
Chapter 128

When the opening time was approaching about six minutes, Olaf, the jungler on the blue side under the control of Lin Feng, lay in an ambush in the upper half of the field on the purple side, taking away the opponent's jungle spider with a single kill, and his record data became 1/0/0 .

Behind them, the three of Qiu Le in dormitory 504 couldn't help cheering in surprise.

Many of the freshman students watching the battle were also speechless for a while, Olaf's damage was simply explosive!

Originally they thought that this wave of spiders already had a head in their hands, and if they encountered Olaf in the wild, they should at least be able to escape safely, but who would have thought that Olaf's damage at level 5 would be so explosive

Turn on W, flat A, then Q, then A, then Q, relying on the Q skill "throwing against the current" the throwing ax keeps sticking to the target, and in the blink of an eye, most of the spider's blood volume is lost in seconds.

And the jungler spider on the purple side is useless even if he uses the E skill to hang a steel wire and fly into the sky. The wild monsters on the F4 side have been cleared by Olaf in advance, and there is no way for the spider to find a target to move and escape.


Then the spider was really turned over by Olaf with ax and ax!

"Level suppression"

Qiu Le shook his head for a while, intoxicated:

"Olaf at level 5 beats a spider at level 4, it's really like beating his son!"

Feng Tao couldn't help nodding subconsciously:

"The main reason is that Fengzi's Olaf clears the jungle too quickly in the early stage, and his development speed is not worse than that of a single-lane development hero. In a 1V1 encounter in the jungle, the spider will die if he doesn't flash."

Shen Zhuang's eyes lit up for a while:

"If this wave comes down..."

"The rhythm of the spider is disrupted!"



This is just Shen Zhuang's opinion.

For Lin Feng, the purple jungler spider on the opposite side has basically collapsed.

After taking the kill, Lin Feng controlled his jungler Olaf to cross the opponent's middle lane and invade the purple side's lower half field.

It just so happened that the three wolves and the big toad respawned, and it was convenient for Lin Feng to turn back a wave of wild monsters, and then put a ward in the grass in the opposite wild area, and chose to return to the city comfortably.

The rhythm is very smooth.

It took only 7 minutes to start the game, and Olaf's level had already reached level 6 at this time.

The speed of development is simply astounding.

More importantly, Olaf went out again after a wave of returning to the city to supply and update his equipment. Now he has a big move in hand, plus a summoner skill [Ghost Walk], which can be regarded as truly possessing an extremely powerful roaming gank method .


Dou Zi's spirits were greatly lifted:

"Olaf's first gank after level 6!"

"I don't know what Fengfeng is planning."

Lin Feng's choice was to manipulate Olaf into the bottom half of his field.

Brush a F4.

Brush another stone man.

Olaf's level has steadily reached level 7, and then he glanced at the small map and the time in the upper right corner of the game screen, and the start is close to eight minutes.

"On the other side... I finished taking the blue."

After saying this in his mouth, Lin Feng looked at the road again.

On the opposite side, Shan Jess just chose a wave of returning to the city.

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. He clearly remembered that Jess on the opposite side had never used the summoner skill [Teleportation].

So the next moment, he sent a signal to the bottom lane without hesitation:

"Be careful."

"Pay attention to the view of the river mouth."

"The spider on the opposite side may be coming."

Since the opponent's mid laner Void Prophet has just taken the blue buff, it means that the jungler spider is naturally near the second half of the jungle, and the opponent Jess just chooses to return to the city at this time. Adding together several factors, it is easy to draw The opposite side has to draw a wave of conclusions around the bottom lane.

And the facts proved that his judgment was correct.

Almost at the moment when Lin Feng gave the warning signal to the bottom lane, and the two policewomen and Fan Mama on the blue side were about to retreat from near the river mouth, suddenly the ADC explorer and support Nami on the purple side quickly moved forward Pressed up forcefully.

Nami flashes forward directly!

[Weakness] Put it on the blue ADC policewoman!

At the same time, EZ has an E skill "Arcane Leap" to move forward, and a Q skill "Secret Design" energy bullet hits the policewoman and takes away a certain amount of blood.

still the same moment

The purple side hit wild spiders and drove them out from the mouth of the river.

A beam of teleportation light on the bottom lane suddenly soared into the sky, and Jess turned on [Teleportation]!

In the blink of an eye, four heroes from the purple side have gathered in the bottom lane, ready to siege the policewoman and fan mother!

The situation suddenly became critical.

The audience and students around couldn't help exclaiming, Shen Zhuang became anxious all of a sudden: "Jess passed it down! Where's Rambo, Rambo sent it!!"

However, the expressions of Qiu Le and Feng Tao suddenly became extremely serious:

Rambo's teleportation was used on the return line to eat the pawn line two minutes ago, and it has not cooled down yet, so he cannot support it!

As for the blue side's mid-lane shadow stream master, he was also restrained by the opposite Void Prophet in the middle, and it was too late to come over.


This wave of bot lane battles is doomed to be a 3V4 situation at best!

The blue team is at a numerical disadvantage.

"The odds are low"

Deng Zhe said something subconsciously.

And Dou Zi on the side didn't say a word, but stared at Lin Feng's jungler Olaf for a moment, and the light in his eyes shone brightly:

(Is the odds... low?)

(Not necessarily!)


For this kind of question, Lin Feng's answer is just one word.


With a loud shout, at the same time, Olaf under Lin Feng's control had already strode across the stone man wild area beside him with two axes in his hand and rushed towards the down road.

【Ghost Walk】Open!

The movement speed suddenly began to increase!

At the same moment, after putting [Weakness] on the policewoman, Nami, the assistant of the purple party, threw the energy bubble of the "Blue Wave Prison" with the Q skill towards the target policewoman, and the policewoman surrendered [Flash] to escape. Into the range of their defense towers.

The cooldown of the purple jungler spider's [Flash] chased and followed up!

A group of spider webs from the E skill swung out.

Hit the policewoman!

hold on!

Turning into a spider form, he hangs up on a steel wire, and lands in front of the policewoman like lightning, leveling A and then Q skills, stinging fiercely towards the policewoman in Piltover!

The blood bar on the policewoman's head plummeted!

The ADC explorer on the purple side continued to quickly catch up with the forward output. At the same time, the top laner Jess also teleported to the ground. A QE and two consecutive snow-white plasma balls accurately hit the policewoman's chest and took away a certain amount of blood. In seconds, he switched to the warhammer form One of his Q skills "Leap of the Sky" raised the hammer and smashed it towards the policewoman!

The policewoman's health bar bottomed out.


Several heroes on the purple side broke out in a set of fire, directly killing the ADC policewoman from the blue side and taking them away!

The faces of Cheng Qingqing and Song Jia, who were standing behind watching the battle, could not help but change, and their moods also sank slightly:


But at the same moment, the light in Dou Zi's eyes beside the two women became hotter and brighter

ADC was seconded?

It's nothing!

Because at the same time as the policewoman fell, Olaf, the blue jungler under Lin Feng's control, had already sprinted into the battlefield from above, holding a pair of axes in his hands, with a murderous aura!



For Lin Feng, this wave of his Olaf state is full of big moves, even if it is 1V4...

He even dared to accompany the opposite party to force a gang! !

The update is here, it's the third watch today~ I'm satisfied to call it a day and go to rest, good night everyone.

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