Rising America

Chapter 1252: God's idol

West Suburb of Huaxia Capital

"They are all BRICs for the female juniors. This foreign grandson-in-law is comparable to the three big BRICs. Now Xiaohong is doing a good job in Iraq. Although the methods are more fierce, they have played the prestige of our China. Some Xiaoxiao knew how great they were, and at the same time they won huge arms trade orders for China. Hahahaha, happy."

The old man of the Li family ran to the old man's house again that day. When the two old men met, they talked about things in the Middle East. Many of them praised Annie and Li Hong over there.

Elder Jin sat in the rocking chair with a low-key look of ‘I’m very low-key and don’t brag,’ but he was actually quite proud in his heart.

Even thinking about it, Annie gave out the big cake of the arms trade in the Iran-Iraq War, not to mention, and even handed over the network of relations operated there. This gift is not very expensive.

Mr. Jin understood very well. Although Annie didn't say it clearly, she must have known something.

Otherwise, I would never say that.

It can be said that Annie is really smart.

It was precisely because she saw the relationship between Jin Xiantai and the Huaxia Jin family, she, the granddaughter-in-law, gave such a gift.

So what else can Mr. Jin say in the face of such a big gift.

You know, this ‘gift’ not only benefits China, but also benefits the Jin and Li family. After all, the person working in the Middle East is Li Hong.

The Iraqi arms purchase is concluded, and the domestic military and military industry personnel will inevitably miss the Jinli family in their hearts. This intangible affection contains benefits that ordinary people cannot imagine.

And it has started all manifestations.

There is only one Jin Weiguo here in the Jin family. Recently, there have been further calls, which is completely different from the previous suppression.

The boss of the Li family has the intention of being transferred to the southern Guangdong Province to be the chief of the military region.

And this is a signal.

Of course, not all of them are the factors of Middle East arms. What is even bigger is that Coco and Nuwa became masters and apprentices, which is the most critical.

Although the two elders didn't mean to recognize Jin Xiantai now, they didn't even have a slight attitude. At most, Jin Xiantai recognized Jin Xiantai as a grandson.

But as long as the two of them don't mean to recognize Jin Xiantai, then Jin Xiantai is still an American banana man who has nothing to do with them.

Of course, I said so.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that it will be a matter of time before the second elder and Jin Xiantai recognize their relatives.

The reason why I don't recognize it now is because he was worried that it would affect Kim Hyun Tae's development in the United States.

After all, if he has a relationship with the China Red Family, Kim Hyun Tae's development in the United States will definitely be restricted.

It is precisely because of this that the two elders did not show that they wanted to recognize Jin Xiantai.

Of course, not many people guessed this, and even guessed that Jin Xiantai was the senior figure of the grandson of the old Jin family. It was only a few.

And these people, without exception, are not familiar with the family of Kim and Lee, and the mother and father of Kim Hyun Tae who are different in time and space.

The average high-level person really can't guess this.

No one even knew that Jin Xiantai, a young American rich man, was actually a relative of the Chinese family left behind.

Old man Li is in good spirits now. Obviously, what Li Hong did in the Middle East has passed to the old man's ears. The old man is excited about this matter.

Mr. Jin squinted at Mr. Li and rolled his eyes contemptuously.

"I said you are so excited, you are all people who are accustomed to big winds and waves, and this thing makes you so excited? How do I think you are showing off in front of me? Show your little red scarf not to let the eyebrows is not it?"

There is a strong smell of envy and jealousy in Jin Lao's complaint, even if he hides it well, it can be heard.

No way, the old Jin’s family now has three children and a eldest daughter who works in the political and legal system. This person is very boring. The second child, Jin Weiguo, also the father Andrew arranged for Jin Xiantai, is in politics. He has a lot of refined air, but he has no soldiers. That iron-blooded temperament.

As for the construction of the old three gold...I don't want to mention this inconspicuous thing.

Anyway, compared to Mr. Li's home, Jin always has no confidence.

So he is jealous.

Who will let no one of his children join the army?

"Hahaha, you old bandit, I would never have imagined that you would be jealous of me this day." Faced with Mr. Jin's complaints, Mr. Li didn't look angry at all, but was even more proud.

And what he said became even more annoying.

"Yes, I am here to **** you off. When I was a political commissar, you said that I was a soft-headed man, and you would be silly. Now the feng shui takes turns, my daughter and son are both members of the military. The child...ah, hahahaha, you have become a slapstick."

The old man of the Jin family was unable to refute, he was stared in anger, but he had no way to face the facts.

Who made the old man of the Li family tell the truth?

Suddenly, the old man of the Jin family thought of Coco, and his eyes lit up!

"Who said that my old Jin family is like this, and there are people in my family who can do things without being wordy!"

The words of Mr. Jin said so loudly and imposingly.

But the old man of the Li family Li family sneered at this, and did not believe it at all.

He felt that this was because his old relatives were confused, so he said this.

After all, he was a person who knew the details of the Jin family, not someone who knew nothing about the Jin family.

"Old man Jin, are you always confused? You may be able to bluff me by saying that, but as an old friend and relatives, do you think you can bluff me?"

Old man Jin stared his eyes, looking at the old relatives who came to find him today.

"My great-granddaughter Jin Coco is the one who can do nothing!"


Facing the name that Old Man Jin said, Old Man Li was stunned.

Moreover, the Li family opened his mouth several times, trying to say something to refute, but when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it all.

Because he can't refute this matter.

Seeing her old relatives deflated, Mrs. Jin smiled happily.

It's hard to imagine that two people in their 70s and 80s are acting like naive children.

Old kids, old kids, maybe just describe people like them.

"Okay, okay, okay, I admit that Coco is amazing, but don't forget, although she is your granddaughter of Lao Jin, she is also my granddaughter!"

"Cut, doesn't it still have a word for ‘outside’, I’m closer!"

When the two elders were arguing like children, Jin Jianshe rushed into the yard and interrupted the two elder children in the dispute.

"Dad, Uncle Li, there is news from the U.S. Xiaotai will be sent to serve in Vietnam in a month."

The news brought by Jin Jianshe made the two elderly people completely lose the interest in continuing to argue, and at the same time frowned.

Regarding the fact that Kim Hyun Tae was going to serve in Vietnam, the two elders could not say whether it was good or bad for the time being, so they seemed a little silent.

However, Jin Jianshe couldn't help asking: "Dad, Uncle Li, do you say this is good or bad for Xiaotai? Now the Americans and the North Vietnam are fighting like a raging fire. The bullets on this battlefield are not long, just in case. ..."

As Kim Hyun Tae's uncle, Kim Jian-she cares a lot about these things.

Besides, Jin Xiantai is the third generation of the old Jin family, and he has lived in the United States for so many years. He has just learned that there is a person like him, but he did not recognize him because of the old man's ideas.

If something happens in Vietnam, Jin Jianshe can hardly imagine.

"What are you doing so frizzy! You're a big man!" Mr. Jin frowned and scolded Jin Jianshe. For this inconspicuous young son, Mr. Jin is 10,000 people look down on.

"Is this news reliable?" the old man of the Li family spoke, which eased the atmosphere and shifted his focus.

Jin Jianshe nodded: "The news from Whiston Bank, so this matter is absolutely reliable."

------split line------

At this time, Jin Xiantai did not know that there were two old people in Huaxia who were frowning about his upcoming service in Vietnam.

Las Vegas

In the set that has been renamed ‘威廉成#人影业’, Jin Xiantai came here by plane and gave on-site guidance to the screenwriters here.

"Don't be afraid of the story. This is not an orthodox film. The audience will not care about the rationality, as long as there is no problem in logic.

When a female character sees a male protagonist, they must show arrogance and disdain. Only in this way, when the male protagonist is on them, will the audience have an alternative sense of achievement.

This is a series of modern special forces fighters that traveled to the Eastern Warring States Period. Do you know where the cool spots are? "

Jin Xiantai surrounded a circle of people. There were quite a few men and women, and some of those women hadn't been clothed yet, just as naked, at most wearing a bikini.

After all, when Kim Hyun-tae came to the set, a scene was being filmed here.

A fat screenwriter with spectacles and freckles on his face replied: "There are so many women!"

Jin Hyun Tae looked at the other party and nodded, "It's cool to have more women, but it's not absolute. You are only partly right."

Soon Kim Hyun Tae explained it.

"The hero must go to the women of the famous Warring States family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can understand it as a nobleman. This is cool, and your screenwriter must also set a plug-in for the hero. This plug-in can help He managed to dominate the king in that era, and of course this plug-in should not be too bad, otherwise it would be meaningless."

Kim Hyun-tae asked the screenwriters to move it into the shooting and script of the #ren film in accordance with the routine of the web. I have to say that Kim Hyun-tae’s idea is really wonderful.

"For example, if the male protagonist has attacked a woman from a certain famous family, he can get an 18th century matchlock, weapon armor, and even food..."

What Jin Xiantai was talking about was foaming and flying, and the men and women around him looked at him with very admiring eyes.

After all, such a path is definitely a precedent to become a #人movie.

Therefore, in the eyes of the practitioners of the adult film, Jin Xiantai is simply a god-like genius, and has been worshipped by everyone...

As for facing this kind of worship, it is estimated that if Jin Xiantai knows, it will definitely be painful.

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