
Chapter 152 The Victory of the Lineup

Almost at the moment before seeing Lin Feng's mid laner clockwork flashing first, Dou Zi's eyelids, the widow of the purple side's jungler, started to jump wildly, because he also discovered the attack under the tower on his side at the first time. Several teammates made mistakes in positioning.

But when he was about to sound the warning signal...

It was already too late.

What he can see, Lin Feng can also see.


Only faster than him!

This wave of team battles under the tower exploded in an instant. Zhao Yang's ADC Jinx made a mistake in the positioning of the Zifang Shangcai e-sports club team, and was immediately killed by the clockwork QW's second consecutive hit and the big move. The Shan Yaoji and the auxiliary bull head were also forcibly pulled together, and a shocking magic damage value floated above their heads.

The next moment, Jess and the Golem teleported down the road at the same time.

But in fact, there is no need to wait for the top laners on both sides to enter the arena. Just the perfect big move of Lin Fengzhong's clockwork, which is the first move, is enough to make this wave of team battles lose the suspense of the ending.

Feng Tao's jungler Mumu followed closely behind Clockwork.

The ultimate move "The Curse of the Mummy" was perfectly connected, and the huge golden magic circle burst out and imprisoned the Minotaur Fairy.

Even Song Jia's assistant, Morgana, performed at a super-level at this time. A flash dash and a Q skill tightly controlled the enchantress. The two purple heroes took control.

The perfect big move connects to bo.

Just looking at it makes people tremble in the heart, and there is no desire to resist at all.

Lu Ze's top laner, Jess, fled back to his home road almost as soon as he hit the ground, not daring to go up again, while Dou Zi's jungle widow wisely chose to give up one step ahead and retreat quietly. Into the shadows of the jungle.

"Triple Kill (three kills)!!"

Another wave of three kills.

The kill announcement by the female voice of the system sounded three times in succession, directly sending Lin Feng's mid laner to the honor list of super gods.

Behind them was the exclamation and applause of the freshmen from the audience,

And Cheng Qingqing was so excited that he couldn't help screaming and cheering, but Lin Feng still looked extremely calm:

"Push Tower."

"Break all the way."

"big dragon."

The imposing blue army directly pressed down on the opponent's purple high ground with a wave of soldiers in the middle, quickly flattened and demolished the opponent's high ground tower and summoning crystal, and then immediately shifted its target and rushed towards the direction of Dalongfjord.

Qiu Le's ADC Jhin and Song Jia's support Morgana were a little behind in their movements, and they were about to go to the opponent's purple side to receive a red buff by the way. The moment you hit the red buff wild monster

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched as he subconsciously scanned the small map, and suddenly shouted:


But it was too late.

A cold figure flashed out of the grass like lightning.

Flat A then Q then A then E.

There was almost no time to react, the life master who had half blood left was immediately killed, even Song Jia's assistant Morgana couldn't catch up with the rescue, and the next moment before Morgana herself wanted to escape, that icy figure Already, the mist wrapped in lavender quickly approached her.

"Double Kill!"

Widow double kill.

At this moment, the surrounding audience was completely excited!

Everyone was shocked! !

Zhao Yang and Sun Ming, who were still in the purple square spring water, were waiting for their resurrection, they couldn't help shouting excitedly and ecstatically:


"Team Dou is amazing!!"

No one could have imagined that this wave of team battles in front of the high ground in the middle was already a wave of 0-for-3 victories by the blue team. It was the time when the momentum was like a rainbow, and it could be used as a team fight for the disastrously defeated purple team. Wild Widow didn't go back to the city directly after withdrawing from the team battle, but so patiently chose to lie in ambush near the grass in the red buff wild area

Moreover, it really squatted!

Qiu Le gasped for breath and almost coughed himself up:

"Damn...damn... this, this, this"

He could hardly speak.

Because he himself is the main player's jungle position, he was even more shocked by Dou Zi's ambush. This is really too calm and his judgment ability is too strong. In such an endgame, They, the president of the e-sports club, can actually find a chance to counterattack!

Who the fuck would believe it was Master Dianyi! ?

Kings don't even have this kind of awareness! !

Lin Feng shook his head, and then signaled to retreat in the Dalong Fjord. There were only three of them left, and the widow Gadges was on the opposite side. It was too dangerous to drive Dalong by force, so he could only choose to give up in this wave.

It's a pity.

But even though he was thinking this way, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising slightly.

Revealing his incomparably joyful mood at this moment:

Because the better Dou Zi's jungle widow on the opposite side played, he actually...

The happier I am.


The game time has slowly come to about 27 minutes, and the game is officially entering the late stage. From this time on, the disadvantage of the purple team's lineup in the late stage has become more and more obvious. On the contrary, the blue team's side The power of the team battle lineup is becoming more and more powerful and incomprehensible.

For a few players with average strength, if they choose such a team battle lineup, they can abruptly increase their winning percentage.

Not to mention that on the blue side, apart from Qiu Le and Feng Tao, the two diamond tier players...

There is also Lin Feng's mid laner in charge.

28 minutes.

The fourth dragon fell firmly into the blue team's bag. An earth dragon was ideal for the blue team, and its ability to push towers and break high ground was directly improved.

29 minutes.

The five heroes of the blue side are the big dragons.

The five members from the purple side of the Shangcai E-sports club had no choice but to step out of the high ground and stop them.

When passing in front of his own F4 wild area, Shan Jess, who was walking in the front row of the purple side, was assisted by the blue side with Morgana's Q skill to hit the wall, and was immediately connected by the opponent's Q skill. Control to keep up.

Clockwork Demon's QW skill Erlian followed closely.

Cooperating with the playmaker's flash and dash, a critical strike leveled A and a Q, directly killing Jess away.

After the stone man teleports around, the big move is forced to keep people flying to control Jinx and Niutou, Mumu flashes the big move to keep up, and Morgana flashes the big move to keep up

It is almost a dazzling variety of group control big moves. Several purple heroes are desperately trying to escape, but they are all controlled by various controls and cannot move. They watch the blood bars on their heads plummet to zero .

Dou Zi's jungler Widow tried her best to go around the back and flashed into Qiu Le's ADC Playing Life Master. A set of lightning-fast combos operated to forcefully take away Jhin's head in seconds, but she was already powerless.

The teammates in the front row are all dead.

1 for 4.

Under the command of Lin Feng, the remaining four heroes of the blue side gave up on the big dragon and turned to the middle lane to quickly push. With it, the two front tooth towers were quickly demolished.

The blood bar of the base crystal was also emptied and returned to zero in the blink of an eye.

The purple square crystal exploded.

In the center of the screen, the emblem of the blue side "victory" slowly emerged and rose, and the outcome was finally decided, but the surrounding freshmen watching the battle couldn't help but sigh with regret.

This round...

The purple side really lost in the lineup.

If it weren't for the fact that the team battle lineup of the blue team is really too invincible in the late stage, this widow, the jungler of their president, has obviously played a stunning and explosive demeanor.

The atmosphere seemed strangely quiet.

Only Cheng Qingqing looked around, and suddenly cried out in dissatisfaction:

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"The blue side won this round, so there's no applause at all?"

"Don't forget, there are only a few freshmen on the blue side, and they directly won the lineup of our e-sports club's main team!"

Cheng Qingqing's words finally made all the freshmen in the audience wake up and regain their senses.


In this round, no matter how you look at the strength on paper, the purple side definitely won the game. In the end, the freshmen on the blue side cooperated to achieve such an unstoppable perfect victory. This is truly shocking and moving.

And, if you really want to say it

Compared to the jungle widow of Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club on the purple side, it seems that the mid laner on the blue side...

It's not inferior in the slightest, even more perverted, okay!

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Feng in unison.

Another moment.

There was thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd like a frying pan! ! !

The update is here, there will be two updates today, the following plot will be straightened out, and the progress will be accelerated.

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