Rising America

Chapter 1376: The confidence that came out!

Twenty Capricorn captives raised their weapons high and rushed to a distance of seven or eight meters from the old man named Song.

But the old man surnamed Song didn't mean to move at all. He just stared at the Jie people who rushed over, and at the same time, his breathing became more and more rapid.

Finally the old man reacted!

Ah da da da!

The sky full of fist shadows flashed out of thin air, and the old man stood still and didn't move. At the same time, he yelled "Ah Da Da Da", which suddenly made the atmosphere very strange.

The 20 Capricorn captives stopped weirdly, staying in place one by one, with strange expressions.

At this time, the old man surnamed Song took a deep breath, and a weird 【】 appeared beside him, and several ancient seal fonts that were as black as ink appeared in the 【】.

[Beidou violent killing fist]

Ha ha!

To be honest, this scene is really strange.

At the same time, the corners of the old man's mouth twitched, but according to the mysterious inheritance voice in his mind, he said the mysterious spell in the "Beidou Fist": "Repent to the gods! You still have seven seconds!"

Time flies quickly, seven seconds is not long.

As time came, 20 Capricorn captives exploded and died. The one that died was called a **** one, and that was called a terrible one.

The two little guys, Coco and Kayla, also twitched their mouths, obviously a little surprised by this scene.

"Boss Coco, are we watching the live version of the Fist of the North Star?"

Coco didn't know how to answer.

A gust of wind blew and rolled up a cloud of dust, causing Coco to shiver involuntarily.

It's not just Kayla who feels weird, but Coco herself also feels that what is happening now is a little weird.

But the bear child is the bear child, no matter how weird and contradicting what is happening now, she will definitely not explore anything.

So as soon as Coco's eyes turned, he said to Kayla carelessly: "Hi! No matter how much he is, as long as the inheritance I give them is easy to use.

Now that the old man has become very powerful.

So, let's just ignore those side matters. "

Indeed, the old man surnamed Song has indeed become very powerful.

He actually killed 20 Jie Ren in seconds by himself. Such a record made him, as well as the hundreds of Jin people who were tested after him not far away, all stupid.

"I did this?"

At this moment, the old man surnamed Song was stunned looking at the mutilated corpses left by the 20 Capricorn captives, and he was a little confused.

Because he really couldn't believe what was happening before him.

Especially all this is due to my own relationship.

Thinking that he would die forever, gritted his teeth, and displayed the "Beidou Fist" he inherited based on the mysterious sound in his mind.

What he didn't expect was that the power of this boxing technique was so terrifying.

The 20 strong Jie Ren warriors were killed by himself in this way.


This is really unbelievable.

But all this is true.

Therefore, it is conceivable how much shock this brought the old Song people.

No wonder the old man was so dumbfounded and looked incredulous.

That's right, whoever encounters such a thing will not necessarily react better than the old man surnamed Song.

This is really too fantastic.

As this is a plane world that even low martial arts can't reach, the appearance of such a powerful inheritance of boxing will inevitably surprise these Jin people.

Because this is completely beyond their cognitive scope and their inherent understanding of their life world, and these are all subversive.

But no matter whether these Jin people are shocked or not, the assessment will continue.

The old man surnamed Song was dragged down by the Swadia knight, and he was replaced by a young Jin youth, and the test he had to face was to kill 8 Capricorn captives.

And the inheritance that this young Jin has acquired is the'Nan Dou Water Bird Fist', one of the so-called'Nan Dou Six Holy Fists'.

With the old man surnamed Song as a template, Coco basically lost interest in the next battle, because she knew that the captured Jie people were definitely not the opponents of the Jin people who had obtained the inheritance.

So the little guy was bored and took out his tablet computer, so he rode on the horse and watched the cartoon of the ‘Beidou God Fist’ that the secret shop gave out for free when buying goods from the secret store.

Kayla also leaned forward and watched Coco cartoons with Coco.

And the one who won the'Nan Dou Water Bird Fist' also used his own fist smoothly to turn the eight Jie Ren opponents gorgeously into pieces of minced meat.

And at the end, the Jin youth who inherited the'Nandou Water Bird Fist' also showed the symbol of [] on the side of the young man who had inherited the'Nandou Water Bird Fist', and the ancient seal font also appeared in the dark as ink.

【Nantou Water Bird Fist】

Well, God knows why this happens.

Coco raised his head at this time and glanced gleamingly.

At this time, the story on the tablet computer also showed that "Kenjiro" killed a band of bandits. Also after he used his Beidou method, the screen paused [] an ancient seal font.

At this point, Cocoa has an understanding of his own.

She turned her head and said to her little friend Kayla: “Although the merchandise in the mystery store seems to be very powerful, it is also funny and weird. Obviously these indigenous people who have obtained this inheritance will behave like this once they use these techniques. Like cartoons, you must show what punch you are hitting. Even if they don't want to show off, there will be strange mysterious powers that make them show off."

In Coco's view, every time after he casts his fist to kill an enemy, the weird 【】 and the black ancient seal font appear out of nowhere, just to show what the user is using.

So as long as you think about it this way, there is nothing the little guy can't understand.

And Kayla was also persuaded by Coco's inference, which made sense.

Otherwise, how to explain this weird thing.

Of course, as the natives of the world of the original plane, they don't think this thing is so weird. After all, Coco told them in advance that this inheritance comes from the ‘ancient practice world’, so they all understand it as just a technique of cultivating immortals.

Especially after the proving power of two people, these Jin people who have obtained the inheritance are even more convinced.

Think about it, too, if it weren't for ‘Xianshu’, how could it be so powerful that killing Jie people is as easy as killing a dog.

You must know that they were once ordinary people, and they were still ordinary people bullied by the five Hus.

If they are full of food and drink, they are not necessarily Jie Ren's opponents in heads-up.

But right now they can not only beat a few Jie Ren, but also easily kill each other in seconds, which all shows that the inheritance they have obtained is extraordinary.

Therefore, while these Jin people were excited and excited, the eyes looking at Coco became more and more reverent and awe.

He also became convinced of the identity of Cocoa who claimed to be the "Family of Ancient Immortals."

After all, people like them get these things, and they are all taught to them by Coco.

Since they can teach such a powerful boxing technique to them, Coco will definitely be even more powerful than they think.

Not to mention that Coco had performed three-headed and six-armed changes in front of them.

Next person!

The inheritor of Nandou Water Bird Fist ends.

Immediately after that, another member of the promotion played.

And compared to the earliest ‘Beidou’ Song Lao, and the ‘Nandou Water Bird’ youth just now, this middle-aged man on the field has a steady pace and is also full of confidence.

The reason why they are so confident is mainly because the victory of the first two gave them this confidence.

After all, everyone has obtained the inheritance, so the first two have passed the test, proving the power of inheritance fist.

Then, as a member of the inherited boxing technique, he certainly felt that he couldn't lose the next battle.


This is how confidence comes.

This approach is obviously better than good slogans.

Of course, not everyone can use this method.

Only Coco, a little weird thing, has the ability to use this method to improve the self-confidence of these Jin people, and let them see how strong they are now.

If this is another person, it is obviously impossible to do it like Coco.

Who made the little guy himself so against the sky, and mastered so many weird things against the sky?

So there is really no way to compare in this respect.

【Nantou Phoenix Fist】

No surprise, the third middle-aged Jin man came on the field. Faced with 15 Jie Ren fighters, he ended the test cleanly and beat the 15 Jie Ren fighters into four pieces of rotten meat with his own boxing skills.

"Nan Dou Shengquan is also quite powerful, but it is a pity that they are all defeated under the Beidou Shenquan." The cartoon was still playing, and Kaila chatted with Coco in a low voice.

Of the three people who played just now, two of them used Nandou Fist.

And judging from the actual combat results, Nandou boxing is indeed not weak.

However, so many people in the cartoon Zhongnan Douquan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have all lost to the successors of Beidouquan.

Coco lowered his voice and responded to Kayla: "The cartoon is a cartoon. After all, the protagonist of this cartoon is Kenjiro, and he has the protagonist's halo. So this is understandable, but these people who have obtained the inheritance of boxing, especially Those people who belong to the Beidou method do not have this kind of aura, so you think that the Nandou method is very normal."

After speaking, Coco took out two more cards from his pocket.

"I also have the inheritance cards of [Beidou Liuquan] and [Yuandouhuangquan]. According to the product introduction of the mystery store, these two methods are more powerful."

"Boss, then don't you pass this boxing technique to these people, what do you keep in your hands?"

"I plan to take down Yecheng and establish my own belief base, and then pass on these two styles of boxing as a boxing technique that can only be obtained by mad believers."

"Wow, boss, you are so smart."

"Of course, you don't see who I am."

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