Rising America

Chapter 1250: 2The Iraqi Frontier

At the border of Basra, Iraq and Ahvaz, Iran, in a coffee shop opened by a German in a small town called Khorramshahr, Li Hong, dressed in casual clothes, is talking quietly with a blond white man. negotiation.

Every sentence of the two sides' lips and tongues implied a strong point, and the words were very intense.

"You must withdraw from the Middle East and give up the arms sales between Iraq and Iran, otherwise you cannot afford it!"

Sitting in front of Li Hong, wearing a suit and dressed up as a middle-aged European and American man who looked like an international corporate executive, he said the above remarks to Li Hong unceremoniously.

But everyone can hear that this guy's tone is very bad.

It's a pity that Li Hong doesn't seem afraid at all.

To be honest, Li Hong is also a person who has seen big scenes, how could he be bluffed by the man opposite!

The Iran-Iraq war in different time and space is in full swing, and the arms trade in it contains huge benefits. Then Li Hong, who came here to do this business on behalf of China, certainly cannot be so intimidated by the other side.

Speaking of which, Li Hong came to this place because of Annie's blessing.

Originally, Annie had the largest share of the arms trade here, but because of her children, and because her business center was temporarily placed in ports and docks, as well as shipbuilding, she really had no experience in the arms trade.

In addition, Annie fell in love with Jin Xiantai, and vaguely guessed the status of Li Hong, Jin Jianshe, and Lao Jin’s family in China, so the smart Annie gave this business to Li Hongwei and planned to use this method to get closer. The relationship between himself and Lao Jin's family also created momentum for Lao Jin's family in China.

As we all know, China's reform and opening up in different time and space has only been more than ten years, so it urgently needs a large amount of foreign exchange to meet its own development needs.

Although Huaxia has come up with an attractive investment promotion plan, after all, it cannot just rely on such a path.

Therefore, if China’s arms can go abroad, make money internationally, and earn foreign exchange, of course, China cannot refuse it.

It was precisely because of this relationship that Annie only revealed a little bit of what she meant at the beginning. Li Hong immediately asked her superiors for instructions and got a reply within a short time.

So far, Annie, as an American capitalist, has been recognized by the senior management of China.

At the same time, the old lady of the Jin family was affirmed in his heart for this foreign grandson-in-law.

For Annie, what she lost was nothing but the arms profits of the Iran-Iraq War, but she got the recognition of her lover's family and even the country. The gains and losses among them are that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise.

Moreover, Annie had already made enough money in the Iran-Iraq War.

After all, within a few years, Annie has supplied a large number of weapons and tanks to both sides. It can be said that what she should have earned has been enough.

Last year, Iraq’s President Sam continued to order arms, because he had no cash in his hand, so he used the oil fields as capital.

From this point, we can draw a conclusion, how much Anne earned from this war.

And now she quits and handed over the business to Huaxia people to continue to do it. The convenience of human favors will also help her to gain convenience in investing in Huaxia.

Anyway, Annie is definitely not a fool.

Isn’t China aware that Iraq and Iran have no cash?

Do not! very clear!

But even so, Huaxia is willing to take over this transaction.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, you can give it to the oil field.

The developing China is very short of oil.

Besides, Annie didn't just bring people from Huaxia to the end, but also attracted Huaxia people to introduce the contacts and networks of Iraq and Iraq. These were all handed over to Li Hong, the representative of Huaxia.

And this has also become a capital of Annie's investment in China.

At the same time, it has also become a capital of Li Hong in disguise.

Because those networks are all contacted by Li Hong, but it's not easy to change someone else.

Of course, this is also an inevitable result of Annie's secret instruction.

In short, Annie said secretly to the relations between Iran and Iran that only Li Hong could negotiate business with them as a representative of China. If Li Hong were not replaced by another person, no one could do arms sales in Iran and Iraq!

Annie still has some lewdness on the two sides.

So her remarks are very useful.

As a result, Huaxia's arms business in Iran and Iraq would not be able to play if it left Li Hong.

Therefore, Li Hong is also inevitable. In the eyes of military leaders, his value and status have improved a lot, and he has become a big red man.

However, although the two Iraqis have Annie's network here, there will also be some troubles and obstacles.

Because the French had withdrawn from the quagmire of the Vietnam War and were ready to focus on the domestic economy and people's livelihood, they inevitably took a fancy to the Iran-Iraq War.

And in order to eat this big fat in one bite, the French didn't even give Annie the face.

Now Annie has handed over all the business to China, can the French still fear China?

I don’t have to talk about matters involving interests!

Therefore, the scene where Li Hong was threatened earlier appeared.

After speaking, the man stared at Li Hong's eyes, his eyes filled with trembling looks.

But in the end, what he faced was Li Hong, the head of the Sixth Division of China's Secret Service.

So of course his little tricks are impossible to succeed.

I took off my sunglasses and put them on the coffee table. The sun's rays in the Middle East are too strong. It is really impossible to come to the Middle East in summer without wearing sunglasses, so Li Hong also wore this pair.

"Are you guys in Game 7 so arrogant and brain-disabled? Do you think the earth is turning because of your existence? Whoever has the ability to do the arms trade between Iran and Iraq? Do you think you can scare me?"

Although Li Hong didn't threaten the other party, her words were quite hurt.

Li Hong said that he was a man from the seventh game of France. He sat firmly in his seat. Not only was he not angry, but he gradually became calmer.

It seems that those performances just now are really just like he pretended to scare people.

The man smiled, as if it was not him who threatened Li Hong just now, and the gentlemanly demeanor returned to him again.

"Madam, it is true that you are right. Who has the ability to do this business. But I think it is not good for you Chinese to eat alone. I have a suggestion. How about working together? You know, there is already. Many people are dissatisfied with your current monopoly on the Iranian and Iranian arms market."

The words of the opposite man caused Li Hong to sneer again and again.

"Oh, what a cooperative method?"

Although Li Hong knew that the man opposite hadn't made a good idea, she still had a temper and was ready to watch this guy's performance.

When the man saw Li Hong showing interest, a look of excitement flashed across his face. After all, Li Hong's attitude showed a little looseness, so this guy mistakenly thought that Li Hong was a little afraid of what he said. Up.

As everyone knows, Li Hong basically depends on how he performs, that's why he has such a reaction. He is a clown in Li Hong's eyes.

"Some time ago, Iraq and Iran fought a battle in Sumanleniya. The two sides dispatched tens of thousands of tanks, and the losses in one battle were quite large. So now there is a considerable loss of the tanks on both sides. Therefore, we are ready to intervene in this business. As for the light and heavy weapons business, what will you do?"

Well, as soon as this guy opens his mouth, he is ready to eat the biggest piece of fat. I have to say that this appetite is really good.

"Hehe, do you see me like an idiot?"

When the man finished speaking, Li Hong just replied like this, and then got up to leave.

"Madam, if you leave like this, you need to understand that there are some consequences that you must bear." After seeing that Li Hong had no intention to continue talking, the man quickly threatened.

Li Hong, who had already reached the entrance of the cafe, stopped and looked back at the man with a contemptuous look. Then, he stepped back and opened the glass door of the cafe, and at the same time he said: "There will always be consequences. I am true. If you want to see what you guys in Game 7 have, or just scare women."

Obviously, threats are no longer useful.

The man sat in the position with a gloomy expression, took a cell phone from his suit pocket, and quickly dialed a number.

After the call was connected, the man said "act" in French, and then ended the call.

Li Hong, who walked out of the cafe, put on sunglasses again.

To be honest, the sunlight in the sky is really dazzling.

As Li Hong walked out of the cafe and came to the street full of Middle Eastern sentiment and style ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she immediately noticed that the street was full of sluggish air.

Several Asian men who also wore sunglasses and checkered shirts, dressed as tourists, immediately put down their business and followed Li Hong.

These Asian men followed Li Hong, or not far in front of Li Hong, and watched the surroundings of the street very vigilantly from time to time.

They are all six personnel brought by Li Hong, and they are here specifically responsible for protecting Li Hong's safety.

As for the personnel in the six places, their combat effectiveness is obviously much higher than that of the personnel in other departments. After all, these guys are not mutants, or supernatural beings, or cooperating monsters, so Li Hong trusts them very much.

But the French don't know who these people are with Li Hong.

So the French are tragic.

"Director, something is wrong, someone might want to attack you."

As he walked, there was a young voice in the earphones Li Hong was wearing.

The corners of Li Hong’s mouth curled up. He did not feel nervous because of this. Instead, he was very calm. He seemed to say to himself: “Beng Xiaoxian and Zhu Shiba will go and have a look. Don't be so nervous, it must be the people in the seventh game."

In fact, Li Hong herself had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so she didn't mean anything unexpected.

As Li Hong finished speaking, the one in front of her, and the two young men behind her, disappeared strangely in the next moment.

At the same time, Li Hong raised his left hand, and there were waves of transparent ripples in his palm. A yellow-orange-orange metal object was blocked by the ripples a few centimeters from her temple, and then he'dang' It fell to the ground with a sound. It was a bullet fired from a large-caliber sniper rifle at the top of a distant building...

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