Rising America

Chapter 1256: Are you afraid to drive away ghosts and gods?

Because of Coco’s repeated requests, Hilda could not refuse the little guy, so after ten minutes she could only bring Coco and Kayla, and Logan, who was a bodyguard, left the residence, picked up the car in the parking lot and walked along. Go to Flushing.

Although Hilda knew very well that taking cocoa to Flushing would be dangerous, she refused to be the right choice.

But because she is a genetic person and was set by Andrew as the factor of obedience to thinking, she has no way to refuse Coco at this time.

After all, Coco was the daughter of Kim Hyun Tae. After Kim Hyun Tae was the first order obeyer, the little guy was the second orderer of their genetic maids, even higher than Andrew, the third orderer.

Then of course Hilda couldn't refuse the little guy who insisted on following her.

The car Hilda drove in New York was a Bentley with an extended bullet-proof armor left by Annie. After all, Annie did not meet Kim Hyun-tae’s father. She had some serious safety problems.

Therefore, for the sake of her own safety, Annie has specially ordered enough of this armored and bullet-proof extended Bentley as a means of transportation for her own travel.

At the same time, because of the willingness to spend money, this car can even withstand rgp attacks after a special modification, which is not a tough mess.

So Hilda took Coco and his group to Flushing, so don't worry about this.

Because of Logan, Hilda did not drive the car himself this time. The driver's position was handed over to Logan. She accompanies Coco and Kayla behind to take care of their safety. .

For this arrangement, Luo Jinren did not object.

In his opinion, as a man, driving is inevitable, and there is not much to think about.

The car crossed the bridge from Manhattan Island to Brooklyn, came to Long Island City, then turned on the main road leading to the'New York City Museum of Moving Pictures' and drove smoothly towards Jackson Heights.

The two little guys, Coco and Kayla, each took out their own mobile phones, and after connecting to the Internet, they began to search the Internet for related information about the "Hand-Held Association".

Compared with adults, children like Coco and Kayla, no matter what they encounter, they like to seek the information they want through the Internet. I have to say that children in the Internet age are really different from adults. same.

You know, adults often seek other ways, rather than through the Internet.

Perhaps, in the eyes of adults, the news on the Internet is very unreliable.

But for kids like Coco and Kayla, this is not the case.

【true! Hydra! 】Official website, established by Pietro’s sister Wanda, a private website belonging to the organization Cocoa.

The initial purpose of the establishment of this website platform was to attract other kids, and also to make Cocoa show off.

According to Coco's words, I created the organization [True Hydra] by myself. If I don't even have an official website for an organization, what would I think about it?

It was also under the influence of Coco's thinking that the official website of [True Hydra] was established.

Of course, because it is the product of bear kids, this official website is not beautifully made, on the contrary it looks very low, and at the same time it has few functions.

From a common sense, it is impossible for many people to visit such a website.

But in fact, the opposite is true. The website is not only very popular, but also a large number of kids from all over the world leave messages every day, while maintaining an average of 5 hours online per person.

At the same time, on this official website, Coco also sells the badges of the [True Hydra] organization, and the income from the badges will be used to maintain the website, as well as the expenses of the true Hydra organization, and to subdue the salaries of Pitro and the others. .

Because there are not many official members of the [True Hydra] organization, the Cocoa sells organization badges and makes a lot of money.

Who would have thought that Coco would still make money in this way, and really made money.

Of course, selling badges to make money is one of them. The most important thing is that Coco feels that in this way, children can subconsciously identify with themselves and lay an ambush for large-scale recruitment of organization members in the future.

Then these children who purchased the badge must have a strong sense of identification with [True Hydra] to a certain extent. Once Cocoa starts to recruit people, it will become a breeze.

In short, this is Coco's personal opinion.

No one knows whether it will be achieved in the end.

But now at least the sales of badges are very good, and bear kids all over the world are placing orders.

And thanks to the large number of orders for Coco's [True Hydra] badges, the toy manufacturing factory under his father's name has also benefited from the manufacturing of the badges.

God knows if Coco was born with the aura of the God of Wealth, and this thing that he came up with foolishly can also make money, or make a lot of money!

The big logo on the official website is the hand-painted portrait of Coco's cute photo sticker with his thumb, and the patterns on the badges sold now are also this logo.

However, the skeleton octopus legs of [True Hydra] and [Hydra] are very different.

And because Coco recently starred in "King of the Sea", the number of people visiting the official website of [True Hydra] has increased by 50%.

[Who can tell me, what is the origin of the Shouhehui? I’m Coco Gold, and I’m on the way to make trouble for them. Urgent! 】

The little guy clicked on the official website forum and opened a post with his own authority. At the same time, he also used a special color font and asked about the hand-healing meeting.

In less than ten seconds, someone started replying.

Utah State Overlord: "Uh! Uh! Uh! Who is this? This is my idol, my God, I was so lucky today that I actually encountered an idol infestation. Then, are you going to start an idol activity again today? Live?"

Strawberry jam is not delicious: "Long live the coco boss! Long live the true Hydra! Yesterday I had a fight with my senior classmates, and I discovered that there were people from the same school who had bought the boss badge. They were fighting side by side with me. Oh my god, Jin Jiu The cohesion of the head snake organization is so strong! It's a pity that we are not a full member now, so I hope we can become a full member."

The evil under the 4D flag: "How can Coco boss find the trouble of Shouhehui? Boss, isn't your enemy Hydra?"

My sister is a bitch: "What is Shouhehui? I have never heard of the name of this organization. Is it a new one? I think that compared to Hydra, the Shouhehui is like the countryside. Human organization."

Tokyu Line: "Is the boss going to fight against Shouhehui? I know something about this organization. I heard that the organization of Toyo is very arrogant recently and is actively annexing the forces of the Toyo underground organization. Now the Sanno Group, Sumiyoshikai, Kumagayasha, and even Kanto In the Jidao Alliance, there are conflicts between hands, so that violent cases occur frequently.

Although the Shamrock Association has provoked so many enemies, from the information disclosed by major TV news, it seems that the Shamrock Association has the upper hand, and now it seems that the only one named "Yokohama Mengmei Association" can make the Shamrock Association suffer. And two weird little organizations like the "Dead House Defend the Earth Group".

There is a gossip that behind the "Yokohama Mengmei Association", there is financial support from the president of Toyo's new instant noodle company, the beautiful girl and rich man Demi..."

Although there were many people who responded to the post, most of them didn't know the situation of the ‘Hand-Held Meeting’. Although one guy seemed to know a little bit, he said a lot but didn’t get the point.

Therefore, Coco was very impatient, and replied to the netizen's post called "Tokyu Line".

Yu Nei Wu Ke Ke Jin: "Don't talk about a bunch of unimportant things, hurry up and tell me what is the origin of the hand union, and I may have a fight with them soon!"

Because of Coco's strong request, the netizen named'Tokyu Line' could only put away his long-winded words.

Tokyu Line: "The Shouhehui is a ninja organization, and some of them will drive ghosts and gods to fight, and there are gossips that they are related to the Tianjin Shintobu, or the Tianjin Shintobu secular agency.

Of course, I don’t know if this is the case. My dad said that. As for what my dad does, why does he know this?

In fact, it's very simple. My father is from the Metropolitan Police Department, so I can know this. As his daughter, I must know a little bit too.

So, coco boss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that I have revealed so much information, can you give me a signed photo? It's best to be a super-killing girl in "King of the Sea". "

This information is very useful for Cocoa, at least let the little guy know what kind of organization the ‘Hands Together’ is and what kind of fighting methods the members of this organization have.

At least there won't be any trouble after the start of the fight because you don't understand anything.

Will it drive ghosts and gods to fight?


Not only was the little guy not afraid, he was also excited, and at the same time he was a little eager to try.

But the typical day is not afraid of fear, and most like to meet so-called powerful opponents.

Because for Cocoa, fighting is of course the best way to choose a strong opponent, so that you can show off even more after defeating the opponent.

"Leave your address, and I will send you a signed photo in the shortest time possible. I will also give you a set of super-killing dolls as a useful reward for providing information."

Coco replied with one last sentence and disconnected the network link.

At this time, Kayla also collected information about the ‘Hand-Held Meeting’ and disconnected from the Internet at the same time.

"I heard that hand-joining is not easy, and it can also drive ghosts and gods, Kayla, are you afraid?"

Coco asked Kayla carelessly.

Kayla responded with a grin: "What's so scary about this? I'm an alien, ghosts and gods are nothing but a manifestation of advanced life to me. I have found out about this kind of driving ghosts and gods here. It’s like being called "Shiki God" by Dongying people."

"Whatever [Shiki God], they provoke me today, and I want to punch out their shit!" Coco clenched his small fist, waved it hard in front of him, and said viciously .

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