to go to serve are training on the playground, and the slogans are also screaming loudly.

But these have no chance with Kim Hyun Tae, he himself does not need to conduct such training, on the contrary, he is very leisurely here.

After all, he is a high-ranking officer, and he is not the same as those company-level and platoon-level officers. Those guys have to stand up and salute when they see him.

So when everyone is training, Kim Hyun-tae can wear sunglasses, sit down and enjoy the sun and drink coffee.

Seeing that Jin Xiantai was in a good mood, Andrew agreed: "Master, you are right, Cai Minghua is probably going crazy now. It can be said that after we do this, he doesn't have any money in his hands. Moreover, he sold all the copyrights of the songs. After half a month, he will not be able to enjoy the rewards of the copyright, so how can he be in a good mood."

Jin Xiantai took a sip of the coffee on the coffee table next to him, put down the coffee cup and said to Andrew: "Huh! Cai Minghua, a scum, I never thought he would be so bad. To be honest, this person makes me a little bad. nausea."

Andrew nodded and agreed with Kim Hyun Tae's evaluation.

During this period of time, Andrew has collected a lot of personal information about Cai Minghua. From the information he has obtained, Andrew has really learned what Cai Minghua is and what he has done.

Sleeping fans, spending a lot of time, walking on a few boats are nothing. Andrew and Jin Xiantai can't tolerate them most. Cai Minghua will use violent methods to intimidate the girls when they disagree.

And after he bullied the girls, he would use his power to discredit the girls, and he was very happy with it.

Such things and behaviors really made Jin Xiantai unbearable.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai's idea of ​​destroying Cai Minghua has become so firm.

To say that Cai Minghua only offended Nuwa unintentionally, of course Jin Xiantai would not be so stingy to deal with him, after all, Jin Xiantai is not such a person.

But when Cai Minghua was such a nasty scumbag, and offended Nuwa, and had very bad thoughts towards his daughter Coco, of course Jin Xiantai would not let her go easily.

Perhaps this is also God's borrowing of Jin Xiantai's hand to solve the scumbag Cai Minghua?

"It's really unfortunate that those girls met him." Andrew took the conversation, a very embarrassing look appeared on his face.

Kim Hyun-tae took off his sunglasses and placed it on the coffee table. At the same time, he sat up straight, looked at the big soldiers in the team training on the playground, and responded with Andrew: "It is precisely because of this that we are going to break Cai Minghua. , So that he can no longer do evil in the future, so that no more girls will be bullied by him in the future."

"By the way, the Xiangjiang police won't find you, right?" Jin Xiantai suddenly thought of this question, so he looked at Andrew with some worry and asked.

You look down on me too!

Andrew was a little dumbfounded when he heard that, he felt that Jin Xiantai underestimated him.


As a Namek, he still has so many black technologies. If he can't handle even this little thing, then he can really die.

So Kim Hyun Tae is really worried.

At least in Andrew's opinion, there is a lot more.

But in order to reassure Jin Xiantai, Andrew answered patiently: "Don't worry, master, the Xiangjiang police will not find me, and I can even be responsible for confirming that this is a case that cannot be investigated.

Let me say, Master, your worry is unnecessary at all.

Don't forget who I am Andrew, I am a member of the super civilization named Namek. "

Finally, Andrew did not forget to mention his identity. He thought it might be Jin Xiantai who had forgotten this.

"But you are a Namek star elementary school student, you are not even a junior high school student, and the elementary school is still the third grade. Didn't you tell me that your elementary school also has a six-year system."

The Earth’s sixth grade elementary school system has two semesters for each grade. One year, the entire elementary school will be read for six years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the elementary school of Namek is different.

Because of the long lifespan of the Namekians, they have completed one grade of elementary school for more than three thousand years, and the entire elementary school has completed more than ten thousand years.

But even so, only the third grader Andrew, Kim Hyun Tae still thinks he will make mistakes in his work, after all, he is still a ‘child’.

See you!

Kim Hyun-tae, who has a middle-aged soul, is actually an out-and-out ‘child’ in front of Andrew, the third grader of Namek Star Elementary School.

Andrew had lived for more than 10,000 years, and he didn't know how much he was older than Kim Hyun Tae just in terms of age.

It's true that they are a third grader, but that is according to Namek's algorithm.

If this is replaced by the earth algorithm, look again.

Then, Andrew is a real "old and immortal" existence.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Andrew reacted, knowing that Jin Xiantai was worried that he was'young' and that he was not reliable.

After understanding this, Andrew was a little sad.

"Master, I have been with you for two years. In the two years, I have made mistakes, or have done things wrong."

Andrew, with the face of an old British man, looked at Kim Hyun-tae with big watery eyes and a heartbroken expression on his face. The picture was simply beautiful.

The hairs on Kim Hyun Tae's whole body were erected.

"Can you not look at me with such eyes, I am very uncomfortable, okay?"

"Master, you underestimate others, I am very sad."

"Count me wrong, don't think of me like that."

"The young master must take me with him to serve in South Vietnam."

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae's "being soft", Andrew hit the snake with a stick and made a small request.

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