Rising America

Chapter 1382: Reassurance pill

After having breakfast on the plane, when the plane landed in Washington, Jin Xiantai got off the plane and drove directly to the old George's office.

After seeing Old George, the two exchanged greetings and went directly to the subject.

After all, they are all acquaintances, and the polite rhetoric can be put aside.

Jin Xiantai explained his intention concisely. He needs to know from the old George what he will do after going to serve in Vietnam.

Regarding Jin Xiantai's intention in this regard, Old George didn't even conceal the slightest intention, so he told Jin Xiantai directly.

"The South Vietnamese president on the stage is supported by the French. It is very troublesome for us and the French to fight like this. Therefore, the main purpose of your visit this time is to contact the current South Vietnamese military commander Nguyen Wenming and support him in launching a military coup. , Completely solve this troublesome thing that comes and goes."

Let me do this?

After knowing his actual goal from the old George, Jin Xiantai was very surprised.

Because according to his understanding, this thing can be done by the U.S. military headquarters in Vietnam and the CIA group. How can he do it?

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae's face of puzzlement, Old George had to explain the reason.

"The CIA group and the U.S. Army headquarters in Vietnam have shallow eyelids. They still want to continue fighting with the French and find politicians who are willing to stand up. But this kind of thing will only get into trouble in our opinion. Reincarnation does not solve the fundamental problem at all.

Therefore, we need the real power of the military to stand up, let the incompetent and greedy politicians roll aside, and form a military government with concentrated power and high efficiency. Only in this way can we stand in Nanyue for longer.

You know, up to now, our old munitions inventory has only consumed one-tenth, and there is a large amount of old munitions inventory that needs to be consumed in Vietnam, so we need time and a stable one. A South Vietnamese government that can sustain it. "

This is very heart-wrenching, and most people don't even know these inside stories.

So when the old George said this, Jin Xiantai could almost understand it.

But Jin Xiantai still doesn't understand that the South Vietnamese military is in full control, and there is no need to contact him.

Couldn't the CIA guys work?

Besides, they still have operational funds. It shouldn't be very difficult to use dollars to impress some military personnel.

Immediately, Jin Xiantai brought up the confusion.

For this question, Old George answered Jin Xiantai with a wry smile.

"It's because I have no money that I think of you."

what? No money!

This is not an international joke!

Kim Hyun Tae was truly shocked by the old George's answer.

It's not like the United States has won a vote, and now it's not bad at all.

So how could the CIA here have no funds to corrupt the high-ranking officials of the South Vietnamese army.

Anyway, Kim Hyun-tae thinks this is a bit outrageous.

It was the old George who patiently continued to explain to Jin Xiantai, which made Jin Xiantai understand why this happened.

"The CIA has been severely suppressed recently. The'elephant' forces are hyping Vietnam's unfavorable news. Presumably you also know that the momentum of the domestic anti-war wave has become a bit big, right?"

Jin Xiantai nodded when he heard the words. On the way to Washington, he learned about the situation from the Internet.

Old George walked out from behind his desk and sighed deeply across from Kim Hyun Tae.

"So now our every move is closely watched by the media, even if I am willing to grant a sum of money to the CIA, I dare not dare."

Jin Xiantai stared at Old George speechlessly. It was difficult for him to imagine that the high-level people on the American side in different time and space would actually become such a virtue.

This is simply not a bit worse than the high-level Americans in his own time and space.

"At that time, you will contact Ruan Wenming and these people in your personal capacity, and you must also provide them with money in your private name. In any case, you must encourage their military to stand up and take over all the affairs of the current regime and form a military government.

Of course, the money you took out, I will make up for you in another name, and I won't let you use it in vain. "

Although this was a bit surprising, Kim Hyun Tae nodded and agreed.

After all, in his opinion, as long as money can solve a problem, it is not a problem.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that I went to serve in South Vietnam, which is not a chore.

"Of course, your mission is more than that."

Old George continued.

Kim Hyun-tae also sat up straight, posing as if he were listening.

"According to reliable sources, a large gold mine and a large oil field have been discovered near Saigon, so you are responsible for protecting the gold mine and the oil field. Don’t let the North Vietnamese agents destroy them, and at the same time, you have to take responsibility for suppressing the activities of the North Vietnamese agents. , So the burden on your shoulders is not light."

Kim Hyun Tae grinned, but can he refuse?

Certainly this cannot be refused.

"The French also learned about this news, so they will definitely be shocked. But this time our US troops stationed in Vietnam, we have to make some profit, so we must take advantage of the period in Vietnam to mine more gold. , And more oil will come back."

Old George said something more.

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae can understand.

After all, this is cheap and not for nothing.

But it is clear that the Americans will definitely carry out destructive exploitation of that gold mine and oil at that time.

After all, the Americans know very well that they cannot station troops in Vietnam forever and will withdraw sooner or later.

Therefore, what they have to do now is to take advantage of the fact that they are still stationing troops in Vietnam, as much as the gold mines and oil fields can be mined, and they will not take into account other issues at all.

If Kim Hyun Tae is replaced by him, he will probably do the same.

"Who has the right to develop this gold mine and oil field now?"

Kim Hyun Tae asked curiously.

Old George smiled'hehe' and said to Jin Xiantai: "The ownership is an offshore company in the Cayman Islands, but I can tell the truth. The development rights of that gold mine and oil field are in the hands of my wife and I. So your visit this time can be regarded as protecting the rights and interests of your own property."

Old George smiled so much, leaving Jin Xiantai speechless for a while.

He couldn't imagine that the development rights of gold mines and oil fields were actually in the hands of Old George and Annie.


Now that he knew such a situation, how could Kim Hyun Tae put his strength to protect the interests of the matter.

But this is not surprising.

You must know that in the time and space where Kim Hyun-tae lived, a certain Dahm invaded Kuwait and harmed the interests of the then president's shoehorn face, so the shoehorn face contacted a group of like-minded stakeholders. The decision to dispatch troops to'make Dham good-looking' was quickly issued.

Therefore, here in different time and space, as the vice president, old George, taking advantage of the American troops stationed in Vietnam to make money is really not so surprising.

Don't think that American politicians don't like money.

No one dislikes this stuff, money.

Of course, the old George didn't know about this, but had finished holding the offshore company. Obviously, he cares more about his reputation.

Suddenly, Jin Xiantai thought of a point. If this is the case, then the matter of going to Vietnam to serve himself was not promoted by the old George and Annie.

After all, they need a reliable person to go to Vietnam to protect this interest.

Therefore, when he thought of this, Jin Xiantai couldn't help asking old George: "Uncle George, I don't think my going to Vietnam to serve has a lot to do with gold mines and oil fields, right?"

Old George smiled like a thief on his face, nodded without denying, and confessed happily.

After getting a pleasant answer from Old George, Jin Xiantai rolled his eyes silently.

"Well, here is to protect the interests of my own property, and at the same time where I can go for gilding, so I have nothing to object.

But I need to clearly understand something, that is, how much power I have during my service in Vietnam, and will I be restricted in doing things? "

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, Old George was very satisfied.

After all, talking to smart people is easy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't bother to talk so much.

"You are directly under the command of the commander-in-chief Eisenhower in Vietnam, and I can tell the truth that he also owns 12% of the shares in gold mines and oil fields, so you don't have to worry that he will not support you."

It's too cunning.

Even such a person is dragged into the water by you, so what do I have to worry about?

Kim Hyun-tae was all comfortable.

It is conceivable that with Eisenhower's support, Jin Xiantai can safely be gilded in South Vietnam, and it is fine to bully those South Vietnamese men in different time and space.

Thinking of this, Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help but feel happy.

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae's look of "I understand", the smile on Old George's face was much brighter.

"I am really happy that you and Annie can think of registering a'security consulting company', because you have used this way to win over many military generals, and you have also gained their network of connections, and together our entire'Puma' power It has also expanded to the military, and all of this will be the blessing of you and Annie."

Old George is very sincere on this issue.

To be honest, I really borrowed the light of Kim Hyun Tae and Annie.

Otherwise, the military leaders would not pay attention to politicians like George.

You know, the politicians and the military on the US side in different time and space are completely incompatible with each other.

Of course, now that the two sides can associate, thanks to the politicians of the ‘puma’ camp of George Sr., all of them are very radical hawks.

"Admiral Eisenhauer has three years to retire, so he also has to find something for his future, so you can rest assured that you will get along well with him after going to Nanyue."

Old George gave Kim Hyuntae a reassurance.

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