
Chapter 116 Group 5, Field A

Standing in the lobby of Conquer.com, Lin Feng and the others in dormitory 504 soon discovered in amazement that among the many guests in the entire Wang hall at this moment, more than half of them were their students who made money. They're all here for tonight's e-sports club recruitment contest.

"There must be... at least a hundred people?"

After roughly counting, Shen Zhuang couldn't help being speechless:

"Then tonight, one game at a time, at least a dozen rounds, can we finish?"

Feng Tao next to him shook his head:

"It doesn't take so many rounds. If there are ten players in a game, if they can be divided into two groups and start playing at the same time, then there will be twenty people on the field, and it will be over in less than ten groups at most."

After a pause, he added:

"However, after everyone has played once, if there is someone who performs particularly well, they may play another round to determine whether they are eligible to join the e-sports club team as a substitute or as the main force."

And at this moment, Qiu Le was already waving vigorously towards Lin Feng and the three of them not far away:

"Hey Fengzi, old Feng Azhuang, this way!"

"Sign in and register first!"

After the sign-in registration was completed by an officer of the e-sports club, the four Lin Feng in dormitory 504 also got their own serial numbers, which were used to represent each person's playing time and position in tonight's game.

"I am the b field of the third group."

Feng Tao looked down at his serial number and reported it.

Qiu Lefei answered quickly: "I'm also in the third group, but in field A."

As he said that, Qiu Le looked at his serial number again and felt a little annoyed: "Hey, but why did you put me in the ADC position? I still want to show off with my jungler."

Feng Tao squinted at Qiu Le, and explained: "There are more than one hundred people, and it is impossible for each group to arrange everyone in the position they are best at. It must be adjusted, and I didn't I got the mid laner and was sent to the jungle.”

Shen Zhuang was at the side with a face full of relief:

"I'm in field A of the second group, and luckily I'm the top laner!"

It is indeed solemn and worthy of rejoicing,

He was very lucky to be assigned to the top laner position that he is best at. Otherwise, his strength level would only be gold and close to platinum. If he were to play other positions, he would definitely be cheating.

Then the eyes of the three looked at Lin Feng in unison:

"What about you, Fengzi?"

Lin Feng looked at his serial number paper, picked it up and waved at the three roommates: "Oh, I'm in the fifth group, field A, in the jungle position."

Qiu Le was overwhelmed with envy immediately: "Damn, it would be great if we could switch, Fengzi..."

Lin Feng scratched his head: "Oh, I don't care."

Indeed, for someone, the hero pool or good position is not a problem at all.

Of course, everyone's serial number has been given by the e-sports club, and it's impossible to change it. Qiu Le himself said this casually, regretting that he cheered up again soon after:

"It's okay!"

"Adc will still fight!"

"Dude, I also started as an ADC back then!"

Everyone in the dormitory seemed smug, only Lin Feng was idly swiping his phone next to him, he thought about going back to the dormitory early tonight, it seems that there is an lsl game today that was narrated by Sister Xue, and he also planned to catch up if he could catch up If you are on time, you can watch the live broadcast of the game for a while.


After almost all the freshmen received their serial number papers, several officers and old members of the e-sports club called everyone together, and then the vice president Deng Zhe came up with a smile on his face:

"Okay, thank you all for taking the time to come over tonight to participate in the recruitment selection of our e-sports club."

"I'm Deng Zhe, the vice president, and the game will start at seven o'clock."


"First of all, I would like to invite Dou Zi, the president of our e-sports club and the captain of our Shangcai team, to say a few words!"

After the words fell, the crowd burst into warm applause, mixed with many freshmen talking and discussing enthusiastically:

"Hey, the president is here too?"

"I heard that our president is Master Dianyi?"

"Damn, Dianyi's extraordinary master has a high gold content!"

"I heard from the seniors of the e-sports club that our president has the power of a king."


Amidst such applause and discussions, a casually dressed boy came out from behind Deng Zhe. All eyes fell on him all of a sudden.

Facing the eager adoring eyes of all the freshmen, Dou Zi coughed:

"Cough cough."

"Hi everyone, I'm Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club."

"Welcome everyone."

"Tonight is mainly the basic strength evaluation for joining the club and the bench evaluation for the e-sports club team. Everything depends on strength. I hope everyone will play well."

After finishing his sentence, Dou Zi turned his head and glanced at his vice president:

"about there?"

Deng Zhe wiped his sweat: "No more?"

Dou Zi rolled her eyes angrily: "Anyway, I have nothing to say."

The crowd was full of commotion and discussion, and someone couldn't help but raised his voice and asked: "President, the e-sports team only recruits substitute players, doesn't it mean that they also recruit main players?"

Dou Zi turned her head back to look at the direction where the voice came from just now, and the corners of her mouth twitched:

"Oh, it's also recruited."

"But at least a level of 2 or more electric drills."

"If anyone of you thinks you are qualified, just perform well later and let me see."

The tone is casual.

But it obviously has the meaning of not being optimistic at all.

With the people in dormitory 504, Shen Zhuang whispered: "Hey, our president seems to be just like the legends say, it's not easy to get along with..."

Both Feng Tao and Qiu Le nodded subconsciously.

On the other hand, Lin Feng glanced at Dou Zi in front, and subconsciously scratched his hair.

Dou... Azusa?

I don't know why, but the name sounds a little familiar?


The president of his own e-sports club was quite irresponsible and said a few words before he was too lazy to continue. As the vice president, Deng Zhe had no choice but to once again do the specific rules of tonight's selection competition for the freshmen:

"It will start at seven o'clock later, and there will be two games in each group at the same time."

"Everyone prepares to play according to the position written on their serial number paper, and then we will arrange the corresponding officers or the main players of the team as judges in each game to evaluate the performance of each student in real time."

"Students who have finished their own competitions should not leave in a hurry, because if you perform well enough, we will have corresponding personnel come to you, and maybe after all the selections are over, we will play a special competition for team member selection."

After finishing speaking, Deng Zhe looked at the group of freshmen who couldn't wait, and smiled:


"Then let's start the game."

The crowd screamed and cheered excitedly, and then the first group of students who participated in the two games were led by several e-sports club officers to prepare for the competition on the corresponding machine seats. The students also flocked to follow.

"Let's go!"

Qiu Le also seemed impatient, and dragged a few of his roommates to the competition field:

"Look at the level of other people first!"

Lin Feng was being pulled forward by Qiu Le. Suddenly, there was a beep sound on the phone. He received a message. He lowered his head and took out his phone to open it. It was a text message from an unfamiliar number.

"Brother Lin Feng, are you online yet?"

The third one is delivered, go to work overtime, friends, go to bed early, good night.

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