
Chapter 159 Invitation

"Money is of course a good thing, but there are more important things than money for true professional players."

In the friend chat window, Lin Feng seriously sent such an explanation to Sakura on the opposite side.

And Sakura on the other side of the chat window seemed to be quiet for a while, and after a long while, another message replied:

"Sorry, I was the one to be rude."

An extremely serious and even solemn apology, even through the computer screen, people can feel the sincere apology in these words, and then Sakura quickly and earnestly added:

"Mr. 006, although you are not a professional player, you still have the most precious heart of a professional player."

"Really, very admirable and respectful."

Lin Feng scratched his hair subconsciously, feeling a little embarrassed:

"Ah, I just casually said that you are too flattering."

Speaking of which, he also found that Sakura on the opposite side seemed to appreciate him very much, and he would praise him from the bottom of his heart almost every three or five sentences. If it were someone else, he would probably wonder if this Sakura had other plans.

Sakura on the other side of the chat window sent a smiley emoji, and then typed:

"Actually, I also agree with what you said. Perhaps it is not so easy to recruit top foreign players from other professional teams, and if you want to really become stronger, you still need to work hard on your own."

Lin Feng laughed, and typed a reply: "Yes, yes, speaking of which, there are already teams from Japan who have gone to Korea for study and exchange. Given the e-sports atmosphere and maturity of development in Korea, if you can study hard with an open mind , the progress will definitely be huge.”

And at this time, Sakura suddenly asked again:

"So what do you think of China?"


Lin Feng was stunned, but didn't understand: "What do you mean?" Akura added: "I'm asking, do you think it would be a suitable choice for Japanese team clubs to come to China for study and exchange?"

When the topic touched on his own national uniform, Lin Feng couldn't answer casually. After all, he must not open his eyes and talk nonsense in front of international friends.

After thinking about it carefully, he carefully considered his words and gave an answer:

"Words from China"

"Well, actually I don't think it would be a very suitable first choice for learning and communicating." Akura looked a little surprised: "Is that so, you are a Chinese player yourself, I thought all Chinese people have a high opinion of their own country What about the sense of honor?"

Lin Feng shook his head and typed: "You have misunderstood."

"Huh?" Sakura on the other side of the chat window seemed to be sitting upright, and said seriously: "Then please explain."

Lin Feng thought for a while, and continued to type slowly on the keyboard:

"If I'm purely a Chinese player, then of course I have an absolute sense of honor and belonging to the national server, and I will be willing to make every effort to desperately maintain the glory of the national server."

"But this does not mean blind self-righteousness, nor does it mean that only one's own country is always the best," he said.

"Because compared with our national server, in fact, first of all, the Korean server is definitely the most ideal learning and exchange object. The other European and American servers are also in the overall operation of the team and club, the system of the league, and the various training tactics of the team itself. All have a better value of being learned.”

"Our national server is still too weak in these areas."

"But in fact, it's nothing. Only by first recognizing your own problems and shortcomings can you better make up for it. In this regard, it seems that our national server and Japan's teams and clubs also have to work hard hahaha .”

Stumbled and staggered through a long speech in English that is not very proficient, Lin Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief, and did not forget to add:

"Of course, if you really want to say it"

"The team clubs from Japan come to China to learn and learn, and they can learn something after all."

After all, it is my own national server, so in front of international friends, I still have to help boast a few words.

It seems that this small thought of Lin Feng was not noticed by Sakura on the other side of the chat window. On the contrary, the other party immediately responded with a message and agreed with Lin Feng's statement:

"Well, I think so too."

After a pause, the second message followed by Sakura came again:

"There are people like Mr. 006 in China, and there are so many things worth learning just because of you."

This is a boast

too hard.

Lin Feng couldn't help blushing, rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and was about to reply, but was stunned by Sakura's next message

"Mr. 006, if we say that we would like to invite you to come to Japan to join the team club and become a professional player, would you agree?"

Lin Feng was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect such an outburst at all. Before he chatted casually with Sakura, making various comments on Japan's new S7 league and the future development of Japanese teams and clubs. Who knew that suddenly he would accepted this invitation.

And it was Sakura who sent it to him.

"Wait a moment"

Lin Feng suddenly realized, this time he finally discovered the details in Sakura's words: "We? Are you Japanese?"


Sakura on the other side of the chat window admitted it generously, and then sent a smiley face, which seemed to be really pursing her lips and chuckling slightly:

"Did Mr. 006 realize it until now?"

Lin Feng nodded honestly: "Oh, I thought you might be a European or Korean player."

"No, it's not Europe or Korea, it's the authentic Japanese." Sakura's tone became serious again: "So, Mr. 006, what is your attitude towards this invitation?"

Looking at the last message on the chat window, Lin Feng couldn't help but shook his head, feeling a little overwhelmed. Akura is actually Japanese.


It seems that there is still a close relationship with the team club in Japan.

In the past two days, he himself has brought surprises and shocks to others, but tonight, he was the one who was finally shocked by others. Sakura's strength can definitely stand out in the national server LSPL League One, and it won't be too far behind the LPL level.


Lin Feng still shook his head, such an invitation is destined to be meaningless to him:

"Feel sorry."

Two simple words are enough to express a polite refusal.

Sakura on the other end seemed a little disappointed: "Is that so? It's really a pity. Your strength is definitely more than enough to play professionally. You are not inferior to those top professional players. If you can come to our side, what is the contract?" will definitely give you a satisfactory price”

Speaking of Sakura, she suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue and was full of apologies:


"People like you certainly don't care about the amount of money."

"Then it seems that this matter really has no chance."

There is undisguised regret and regret in the words.

The update is here, the next chapter looks like before 12 o'clock, recently I was working overtime at the company while secretly coding...

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