Rising America

Chapter 1226: Hurry, hurry home

"Cocoa isn't at home?"

When Kim Hyun Tae returned to Los Angeles from Washington, Coco took Nuwa, Keira, and Logan to the Banana Club, while Anne and the old butler Nord returned to Kim Hyun Tae’s manor house in Beverly.

Annie, who returned to the villa, didn't see Coco, so she found a gene-man maid to ask.

Faced with Anne's question, the Gene Man maid, of course, told Anne without any concealment. Miss Coco took her friends out to play at night.

It was already more than one o'clock in the morning, and Cocoa hadn't returned yet.

So Annie became a little angry.

After all, Coco's doing this is a bit unreasonable.

And Los Angeles at night is very dangerous.

"Do you know where Coco went? Did she tell you when she left?"

Annie asked.

The Geneman maid shook her head: "Miss Coco didn't say, and she didn't let us follow her yet."

Annie knew that if it was Coco's request, these maids at Kim Hyun Tae's mansion would really have nothing to do.

So she can't blame these maids.

After all, what kind of virtue the little guy is, can Annie not know.

"Uncle Nord, you call Coco's cell phone and see if you can get through."

Old Nord nodded, then walked to the landline next to him, picked up the receiver, and dialed Coco's mobile phone number.

Soon, the call was connected.

Old Nord quickly said to Annie: "Miss, the phone is connected."

Annie walked over in two steps and took the landline telephone receiver in Old Nord's hand. "Cocoa, I'm mommy, where are you now?"

There was a movement of electronic dance music on the other end of the phone, which made Annie couldn't guess where Coco was after all.

To be honest, Annie never thought that Coco would be on the show now.

"I'm walking my dog ​​outside, and I will go home immediately."

Coco looked a little flustered over there, and hung up the phone after hurriedly said a word.

Listening to the disconnection sound of "toot toot" in her ear, the expression on Annie's face was uncertain.

Walking the dog?

Just kidding, it's too early in the morning to walk the dog?

But Coco didn't tell the truth over there, and Annie really couldn't guess where Coco was, so she could walk the dog to cover it, and she could only listen to it temporarily.

------split line------

"No! Mummy Anne is home, let's go back quickly."

Because of Annie's call, Coco's show trip had to end.

The little guy was also afraid that Mommy Anne would know about the fact that he came to the show.

Because once Mummy Anne knows, then her father will know.

And if his father knew he came to such a place, he would definitely beat himself.

In order not to expose this matter, Coco said on the phone that he was walking the dog outside and used this excuse to cover up.

Of course, this excuse is really crappy.

Coco hurried out of the box with Kaila and Nuwa. When Logan outside the corridor saw the little guy coming out, he asked, "Why, stop playing?"

Coco waved his hand in trepidation, "I'm not playing anymore. I just wiped Mommy's phone call. I was almost exposed, so I have to go home now."

Logan looked at the little guy with a panic smile, then threw the cigar in his hand, and kept up with the uneasy Coco.

Find the person in charge of the club to settle the bill.

In the final settlement, Cocoa spent more than three million US dollars in the club. After deducting these expenses, Cocoa left with a check for 8 million.

And this check for $8 million is the harvest of Cocoa in one night.

Strictly speaking, cocoa spends a lot in the club, but she didn't spend a penny of her own.

You know, before she came to the club, she searched the street gangs first, and then went to the underground black fist.

And this, it's not the guy who gambled on the black boxing side, and he didn't admire Coco's gambling capital.

If you count the money, Cocoa made almost 100 million US dollars in one night.

I have to say that the little guy is really good at making money.

"You said you were walking the dog outside. This excuse is too lame, and what about the dog? You can't take it back away, right?"

It is rare to be able to see Cocoa when there is fear.

But Nuwa still reminded Cocoa.

Yes, since Coco said he was walking the dog outside, where is the dog?

To be honest, there are no dogs here at all.

Is it possible that in the middle of the night, how many dogs will Cocoa buy to go home?

After Nuwa's reminder, the little guy also thought of this omission.

"Master, you are right to remind me, I will get two dogs back."

After speaking, Coco raised his right hand and began to gesture in front of him.

Soon, a circle of orange and red fireworks appeared in front of everyone.

And looking at it from the circle, the opposite of the circle seems to be a green lawn, and God knows whose backyard it is.

"You wait for me here."

After Coco turned his head to say a word to Nu Wa, he walked straight into the circle, and then the circle disappeared.

Nuwa looked at the disappearing circle and was amazed.

Logan was dumbfounded and surprised and shocked.

It was Kayla's unpleasant look, she was very calm.

Seeing Kayla so calm, Nu Wa couldn't help asking: "Aren't you wondering where Coco went? And this ability is a little bit amazing, right? Do you know what this ability is?"

Facing Nuwa’s question, Kayla replied: “The fixed-point transmission channel constructed by magic energy is a special ability of the ancient masters and the cocoa bosses. Therefore, it is not difficult to build such a fixed-point transmission channel. "

Gu Yi?

Oh, it's her.

After Kaila said so, Nu Wa thought of Gu Yi, a bald head.

To be honest, Nu Wa had never known who Gu Yi was, but knew that Gu Yi was Coco's tutor.

Now it seems that Gu Yi is no ordinary person.

Soon, a circle of orange-red fireworks appeared again, and Coco led a husky and a pug with three heads out of the circle.

The circle disappeared quickly after Coco walked out.

Coco nodded toward the crowd: "The dog's business is done."

"Where did these two dogs come from?" Nu Wa asked curiously.

"Whose two stupid dogs I raised can belong to."

The husky and the three-headed pug, who were on a leash, showed speechless expressions humanely.

"Why, do you disagree with my evaluation?"

Coco snarled.

Immediately the two dogs changed into a humble appearance.

Three of the pug dogs with their heads still uttered: "Why, the wise little master, you must be dazzled, how dare my cousin and I disagree? Thunder and rain are all the grace of the little master, we It's hard to suffer. My cousin and I were just a little sleepy. After all, Zhengxiang, who slept with my cousin just now, was called by the little master.

Logan's eyes widened and looked at the three-headed pug, apparently a little surprised by the talking dog.

But Nuwa did not show any excitement.

In her opinion, the three-headed pug is nothing more than a foreign monster.

"This is Cerberus, and this is its cousin Fenrir."

Cocoa briefly introduced two cousins ​​of his own kind.

The three-headed pug dog Kerberos nodded at the crowd, "I am Xiaoke, a **** guard dog, and now I am a pet kept in captivity by the little owner, so don't bully me. If you bully me, you don't give the little owner face, you know? "

Fenrir, who was in the shape of a husky, had a cold expression on his face, squatting on the spot, drooping his dog's eyelids, and swept a circle proudly without making a sound.

I have to say that Fenrir with a husky appearance is really cool.

Suddenly, Kayla took out a piece of chocolate and shouted at Fenrir: "Look, what's in my hand?" After shouting, Kayla threw the chocolate out.

Fenrir, who was originally cool, pricked his ears, widened his eyes and shouted: "Chocolate!" Then he sprang out.

At this time, Fenrir, where is there any cool image, it is almost the incarnation of "two" at first glance.

"One day I know to pretend to be cool. When I went to the Labrador bitch, why didn't you see you so cold!", looking at the back of the husky, Coco spit out a bit politely.

Fenrir chewed on the chocolate and ran back.

Anyway, at this time, it can't see any coldness at all.

"Okay, let's go. Don't let Mummy Annie see the flaws. Remember to have a unified approach. Just say that we went walking the dog. The reason why we didn't go home so late was to find Fenry who was lost. "Er.", Coco pointed at Fenrir who was eating chocolate.

Fenrir was taken aback.

"Why me?" Fenrir was puzzled.

In fact, it's not just Fenrir who is puzzled, Nuwa, Kyla, and Logan are also puzzled.

Coco explained: "Because Fenrir is a husky, it is said that Huskies have low intelligence, so it is normal for him to get lost."

Well, this explanation can be considered valid.

"My IQ is not low at all, okay."

Fenrir retorted Coco's explanation.

But what is waiting for it is Cocoa's kick~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ooo! Oooh!

Fenrir was so painful being kicked, and the pain screamed.

But because the dog leash was held in his hand by Cocoa, it still couldn't run away.

"If you say that your IQ is low, it means that you have a low IQ. Remember my arrangement. If something goes wrong, I will eat dog meat hot pot!"

The little guy was not at all polite to Fenrir.

Under the intimidation of Cocoa's powerful force, Fenrir had to admit that she was mentally low and lost her way at night, so in order to find her lost self, Coco and her partner didn't go home so late.

In order to enhance the effect, Fenrir also extended his long tongue in accordance with Coco's request and began to pretend to be mentally retarded.

Don't say it, Fenrir's tongue is stretched out like this, he really looks like a mentally retarded dog...


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