Rising America

Chapter 1338: Come on, you can do it

"Master, what are you doing so troublesome? It's not a matter of sneezing to kill that guy with your ability."

Dabao couldn't figure out why his master did this.

Hurry up, it will be better soon after killing Lao Zhou directly.

Anyway, Dabao's little head melon seeds couldn't figure it out and didn't understand it.

Guang Chengzi had already walked out of the villa area and came to the parking lot outside the complex.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, Guang Chengzi feels that he has to give his apprentice a good knowledge of this aspect. After all, he will be the heir of his own orthodoxy.

Taking out the car key, Guang Chengzi pressed the'DiDi' button, and walked towards his car, while lowering his head to tilt his head and looking at his big treasure: "Everyone has luck in the world. Counting, if you don’t have enough luck, there will be cause and effect if you take your life. This kind of cause and effect is a big taboo for the people in my fairy family.

If someone really wants to rashly think that as the years grow older, there will be more causes and effects that will affect one's own practice, and they will also cause trouble for oneself. "

Guang Chengzi said, Dabao listened, but Dabao remembered it, but couldn't understand it.

After all, the little guy is not too old.

And Guang Chengzi didn't ask Dabao to understand, he only needed the little guy to remember, and later he would explain it slowly to let him understand.

Anyway, Dabao is his apprentice, and now he is by his side again, he has time and opportunity to teach slowly, right?

"Then, master, according to your meaning, do you mean that we should not be nosy?"

Dabao seemed to understand, but he came to a conclusion.

Guang Chengzi untied the child's backpack, put Dabao on the eggshell seat in the back of the car, then sat in the driving position, ignited, started, and the car moved slowly.

"Well, if you understand it that way, you can. As long as you don't care about nosy, then there is no cause and effect, and cause and effect are often caused by these factors."


After Dabao got a response from his master Guangchengzi, he looked a little gloomy. Perhaps in the eyes of the little guy, his master is a bit timid.

No wonder Dabao thought so.

But these words of Guang Chengzi sounded like this.

To sum up, it is nothing more than [Don't make trouble, don't worry about it].

Therefore, such a view, as a child's big treasure, of course feels somewhat unacceptable.

But Guang Chengzi is his own master, so what can he do as an apprentice Dabao.

So in the end the little guy can only be depressed.

After driving the car on the highway leading to the city, through the rearview mirror, Guangchengzi saw the unhappy demo of Dabao in the back row, and a smile flashed across his face. He guessed why the apprentice had such an expression and Reaction, after all, Guang Chengzi lived so long.

"Teacher, do you think Master I am very timid?"

Dabao in the rearview mirror curled his lips and made no sound, but the little guy seemed to have that meaning.

Guang Chengzi smiled and didn't care.

After all, Dabao was still a child, how could he know how complicated his scruples were.

Kill the robbery!

Guang Chengzi couldn't help but think of the once Conferred God battle.

Although the causal entanglement of the war was only one of the reasons, mainly because of faith and luck, the tragic nature of the war has not been forgotten by Guang Chengzi.

As Dabao's master, he didn't want his apprentice to be caught in a tragic killing one day, so he wanted to remind his apprentice.

Of course, Guang Chengzi is also very clear that if the killing is coming, no one can stop it.

But at least Guang Chengzi felt that he could let the apprentice Dabao have less causal entanglement on his body, and he could easily survive the killing and calamity, instead of destroying the world under the massive killing and entanglement.

Isn’t it because of this reason that most of the people who have been acquainted with those who have been acquainted with the teachings end up dead, and even those who survive have become unfree puppets.

"Good disciple, it’s correct to listen to what the master said. We are not timid. The master said this for your own good. If you mess around with cause and effect in the future, the master is worried about the second killing you don’t know when you will come back. Next, you will end up miserably.

The master didn’t say this to scare you. Master, I have experienced a tragic killing. In that killing, some monks familiar to the master died at that time, and they were even famous at the time. The interception of the teachings who came to the DPRK collapsed in this killing and robbery, and today they have no past glory. "

When talking about this past incident, Guang Chengzi's tone became very embarrassing, and even the second treasure in the back could hear this change.

Obviously, the killing was so tragic that Guang Chengzi couldn't forget it now.

"In that case, when you took me away, Master, why did you lose another magic weapon in the yard of that guy's house, and let that guy's own luck flow quickly and dissipate? Wouldn't it happen if you did this? cause and effect?"

The little guy is very real. Since Guang Chengzi said that he would be hot about right and wrong, and ignore the things that are not pleasing to the eye, then what he did before was very contradictory?

No wonder Dabao had such a question in the back row.

Guang Chengzi, who was driving, looked up in the rearview mirror, and saw that the little guy had a serious expression now, sitting in the eggshell baby seat and waiting for his answer, couldn't help but smile.

"Master, I am different, because master I have long been unable to dodge the killing and robbery, and the master has a high moral character. I don't need to be concerned about small karma, but you are different."

"What's the difference, is it just because you have lived a long time, Master, am I young?"

"No, no, no, it has nothing to do with age. Xianjia Dao Xing is the same as one's own luck. The higher the Dao Xing, the stronger the luck. There is no problem if a little causality can offset it.

But disciple, you just practiced as a teacher, and you don't even have a path. Once there is cause and effect, this is a very troublesome thing, and it will even restrain your future. "

Dabao's big eyes turned wildly, and he didn't know what the little guy was thinking about.

"Will I be better than Master in the future, so I don't have to worry about entanglement of cause and effect? ​​Does this exist in the immortal world?"

Dabao asked two questions in a row.

Regarding the first question, Guang Chengzi was just being a childish Dabao, and replied casually: "Of course you can be better than Master."

Regarding the second question, Guang Chengzi thought for a while, and then replied with certainty: "Of course, your master is primitive, the master of interception is Tongtian, Laozi from the palace, Nuwa... they are not The existence of cause and effect."

Dabao's eyes lit up when he heard it, but in the eyes of the little guy, the existence of these people was clearly his goal.

After all, as my master Guangcheng Zi said, to be a ‘coward and fearful’ practitioner, what fun is there in this life?

Dabao doesn't like to be such a person anyway.

So he made up his mind that he must become better than the master, and become a practitioner who does not adhere to cause and effect, just like the people mentioned by the master.

Obviously, Dabao didn't know how impossible it was to be like that.

Otherwise, how terrible cause and effect are.

Anyway, the ideal of Dabao now is to be such a practitioner.

Ideal, it is always possible to think about it.

Besides, Dabao is still a little kid, isn't it okay to have such an ideal as a kid?

"Master, I will be like that in the future."


Guang Chengzi laughed ‘haha’, because his apprentice said this was too childish, of course, only a child like Dabao could tell it. If you change to a normal monk or fairy, you can’t even think of it.

So Guang Chengzi was amused and laughed.

Seeing that his master was so happy, Dabao didn't think much about it. He thought that his master was happy for his high ideals, and never thought that his master felt childish because of his'unreachable' ideals. .

"Master, when will you teach me the practice?"

Now that he had established his goal, Dabao felt that he could not be delayed, and immediately asked the master to start his spiritual education.

It can be seen that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dabao is still an activist.

Guang Chengzi's laughter gradually subsided. Hearing Dabao's question, he also thought about it seriously.

Then he said without looking back: "Since you have this mind, then I will teach you the teacher after I take you home, but you have to be mentally prepared. The teacher's teaching is very strict."

Dabao replied sonorously: "I'm not afraid!"


The little guy is quite urinary, and Guang Chengzi is happy again.

------split line------

The air in Los Angeles is very cool in the early morning. At this time, the sun has just risen and the temperature is still rising and it is not so hot, so many people will come out for morning jogs during this time.

Of course, those people who run in the morning are mostly residents living in middle-class communities, or they are in well-secured neighborhoods, such as slums, where people do not have that leisure.

Nuwa got up early and took a comfortable hot bath. She changed into normal clothes and rode out on a second-hand bicycle she bought. Today is the day when Qiao An comes to the fast food restaurant where she works. She needs to cooperate with Qiao An.

Riding a bicycle and smelling the fresh morning air, Nuwa felt refreshed.

Occasionally, a squirrel or groundhog will quickly run across the street, which is rare in China.

[You must be able, you are the female saint of the fairy world, so it is impossible to be a singer in the duny world, you must have confidence in yourself! You are still the most beautiful in the fairy world... well, you have to be confident at this point...]

Nuwa was cheering herself up all the way.

It sounds ridiculous to say that Nu Wa would be nervous because of this.

The incomparably powerful fairy goddess will be nervous for the first step on the road to becoming a singer. How ridiculous it is...

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