Rising America

Chapter 1371: Cocoa's sense of mission?

Kayla’s work on the construction of the camp is progressing very quickly. The high-level arms of the "Chopping Chop" system are not only good at fighting, they even work much better than ordinary people.

Although there are large forests around Changzhi, which are used to provide the wood needed to build a camp, Kayla can buy a large amount of wood from the "Chopping and Chopping" system and use it in this real world of time and space.

With a large amount of wood, more than 10,000 Gondor heavy riders have taken off their heavy armor and have built almost two-thirds of the fortress, including a circle of wooden fences.

Judging from the progress of the work completed now, the soldiers produced by the system are really good at working.

But Coco doesn't care about these.

The little guy just glanced at it casually, and after a few thoughts, his gaze shifted away.

Coco looked very solemn at this time, and at the same time there was a trace of indignation in the solemnity.

The reason why the little guy is like this is mainly because of the history book Andrew showed her.

Although the history recorded in that history book, seriously speaking, is not the history of this time and space.

But after all, after that period of history is seen, it will not feel so comfortable in my heart.

And that period of history is really too dark.

At the same time, coincidentally, this time and space are now in a time that is very consistent with the history recorded in the history book. It is also the Central Plains who are raging, and the Han people are slaughtered and used as food.

Therefore, when the little guy learned that she had come into such a world, she must be quite unhappy in her heart.

Don't look at her treating the natives in this world as NPCs.

But NPC and NPC are also different.

As a Chinese-American Coco, seeing another time and space in a miserable situation in the Han family, although the little guy can't empathize with him, she will feel unhappy.

Of course, this kind of discomfort is not aimed at the Han descent in this world, but the Hu people who wreak havoc on the Central Plains.

Even if the natives are regarded as NPCs, Coco doesn't like NPCs of Han clan being bullied. Well, seriously speaking, even if they are bullied, they can only be bullied by themselves. Being bullied by NPCs is nothing.

It was also under the influence of this mentality that Coco took out the weird things like the'Southern Dou Shengquan and the Beidou Shenquan' and passed them on to the Jin people as the so-called'Qi Refining Technique'.

However, the little guy is still smart. This kind of'qi refining technique' can not be taught by anyone at random. It is only taught to the 30,000 heavy cavalry who has not opened the cheating secrets in Coco, facing the extremely disadvantaged situation. Down, even though they were trembling with fear, there were still no Jin people who escaped.

As for those Jin people who ran away, of course Coco would not give them the inheritance of the'Nandou and Beidou'.

Cocoa wants to use these hundreds of Jin people as seeds, use them to ignite the brave heart of all the Jin people in the future, let them know that Hu people are not great, and Jin people don't have to be afraid of them.

Although the ‘Southern Dou Shengquan and the Beidou Shenquan’ are not comparable to supernatural power spells, they are even considered as low-level fist techniques, and they don’t have much value.

But considering that this is an ordinary plane world with no gods, no martial arts inheritance, and no magic warfare skills, so even these two fist techniques from the low martial plane world can still be very powerful.

Seeing that the camp was about to be built, he turned his horse's head and turned around to look at those Jin people who were still excited.

Their excitement is actually understandable.

After abruptly acquiring the inheritance, they can clearly and obviously feel their own changes. This feeling and feeling can't be faked at all, so this tells them all that all these changes are real and real. .

So how can they not be excited when they feel their own power increase out of thin air and their physical fitness becomes stronger.

After all, in these years, strength is the guarantee of survival.

At least after encountering three or five Huren cavalry, they will not have to escape, but have the power of a battle.

Of course, it remains to be verified whether this kind of inheritance is powerful or not.

However, these gratifying changes in their bodies right now make them unable to be excited and excited.

"Unexpectedly, there have been such dark things in history. It is really hard to accept people cannibalism."

Previously, Coco gave Kayla the history book, so that Kayla also learned about this history, and also made Kayla understand why Coco reacted so much earlier.

As a Kryptonian bloodline, Kyla is indeed an alien.

But because he was born on the earth and has always been growing up on the earth, he received kindergarten education, so Kayla is strictly speaking no different from the children on earth.

It is because every day after returning home, her parents would teach her the knowledge and rules of the Kryptonians, so that Kayla realized the difference between herself and the people on Earth, which led to a little change in her mentality.

So Kayla really knows a lot.

But "people cannibalism" is something that even Krypton girl Kayla finds difficult to accept.

Of course, Kayla is also very clear that the history described in the history books took place in another time and space world, which is different from the plane world they are now in.

But what makes people feel paradoxical is that it seems that the age of this plane world seems to be somewhat consistent with the description in the history book.

For example, there are Huren who ravage the Central Plains.

There are also Jin people who have been bullied.

This is the strange characteristic of the plane world.

Perhaps, the world of this plane that I and Coco boss came to is in the historical timeline described in the history books, and the timeline plane of the same latitude is not necessarily.

And as a child of Krypton, Kayla also knew very well that there shouldn't be too many of the same planes, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

So now that you have come to such a plane world, set your mind and feel at ease.

To be honest, Kayla was quite envious of Coco.

Because Coco has mastered many plane worlds, these plane worlds can be free for her to play in and out, and there is no need to worry that after these plane worlds are destroyed, someone finds her father to complain. In short, you can do whatever you want without worrying about it. as a result of.

So, how can Kayla not be envious.

This is totally equivalent to having a private playground, or the kind of playground that can do whatever you want.

But Kayla is not jealous of Coco. At this point, Kayla’s mentality is very right. Besides, Coco is Kayla’s eldest sister. Every time Coco enters a different plane to play with her, Kayla feels that she has something else. Not satisfied.

After listening to Kayla talking about her feelings, Coco clenched her small fist, and opened her mouth with a solemn expression on her small face: "So our goal this time, in addition to building faith here, we must also change this place. The fate of the Han people!"

For the first time, the little guy has become so serious and has such a sense of purpose and mission.

Cocoa is usually very carefree and doesn't care about anything. Even in 01 time and space and the "Doomsday Plane", the little guy behaves very casually and doesn't care about anything.

But this time Keira felt very different for Coco.

His boss Coco became serious.

"These Jin people are so miserable. Although they and us are not in the same time and space, but when they think that they were caught by the Jie people, they killed and cooked like cows and sheep, and I felt uncomfortable. People are so tortured and killed.

So I have to change this situation, it is because my heart is extremely unhappy, and I personally think that "people cannibalism" is really disgusting, and it is really unacceptable. "

Facing her trusted friend Kayla, Coco did not hide her feelings.

When Kayla heard Coco say this, she nodded with approval.

Indeed, it is difficult for people to accept ‘people cannibalism’, which Kayla must admit.

At this time, Coco clenched his small fist, raised his head slightly, and looked at the blue sky with a pitiful face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ continued with an extremely uncomfortable tone: "Although these indigenous Jin people seem to me It's an NPC, but even if it's an NPC, I don't want them to live so miserably, because thinking that they are so miserable makes me feel uncomfortable."

Kaila is a few years older than Coco, so it is understandable why Coco is like this.

It is true that they are in a different time and space, and the natives here have nothing to do with them. At the same time, the natives are treated as NPCs by the two little guys.

But this is like an old American playing a game. In the game, the American NPC is severely beaten by the Northern NPC, and it is a reason that as an old American game controller, he will be upset.

Cocoa is such a mentality now.

Of course, Cocoa also has to establish his own belief here and expand his number of believers.

Then the Jin people who are currently in miserable circumstances have inevitably become a good choice.

After all, their lives are too desperate.

Therefore, as long as Coco can give them hope and want to make these people her believers, there is nothing too difficult.

"I support you! Then let us set off a storm in this world!"

Keira looked at Coco very seriously and responded.

Regardless of whether Kaila is older than Cocoa, but in addition to being Cocoa's good friend and little partner, she is also Cocoa's fan.

Now let’s not say that it’s just Coco who wants to change the fate of Jin people in this world. Even if Coco says she wants to destroy the world, Kayla will support Coco and work with it.

Keira's support made Coco very satisfied.

The little guy squinted at the Capricorn captives in the distance, sneered with a sneer, and told Kaila: "We will let those Jin people who have gained the inheritance go to fight these captives. I will tell them with facts. There is nothing terrible about these Jie people."

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