Rising America

Chapter 1287: Quietly

"The Blasphemer! Today is your end!"

"Damn it, these zealous **** hunters, don't they know that this will cause war!"

The look on Lilith's face was very ugly.

"You go!"

After Giovanni drank a bag of plasma that Lilith gave her, she had recovered a lot.

At this time, she pulled Nu Wa forcefully and squeezed in the direction of another exit.

The kinsmen on the rock scene showed their fangs one by one, ‘hissing haha’ and making a stance of preparing to fight, and the conflict was on the verge.

"Why are you leaving! There are only a few people in the robes. Why are so many of you scared?"

Giovanni's flustered reaction made Nuwa very puzzled.

In her opinion, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of the demon hunters at the exit, after all, there are hundreds of blood races here, right?

"Let one let! Let one let! Don't squeeze!"

Giovanni pushed the people on the road ahead hard, pulled Nuwa to the second exit, and when she heard that she turned around and smiled bitterly at Nuwa and replied, "You are an ordinary person, I don’t know. Those lunatics are terrible, these guys are fanatical believers of the gods, they have the power that even our blood clan is afraid of, and they also have weapons made by the gods in their hands, which have terrible lethality on people like us.

Don't look at the number of people in our place. In fact, there is no use for more people, because most of the blood races are the lowest in the race, just like me. Therefore, even if there are more people, we cannot be the opponents of those guys. "

Oh, Nuwa understood a little bit.

To put it bluntly, Giovanni and the others are the little DIAO silks in the blood clan. They have no money, power and strength. They are a group that is urged by sadness.

So people like them have no way to face the demon hunters in the court.

According to Giovanni, those demon hunters not only possess powerful powers themselves, but the gods also equip them with extremely destructive weapons.

"Then you don't need to let me go? I'm an ordinary person. They won't hurt me, right?"

After almost understanding why Giovanni was so nervous, Nuwa suddenly thought of another question.


Giovanni would be terrified in the face of these horrible creatures like the Demon Hunter.

But she is a member of the blood clan after all.

I am not a blood clan, so why should I be afraid.

I want to come to such an ordinary person as myself, those demon hunters from the court of God, will not hurt.

It was precisely because of such a guess that Nu Wa couldn't help but ask.

"Let you go because I am afraid that you are in danger! Those demon hunters are very cruel, even if you are ordinary people, they will not let it go. I also blame me, I have to take you to this rock scene..."

Giovanni apologized to Nuwa.

This girl felt that she had harmed Nüwa. If it weren't for herself, Nüwa would never have come here and would not encounter these things.

"What? They don't let ordinary people go?"

Nuwa heard a little bit from Giovanni's words.

Giovanni nodded: "If you can be here, you will definitely be treated as a kindred friend, and the fanatical brain damage to the kindred friend will be treated like a kindred, so you say what will happen to you. "

After Nuwa got the answer from Giovanni, she fell silent.

And Nuwa's silence was regarded as fear by Giovanni.

After all, Nuwa was just an ordinary Asian girl in Giovanni's eyes.

While talking, Giovanni took Nuwa's hand and squeezed to the second exit.

Quite a lot of blood races are squeezing me here and joking around.

It is true that there are many blood races on Lilith's side, and they are already preparing to fight the Demon Hunter, but there are also many blood races preparing to escape.

No different from ordinary people, there are many timid guys in the blood family.

From this point of view, the blood race is really no different from ordinary people.

What "the nobleman under the night curtain" is full of aristocratic atmosphere, this is a very nonsense thing at all.

The blood races in reality are the guys Nuwa came into contact with today.

Of course, these are the lower-level blood races. As for whether the higher-level blood races are different, it is not clear to Nuwa anyway.

"Use your lives to repent! Sword of Light!"

The second exit is noisy, but the first exit has already opened.

Lifting the hats at the beginning, the demon hunters from the heretical court showed a fanatical look on their faces. They each took out cold weapons such as cross swords, axes, and spikes, and then bursts of white light appeared on their bodies. Charged towards Lilith and the others.

During the impact, some vampires intercepted.

It’s a pity that these guys are too low-level. They don’t wait for them to get close to these demon hunters, they are rubbed into their bodies by the white light from the demon hunters, and then they burn from the inside out, changing in a very short time. Become a pile of ashes.

"It's the Holy Light!"

Lilith retreated quickly, her face also showing some panic, it seemed that she was also very afraid of this thing.

But when Lilith retreated quickly, she didn't need to remind anything at all. The blood races around, one by one, all started to retreat backwards desperately.

What's more, he simply became a bat, flashed his little wings and hid in the corner.

Seeing the panic retreating of the blood races, the faces of the offensive demon hunters became more ferocious, and the corners of their mouths also showed a mocking smile.

"The holy light poured by the cardinal archbishop, today you are all going to die here!"

Swinging the sword, the three hapless eggs burned and turned into ashes.

I have to say that the weapons of the gods are really powerful for vampires.

Lilith's face was ugly, and she stopped retreating because she was unable to retreat.

The kinsmen crowded together in the second exit.

"You are going to start a war!"

"Yes, we just want to fight, but it's not with the gods, but the hapless family you killed earlier!"

One of the secret guards that Father Lilith arranged for her shot one after another to fight these witchers.

I have to say that the high-level blood family is indeed much stronger than the low-level blood family.

In front of these demon hunters, those low-level blood races can basically kill with one move, and they can't even fight back.

But now those high-level blood races who have entangled the demon hunter can fight the demon hunter vividly.

The expression on Lilith's face changed dramatically.

What the Demon Hunter obviously mentioned was the guy she had killed before using [Years].

Originally, Lilith still felt a little confused about that guy's appearance.

But now listening to what the Demon Hunter said, Lilith still didn't understand.


"What if it is mean to you guys!"

The cross sword in his hand stabbed his opponent, a middle-aged man who looked like a yuppie, but in fact, he was the blood guard who was arranged by Daddy Lilith around her.

Unlike those low-level blood races, after this high-level blood race was stabbed by the cross sword, he did not burst into flames from the inside out all over his body, but the blood red smoke appeared on his body. At the same time, he The wound was quickly corroded.

Obviously, even if it is a high-level blood race, it will not feel very good when facing the weapon and equipment blessed with sacred materials.

"Ah! Go to death! Devour!"

The intense pain caused the blood clan dark guard's face to be distorted.

And it was unusually sturdy and didn't evade, instead, the brave and brave launched a counterattack.

What is fighting!

Right now, this situation is desperate!

No dodge, no dodge!

See who will die first!

Often the most brave party can really win the final victory and survive as a winner.

The blood-red mist on the dark guard's body became denser, and he and his opponent were wrapped in it in the blink of an eye.

The abilities of high-ranking blood races are strange, but also very powerful.

Lilith had already shown it before.

And now the dark guard of the blood clan once again demonstrated the curious abilities of the blood clan.

Facing the desperate opponent, the entire shoulder was grabbed by the blood clan guard, and the demon hunter who had no way to avoid it also slammed.

He drew out the small dagger from his waist and stabbed the blood clan secret guard continuously, stabbing more than a dozen knives in an instant.

And at this moment, some of the lower-level blood races who were a little bolder rushed into the eerie blood mist...

"Let's go together! I don't believe that there are too many people, and they won't die! The weapons given to these hounds by the bishop will become invalid as soon as they are used!

Can that dark guard win?

Lilith had no idea.

After all, the zealous heretical referee is also quite fearless.

Who makes them all enthusiasts of the gods?

Therefore, she and her blood companions must separate life and death from these demon hunters.

"Hurry up! I'm going to fight those guys!"

Lilith's side is about to enter the fierce battle stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Giovanni looked at it and prepared to help him.

Looking at this colleague who I only met today, when the **** little DIAO silk was about to go to join the join, Nuwa smiled bitterly.

Seriously, she was not optimistic that Giovanni would help in the past.

Even Nuwa guessed that if Giovanni was a helper in the past, she would die in a fight if she didn't get it right.

She is too weak after all.

So while Giovanni turned her head, Nuwa raised her hand on the back of her neck and knocked Giovanni out with one blow.

Holding on to the fainted Giovanni, Nuwa turned her gaze to Lilith's side.

[A blessed weapon? 】

Nu Wa's lips moved, and immediately above the heads of the demon hunters, a strange blood-red liquid with a fishy smell appeared...

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