
Chapter 130 Complete Explosion

Olaf four kills.

When the scuffle on the road ended, the surrounding spectators were silent.

Everyone has not been able to recover from the shock just now, even the officers of the e-sports club who judged this game and even the two diamond substitutes of the e-sports club team couldn't help watching Eyes straightened for a while.

This is……

Really 1V4!

The ADC female policewoman on the blue side was immediately caught first, and didn’t even have time to deal damage. The auxiliary fan mother did indeed play a role in assisting and cooperating, but if I really want to talk about it

This wave of four kills was really completely chopped down by Olaf alone with two axes!

Suddenly, an extremely excited scream and cheer sounded:

"Four kills!!"

"Brother Lin Feng did a great job!!"

The owner of the voice is Cheng Qingqing, the deputy head of the Propaganda Department of the Shangcai E-sports Club and a flower of the School of Finance. He has an extremely enthusiastic and open temper. At the moment, he doesn't care how many people are around. This wave of shocking domineering quadruple kills jumped up in excitement.

Then, the freshmen around the audience also came back to their senses.

The crowd also erupted into a sky-shattering applause:



"Olaf is amazing!"

"Awesome!! God-level Olaf!!"

Amidst such warm applause and applause, the three of Qiu Le in dormitory 504 were undoubtedly the most excited. Their faces were full of unconcealable joy and pride.


This Olaf belongs to their bedroom 504!

Qiu Le also noticed the only person with a strange expression not far away, and pushed Feng Tao's arm beside him gloatingly:

"Look, Old Feng.


"Look at the expression of that guy surnamed Zhao!"

Naturally, he was talking about Zhao Yang who was also watching the game from the sidelines.

And at this moment, Zhao Yang was indeed the only one with a blue face. When he watched Lin Feng's jungler Olaf kill a spider in the wild, he already felt that the rhythm was not right, but this wave The four kills in the bottom lane completely broke the only luck left in his heart.

At this moment, his mood is completely cold.

This kid named Lin Feng...

It's not just that the support's level of strength is bottomless, it turns out that when he is allowed to play the jungler position, his carry ability is even more terrifying and terrifying than what he has seen before!

Suddenly a thought flashed through Zhao Yang's mind:

Team Dou, the president of their e-sports club, did he already know this would happen?


At this moment, Dou Zi was really about to laugh from ear to ear, and vigorously patted the shoulder of his vice president Deng Zhe beside him, laughing loudly:

"Old Deng, did you see that!"

"I said it earlier! Olaf is invincible when he uses his big move when the rhythm of clearing the jungle is smooth and the level is leading in the early stage!"

"Fengfeng is so handsome!!"

Deng Zhe helplessly rubbed the shoulder that was sore from being slapped by his boss, but nodded in conviction.

Indeed, Olaf's ult at this stage is almost like a human tank, unstoppable all the way, exactly like a killing god.


Now Olaf has a record of 5/0/0 after the quadruple kill.

It has become a real terrifying boss.

"This round...it is already very difficult for the purple side to come back."

Deng Zhe shook his head and made his own judgment with a sigh.

In the current version of the game, the easiest position to carry after getting kills in the early stage is not the mid laner or ADC, but the top laner and jungler.

This is especially true for the jungler Olaf that Lin Feng played in this round.

"Speaking of which, Olaf still beats the opposing lineup!"

Qiu Le was a little excited:

"Even if EZ has an ice fist and wants to fly a kite, or a grasshopper wants to use a big move to control people, Olaf can resolve it with just one big move to avoid control."

"I can't stop it at all!"

Feng Tao nodded:

"Next, Fengzi only needs to produce some meat."


Lin Feng did exactly that.

For a jungle hero like Olaf, the damage output does not need to rely on equipment to support it. The Q skill can pick up axes and throw them back and forth. With his current level advantage, as long as he makes a meat outfit, basically It is invincible.

Of course, it is not enough for a person to develop well.

As a jungler, the most important thing is still to bring the rhythm of the audience.


A marker signal was hit on the outer tower in the middle of the purple side, and at the same time Lin Feng's calm voice sounded:


Although it was just a passerby, classmate and teammate who cooperated for the first time, the other four freshmen of the blue team had been completely convinced by Lin Feng's four kills just now, and according to the habit, the most developed in the game Good people also have more right to speak. Immediately, the four teammates obeyed Lin Feng's command without hesitation, and began to form a group in the middle.

The purple army had no time to return to defense, and the outer tower was pulled out directly.

The line of soldiers pressed to the front of the second tower.

At this time, several heroes on the purple side have returned to defense under the second tower of their own middle road, and are stalemate, but the blue side has a female police officer who can easily tap the tower, which still wears down the opponent's defense tower a little bit. HP.

However, the purple army has heroes like EZ and Jess, and they also did not choose passive defense. They kept looking for opportunities to consume poke, and the effect was also quite impressive.

Deng Zhe nodded slightly:

"Jess and EZ still have some damage, so if the poke continues, the blue side will not be very comfortable."

But the next moment...

His voice stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, Olaf, the jungler on the blue side, had already directly issued a signal to attack, and at the same time, holding a double ax in his hand, he strode forward directly!

Slowly wear down the blood volume of the defensive tower?

Waiting for the opposite poke?

This is not something that Lin Feng's temper will do, not to mention that his jungler Olaf has developed to the point of defying the sky, if he doesn't do something...

"Oh, I'm so sorry for the hero Mad Dog Olaf."

Someone smiled.

At the same time, the R key on the keyboard was tapped and pressed!

"Twilight of the Gods" is on!

Immune to the opponent's assistant Nami's Q skill bubble control, the berserker Olaf, who was wearing a bloody battle suit, rushed towards the Void Prophet in front of him like a madman!

same moment

The fan mother's big move was activated, followed by the E skill "Encouragement", and the five blue heroes were surrounded by a group of green energy masks in an instant.

All suddenly accelerated!

Everyone press in!

Force it!

Olaf, who took the lead, swung his Q skill "Throwing Against the Current" throwing ax fiercely, and hit the target purple mid laner Grasshopper and top laner Jess one after another. The warrior's figure has rushed to the target Malzaha with a terrifying and boiling murderous aura!

Team battles erupted.

The Void Prophet is fired for an instant.

A sound of exclamation sounded like a frying pan, and at the same time Dou Zi shook his head and was extremely intoxicated:


"This wave is completely blown up!"

The update is here, there should be only two updates today, I have been working overtime lately...it's rare to have a rest tonight...I am moved.

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