Rising America

Chapter 1269: Overpower

"Hey! Don't you think it's wrong to ignore me?"

After entering the virtual battle space again, Coco had a sullen face and at the same time opened his mouth in a very unfriendly tone.

When Cocoa spoke, Andrew and Hilda, those who knew Cocoa, immediately became less calm.

Because they really know that once their own lady enters this state, then someone must be unlucky.

And the unlucky target right now, who else could be besides Ferry.

Of course, Fury was unlucky. In fact, Andrew and Hilda didn't care so much, but the timing was wrong.

This one-eyed daring to come to the door with a grimace. Obviously many people knew about this, so if his own lady killed him, it would be a very troublesome thing.

Even if his young master and old George come forward, they may not be able to make peace.

After all, no matter what Fury said, it also represented S.H.I.E.L.D., a special violent organization in the United States in different time and space, and it was a facade of the United States.

If no one knows that Fury is looking for people like him, then it is of course no problem if my lady wants to kill each other.

But the real heart is not the right time right now.

The reason Andrew and the others would think this way is mainly because Coco's shots are never light or heavy, so no one can guarantee that once Cocoa is shot, Fury will survive.

So, things on Andrew's faces suddenly changed and became very ugly.

A breath of terror permeated Cocoa, and the disturbing pressure locked on Fury himself, causing cold sweat to ooze out of Fury's forehead.

This one-eyed one really did not expect that a little girl under three years old would have such a terrifying aura that he could feel the desperate chill from his bones.

This feeling comes from the depths of the soul.

The sixth and seventh senses also kept telling Fury that he must not speak nonsense at this moment, or he would be unlucky.

For his sixth and seventh senses, Fury has always been confident. With this keen sense of crisis, he can always turn a good fortune.

So when the sixth and seventh senses warned again, Fury wisely chose to trust his intuition.

"I'm sorry", Fury apologized to Coco in a serious manner, "As the chief of S.H.I.E.L.D., when I discovered this kind of technology that Mr. Andrew has mastered, I really couldn't help it, so that I ignored you, Miss Coco. I am really sorry for this, and I hope you can accept my apologies."

I have to say that Ferry is very winking, and at the same time he is not the kind of desperate thing, he knows when he should be soft.

Sure enough, when Fury apologized and gave a reason, Coco's expression became calmer, and it was no longer as ghastly as before.

A child is a child, and the anger in my heart comes quickly, but as long as it is handled properly, it will disappear quickly.

But Ferry could clearly feel that the terrifying aura that locked himself in, disappeared without a trace as Coco's little face turned cloudy.

"Huh! It's cheaper for you."

The raging flames of Camilla's arms faded. As soon as he entered the virtual battle space, Camilla mobilized his abilities, and the flames of elements ignited on both arms.

Among the many gene-man maids, Camilla is the most combative.

Obviously she just thought that after her own Miss Coco activated the virtual battle space, she would inevitably come to a battle or something.

At the same time, Camilla had long been displeased with the subordinates that Fury had brought, and wanted to clean up.

Because the men and women appeared very arrogant as soon as they appeared. When a large number of people like Camilla and Hilda looked like a turtle, Camilla was very upset.

Maybe the quiet Hilda and Andrew didn't think there was anything, but the hot-tempered Camilla couldn't stand it.

So after Coco launched the virtual battle space just now, Camilla was still a little excited.

Only in the end Fury was able to bend and stretch, so that in the end there was no fight Camilla expected, which made Camilla very disappointed.

But after all, my lady Coco didn't mean to fight. Of course, Camilla couldn't take the initiative to provoke a war, so she whispered a bit angrily.

And what Camilla confronted her in front of her was a girl with blond hair, waist-length, sweet-looking appearance, and a bitter chill on her body.

Perhaps the opponent saw Hilda's ability because of the flames, so he stood up and confronted her.

Xu was because of her and Camilla’s abilities, which belonged to the kind of mutual restraint. Therefore, when the girl heard Camilla’s whispering complaints, she immediately whispered inversely: "It’s not a small breath, it’s not a real fight. What will happen."



Camilla and the girl hum at the same time, and then turned their faces aside, making people who saw this scene feel amused.

And Coco is not only Camilla ready to fight just now, Logan and 47 are also like Camilla.

Perhaps only Andrew and Hilda did not show too obvious malice.

47 As if bending down slightly, with a low growl like a beast in her throat, the girl who was brought home from Mongolia by Jin Xiantai has not yet completely got rid of such a wild part.

But this is not surprising, after all, 47 has been raised as a beast since childhood.

Therefore, after so many years, it is normal for her to become like a beast.

Only after she followed Jin Xiantai, did she begin to recover the human side a little bit.

The metal blades of Edman's fingers in both hands protruded, as did the feet.

The one who stood up and confronted 47 was one of the twins that Ferry brought.

Since the twins are too similar in length, no one can tell if they are the older brother or younger brother.

The guy came out to confront 47, covered with a layer of metal, it was obvious that this guy had the ability to metalize his skin.

Logan inevitably faced another of the other twins.

Now the tense atmosphere has faded, and both sides have retreated a bit.

"I am not interested in SHIELD, let alone join any SHIELD. Don’t you know that I am the boss of an organization? As a boss, how can I join another organization! Is your brain in? It's water!"

Without waiting for Fury to ask about joining S.H.I.E.L.D. again, Coco told Fury directly and asked him to quickly put away this unrealistic fantasy. At the same time, he also told Fury that he was the boss of an organization. Without leaving the boss to do nothing, go to S.H.I.


What do you say?

After hearing this from Coco, Fury was stunned.

It was really incredible that he heard Coco say, "I am also the boss" or something.

This is also why Fury doesn't pay much attention to the Internet, so he doesn't know how good Cocoa is.

If he can pay more attention to the Internet, he will definitely know how well-known the true Hydra organization established by Cocoa is among bear children from 3 to 12 years old.

"Are you kidding? This is not Beverly's Boy Scouts. Don't get confused."

Fury felt that maybe Coco had joined some Boy Scout organization, and thought his SHIELD was the same organization as those Boy Scouts.

After all, Coco was young and an out-and-out kid, so it is quite normal to have such a misunderstanding.

So Fury explained it patiently.

He told Coco that his S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was different from those Boy Scouts.

Coco raised his hand and pointed at Fury, and said unceremoniously: "Old man, don't think that you are a vicious pirate with a blindfold. You can scare a little girl like me. Don't you go online? My true The Hydra organization is very famous."

Coco's words are not so polite at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He called Ferry the ‘old guy’ when he opened his mouth, and at the same time complained about his blindfold.

If it were an ordinary person, Fury would have turned his face long ago.

But it's a pity that he met Coco, a kid who is less than three years old, so what can you do with him as an adult?

How can adults care about little kids.

So Fury can't be angry, not only can't be angry, but also keep a smile on his face.

【bad boy! If you were my daughter, you would definitely slap your **** now! 】

But although Fury kept a smile on his face, there was a storm brewing in his heart.

"Little girl, you are very powerful. If you are not controlled and supervised, it will bring disasters to ordinary people. I think people around you should be very clear about this."

Coco clearly didn't make sense here, so Fury turned his attention to Andrew.

Obviously, he intends to open the gap from Andrew.

But who is Andrew? If he mixes up, he is no worse than Cocoa.

After all, Andrew is an alien elementary school student.

"What is the disaster? My lady is so cute and cute. What disaster can she bring to ordinary people? I think you are simply alarmist, but also supervision and control, fart! You want to reach your private in the name of justice The purpose is nothing, don't say it so noble."

Andrew unceremoniously exposed Fury's selfishness.

But even though Andrew had pierced his intentions, Fury did not express his anger, but continued: "The power must be supervised and controlled. As a special department, I have such power!"

Fury started to overwhelm others, well, this was a bit difficult.

[Do you want to kill him here? 】

Andrew couldn't help thinking about the possibility.

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